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Coca-cola Addiction Sorts of addiction

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When people talk about some kind of addiction they usually connect it with the drug abuse or drug habit (cocaine, marihuana, ecstasy etc.) but I think that every thing that is consumed in high quantity can be considered as injurious to health and it's after someone need it for ceaseless use so we can say it's addiction. I'll give you an example with one of my friends that has addiction to Coca-Cola. He always come to work with at least 1 bottle of 500ml, but often he can be seen with 2 litres bottle. He drinks Cola all the day, in work, in the café or just walking on the street carrying large bottle with some kind of dark liquid. I have some cases when he hadn't any Coca with him and he was begging me to give him from my Cola but because I'm quite squeamish and he was ready to drink from the cap of the bottle!
I remember when it was January and we were walking on the street little after snowstorm and he took out from his bag Cola and start drinking on - 15 degrees centigrade... really madman :D ... and what about you mates, do you have Coca-Cola addiction?

I have found this with Pepsi MAX, I usually go out buy 2 cans of Pepsi max sit down at my text get talking to friends visit my website and other forums and I find I just drink it so quick without even realising, I find a way to stop drinking it fast is not to have the can or bottle next to you but to have it on the other side of the room to make it less tempting to go get up and get it. Or another to stop getting addicted is not to drink it :D.

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I have found this with Pepsi MAX, I usually go out buy 2 cans of Pepsi max sit down at my text get talking to friends visit my website and other forums and I find I just drink it so quick without even realising, I find a way to stop drinking it fast is not to have the can or bottle next to you but to have it on the other side of the room to make it less tempting to go get up and get it. Or another to stop getting addicted is not to drink it :D.

I have to agree with you there Ash. It is indeed very tempting to have a drink of Coke or Cola. Very simular but I like Coca-Cola more better as it is the really nice Cola. I love this kind. As for Pepsi Max...it's just so horrible. It tastes like flem or something. It's disgusting. I seriously don't know how you can drink it Ash. :D However I do like some drinks that are not Coke related. :D Irn Bru...I LOVE Irn Bru! :D


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Ooo, very tasty. :D

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I have to agree with you there Ash. It is indeed very tempting to have a drink of Coke or Cola. Very simular but I like Coca-Cola more better as it is the really nice Cola. I love this kind. As for Pepsi Max...it's just so horrible. It tastes like flem or something. It's disgusting. I seriously don't know how you can drink it Ash. :D However I do like some drinks that are not Coke related. :D Irn Bru...I LOVE Irn Bru! :D


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Ooo, very tasty. :D


-never had it, or even seen it, Where is it sold?

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I prefer Mountain Dew...Not big on any of the "cola" products, Coke, Pepsi,etc, but an ocasional Dr pepper is okay.

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I saw this and had to to read it being a coke lover. the drink that is. Had a Ex GF that had a bad addiction. Should would go at lest 10 2 litter bottles a week of that stuff.

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My soda addiction is not to coca-cola but to mt dew. Most days I consume two or three 2 liters plus at least 2 twenty oz bottles. It is a horrible addiction that gives me headaches to not indulge in caffine in mass quantities.

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My soda addiction is not to coca-cola but to mt dew. Most days I consume two or three 2 liters plus at least 2 twenty oz bottles. It is a horrible addiction that gives me headaches to not indulge in caffine in mass quantities.

But this topic is about Coca-Cola addiction. Not mt dew or what ever that is.

On the discussion of this Cola thread right at this minute I am at College I am drinking (currently) Pure Apple Juice. Next I will be drinking one can of Pepsi Max, then two bottles of Coca-Cola !! B)

Homer Simpson: hmm..cola.. :P

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Agree. It is caffeine and not coke that is addictive. Drinking 2 litres a day is too much. If anyone, ever did an experiment of soaking an oxidise coins into a cup of coke, you might seriously consider if you wanna drink that much a day. I must add this, when I do drink a soda-drink, coke is the only choice for me.

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I prefer an ice cold beer over a cola any day...to sweet for me.I've heard of people who drink a little too much soda than they should, and not only are they getting a caffeine overdose, but it's quite unhealthy - those excessive calories will help grow that stomach.

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Coke is pretty nice, but I'm more of a Sprite, Tang, or seltzer person. Water beats them all! I rarely drink soda though. For some reason I just don't like it anymore. Burns my nose! ^^;You should probably get your friend some help because caffeine can be addicting. Probably not like pot addicting or anything, but it can have dangerous effects if he drinks that much soda... and all that sugar doesn't do much for his health either. Insomnia, kidney stones, heart problems... And wanting soda so much to the point he's begging you for it is pretty bad.Not soda, but I had a problem for a while where I craved coffee all the time and then when I stopped drinking it I got pretty bad headaches. I still really enjoy coffee, but I try not to drink it anymore.

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Do you know of any studies relating to real Coca-cola AddictionI was recently being interviewed by a film production company regarding a project I was working on. During the filming, I wasn?t aware of it, but I made some off-the-cuff comment about my being ?addicted? to cola ?Coca Cola, Pepsi, etc. My comment was made whilst I was pouring the caramel amber liquid over a glass full of ice.A few weeks later I received a call from the producer. He was commenting on what they had captured on film and asked me about my ?addiction.? I?ve jokingly referred to this most of my life and never really accepted the possibilities. But I?ve consumed colas since birth. I still have memory snapshots of my mother handing me my baby bottle filled with cola.Today I?m in my mid fifties and overweight. I would rather have cola that food and I consume approximately 1-2 litres a day. I have a severe allergy to aspartame and therefore cannot consume the myriad of sugar free types.The producer has spoken with a nutritional psychologist and has now asked me to participate in a filmed study on cola addiction. I?m keen to learn about this and to enquire whether there are others who consider themselves sincerely ?addicted? to colas.Thank you!Fr B-question by VVic

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LISTEN...Coca-cola Addiction

I'm addicted to coca cola.. I have been since I was a little girl.. Iv have pictures posing with cokes.. I use to drink 4 12packs daily and atleast 2 2 litters daily.. These days I stick to a 12 pack a day.. Its taken a big effect on my body with my kidneys and liver.. I figured I will end up dying because of them.. I want to quit so badly but I cant.. Family says I wont live past 30 the way I'm going but nobody understand its a addiction thats so hard to break.. I crave it all the time.. Just the smell of it satisfies me to an extent.. I'm probably not the worst case out there but I'm pretty bad.. Iv been in and out of the hospitals many of times because my kidneys are so bad.. Coca cola is makes my blood pressure sky rocket... My heart beats like crazy and skips alot (not normal).. My chest aches along with my entire body.. I drink so much that my body goes weak and I throw up when I try to drink another one.. My body cant take it anymore.. Its killing me..  Along with everyone else that drinks it.. I wish I could put a stop to them making such a deadly drink but it takes more then just one person.. After reading this I hope yall realize its not worth dying over.. 


Thanks for listening...

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