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The Mayan Predictions end of life cycle

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the mayans said that in 911 The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.

Also every time the cycle of the sun starts (ever 30 miliion or so years) there is a sun spot  (that has opposite of the normal north to south magnetic poles) instead it is south to north. Scientists recently noticed A BACKWARDS SUN SPOT ON THE SUN! BUT... Instead of lasting the usual days, months, even years. The sun spot lasted only 3 hours this is extremley strange to scientists. If you want to read more about this go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

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Well you see, I believe the world will end when the world wants to. I don't believe in what the Mayan's say. Yes, they were very intelligent but how are you going to say that the world is going to end on this day at this time. Plus, you have your date wrong. Its actually Dec. 21, 2012. I had to do a paper on it back when I was in school. There have been many of their predictions that have been wrong but in a right sense. A lot of the dates were wrong and some of the predictions didn't happen. I mean if you really look at it they could've been off a few thousand years. But we won't know till 2012 comes around, this I know. But don't get all scared because you don't know if its going to happen for sure, you know? Because if it doesn't happen and I was all scared about it, I would be ashamed of myself and embarrassed because I got scared for nothing.

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Just relax on the topic "23 Dec 2010, The End of our Movies on this earth"The Mayan PredictionsMost of us knew that we came on this earth for better health, easy and comfortable life of each and every one and have a good societies too. These all are happening from thousands of years ago.What does these mean? These means that we should forget all those future predictions as furnished by the MAYAN CIVILISATION, it might be correct predictions but that doesn't mean that we should stop thinking of our progress, our development and our overall hardworking, sincerity or excellency. We should proceed ahead with more relax and concentrating our mind towards development and for better life. Warning! But one think I have to clearly mentioning hereby that we should worship our God once in a day telling that "God" from today I'll stop all kinds of sin activities. OKAY, Could you? Well, Do You know which kind activity is extremely sin in the SIN REGISTER prepared by the God? GUESS it? If you guess it, then try hard to stop that from today onwards? Thanks

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No one can predict the end of the world. No one knows this except God.These are views from Islamic religion(which is a religion which gives facts that are near to science). I mean that in an Islamic point of view, the coming of the last prophet called Muhammed, tells that the end of the world is near. And there are some signs that tell about this. Te big signs has not still come out(such as the returning of Jesus)...so I guess no one knows.

In Sunni Islam, which is followed by the majority of Muslims, the signs revolve around the purification of earth and creating a perfect Islamic society. The appearance of the Mahdi as the final Muslim Caliph and the descending of prophet Jesus in his time. There are both major and minor signs of the end times.These occurrences are the final steps of Judgment day and occur on Earth:
The blowing of the first Trumpet killing all humans on Earth.
The blowing of the second Trumpet marking resurrection.
The awaiting of Judgment by all humans.
Judgement of mankind begins.
Unlike the Shi'a, Sunni Muslims don't give as much credit to the coming of the Mahdi since he is just another Caliphate to them and a human who is born at a certain time and has a really long life span and dies a natural death. He is anticipated but not treated more than a normal human.

taken from wikipedia
Edited by webishqiptar (see edit history)

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Heres a deal, assuming i remember i will come to this forum every day from 21st-25th december 2012 and post an annoying message along the lines of "*Begin body check...... 10%......72%......COMPLETE Status: Alive."The mayans did NOT predict the end of the world *sigh* read the truth.The mayans had a calendar, it was based on the winter solstice which usually occurs on 21st-22nd of december. The mayans were also not fools. But they also didnt have enough paper or tablets to write out an infinite calendar. It had to end somewhere. They simply chose 2012 and stopped their calendar. Does that mean the world will end? No.Every calendar has to end somewhere... Even ours isnt planned for inifinity, perhaps computers can calculate the days and dates of an infinite calendar but that does not mean we have the infinite calendar documented and written down or saved on a disc somewhere. Does that mean the earth will end when our calendar does? No. It means that someone, in many many centuries time will simply extend the calendar. I am not a cold hearted scientific person, though i am somewhat "grounded" i do believe in powers beyond what we can understand however, that does not mean i think the earth will spontaneously combust, or a might hand will descend from the skies and proceed to flick me off into outer space. No. I do however know it is possible for a cataclysmic event to end the earth. From giant collisions, the sun swelling up (which will NOT happen in 2012...) cosmic death rays produced by quasars, black holes etc... A supervolcanic explosion like that from yellowstone would not end the world. IT would end most of america, but not the world. It would make the world less pleasant, but we would still be here hundreds of years later, as would the world. The only way the sun could destroy all life on earth is through a spectacularly large coronal mass ejection (CME) in which the sun literally "sneezes" off part of its outer shell. If that were to hit the earth it would be an unpleasant mix of radiation that would cripple all technology as we know it and perhaps kill almost all life on earth via radiation poisoning. However, some bacteria would survive, as would some insects and many deep see creatures. The earth would continue to live, and if humanity has any sense in hiding then so will humans. Remember, there are bacteria that live on the rods inside nuclear reactors, they are quite capable of surviving a CME.

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Yes, it's also a bit funny for me that it's the end of the world, because an old Mayan calendar ends at that time, it's the same as I can tell that the end of the world will end when the unix timestamp will end starting from 1970 or something like that to 2038 when it will reach the end and later the numbers will be stored negative, it's usually called the 2038 year problem :)I guess the Mayan calendar could ended at 2012, because they got bored? they died? somebody killed them? somebody laughed at them due to these kind of dates and they stopped doing it? or the main astronomer got so old of his work and died and others didn't continue his work? :D

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Did you forget?The Mayan Predictions

Did ya'll forget that the Mayan calendar is just one of the many calendars that were made?

