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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. First, your not the only one who is with the credits system.Credits are reduced when a spam post of yours is deleted. I recently deleted all the posts which required to be adjusted. And I think there was one of your topics too. Credits system is perfect and no one loses credits for no apparent reason.As for the Server Uptime, Its been happening since a few days. All these months, Ask Anyone if they had any problems. Our network is facing DDOS attacks and PANDA server is now quite used to Bruteforce attacks too. We are trying our best to solve the issue and we don't enjoy or gain any extra profits by keeping the server down. So, be patient while we are trying our best to rectify the issue.Thanks.
  2. Hi Members,I am pleased to announce a new addition to Xisto Staff.HTML_GURU.Please give him a warm welcome and I wish him all the best for the moderating job :-) Sincerely,OpaQue
  3. Hmm.. Let me add my 2 cents, naah, take 5 cents. Ohh.. I think that will be too much. Let me think again.. Ok, 3 Cents. Thats perfect. LOL, Just kidding. I find this thread funny..
  4. For purchasing Hosting Credits, Contact SALES@Xisto.COM
  5. Its still a big scam.Considering, Just a million Gmail signups. (1000000)1000000 x 2.5 GB = 2500000Which is nothing but, Connecting,31250 -> 80 GB Harddrives.OR20833 -> 120 GB HDDsOR15625 -> 160 GB HDDsOR8333 -> 300 GB HDDstogether.
  6. Our credits system has been developed seperately and we do not use external points system. And the credit system is directly in connection with the servers so that there is no manual process involved. This ensures the reliability and safety of your account. You are further assured that, UNLIKE other hosts :- You won't be contacted suddenly to make posts You are never forced to do certain actions like publishing, marketting, <- snipped -> etc. You got complete details of your ACTIVITY. You exactly know, how active you are expected to be. So, you can take a good vaccation of 1 year if you have more than 365 credits. You are not made to post depending on a particular time frame. So, there are no montly minimum posts. So, You enjoy the freedom. You are not compelled to stay active throughout the year. Your account ACTIVATION, Password management, upgrade and modification are all automated procedures. Your privacy is maintained and your account details are shown only to you after account setup. (which is Instant after approval) You can get anyone to be active in your place incase you are unable to be active yourself. You can transfer credits and purchase credits. ( One unique feature ) Xisto is still young and developing as it is moving along. We are trying our best to improve our service.}
  7. TOTAL CREDITS IN BANK 0.00 TOTAL HOSTING CREDITS -28.86 TOTAL POSTS 635 I think, If you make one good post which will hardly take 5 mins, will easily fetch more than 5 credits. Remember, when you are suspended or when your credits is less than 0, You get lot of bonus credits. So even for small posts, you will get big points. So imagine, the points you would get for a really good post. Asking others is definately not a good option. Because a user who gives you credits must have credits above 30. And earning credits above 30 is a bit difficult. A post which is fairly large enough would fetch 5 credits for a person who credits are above 30. At the same time, If you (credits < 0) make the same post, you will easily get 10. So, when you are asking for credits, remember that, The people who are giving it to you really have to work more harder than you to earn the same no. of credits for themselves. TO OTHER MEMBERS : You can view Karlo's credits by using this script. https://support.xisto.com/
  8. Thanks Vujsa for the reply.If you lose credits, its basically because :-1> You spammed somewhere and we deleted your post. Your associated credits are removed + extra fine.2> Misbehaviour at the forums.3> Breach of TOS.Account Reactivation takes atleast 1 hour. So please be patient. In some cases, it might take more time considering the server load and status. If any of the services of our server are found to be jammed, the reactivation process is postponed for another 1 hour.And last point, We have been in business for almost a year now and haven't cheated anybody till date. There are hundreds of members who are hosted and using our service since a very long time. You can trust our service and its reliability blindfolded :-)Thanks.
  9. The most recommended way is using the PHP inbuilt function. string mysql_real_escape_string ( string unescaped_string [, resource link_identifier] )Escapes special characters in a string for use in a SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection. (PHP 4 >= 4.3.0) Example : <?php $item = "Zak's and Derick's Laptop"; $escaped_item = mysql_real_escape_string($item); printf ("Escaped string: %s\n", $escaped_item); ?>
  10. Just curious to know about your Gmail Usage.
  11. Astahost, Xisto, Antilost, Xisto ... Hmm... Wierd names! How da hell I came up with all these.Trap17 is not my name, Cause I didn't think of it and BOOM! It has a big story behind it. To get more details, read http://forums.xisto.com/topic/83428-topic/?findpost=1064300272, Ok, This was like BOOM! No history or story, we just wanted to build a forum w/ Brains. :mellow:Xisto (I came up with this name to unite all the sites and get some good partners)There are quite a lot of domains which are registered by us by not yet released.. No plans for them yet.7Gears, Googlaid, HostLair etc.
  12. Since, you are still in the [HOSTED] Group, Your account is safe. All you need to do is, get is un-suspended by getting credits.
  13. First, You better QUOTE anything that you are pasting off from other place.Secondly, You don't have to cry out, all you have to do is send a mail to support@Xisto.com
  14. Point your NAMESERVER to NS1.TRAP17.COMNS2.TRAP17.COM
  15. You are still approved for hosting and Your username is still valid.When entering forum username, ENTER as it is.For Cpanel username, NO SPECIAL CHARACTERS. NOT EVEN UNDERSCORES OR HYPENS.
  16. Yeah, Both should be compatible with each other because they will always have backward support.However, if some device has sharp requirements of a USB 2.0 port, then I don't think that is going to work.
  17. WOW! Chill.. I unsuspended. Mail to support@Xisto.com_no-spam for attention. My life is all messed anyway and I really don't have much time to be on forums these days. Sorry, but this is the fact for now. And I appologise for this delay.
  18. Yes, its thousand times better than MSPAINT. The other option for graphics is Photoshop CS
  19. Seven Kingdoms II was one of my most favourite games with complex strategy. Anyone heard or played it before ?I used to search for pals online for playing it. However, I never met people who were interested in it much. Anyway, I just started this topic to hear other people's comments about it. This game was not that popular though, may be because of poor marketing.
  20. Cpanel gives you options for permanent and temporary redirect. Check it out at your Cpanel.
  21. This game was one of my most favourite games with complex strategy. Anyone heard or played it before ?If possible, You could even make pals here and setup an online game. Anyway, I just started this topic to hear other people's comments about it. This game was not that popular though, may be because of poor marketing.
  22. It has now been secured. Check it and send me a PM if you have problems.
  23. Google and Nasa, Hmm.. Right step towards dominating the world. I wonder what will be their next step. Google Fever is spreading like a plague. Google said, They expertise in the things what they do and Their main field is search engine. But when I look at it, Google is stretching its long hands in all irrelevant fields like Mail, some radioactive / genetic Drinks (Google Gulp), Google Earth etc. Google and Nasa Partnership might have been possible due to the large Funding source that google might be ready to invest for Nasa. Now, we will have more secret missions like NASA. Let's see what GONASA or NASAGO labs have to offer ;-)
  24. What If,We curropt a file completely just leaving its "File start binary data on disk" We don't end the file, So there is no sector which actually marks it. and We can use the SEARCH file technique. This way, Any guy trying to copy that file will encounter a media error and practically speaking, that file should be skipped by the CD-Burning software. The copied disk will not have this file and activate the fail safe software which has been made to check for that file.
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