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Everything posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. The amplitude of the sound can vary. It doesn't make the sound all the time, just half. I can quiet it down by applying pressure to the very front of the case. I can put stuff under the case to support it and apply a constant pressure to it. Sometimes doing that doesn't shut it up completely. I, just a minute ago, beat the top-front part of the case and it quieted down some. The house's heater is drowning out the noise a lot. The PC is around a year old. Bringing it out of sleep mode can make the noise stop or make it start, depending on what it was doing before it went into sleep mode. I'm about to destroy it.
  2. If you are right (we'll assume you are for now), you have answered half of my questions (the parts that deal mainly with money). The only parts I am still confused about is the documenting it parts. I have sent this question to the government already, and I should receive an answer today via E-Mail. When I receive an answer, I'll post it here.
  3. Rex Kramer: Do you know what it's like to fall in the mud and get kicked... in the head... with an iron boot? Of course you don't, no one does. It never happens. Sorry, Ted, that's a dumb question... skip that.

  4. Would I want lbs or kg for it. What I'm weighing is too light for a bathroom scale alone. But if I weigh myself and then myself with the item, the difference is the items weight. It's for a physics video project we were assigned.
  5. Snowin' hard out there boys (and girls too). Might not have school tomorrow.

  6. What i'm wanting to do is turn the F5D7231-4 into a receiver to the Windstream/D-Link. But official papers state that if I do turn the F5D7231-4 into a receiver, it can only communicate with another F5D7231-4 and some other model. What I'm asking is, can I force the Belkin to communicate with the D-link/Windstream?
  7. not chugging my coffee today

  8. If I found an unclaimed island that I wanted, could I claim it as mine? Would there be a lot of paper work to be done? Do I HAVE to file it with the government? Would it cost me a lot of money to do so? If I claimed it, would I have to pay taxes on it (I am the one who "found" it and therefore didn't have to pay for it)? Would I be forced to pay for it and then have to pay taxes? Would I be better off asking the government this? I could also ask my U.S. History teacher this question, if you say I might need to.
  9. So recently (yesterday), we received a new modem from Windstream. We also upgraded our internet service. The modem they sent us is also a wired/wireless router. We need the internet in my room w/o buying a receiver to do so. Today, my aunt brought us another wireless router of a different company. That router can bridge, but only with another router of the same model. It is a Belkin, model F5D7231-4. The Windstream is a D-Link, but I don't know the model of it. Is it possible to make the Belkin bridge with the D-Link?
  10. may play Quake II in a little while.

  11. in 300 seconds, it would have been exactly 5 minutes.

  12. how much ASCII faces look by adding characters. :( >:(

  13. We built this city, we built this city on rock and roll

  14. Mmm, coffee. Gotta catch the school bus in, we'll call it 15 minutes.

  15. Back from Tennessee. It was fun. Tired now.

  16. About to go to Tennessee. Have family coming in over there.

  17. I'm hungry hungry like a hippo. /game reference

    1. chini13


      a hippo wil eat all save us

    2. anwiii


      i got chased by a hippo once :)



      not hungry anymore. the XXL thingy from taco bell filled me up. it tasted good.

  18. UPDATE:After changing some jumper settings, the HDD was detected as the drive that was connected previously (the Sony DVD R/W). still needing help.
  19. Never mind. I did a dashboard update last night, and it fixed it.
  20. Originally, to watch the videos, I had to do the media update. Later, I did the Dashboard update and those videos quit playing. After talking to someone, I found out it happened to a few other people as well. Is there a fix for this, or an update that fixes it?
  21. Having problems with my Xbox. Just sent tech-support an email.

  22. The capacitor takes too much electricity from the final LED. The transformers take the voltage from 220V to 9V (supposed to be 5V but couldn't do that 'cause the program can't handle that). Removing the capacitor makes the LED light brightly, but won't have a constant voltage (brightens and dims). With it, the light will still brighten and dim, but not as bad, but doesn't shine so brightly.
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