Remember there were the Solar, Lunar, Roman, and Georgian calendars. Read history: the Georgian calendar was off by a couple of days. When they made the current calendar they added the leap year for it to be on time.

But if you do the math, our current time is still off by maybe a day or probably longer.

So to all those who fear the end of the world: the end might be in 2011.

But to all others, I say not the end of the world, but definitely the end of something and I believe the end of our civilization to make way for a better and more efficient one.

Look at history; high school and college history books have a great deal of info.

That's my prediction something big is coming that will make life different. What it is I don't know but keep thinking.

Big chances in history:

The wheel

The steamboat

The telegraph

The phone

The cellphone

The automobile

The airplane

The PC

The internet




Get the picture?

Each of these things made life easier and had a huge impact on civilization.

But people become hysterical and disaster strikes. I do know for sure that someone will become to greedy and that nation will fall. Roman empire.

Something religious as well, Catholicism: lost of faith Christianity and so on.

But maybe vice versa this time?

Who knows point is don't panic and take it when it comes.

Have you ever been in a situiation where you have to do last minute decisions were you succeed or fail? And then you do the right thing after all? Well that's how it should be.

Because remember when you practiced for a big recital or play for weeks and weeks? Ad unfortunately on the big day you made a mistake?

Well, similar situation.

But, hey, we are all intitled to our opinions.

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Yes, it's also a bit funny for me that it's the end of the world, because an old Mayan calendar ends at that time, it's the same as I can tell that the end of the world will end when the unix timestamp will end starting from 1970 or something like that to 2038 when it will reach the end and later the numbers will be stored negative, it's usually called the 2038 year problem :D
I guess the Mayan calendar could ended at 2012, because they got bored? they died? somebody killed them? somebody laughed at them due to these kind of dates and they stopped doing it? or the main astronomer got so old of his work and died and others didn't continue his work? :)

Regarding the Mayan calendar ending on December 21, 2012.  Wikipedia says something about the calendar completing a "great cycle" of thirteen b'ak'tuns (equivalent to 144,000 days each).

I saw 2012 a few days ago and I am amazed at how the ancient civilizations were able to accurately calculate time without the use of a telescope or any modern tools that we use today. I bet that they are smarter than most teenagers are today.  I used to think of ancient civilizations as uncivilized, ignorant, etc. Now I realize how advanced they really were.

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Regarding the Mayan calendar ending on December 21, 2012. Wikipedia says something about the calendar completing a "great cycle" of thirteen b'ak'tuns (equivalent to 144,000 days each).
I saw 2012 a few days ago and I am amazed at how the ancient civilizations were able to accurately calculate time without the use of a telescope or any modern tools that we use today. I bet that they are smarter than most teenagers are today. I used to think of ancient civilizations as uncivilized, ignorant, etc. Now I realize how advanced they really were.

Ya, I agree! Without modern days technology, they can easily predict what we do with the new tech. To think people always say, the modern advance technology......

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I think the myth is kind of silly actually, and now that the history channel is showing their new show The Nostradamus Effect more and more people are freaking out of their skins, and getting ready for the end, in my opinion the dude that was carving the calender into stone either died, or got carpal tunnel, and had to stop chiseling away at the stone. Just my opinion though you are all entitled to your own.

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So the Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012, does anyone think they really could have gone on adding to their calendar forever? What about the years BEFORE the Mayans, was the world just nothingness before the calendar was written? Seriously, this whole end of the world thing is silly; remember the Y2K bug that was going to wipe us all out? Remember all the fancy documentaries about it? And most importantly: Do you remember what actually happened on January 1, 2000? That's right, nothing. And nothing is going to happen on December 21, 2012, unless it's because everyone freaks out about the world ending and starts looting, in which case we'll have some problems, but the world will not end. And even if it were going to end, worrying about it only leads to stress. Also, won't it stink if you decide to really live it up on Dec. 20, 2012, (after all, the world is coming to and end, right?) spend all your money on a cruise, and quit your job, and then the world DOESN'T end? Yeah, that would kinda stink. :)

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The Mayan Predictions: End of World on 21 December, 2012. I really surprised first time when I listen that news on Internet. Is it really possible ? All Mayan predictions are really happen?? Noone can't decide right way. As scientifically there is no any possibilities of end of world on 2012. But we can't tell it will not be because future in uncertain. I saw film 2012 and seek lots of article on google about 2012 and got a article which gives some real like views. As he told, there will start natural disasters, land sliding, flooding, Earth Quacks and similar things start from that time and slowly world will be destroyed. Can you agree with this view?? I agree because of Global warming Snows are melting day by day from Mountains. Ocean Increases its base height. Anyway we can't trust Mayan's prediction because there is not any true fact how world will be destroyed (like 2012 movie haha). :)

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If the Maya predicted the course of some celestial mass and thus the time it will hit the Earth... it's possible, but that is very unlikely to be exactly on the 31st December on one particular year. As someone suggests it might well be that they simply ran out of space or considered not worthy continuing any further. Sadly enough most of their civilization was wiped out way before that so we can't even ask them. So in astronomical terms our solar systems is still in its middle-age (was it a few billion years to go? I forgot...), much closer to end might be the presence of humans on Earth. What's not clear about these predictions is if the Earth is going to end its existence (i.e. disintegrate into space, fall towards the Sun, explode, ...) or life on Earth is going to end, the second option being more likely caused by "terrestrial" forces (natural phenomena). Is the human race helping towards that? Many say yes. Our presence on mother Earth, and the burden we are loading on her, will be the immediate cause of such extinction scenario. Will this happen? And when? One thing is for sure in my opinion. If we as humans were able to have such a great impact on our Earth, then saving it is within our reach. The question is whether we want to do it or not. Most people might think this is out of their hands, they are not the one accountable for it or the ones that should take action. But then, who should?

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