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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Send a support ticket to s u p p o r t@Xisto.com_
  2. The topic is too basic to be considered for TUTORIAL forum.
  3. Actually soleimanian is right. Its in our TOS that members are not allowed to post any material which is a competing service provided. AND THIS IS THE OWNER who is speaking. CubeDomain, You don't have any right to say to a member regarding the ownership of Xisto. He alerted you about the forum rules as a community member. Try to understand the meaning of Community and being a member of it. His action truely reflected that he cared for us. Soleimanian has been a member since 1-September 04 i.e. He has been hosted with Xisto from past One Year. And you have registered here AFTER ONE year. As for ROXR, I really cannot comment about any of their services. Their company is very young and have just started at 28 Apr 2005.
  4. Reliability. Because Internet is my work. So if the net goes down, its equivalent to a power outage for me.
  5. Guys, You must note onething.If you use the right tags and make best use of HTML, you can decrease the loadtime of your pages considerably.For example, Suppose you write an image tag <img src="somefile>The above tag will work perfectly. However, when your html page loads, it won't show up on your users screen since the browser has no idea about the attributes of the images.On the other hand, if you specify the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes, after the html page loads, the browser will quickly allocate that much space on the screen and render the rest of the html. Also, most of you guys might have used advertisements on your site. Sometimes, when the advertising server is under load, your pages will not show up quickly, even thought the html has loaded completely. In such cases, it is best to put the ad-Codes in IFRAMES. This allows to load the ADs irrespective of the time taken by the advertising server to deliver the AD.Completing the HTML and keeping it as clean as possible is one good way to speed up the pages. Reducing the no. of images won't help is they are not setup properly in html. So, your friend might have a heavy graphic site, but his site would load quicker than yours, If he has used the right tags with right attributes.
  6. People can upload their own files on our servers when replying to some posts.suppose, you are explaining some concepts about programming and want to give out an example for for people to test out your code. This can be done by uploading the file. So when people read your post, they can also download the attachment (your code) that you have posted.With that Link in "My Controls" page, you can manage all such attachments you have posted on the forum.We do not allow attachments on Xisto (in most of the forum topics) due to abuse and also to prevent any copyright issues.
  7. I knew you would say that about Wassie ;-) LOL!
  8. On and on and on... 100's of members asking the same questions even thought things are put down very clearly in the pinned topics. Its just waste of time explaining the same things over and over again.
  9. There are many gaming mods available on Invisionize.comUsually, anyone who releases a mod for invision will definately post it on Invisionize.For more information and creative ideas for your board, you can check out http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  10. Hmmm... OPERATION = REST = MORE TIME ON Xisto.*muhahahaha* Guess what I am thinking!Whatelse, He gets fine as soon as possible.. whatelse..
  11. WOW! Really COOL! The See through skirts are one thing I am sure which is going to increase Road accidents and street fights among guys. In the picture, its very hard to make out that the images are actually printed and its material is not transparent by OpaQue. ;-)
  12. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! PLEASE MAKE NOISE FOR OUR FRESHLY APPOINTED ADMINISTRATORS!!!! BUFFALOHELP AND WASSIE! WHY , HOW, WHEN! Well, Xisto staff definately required new administrators to be appointed as Jhonny had to quit because of some personal problems and Nilsc (one of the best admins ever) is not able to be as active as he could be due to his job and some other personal things. We needed firm people to guide and focus the management of this board and I decided BH and Wassie to lead the forum hence forth. Let me take the privilege of introducing our new Admins. BUFFALOHELP : He has proved to be one of the best moderators with extremely professional behaviour, being straight to the point and maintaining the forum temperature by not allowing any possible misunderstandings among members. Our entire staff is quite familier with his dedication towards this community and we all appreciate the efforts taken by him to help out others. We believe, with his quality skills in administration, he can give a new direction to our community and spark the community with fresh ideas and discussions. :-) WASSIE : One of the OLDEST member and Administrator of Xisto.com. Wassie has been with Xisto since the time it had just started growing its roots. He had been of great help since then. He proved to be a good admin by cheering up the community and keeping the unity among the members. When it comes to helping members, He tries his best to give attention to every call made to him. Welcome back Wassie :-D! Thank You. OpaQue Owner/Administrator Xisto.com : Free web hosting company Xisto Corporation
  13. There, it has been removed now. Last year, when we had started Xisto, We had diffrent sets of plans and we were too lazy to change it after we released new plans.
