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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. When you have problems with your account, You contact support *support at Xisto.com* and send them a ticket rather than alerting all the people at the forum.If you wanted to check for any temporary account problems, you can shout at shoutbox on Xisto or Xisto. (Both clients are now on same cluster)From the day when we started providing hosting, NOT A SINGLE member has ever lost his data. So, please mind about the remarks you are posting against us. Even after the server shift, We took care that all members data was safe on old server so that in case of transfer failures, members could download their data backup and setup their accounts again.As for the RESOURCE eating scripts.. Ruben, You don't have the slightest idea of what goes around with the free hosted members scripts. Members send mass emails, PROXY scripts and download scripts. We have to filter out and suspend such members.IF you want example, Just yesterday I suspended ivirus.net for hosting Proxy script.All these things bring down the server. However, Our uptime history has always been more than 99.9% Better than all Free hosts and quite comparable to Paid hosting accounts.The only difference between paid hosting and hosting at Xisto is, the member's attitude. Here, if members abuse our server, all they lose is their webhosting account and few credits. At the same time, Paid hosting members strictly follow TOS because there they know that abuse can lead to termination which in turn will prove them expensive. This is the only reason why ERROR_LOG of paid hosting accounts grow by few MBs a day compared to FREEHOSTING accounts who cause the ERRORLOG file to grow by GB per day.. Please keep all the above points in mind, and I request you to kindly co-operate with our service. We are trying our best to serve you people...
  2. Ok.. If that FEMALE in the pic is the teacher, then I won't / would never / and not even think about filing charges against her. Why don't these things happen in my country.. umm.. state.. or city..err...area.. in my sector.. umm building.. err.. room ?
  3. Contact support at Xisto.com
  4. Oh, You can see that anywhere. You just have to HIT Xisto 404 page
  5. <<--- This is REAL!.. don't ban me ok ?
  6. Has someone done anything for which you feel they need to relax ? Your point is not clear to me.
  7. Your account is NOT suspended in our records. You have an INVALID entry in your .htaccess file which redirects all requests to suspended page.Either someone has accessed your Account and trying to pull your LEG:pOR This is an attempt to get out of the CREDIT SYSTEM or to cheat the system.thanks.
  8. https://translate.google.com/ -> Direct link to Translate page.
  9. OpaQue


    Trap17 Purchased Nasway and FNH. All posts are now integrated into the forums and Your free web hosting. Please start your free web hosting journey from http://forums.xisto.com/.
  10. OMG, What is my grandx10^7 sons/daughter going to do about it ? I must think of a way to prevent this.. so that my future generations are secure.The theory regarding sun will die out it true because after all, its a star. But, I think, till then, technology will be sooooooo advance that in that era, you will come back from Work and say "Honey, lets have a dinner at Saturn. Its your 2456th birthday and how can we forget that ;-)"Humans might evolve soo much that they will have advance technology of communication and time travel(i guess). Let's leave it to our great grand children..
  11. Here, compiled PHP with new configure attributes. GD is now enabled.configure php-4.4.1...(--with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs --prefix=/usr --with-xml --enable-bcmath --enable-calendar --with-curl --with-dom --with-dom-xslt --with-dom-exslt --enable-ftp --with-gd --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local --with-png-dir=/usr --with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6 --with-gettext --with-imap --with-imap-ssl --with-kerberos --enable-mbstring --enable-mbstr-enc-trans --enable-mbregex --with-mcrypt --with-mhash --enable-magic-quotes --with-mysql=/usr --with-openssl --enable-discard-path --with-pear --with-pspell --enable-xslt --with-xslt-sablot --enable-sockets --enable-track-vars --with-ttf --with-freetype-dir=/usr --enable-gd-native-ttf --enable-versioning --with-xmlrpc --with-zlib).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done
  12. One moment please... vdhieu84.. Firstly, I am still configuring this new server. Secondly, We are working on this. And kindly give us some time because First I have to answer the paid hosting clients who pay and then ask for service and then look after the free clients.My work load is increasing day by day and all queries are being handled accordingly.
  13. Yes to everything.You can go on upgrading and upgrading.. they are free. You don't lose any cash and 95% of it will be adjusted back. So, its not like, you still have 5 months remaining, and after upgrade, we cancel them out. You get back all the unused. We think for and by the customers, so in any case, we make sure you are happy.
  14. I can understand, S__T happens. Fortunately, you have time to go out and have fun.. I am here working for like 17+ hours a day. Let me think, when was the last time I saw a girl.. umm.........
