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Everything posted by OpaQue

  1. Happy Diwali! May Festival of Lights and Goddess of Wealth bring Prosperity and Happiness to all of you :-) I just returned from our Verandah, burning Fire Crackers
  2. The link worked for me perfectly.. may be the server was down when you tried to connect.Thanks.
  3. you bet! IF I had that kinda secretery, You won't see me on trap again.
  4. Remember, Users with Pages made only for ADSENSE will be KICKED. So be sincere and respect the advertisers money. Don't just go on dumping keywords so that you can earn some EXTRA mollah. You try to get more.. and you usually FALL (With adsense, the word "usually" has to be replaced by "DEFINATELY')
  5. Processing ... [OK]Generating Feedback ... [OK]Generated.. [OK]Sending feedback to Saint... [OK]Message sent successfully... [OK]Awaiting response and signiture update........
  6. Matter waves can travel Faster than Light. However, it has not been realised in practical world, but Therotically it has been proved.
  7. We don't provide live support via ICQ anymore. It is there only in cases of emergency for reporting serious server related issues so that quick action can be taken.Thanks.
  8. The above script is not recommended as it has to connect to database to find out the error. Therefore, I would recommend the following script, which checks the server statistics and uptime. And also all other ports and reports the ones which fail. So it can check httpd, mysql, POP (mail), SSH and other ports. <?php $data .= " <style> td,body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #444444; } </style> <br> <center> <div style=\"border-bottom:1px #999999 solid;width:480;\"><b> <font size='1' color='#3896CC'>Service Status</font></b> </div> </center> <br>"; //configure script $timeout = "1"; //set service checks $port[1] = "80"; $service[1] = "Apache"; $ip[1] =""; $port[2] = "21"; $service[2] = "FTP"; $ip[2] =""; $port[3] = "3306"; $service[3] = "MYSQL"; $ip[3] =""; $port[4] = "25"; $service[4] = "Email(POP3)"; $ip[4] =""; $port[5] = "143"; $service[5] = "Email(IMAP)"; $ip[5] =""; $port[6] = "2095"; $service[6] = "Webmail"; $ip[6] =""; $port[7] = "2082"; $service[7] = "Cpanel"; $ip[7] =""; $port[8] = "80"; $service[8] = "Internet Connection"; $ip[8] ="google.com"; $port[9] = "2086"; $service[9] = "WHM"; $ip[9] =""; // // NO NEED TO EDIT BEYOND HERE // UNLESS YOU WISH TO CHANGE STYLE OF RESULTS // //count arrays $ports = count($port); $ports = $ports + 1; $count = 1; //beggin table for status $data .= "<table width='480' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' style='border-collapse:collapse' bordercolor='#333333' align='center'>"; while($count < $ports){ if($ip[$count]==""){ $ip[$count] = "localhost"; } $fp = @fsockopen("$ip[$count]", $port[$count], $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if (!$fp) { $data .= "<tr><td>$service[$count]</td><td bgcolor='#FFC6C6'>Offline </td></tr>"; } else { $data .= "<tr><td>$service[$count]</td><td bgcolor='#D9FFB3'>Online</td></tr>"; } $count++; } //close table $data .= "</table>"; echo $data; $data1 .= " <br> <center> <div style=\"border-bottom:1px #999999 solid;width:480;\"><b> <font size='1' color='#3896CC'>Server Information</font></b> </div> </center><BR>"; $data1 .= "<table width='480' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='3' style='border-collapse:collapse' bordercolor='#333333' align='center'>"; //GET SERVER LOADS $loadresult = @exec('uptime'); preg_match("/averages?: ([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+),[\s]+([0-9\.]+)/",$loadresult,$avgs); //GET SERVER UPTIME $uptime = explode(' up ', $loadresult); $uptime = explode(',', $uptime[1]); $uptime = $uptime[0].', '.$uptime[1]; $data1 .= "<tr><td>Server Load Averages </td><td>$avgs[1], $avgs[2], $avgs[3]</td>\n"; $data1 .= "<tr><td>Server Uptime </td><td>$uptime </td></tr>"; $data1 .= "</table>"; echo $data1; ?> If you want to check a remote server using the above script, you will have to replace $ip[$count] = "localhost"; BY $ip[$count] = "IP-OF-REMOTE-HOST";
  9. If your forums are visited by the same set of people day by day, Adsense is not for you.
  10. Do your homework. Get your hand on driving and see to it that you don't fall nervous when someone is sitting beside you especially a horrible looking old guy ().Most of the times, they are intrested in slow driving. They might tell you to take quick turns here and there :-) But in driving, its more important, how well you control your car at very low speeds (gear 1 or 2) These simple tests will help you clear your driving tests.
