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Did Dragons Ever Exist?

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I think its possible, that they exsisted, might have been some kind of evolution of dinosaurs

I think the same thing and they died out from a disaster like the ice age or meteor or a volcanic eruption

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I believe that dragons does exists. Maybe not the fire breathing kind thou. But one can realise that in both the Eastern and Western mythology, there is the existence of dragon. In the western, it is make out to be an evil creature while in the East, it is seen as an auspicious creature.

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oh , ya i guess Dragon never existed. Its only in cartoon we see Dragons and in some animation movies, On the other hand we can have a question like , when the existance of Dianozars is true why not Dragons ? But personnaly i feel Dragons never existed. In all cartoons Dragons are depicted with a chatecter like when they open theri mouth fire has to come, lol do u think this is ever possible ?? Noway , Nature is not created and established in that way. The sources of Fire, water etc. are gonna be different and not from the mouth of any animal. This clearly proves that Dragons Never existed. If there were dragons in our older days there must be good number of Scientist who must be breaking their heads on it, trying to figure out the bones of them etc. like how they do to Dianosours. But in todays world no one does any work like that , So this also clearly proves that Dragons never existed :lol:

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Dragons are like Sherlock Holmes...people believe their existence so much that they'll go to any lengths to seek them out!Yes, dragons exist only in fiction, but they've become an integral part of our lives. Evil or good - whatever their nature might be in a story, they always charm the reader and when they're shown on the big screen, we look at them with awe. This is enough to say that they permanently exist in the hearts of fiction fans.

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they had to have existedDid Dragons Ever Exist?

I know that there was never any proof of dragons existing but still think of all the folk tales of dragons  in the medieval time. So maybe at one point in time they really did exist but might have been wiped out by knights and such things or maybe they were a life form from another planet that came to this world to find a new inhabetable planet to live on but found it was taken either by dinosaurs or humans. They could have came during the ice age and froze or were hunted for food by carnivorous mamals or more humans struggling through the bitter cold. We might even have a dragons skeletal remains but its wings were not found because of the theory that a dragons wings had no bones but only cartilage. Then again there is the theory that a dragons whole body was made of cartilage but the head making it look like it is the head of some sort of dinosaur. Then there is the fact that the government could be hiding it all from us making it so we wouldnt be scared of the fact that there are dragons in this world right now in this time period! 

-reply by Bryce

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dinsaur bonesDid Dragons Ever Exist?I totally believe dragons once existed, I think many dinosaur bones are dragons bones. I think they existed long before we started documenting things and so there would be no written prof. I think they existed long before midevil times, the myths were just still around at that time. I think they existed long before the roman empire , I think they existed bfore alexander the great, before any greeks (or certainly romans) started moving into northern europe and making it more civilised . Before the english language was even created-reply by shane

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Just Because its "Not Possible" for any Beast to breath fire today, dose not mean it wasn't possible a long time ago. Men can Breath fire by spitting out non-toxic, flamable liquid and lighting it with a Catalist. Some Cobras abd other snakes can spit poisin from glands in there mouth. What if Dragons did just that. Spat out a Flamable Poisen or non-toxic Chemical, or spat out 2 diffrent Chemicals that reacted on contact with each other, and produced flame.

-reply by Hannah

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There are modern day dragons such as the komodo dragon. However a mythilogical dragon may have exsisted at one time.

Terradactyl's were flying reptiles so it isnt impossible for a reptile to fly if the wing span is big enough. For all we know a dragon could have been the size of a baby lizard. Obviously reptiles now days do not have wings but birds are believed to have came from dinosaurs. So along the way a dragon could have existed.

Many reptiles and dinosaurs shot/shoot acid from their mouths. Snakes inject venom when they bite. Spiders are poisonous they are just too small to bite us. So why couldn't a dragon spit venom or acid which burns when it comes into contact with the skin. If a dragon did exist it probably didnt breath fire it most likely just spat out acid. As for the dragons that supposidly breathed ice, it is way more likely that they killed their pray by making it ingest acid. The acid could have killed the pray's body tempreture would have dropped over time if in a cold climate.

To sum this up, Dragon's probably did have wings, whether they flew or not we shall not know, it depends on the wing span. They most likely shot out stomach acid instead of breathing fire or ice. And they were most likely dinosaurs or related reptiles.

