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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Additional Information on Configuring the .htaccess so as to define the custom error pages. You can either do by the following way or login to your Cpanel and use the custom error page tool to configure the .htaccess file automatically.
  2. What you are talking is strictly against the rules.Advertisers invest in a lot of money for marketting their products and We do not want to harm their precious investment for our personal benefit. In short, its Cheating and we will never support it.We might in future launch Ad-supported hosting in which a Small ad will be placed on your site. You are free to use that service and you will require to be active at our forums.
  3. Delete Emails with Big Attachments.
  4. Mayank, I am Impressed by your post!
  5. Heh, Funny incident. I think the boy was way too shy to look at you and talk. Or he might be damn scared of your brother and was only talking to him just assuring him that "man, I m not staring at your sister and I am a good guy".. Or he is gay .
  6. Telekom Srbija Review by Galahad [New Topic Created from Galahad's Reply.] We have something similar here, and it's Telekom Srbija... At the begining, it was a government service, and they had monopolised the telecommunication service. Which by the way is crappy! They have poor links to world ISP's, our phone lines are still lousy, hell, there are still people that have analogue phone line! And they say "all phone lines are switched to digital"! Switched my...khm... backside Dumb engineers - they have that too When I asked can I fully use V.90 or V.92 protocols, their engineer looked at me, with very serious look on his face, like I was asking him if he would give me a milion ?, and said "it's digital line"! I only smiled, and realized, they don't have a clue what I was talking about... Recently, they introduced ADSL service... Offcourse, only the capital has the option to use it, whereas, the rest of us, can only dream about it! But, it's not a nice dream. They provide backbone lines, for ISP's, and they offer the service themselves... BUT! They do not guarantee the bandwidth payed! So, I'll pay big cash for say 256k, but, I may get only 64k, depending on number of users on the local hub! Offcourse, complaining about anything here, has the same effect as with the Igara - no reply! If they answer, they say either "It's not in our jurisdiction" (this is my personal favourite, everyone uses this phrase, starting with politicians), "we will take a look at that", "please, send as that complaint in writing", and the list goes on.. Oh yeah, I almost forgot... When you sign a contract with them, to give you a phone line, there is a section, which clearly states, that the phone line will not be used for anything else, but transfer of voice communication. If that is not obeyed, they have every right to break the contract, without refund! What the hell?! It then appears that all of us using internet (provided by them, by the way!), are in breach of contract, and that it's only their good will, letting us use it. It's not unheard of, they terminated contracts with people, who complained too much... (now I sweared and screamed some ) The only thing they did right (and I thank, to whoever I need to thank), is they gave me credit to pay one outstandingly large telephone bill... Speaking of which... If they notice you use your phone much, and have large bills, they like to attach some extra calls to your account... Like 041 (hot-lines, and other high cost lines, 0.2?/min, whereas, normal call is 0.004? for 2 or 4 mins, depending on the time of day)... When you say "I didn't make this god damn call", all they say is "we're sorry, but it is in your phone records, maybe your children called it"... Most people back-off at this stage, scared or frustrated... Only, and ONLY after you have yelled your lungs out, and asked for the manager, and screamed some more at him, and threatened to sue them, they MIGHT consider to lower the bill (ususaly by 10 or 20 percent). Of course, if you ask to pay some ammount over the course of few months, that's OK... Offcourse, the list goes on, and on, and on... Forever! Starting with september, they lost their monopoly, and other phone companies are allowed to come in... Oh, how I wait for that moment, to have T-Mobile, Vodafone, Orange, D2, anyone come here, and show those bastards how business is done... Well... I feel a bit better now, that I have screamed out here my blood pressure is way high now I guess, crappy service is a characteristic of big leading companies... And that's how, unfortunately, it will stay...
  7. Sorry I should had informed the staff
  8. The Credits system is generous. We are happy to keep your site up than down. So, once you exhaust your credits and come back to collect them, The system gives you as many credits as possible so as that your site comes back online as soon as possible.Once its up, The algorithm again switches back to the general mode where the rules are a bit more strict. However, isin't it CooL ;-) ?
  9. I still have the invitation box. its still beta
  10. Due to the mass no. of meaningless posts in the SIG section, We have marked it as NO POST section.thanks.
  11. Please give us more details about the various offers that you are expected to complete before such types of payments are dispatched to your account.Also, do the offers, as you stated, require you to use your credit card online ?
  12. Wow, Don't you think that image is tooo.. ummm.. "SEXY" for an Admin. ;-)
  13. VBulletin License : Paid Site : http://www.vbulletin.com/ Simple Machines ForumLicense : Free Site : http://www.simplemachines.org/
  14. Some more to add.... AFAIK = As Far as I Know AFK = Away From Keyboard AKA = Also Known As ASAP = As Soon As Possible BAK = Back At Keyboard BF = Boy Friend BFN = Bye For Now BRB = Be Right Back BTW = By the way CYA = See Ya GF = Girl Friend IMHO = In My Humble Opinion IMO = In My Opinion JK = Just Kidding LOL = Laughing Out Loud LMFAO = Laughing My FK A* Off L8R = Later OIC = Oh, I See ROFL = Rolling on Floor Laughing ROFLOL = Rolling on the Floor Laughing Out Loud ROFLMAO = Rolling on Floor Laughing My *bottom* Off WB = Welcome Back WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get
  15. Your account status shows that you are not hosted at all. I d recommend you recreate your hosting account.If you don't have enough credits, drop me a PM.
