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Everything posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. Update!Tardus Vicis.zipCant remember what exactly I added so I'll just post all instruments:Vibraphone, Synth Brass, Percussion (drum set), Bass (finger), Tuba, Trumpet, String AssembleFixed: dissonance's fixed, lessened "drum only" part, added more (better) "drum only" part, used Rallentando instead of instantaneous tempo change.
  2. This is the ultimate showdown

  3. I need it to protect a 4008 (4 bit Full adder) IC. If I leave one of my switches on, The IC gets destroyed. The max pin voltage for inputs is < Vdd. The input pins receive power before the Vdd pin does. Eight switches are connected in parallel to each other and in series to the main switch. I need a delay to the eight switches (when the main is flipped), so if I don't turn any of the other switches off (likely), I won't destroy the 4008 IC. The thing is, the Vdd supply is 9V, so I cant use a relay.
  4. The type of reply I need (good feedback ). The drum part kept getting in my head so I decided to put it while I was thinking of it. Then I decided to use it for an intro to the second part. I was going to use String Assemble, but it didn't sound good. That's when I brought the Tuba in. The Bass sounded good with what I had for the drums, so I based the Tuba on it. That sounded good. I'm going to add more to it and slowly bring it back to the beginning (but with different instruments). As for the chords, I'm still trying to figure out how to do it.
  5. Just what I aimed for. It's one that you're like "Wait, what happened?" (at least it's supposed to be) Have you heard the last one? I find it cool.
  6. Added: Electric Bass (finger), Tuba, and more stuff.All files are in the ZIP.Tardus Vicis.zip
  7. Look at my horse, My horse is amazing.....

    1. anwiii


      not that horse again....



      I only learned about it today.

    3. deadmad7


      i learned about it 5 seconds ago from google XD

  8. OK, I see. I was just wandering (spelling?) about that.
  9. I don't think the simulator can, will try. What shadowx said.
  10. I thought I would update what I have so far:Tardus Terrenus.zipAdded: Drum Kit, Synth Brass 2.At the end of the score, there's supposed to be more stuff. When it's only drums playing, tempo goes from 90 to 120 b/m (at the double bar).Also note: I believe the bass lines (Synth Brass 2) needs some fixing. PDFs to all instruments:Tardus Terrenus-drums.pdfTardus Terrenus-synth brass 2.pdfTardus Terrenus-vibraphone.pdfEnjoy.
  11. Is it pretty much a different form of credit card? I keep seeing PayPal options on the net. How do you get it and what are the requirements? Is it like a WalMart card (but for all over the internet)?
  12. It is listed as "File" (no extension). It is a flight analysis from FS2004. I clicked print and checked "Print to file" then pressed "OK". The file is in the flight simulator folder w/o an extension. The reason I didn't print it to paper is because we have no ink, plus the printer is unplugged. Any advice?
  13. Just might start learning Morse Code tomorrow.



      I was doing braille, but I lost the paper I was using.

    2. deadmad7


      .. / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.- -. --- .-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. .



      -- ./-. . .. - .... . .-.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  14. If only they noticed I had stapled it but didn't get out of my seat. Would've confused them more. They're not very bright. After it was all over, someone said "How could you?"To this I responded, "Very easily."
  15. - http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/20-gamefaqs-competitions/56401288 My picture was this: I thought I may win until I saw other entries. Then I thought "Maybe I wont win." Then I thought "Well, there's a lot of creativity going on, I'll share it here and have you guys compare mine to the others." Well, what do you guys think about mine compared to the others? Be truthful.
  16. I was in physics the other day before school began. Where I have the same teacher for my last (Algebra) class, I asked if the papers I found was the Algebra work we'd be doing that day. Teacher said it was. The 12th graders had something else to do and wouldn't be in class that day, leaving only 5 or 6 people including me.I got the algebra work, then everyone left in physics (including me, excluding someone else) to clean a science lab. After that was over and we were back in class, I did the Algebra work. Later that day, in Algebra, teacher was handing out the work (he knew I already had done it but no one else did), I got the already-done work out and hid it from other students.Two or three minutes went by after the work was handed out, and I said out load, "Done."I look over and see people looking at me and one asked if I had it all done. I said yes and showed it to her. Another girl was like "But, What, How?", and the teacher was trying to explain how I did it so fast. The same girl said "He didn't even pick up a pencil!"I was laughing a little but tried to keep from doing so. The teacher finally explained how I did it so fast and everyone was relieved. You had to have been there.
  17. You're only allowed to enter once. You can change your entry though. And my idea is more of awesome things other than violence. Just scroll through the topic to see other entries.
  18. The winner gets a private board about whatever they want, along with 100 Karma.Do you think I may win.......? Notice from opaque: Kindly Explain the game, the Rules, your opinions here..
  19. I wouldn't admit stealing stuff....... Anyways, welcome to the forums.
  20. Actually, it's now a "Dwarf Planet". Too small to be defined as a planet, too big to be defined as a moon. We might have one more to worry about in 2012. http://www.universetoday.com/14486/2012-no-planet-x/ I didn't read the entire thing.
  21. Just solved a math problem.

  22. I found the answers. yes, 9v yes 3,980 (in my new project, the number is 39,799)
  23. I want to upload my file to a website. I want the company that has the website to take my file and create a PCB with it.the design is in my gallery.
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