-reply by sealedfire 731

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One of the most common, and certainly the most debatable question in circulation over dragons is, "do they exist?". Despite being repeatedly asked, a satisfactory conclusion has never really been offered. The reason is primarily because everyone has a different viewpoint on dragon existence, and due to the controversial nature of the topic, we have so far only really been faced with contradiction. To date, theories regarding dragon existence have ranged from a physical, literal presence; the idea that dragons used to roam the earth but were wiped out by chivalrous knights or human advances. Others believe that dragons are little more than a mixture of the untamed forces of nature and human imagination, or that dragons exist on the astral plane, or that they have found their home in our imaginations.Our focus in this essay is not to try and directly prove or disprove the existence of dragons, but instead to discuss the main possibilities from which we will draw our own conclusion. However, in the end it will be up to you to decide how you believe in dragons. I for one think they were dinos that manged to survive the big bang.....whats are your threorys and thoughts?

You know what? The answer is simple. The dragons nevers exist. The dinosaurs exist. How can I know that the dinosaurs exist? Simple there are a lot of proof around the planet with evidence that the dinosaurs exist thousands of years ago.

How can I know that the dragons never exist? Simple: there are not evidence of their existence in any place of the planet, and that´s because they are a china invent of theirs cultures. And other thing is if the dragons exist How could they be extingued? The meteorite fall in Yucatan, Mexico killed the dinosaurs. And the fosils are everywhere. Are you heard about a dragon fosil? Of course not. They never exist. Don´t waste your time with this question. Maybe the best question is: God exist? But dragons my friend are out of scientific reason.

The chinese traditions are great. The chinese had a good colective imagination and that is proven with the traditions like the dragons and other creatures and the way to make a war, The samurai or ninja. Don´t fall in the traps ok. You are very intelligent.

The conclusion is the dragons never exist because there are not proofs of their existence. There are no fosils, there are no bones, there are no ADN.

Don´t lose your time with these theories.

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hgmfmjmfjmDid Dragons Ever Exist?

In ancient times, some civilizations that had nothing to do with each other all had the same creature in it (A dragon). Scientist believe their is no way that South America, China, Russia, Ect. Had anything to do with each other way back then.


-reply by ghmghmhm

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Dragons exist?Did Dragons Ever Exist?

More than likely what those in the past, all over this earth, called dragons were in reality Dinosaurs.

The word "Dinosaur" was not used until 1842 by an English scientist by the name of Richard Owen.

The size of the Dinosaurs are normally considered to be very large by most people, and there is no doubt that some were. But the truth of the matter is that the average dinosaur was no larger than our common cow of today. We have a Whale in the Ocean today that weighs more than what they claim to be that of the largest Dinosaur found (which is only a guess from bone structure). Our elephant is bigger than most dinosaurs of which bones have been found. People in history that may have came across one of the bigger dinosaurs and told the story of what they saw may have exaggerated what they saw and the story became bigger throughout time, just as people do with things today. ( and it can be proven that dinosaurs existed only a few thousand years ago along with people). For example, a man may have hooked a ten pound fish that got away and by the time he gets home it weighed about twenty pounds. Who is to say what is truth and what is not about the dragons.

But the idea that they existed before a so called "Big Bang" theory is garbage.

There are two basic laws that are a death blow to the big bang theory and Evolution.

The law of Cause and Effect which states that "Every material effect must have an adequate cause that existed before the effect.

That only life can produce life.

Even the most educated Evolutionist Scientist will tell you that only life can produce more life.

And there is no evidence that anything left in it?s natural state (without the interference of man) will produce anything other than that after it?s own kind. A fact that we learn from the very first chapter of the bible written over 3500 years ago.

 -reply by Bill

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But the idea that they existed before a so called "Big Bang" theory is garbage.

There are two basic laws that are a death blow to the big bang theory and Evolution.

The law of Cause and Effect which states that"Every material effect must have an adequate cause that existed beforeThe effect.

That only life can produce life.

Even the most educated Evolutionist Scientist will tell you that only life can produce more life.

And there is no evidence that anything left in it?s naturalState (without the interference of man) will produce anything otherThan that after it?s own kind. A fact that we learn from the very firstChapter of the bible written over 3500 years ago.

 -reply by Bill

 It's pretty much a proven fact that dinosaurs did not existwhile people were around. Evolution is a fact. Sorry to burst yourbubble. Scientists have found ways to MAKE amino acids from certainchemicals (ammonia, CO2, O2, and I think a couple of others),electricity and water (steam), which were all present on earth afterits formation. You may not know this, but no life would be aroundwithout amino acids. First came simple molecules, which then, usingenergy and nutrients, became self replicating molecules, then they cameinto contact with molecules that commonly linked together, I think itwas some kind of phosphate. The phosphates would envelop the selfreplicating molecule and grow with them. Millions of years later, youhave a sentient race that is now destroying their planet whilereassuring that God will save them. Go figure.

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Dragons is just another term for dinosaur probably. So maybe in itself Dragons did exist at some time. But humans had probably over exaggerated about these creatures as time passed adding wings, fire breathing etc. Till it became nothing more than what people think of Dragons, nothing but story book tales.

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