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Everything posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. Nvm. I reported it to Microsoft.I fixed the internet. Only Firefox was working. I managed to get the others to work because that fake antivirus enabled proxy. I had to disable it. now it works fine.
  2. Done tried that. Wasn't in startup folder. I did finally manage to find it and deleted it and stopped it in the processes. The file was called "dhktunmtssd.exe". How do I report it as a malicious file?
  3. Those stupid fake anti-viruses. One's been installed on this PC.

    2. linekill


      malwarebytes.com and quickscan

  4. I believe it is fake anti-virus called "antivir something". It wont let me do anything and disabled internet in windows. I'm running Linux on live CD right now. Microsoft Security Essentials can't detect the fake program. Does anyone know where the EXE is located so I can delete it manually?
  5. and on it I wrote:3.1415926535897932384626433832795Next day, I folded the paper and took it to school. I then told people that I had pi in my pocket, and they looked concerned for me. I then asked them to guess what kind of pie it was. They replied, "What?". To this, I pulled out the paper and unfolded it and showed them the number on it. They were relieved to see that it was only a joke and that I didn't go crazy, and I laughed.
  6. I once tried to convince someone that I could ride horses and won some horse shows. Truth was, I didn't know much about horses (he does though). I did eventually tell him the truth.
  7. Exactly. Q:Do you smell something? A:*eyes sweep left to right*.........no...... (A lot of people tend to drop portable games into the toilet) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  8. Here's what I did:I had a program to search for a file, but I clicked the "browse" button. I went to where I could see the HDDs and sent a shortcut to them to the desktop. Now I can access them.
  9. Thank you for the comment (and everyone else for that matter). I'm currently working on one of a slower tempo.
  10. I'll give you a dollar (to/if you) .....Everything's gonna be alright.
  11. When Vista leaves "standby" mode, all CPU power is used. It will eat all CPU for about 00:01:10 (1 minute, 10 seconds). When the problem happened a few time, I thought "registry needs fixed". I used "Ccleaner" to fix it, and deleted temporary file too. Problem still persists.
  12. I use "Guitar Pro 5". I just usually play around with it until it sounds good, starting with the drums. When I find what to do with the drums, I put random notes for the other instruments. When I finish, I find what needs to be changed and find a way to fix them. When I'm done, I export it as .mid and convert to .wav and make a video with it for youtube.
  13. Here it is:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ my not so good drum solo:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  14. more at: http://www.businessballs.com/airtrafficcontrollersfunnyquotes.htm
  15. 1:Big *bottom* vehicular devices that leave you no more than 2 ft. to get in your car/double parkers. You know? The ones that when you finally do get in your car, you cant see around them to see if it's clear. I wish I owned a tow truck or a crane....2:Those that do things just to annoy you.3:Disespectfulness. You see a ton of this at my school.I know you said 3, but here's 44:People at my school who do 1 of 2 things: Can't decide which way to go when 2 hallways meet, so they just stop. And the people who wants to talk to others, so they just stop. When they do stop, it's in the middle of the hallway, backing up traffic.
  16. I became a Linux user after pretty much being forced to. Here's the story of how I pretty much was forced to:http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/2000111-pc-tech-support/55556859
  17. This particular event got me using Linux. I was sitting at the PC i'm at now (the only one with an internet connection). It is running Vista, and I was bored. So I get this "great" idea. I'll get a list of files and find them on this PC, then I'd copy them to my flash drive. Most of the files on the list weren't In Vistas system files but a lot of 'em were. I put those files on the flash drive and took it to my PC (running XP w/SP2). My original plan was to use a simple little program on them called "Recourse Hacker". I was to use the same program on the same files of my PC, if you know where I'm going with this.As I say there at my PC, I changed my plan. Instead of using the program on them, I'll just replace them. I tried replacing them all except one, only one worked. After carefully thinking about it, I decided to replace the last one too. Now all I had to do was restart the PC and let the changes take effect.http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/2000111-pc-tech-support/55556859That pretty much explains the rest of my story.
  18. I've heard that if you change its food type too quickly (moist to hard, hard to moist), the dog won't be used to it and regurgitate it. To change its food type, do it slowly. If its been eating hard, put just a little moist in with it. As time goes by, use less and less hard, and more and more moist, until it's eating nothing but moist. Also, dogs can't have certain things. I don't quiet remember what they are right now, but you can google it or something.
  19. "ignore, rety, cancel (what happened to "fail"), help.
  20. NO, the HDDs are internal. When I say "external drives", I mean things like flash drives: "removable media".
  21. Windows can red it just fine. The only time I can view the contents of the drives is when I do something like add files to the list in the media player. It can read the external drives in it (so far, it was just one flash drive.)
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