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Everything posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. runny nose, coughing, sneezing. I blame my DNA.

    1. anwiii


      then blame your parents...



      I blame my ancestors.

    3. Jonnyabc


      I blame you for not taking Claritin (or whatever allergy medicine is within reach of you).

  2. No, I'm taking an Arts and Humanities class right now, so I'll be a little better at my current project. Which is partly why this one is going slowly. I already know what I'm going to do with the drums, I'm just rethinking about what to do with the String Assemble.
  3. It (the PC) came preloaded with Vista. It also came with 5 or 7 system discs. Right on the case, it says it was designed for Vista.
  4. It's not a bomb. (you'd have to have been there))

    1. deadmad7


      im NEVER there! :o



      Here's the breakdown:

      I was looking at some LED projects at school (boredom), when some one turned around and saw my screen. Being the nut he is, he told others that I was looking at how to build a bomb. A girl looks at me and I say, "It's not a bomb."

  5. May the (m*[g/a]) be with you.

    1. rvalkass


      Assuming g is acceleration due to gravity and a is an arbitrary acceleration, surely that actually says "May the mass times an arbitrary unitless constant be with you."

    2. deadmad7


      The [g/a] is actually a choice. I learned it m*a, but you may know it as m*g.

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  6. It enabled proxy so I couldn't surf the net (until I tried firefox). I had to disable proxy. The real antivirus found ~16 more viruses.
  7. How can I call up a progress bar in vista and xp? One where I set the properties myself. And without installing stuff.I found one for batch, but i want something else.
  8. Ironic: I lost my calculator. Why ironic? I put it in the first place I'd look when I woke up. Next morning, I didn't think about it. Now I can't remember where I put it.

    1. rob86


      Yeah that happens all the time. It's weird. Sometimes it's better to just throw everything in a pile of junk I think.



      my room is nothing but a pile of junk.

    3. anwiii


      that's funny. i had the same thing happen to me with change once. i knew when i slept on the couch, the change in my pocket would fall under the cushions so i would know where to look when i needed my change. when i tried to retrieve, my change wasn't there!

  9. I think there was also a 3rd name for it. I can't remember things right now, just got off a hot school bus.
  10. if you don't know what that means (the equation), it means "jerk".
  11. I guess Microsoft thought I needed a new notepad whenever I clicked "related topics (or somethin' like that)". :PAs for the song choice, it was one of the random ones on this PC.
  12. The problem with hibernate instead of sleep/standby, is that this PC is the family PC. I only use hibernate on my PC running XP.
  13. Which ever the answer, it's cool.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. Displacement Δx=xf(x final)-ti(t initial) Average speed average speed=total distance/total time average velocity average velocity=Δx/Δt=(xf-xi)/(tf-ti) instantaneous velocity Δ=approaching zero (Δx/Δt) average acceleration average acceleration=Δv/Δt=(vf-vi)/(tf-ti) instantaneous acceleration instantaneous acceleration=approaching zero (Δv/Δt)
  15. Yes, I'm with you, as this is on my notes packet. Also on the packet of notes: Geometry stuff displacement, and distance I'm not looking at the notes right now, so I can't name the rest of the stuff on it.
  16. So delta just means "change in". Thanks. It was really confusing me.
  17. If you have (delta)x, do they both act as a single variable, or as two separate variables.
  18. taking ap physics. requires already taken a class i'm takin now.

  19. If you really love something, lock it in a cage. It'll try to leave you.

    1. anwiii


      i would leave anyone who tried to lock me in a cage too! haha

  20. My "big blue" electrolytic capacitor is turned the right way. My black 450's seem to work better. As for the relay, I'm going to retry it later.
  21. At least I get everyones favorite bus driver.

    1. rob86


      My favourite bus driver was Tony. He rarely said anything unless he was angry, and that was cool. Once in a while he'd get ticked off, slam on the brakes, and give us a lecture on how to shut the heck up. He was rarely talking to me, so it was good watching annoying kids get yelled at.


      He drove me back and forth hundreds of times, and he was like a robot. He would accelerate at the same times, brake at the same times,he stopped at my house almost the same second every day, I ha...



      I got school tomorrow. Can't post anything until ~4:00PM local time.

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