  16. If hosting credits fall below 0, Account suspended. If they fall below -30, Account Terminated. For more information regarding Hosting Credits, please read this. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/6147-posting-activity-rule-automated-hosting-script-know-about-how-this-system-works/
  17. Let me thank you for starting such wonderful topics.I was a bit ignorant about God all the time. I used to see my parents praying, and as usual, I learnt to do it too. It was simply copying.. However, my dad had always been a darn strict person. Never, allowed me much to sit in front of computers, play etc. All he used to say was.. 'study.. study..study.. ". It was like a kid was born to study. Anyway, whenever I looked at him, I used to get a feeling that he does not like me, but he does love me.Things were very tough for me. I started earning (not professionally) by the age of 14. My dad always coaxed me about all the things he has done for me. He used to point out each and everything he ever purchased for me, as if it was one huge favor. Things like these hurt me a lot. When you have kids, its your part of the responsiblity to fulfil his needs to the best you can. If you give someone a gift, and keep on reminding that person about it and say things about the money you invested for purchasing that gift, that person will never consider it a gift. However, by the age of 18, I realised, All things happen for Good. I had got admission in engineering (computer branch) and was sitting down thinking about everything that I have gone through in my life. I realised, if It wasn't for my dad, I would had never had that fighting spirit in my life to be independent. It was for him, I struggled and started working. By age of 16, I used to work in Computer stores and had the job of fixing computers. Because of that job, I learnt how evil the world was, how mean people are and how it works. I learnt how to sit, talk and behave in front of people. And the main thing that works here is, Showoff. No matter what you are and what you have, people only see how you present yourself. A person with good attitude and confidence with least knowledge can kiss heights of success. It was this time, I started having faith in God. Now, when I pray, I pray by heart. Not, just to say something for the heck of it. Things happen for Good because God is with you all the time. I was once going out with my friend on his bike, this guy was riding like a maniac. Just 4-5 miles away from our house, I lost the bag (with $152) on our way and we had to return back. I was blamed for the bag and I had to pay that. Anyway, it was then I had this feeling that, may be this did happen for Good. Who knows, if nothing would had happened, and we could had met with a accident later.. No one knows what is going to happen next. This world is too complicated for us to understand. From thousands of years, in every religion and race, all mentioned about many things, but still a majority of it remains common in all. This definately cannot be coincidence.I have always learnt from my past. I see things that happened to me, and try my best to learn from my mistakes. Believe me, you will also realise, whatever happens, always happens for the sake of Good. With every failure, there are 10 new gates of opportunity that open for you. Its now upto you, that you chose them or not. Also, I would like to add, Please do the things that interest you. If you like designing but you get a programmers job, even though you will be paid 10 times higher, you will never have the job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is the primary thing that one should keep in mind. If you like your job, you will do well, your results will be good, and you will shine among your competitors. And no doubt, you will have success following you. It doesnt matter how much you are paid.These are just my opinions, which I learnt from my life. and Thanks again for starting this topic.
  18. Live like you're going to die today,Plan like you're going to live Forever.
  19. No, you will have to maintain POSITIVE credits to keep your site from being suspended. That is, Above 0. (Too good to be true, isint it ;-) )As for the paid hosting, I can arrange for transfering that domain to our paid server. Don't worry about data and settings.Thanks.
  20. I got SIGNITURES turned off right from the day, SIGNITURE BUG stinged Saint! :ph34r:Anyway, if you have problems with Sigs, you can always report it.
  21. delete index.html file in your WWW directory. Index.html enjoys a higher priority than index.htm. "htm" and "html" makes a big diffrence even though they both represent the same type of file.thanks.
  22. Computinghost is not a one man company here and things don't come up like ~~!!BOOM!!~~Here, things are discussed and then actions are taken. Every month, we have dozens of FRAUD PAYMENT cases from PayPal. Right now, We are pending 4 paypal cases for fraud. We lose money and resource.For a account like $1.95 a month, If we take $19.95 as ONE YEAR payment in advance, its ok. Because even if we lose the money, It would be around $19.95. And the loss of resources will be marginal.Now, consider Premium plan $9.99/mon. You signup for a year, it will cost 119.88 approx. That is not a small amount buddy to lose for a fraud case. And imagine, by the time, the issue resoves, the client will have 5.4 GB and 99.9 GB to SPAM! Enough to upload a MOVIE and share it on NET.We have to think about all this. However, If we have a client for 1-2 months, and they want to upgrade and pay yearly, we don't mind. There, things are verified.As for you Sir, If you want to upgrade, since you have mentioned you have been a client over a month, We wont have any problems processing your partial refund and signing you up for 1 YEAR contract.Please mail, _sales_@_computinghost.com_The features are all same. No catches.
  23. Aahh!! Finally you guys understand... Umm... Looking at the no. of other members, I think its around 5xxx more members to go..
  24. SWEET! ITs only because of this interface, many people used Outlook express and other pop3 clients. Good thinking Yahoo! I hope this mail will again throttle up the no. of people using Yahoo Mail.
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