  11. If possible, upload your image at our gallery.
  12. This topic is really getting good, and if you have a good story to contribute, please make a seperate topic so that it can recieve proper attention and members can talk more about your site or give you suggestions.Use this format to get added advantage with Search Engines.TITLE : [Yourname / Your website name] Story/History : 2-3 words about the content in your siteDESCRIPTION : YOUR WEB SITE THEMECONTENT :Give links to all your sites first.Then begin your story :-)If your story is really small, feel free to post in this thread.
  13. Purchaing and posting are the only 2 ways to earn credits at Xisto.
  14. The average CTR the people enjoy is 1-2% at the max, provided you have extremely perfect AD-Targetting. So, If you assume 20% CTR, then there is a big flaw in your calculation :-)
  15. Naah.. we aint flaming here.. and its not about you. We are just clearing some of the misunderstanding that most of the people from the west have. We don't say that we are perfect, but when people start giving names, that is where things get serious.
  16. Credit award system will allow only the wealthy guys to use it.. hehe. So that the poor guys don't waste themselves in greed. hehe.. Well, it will only allow you to award credits if you have more than 30. So, only credits over 30 can be awarded. This is done so that people don't exhaust their credits and cry after their account gets suspended.And I think, it can be used only by hosted members.
  17. Hi, There are many members who face trouble getting their mails to their inbox. There can be many reasons for which your system might not be able to fetch mails from our servers. We have kept all the attributes related to the mail at DEFAULT so that our clients don't have problems configuring the mail themselves. Here the the general mistakes which members make :- 1. Username *MUST* be in format USERNAME@DOMAIN.COM (i.e. your complete Emaill address itself acts as your username) 2. Forget the password or confuse it with Cpanel password. Every Email address has to be set seperately. 3. Do *NOT* use secure password Authentication. 4. Outgoing mail server _requires_ authentication. 5. Outgoing mail server Port 25, Incoming mail server port is 110. Thanks. ADDITIONAL SETTINGS for POP and SMTP can be found under http://forums.xisto.com/topic/3438-instructions-settings-for-hosted-members/
  18. SANSKRIT is the best language suited for computers.Its a fact, Don't belive me, Go Google It!
  19. Yes, I read that post and I now regret for not replying to it then. Anyway, I am glad, you bought over this issue. There are many people who still think, Indian people have a poor hold over English Language. Indians who have been learning English from day 1 will not have such problems, atleast If you ask me, I have never seen guys here speaking broken english. Exceptions are the people who learn English a bit late due to its increasing demand in commercial world. English is considered here as a professional language. I sometimes feel that the media is to blame for all this confusion. I've seen so many documentries who are usually interested in shedding light on the backward and underdeveloped part of India. When I talk to foreigners, Its is common for me when they are curious about my internet connection or my language. They feel, Internet connection is a privilege that I am enjoying here. When they don't understand, India even though being a developing country has major cities which are quite developed as any other cities in the world. The culture here is highly influenced by the western community.
  20. Some definations from the web to help explain you better
  21. Ok, now why don't you guys try this.Keep posting at the forums and just try to main your credits at 10. Lets see how difficult it is to maintain the credits.The credit system wants you to be more active for shorter periods of time. So being active for 1 min in 3 days is better than being active for 1 hour in 2 weeks.Think about it :-)
  23. They are not even considered these days by most of the search engines due to abuse. Some just consider it for SERP (Search Engine result pages)
  24. Astahost Members can purchase credits. They have to send a mail to _sales_@_astahost_._com_
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