  15. In which world are you, We have now shifted our accounts to new server and Please do not use IP address to FTP. Use YOUDOMAIN.trap17.com to FTP.Thanks.
  16. Please give us more details about the error that you are facing. Copy paste the error message.
  17. Chitika Also known as : Chitika :: PROGRAM TYPE :: PAY PER CLICK ( CPC ) :: PAY PER CLICK PROGRAM COMMENTS :: Chitika turned out to be better than my expectations. Initially, I expected it to be like the other ordinary CPC programs like Bidclix, Clicksor etc which paid fewww cents a click (something like $0.10 max). After implementing them and checking out the first day stats, I was amazed. Chitika, by default, uses manual targeting of products to your pages. For each page, you can enter a keyword, or series of keywords, that match the products you would like to promote, and Chitika will show the best matches. Since the ads are manually targeted by default, the program is in compliance with Google's Terms & Conditions for AdSense, and makes an excellent compliment to that program. Chitika does offer an contextual matching option if you are not running AdSense and prefer it. You will need to contact them after joining the program to enable this however. Uptil 2005-11-16, things were going fine until they introduced a new technology for filtering out so called “curiosity clicks” which caused the CTR to drop by 40% and also the revenue by an equivalent percentage. Announcement from Chitika regarding the adjustment :: COMPANY BACKGROUND ::Chitika - The Leader in Impulse Merchandising Chitika is the industry's leading impulse merchandising company. Chitika was founded in May 2003 and is based in Massachusetts. Chitika (pronounced CHIH-tih-ka) helps web publishers generate revenue using innovative publisher-side solutions. :: COMPANY'S TECHNOLOGY :: Chitika's flagship service, eMiniMalls, is the industry's first impulse product merchandising service. Based on a proprietary patent-pending product merchandising platform, the eMiniMalls service brings a robust comparative shopping engine to web publishers - all packaged in a slick interactive user interface. :: PROS :: Good Support You can create channels for tracking diffrent pages seperately. NET 30 Payment Terms :: CONS :: Low CTR ( Cost per click ) :: PAYMENT TERM :: NET 30 :: PAYMENT METHOD :: Primary : PayPal Secondary : Check :: PUBLISHER CRITERIA :: Anyone who complies with the standard No no.. list can join :-) :: AD NETWORK CONTACT DETAILS :: Chitika, Inc. Suite 210, Mount Royal Office Park 2 Mount Royal Avenue Marlborough, MA 01752 USA T 508.460.0077 F 360.365.9337 E-mail: info@chitika.com :: RECOMMENDATION :: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED :: LINK :: CHITIKA : Pay Per Click Program
  18. Check again. I forgot the add the thing to the package list. Should be there now..
  19. Send a mail including your previous site details, cpanel username, password, Forum profile link and your current amount of credits to support@Xisto.com For your DATA, logon to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and use your OLD cpanel usrename and password. DOWNLOAD YOUR SITE BACKUP ASAP Thanks.
  20. Welcome to Xisto - Web Hosting Forum All Xisto - Web Hosting Clients are free to register here and post your support related questions here. For those members who are thinking about this site : Xisto.com / Xisto.com, Let me give you a short introduction to it. Xisto / Xisto is also a member of Xisto Corporation like Xisto - Web Hosting. Xisto / Xisto.com was the very first site started by Xisto Corporation. It has come a long way and ever since then, We have been providing Free Web Hosting services to members who required Professional Quality hosting for free. In return of this service, HOSTED members are required to remain *active* on the forums. Xisto - Web Hosting Paid Clients are hosted on Completely diffrent Servers. Their accounts are not all related in any way to Free Hosting clients. Their accounts are not linked to Xisto/ Xisto database and have no restrictions. Q : Why are the support forums on Xisto/ Xisto ? We made this decision because, Xisto - Web Hosting is relatively a very young addition to Xisto Corporation network. Also, Xisto/ Xisto has a constant traffic and the community is growing day by day in leaps and bounds. We believe our helpful community will always be ready to help you with support questions and your website queries. It is obvious, that your support questions will be answered faster at Xisto/ Xisto which has online members round the clock. Sincerely, OpaQue Administrator Xisto.com / Xisto.com Xisto Corporation
  21. Fantastico De Luxe WHM Admin v2.10 Installed successfully.
  22. Whenever you ask, please give your domain details and the page where you are facing it.
  23. And I think Live.com is pretty CooL!
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