I was in physics the other day before school began. Where I have the same teacher for my last (Algebra) class, I asked if the papers I found was the Algebra work we'd be doing that day. Teacher said it was. The 12th graders had something else to do and wouldn't be in class that day, leaving only 5 or 6 people including me.I got the algebra work, then everyone left in physics (including me, excluding someone else) to clean a science lab. After that was over and we were back in class, I did the Algebra work. Later that day, in Algebra, teacher was handing out the work (he knew I already had done it but no one else did), I got the already-done work out and hid it from other students.Two or three minutes went by after the work was handed out, and I said out load, "Done."I look over and see people looking at me and one asked if I had it all done. I said yes and showed it to her. Another girl was like "But, What, How?", and the teacher was trying to explain how I did it so fast. The same girl said "He didn't even pick up a pencil!"I was laughing a little but tried to keep from doing so. The teacher finally explained how I did it so fast and everyone was relieved. You had to have been there.