  14. Heh, Its around $35. The current conversion rate from US-> INR is around 43.5. And thanks for editing out those slang terms used. I was seriously frustrated when I wrote that review. I didn't even care about the grammar or spellings. Iqara has a serious problem of commitment. In the month of September 2005, the service had lot of ups and downs. There were too many downtimes. (not permanent ones, but the connection used to go offline for sometime and happended repeatedly.) This month (October 2005), There have been no such issues lately. Frustrated by their service and reliability, I signed up with another ISP. Luckily, they did provide service in my area. At the moment, I have 3 internet connections. Two from IQARA and one from MTNL. Anyway, things are fine now I will keep you guys updated.
  15. There is a process called FIXQUOTA that we have to run on the server which calculates the space used by our members. But imagine, Calulating space occupied by every file, email, logs etc belonging to a client on a server filled with hundreds of members. It will definately bring down the server.My point is, FIXQUOTA is a very deadly script, if it is run at wrong time. So we have to schedule it at a time when the load is minimum. As soon as it is done, things will be restored.
  16. Well, Basically even If I said, no for existing members to signup for an account, I wonder how many of you are really going to follow it.. hehe.Banners will be placed on TOP. And a tinytext link at the bottom.
  17. Did anyone see the movie/Documentry fahrenheit 911 ?If you really love George Bush, Don't see it. And if you have something to say about the movie and the remarks made in it against him, please let us know.
  18. Thanks little0run, That will be really helpful for people who don't have much idea about INTERNET PROXY. For people who have never heard about what a proxy is, Here are few definations picked from the web. In short, Using a PROXY SERVER will help you to hide your Original IP address and your personal information which is transmited when you are browsing the web. Some people use it for cheating sites since it cloaks or changes your IP address. ;-)
  19. Introducing Xisto.net! Ad supported Free Web Hosting! Xisto Corporation is proud to announce new member in its Web Hosting family, Xisto.net. Xisto.com and Xisto.net will be diffrent from each other. Ever since we started Xisto.com, We were observing our traffic and saw Quite a large population of people returning back from main page which clearly expressed they were looking out for hosting without spending time as well as money. Well, Xisto.net will be launched targetted especially for this group. Every account will have a banner Ad on top and text link at the bottom. And to save server resources and handle any unexpected no. of signups, Email will be disabled. Owing to the fact that, only a small no. of people actually use emails like username@site.trap17.com. And with pop services being provided free like major companies like Gmail, Its no use keeping it running and wasting precious space and bandwidth. On the other hand, Xisto.com will continue providing its ADVANCED free web hosting service without banners for its community members. Xisto.NET Server Details :- Name : BETA P4 2800 Mhz 1024 MB RAM 120 GB HDD 100 mbps Connectivity PHP Info can be obtained here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Sincerely, The Management Team. Xisto Corporation.
  20. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/28650-free-web-hosting-free-website-svastaratrap17com/ In this application, You have been requested to submit another one with proper formatting. Kindly take some time to use proper method to submit your application and we will definately approve it. I am afraid, I cannot approve your account until proper formalities have been completed. Thanks.
  21. Yup! Defeating Google was the first thing that came to my mind when I read the title. Nice move!
  22. Well, Firstly it is not allowed.Secondly, to provide such advanced service, you need a server.
  23. Let us look at other good things happening on this forum.. Lets not pull this issue further.Shoo.. Shoo...
  24. Its the WORST thing ever made. I installed it on Xisto - Web Hosting server and suffered a good downtime of 8 hours ever in history of Paid hosting. ITs still in beta and its success cannot be guaranteed. They way it affects the server is very wierd. And you won't even realise that it is mono causing it. Be careful.
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