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Everything posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. I forgot about having this video. I know not all of you can watch youtube, so here's the download. http://www.4shared.com/video/84gG-dl3/sonic_says_parody28229.html

  2. Have you ever been on the toilet and your butt started itching?

  3. I wish it would stop rainin' for at least a week. My yard is becoming a lake.

  4. Firefox is stupid?! Sometimes there are browser compatibility problems. It may work on one, but it wont work on all. It's like trying to run a really, really old program on the newest version of whatever OS. It'll try to run, but it just can't do it.
  5. We got a thousand points of light For the homeless man We got a kinder, gentler, Machine gun hand We got department stores and toilet paper Got styrofoam boxes for the ozone layer Got a man of the people, says keep hope alive Got fuel to burn, got roads to drive. Keep on rockin' in the free world, Keep on rockin' in the free world Keep on rockin' in the free world, Keep on rockin' in the free world.

    1. anwiii


      what do you even know about one of the kings of classic rock?

  6. ........BAM!!!!!.........did I scare ya?

  7. Alright, thank you. That's exactly what I needed to know. I was just needing to know before I started to shove stuff together.
  8. That is (sort of) exactly what I need. Does what I was need of it. Haven't tried it yet, but I will soon. As a matter of fact, I most probably will tomorrow.
  9. Datasheet: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ just confuses me is all.
  10. In a specific voltage regulator, the output states something like "-1.25V, -5V, etc." and "-1.0A". That last part, is that 1A continuous or 1A max? I need to know 'cause I'm powering from a PP3 (9V) battery and powering a LED. tell me if you need a datasheet.
  11. When I die in the distant future, I don't care what's put on my gravestone so long as it contains the word "assassinated". For example: "Here lies *my name* who was assassinated by his car...and a/an *large, massive object here*."

    1. anwiii


      i can be your backup if you're not assassinated by anyone or anything. don't be a party pooper. my offer is always good!

    2. Baniboy


      anwiii is that large, massive object

    3. anwiii


      watcha talkin' about willis! :)

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  12. Can I take a 9V battery and on one terminal, have a wire connected and shove it into the wet ground outside my house. Then take a LED and (correctly) connect it to the battery's other terminal. Then take another wire from the LED and shove it into another spot outside my house to make a complete connection?We do that anyways don't we? The only differences is that I'll be using a PP3 instead of a live 120V AC and thin solid core wire.
  13. So long as you don't crush it, it'll be fine. If you do crush it, eg. sit/sleep/stand on it, there'll be more wrong with it than the battery; cracked screen, cracked case, broken parts, etc.
  14. I just deleted 4.77832GB of temporary/unnecessary files. I that some sort of new record?

  15. The card reader doesn't have that type of serial port. It has the following pins:Vcc, /enable, data out, Gnd.
  16. Turns out I can receive 123.000MHz, but still can't get 119.075MHz. I tried another scanner, but it didn't work either. And, as it turns out, 12.0V is enough to supply the scanner (it's the lowest acceptable voltage). I still need help with it.
  17. There's this "ZHU-ZHU Pets(?)" game "Kung-Zhu", I got around to playing it yesterday, and I like it so far.

  18. Let me throw this out first. Whenever I spend $20.00+ at Radioshack, I end up destroying it before figuring it out. I said that so you'll know the outcome of one device I'll soon mention ($35.00[?]). Back to the story. Just before school started this (technically last) year, I went to Radioshack and bought an accelerometer (35 bucks) and I saw a RFID card reader (originally $50.00[?]) on sale for $8.??. I got it on impulse. Lucky me could only buy the one that has serial communication, not USB. That's OK because I can program a PICAXE with the "Yenka" program's PIC section. PIC and PICAXE is flexible in that they're re-programmable, thus can be used in many applications. Here is the problem. I don't have a PICAXE. I can wait until the 23rd of next month and get a "Rush Card" and have maybe $30.00 on it. I would still need a way to program it. Until then, I would like to use my laptop to communicate with it. However, my laptop only has USB and parallel port(s). Is it at all possible to use the parallel port to communicate with the reader?
  19. Mines better, I'll post soon. First, my login. Anyone remember the top-left picture: This one, the pc put me on the wrong network.
  20. How about these old ones: http://bridgehunter.com/ky/pulaski/ http://bridgehunter.com/ky/laurel/rockcastle-490/ or Clark Bridge:
  21. It's like 90 degrees in my house, and we can't use AC until it gets cleaned. Why does it have to be this hot today and not tomorrow.

    1. andresf91


      cheer up, winter is nearer and nearer where I live

    2. anwiii


      "?" winter just ended




      I believe (s)he's in the southern hemisphere. But we got our AC working again.

  22. Who wants to help me make up words?

  23. I don't think I'm doing it correctly. Here's my data:Mass:bob (what's being spun)- .55kgradius:16.8cmRPM:88.2I think the centripetal force should be about .17kg(?). At least that is an equivalent mass for it. I think I keep trying to do the wrong thing.
  24. The tornado warning is finally over.



      Heavy storms, This is the third one as far as I'm aware, but there was probably a ton of 'em. But tornado warnings, at least five a (tornado) season.

    2. Baniboy


      I wish I had exciting things like that in my neighborhood



      Possibly due to terrain, the exact spot of where I live doesn't get the worst of it. But it does get pretty bad.

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