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Everything posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. Last I known, it was still in test phase. I had forgotten all about it, until I saw it on a commercial yesterday.
  2. What does my "Turbo" button do? I only had 1 PC that had a Turbo feature, but the button didn't do anything. If I wanted to use that function, I had to use the button in the PC its self. That PC is where my keyboard came from. My keyboard also has a "Power", "Sleep" and "Wakeup" button, which does work (power - turn off the PC, sleep - hibernate, wakeup - puts PC out of stand-by mode/screensaver).
  3. Q:What's up? A:Gas prices. Q:Have you heard?....... A:..............Yea! I hear "....." all the time.......
  4. "I've got a fever. And the only prescription, is more cowbell." - SNL

  5. I installed it and it made me partition the HDD. It still won't let me access my E(?) drive, nor my F(?) drive (I think E is my 2nd HDD and F is my 2nd CD drive).
  6. Nice. I love windows. (actually, I've had no major problems with it [running xp+vista]).
  7. Q:How do you like those clothes?A:I love them.I'm not scared/afraid.I can *insert random skill here*.I love *insert item/place here*When a few people (including me) was asked why we didn't turn our work in, everyone replied "I lost it". I was little more honest though. I said, "Because I didn't do it, and I lost some of it." I really did lose some of it.
  8. OK, now to my original question. I figured out how to access my C drive and removable drives, but what about my CD drives and my secondary hard drive? My master HDD has my windows installation and programs on it @ 14GB total memory. My slave HDD has all my music and videos, a few programs and a couple of games on it @ 70GB total memory. Can I partition my largest drive into 2, so that the largest partition contains my music, videos, and everything else already on it and have enough room left for more. Then the smallest partition gets the Xubuntu installation?
  9. My first PC was a Tandy with dual 3.5 floppy drives (actually, one was replaced by a HDD). I played Indy 500, Lemmings, hangman. Now my favorite is for Windows 95/98. It is Quake 2.
  10. I'm running it live CD right now. If i decide to install it, will it format my HDD? I want to keep Windows installed too (if I find what might be a cool program to tryout, games).
  11. I give myself a 6 for trying, and a 0 for epically failing..

    1. anwiii


      we can never fail if we are truely trying...



      and almost doesn't count.

  12. I ran the update and tried to burn a DVD, Here's the new error (I didn't look at it yet): Log.txt The diagnostics: write mode: Failed read mode: Not performed I could not save that error, so I typed it from memory.
  13. Q:Does this make me look fat?/Do I look fat?A:No.(at school)Q:Were you smoking in there?A:No.Q:Sir, have you been drinking tonight?A:No.(gets huge number on breathalyser and fails sobriety test)
  14. - Facebook, become a fan of... Seriously, how many people has not lied about that. Another lie is "No", or "I understand". My personal favorite: Q:Are you paying attention? A:Yes. What do you think is the most common lie?
  15. Adobe Audition did a good job for one song for me, but didn't perform too well with others.
  16. I don't know what you mean by "in a case". It looks like this one: http://cdn1.ioffer.com/img/1098946800/_i/4218632/1.jpg The other two do work. This certain drive has an external power supply. It will read CDs/DVDs but can't write to them. I think it wrote to a CD once with my dad's PC.
  17. An external DVD burner gives me this error. A copy of the error is attached.Log.txt
  18. Same with me. I did have a dream last night. It began with me eating at a buffet with my family and ended in a battle of good vs. evil. I woke up and went right back to sleep, the dream continued. When the dream was finished, I "modified" it so that the next time I dreamed it, it would be different. It worked too. p.s. I won.
  19. That actually looks just like my IC. I'm pulling it out of a radio/dual tape player/5 disc cd player. Thanks for the help. That "I" my have been a "T". It was slightly fading and hard to read in the lighting that I was.
  20. The codes on it are:IDA7439HB28V0140PHILThe company's logo is:STI didn't find much on Google.
  21. You know, the one from the really old PCs. Has it ever been updated for Win XP?
  22. I lent it out so that the person could use some of the data on it. When he wasn't around, hid dad got it and deleted the data on it. The guys dad din't know it was mine. I want it so that you need a password to do anything with it. I'll give the person the password, that way he can access the data and no one else can delete anything on it.
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