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Is Homosexuality Right Or Wrong? your views

Is homosexuality (being gay) OK or not?  

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I personally view homosexuality as wrong, but that's all it is : a personal opinion.The government keeps putting in these rules to make society to say what is "right and wrong" but who is really to say?In some countries "naturalism" (being nude) is a normal activity and there is nothing wrong with it. But in the US it is seen as being this immoral, unethical behavior. Even in the Bible it speaks of Adam and Eve being nude... And to keep from going off into a religious debate, there is no possible way anyone who is a real Christian would say nudism is wrong. If they do they are ignorant and really need to learn their religion.Another is speeding... You know there are more wrecks from people going BELOW the speed limit than those going ABOVE? This is all statistically proven by the DMV. Yet society claims speeding is "wrong."Those are just two of the thousands of things I can come up with that are claimed to be wrong when they really aren't - they are a matter of personal opinion.And I strongly believe homosexuality falls under that as well. Not everyone has the same feelings. If we did, we would all be working at the same job doing the same thing day after day. Instead, we are humans and have the ability to make our own choices and should therefore do so.

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Actually your post is disgusting. Reported. This isn't a balcanic forum where you can say put a bullet in their heads and get away with it.


The petty minds like yours make me sick.


Oh, and I'll quote what I said on other forum:


What I have against is hatred. Why do people HATE something that doesn't have ANYTHING to do with them! Homosexuals didn't stop them in the street and said to them: Hey, I'd like to kiss you! I'd like to kiss your little son too! so many of the anti-homos want to put a bullet in their foreheads!

Edited by miladinoski (see edit history)

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I think it's wrong, but people who are homosexual, be it, but why do they want to show that, to make parades on the street, they usually like to get in trouble themselves and say that they are getting discriminated, I'm not talking about everyone, but there are people like that.. Some of them live on provocations, which I don't like, it seems that they like to be beaten up and later like to yell, as if they don't have anything else to do, why not just be a different human being with some differences and live.My friend, which does not really like homosexuals and has a t-shirt which say "blue color is not nice" or something like that, two gays came to him and started to fight, one of them were filming, my friend punched those guys, but the next day police called and those gays showed the movie, but quite photoshoped it or whatever you can call it, they cut some stuff and he got in trouble, so what a f*ck? :(

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I apologise to any member that i hurted him with my opinion about this topic, but really i think that's un normal. If someone was hurted when i've posted that i apologise. Regards

I just found it interesting that you weren't against lesbians, but you were against male homosexuals.

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I just found it interesting that you weren't against lesbians, but you were against male homosexuals.

It's a double standard.


There isn't much doubt that most guys are completely fine with lesbians (especially of the attractive variety :( ) but turn their heads in disgust when there's any mention of male-male relationships. That, in itself, is wrong. Homosexuality is homosexuality is homosexuality. No ifs, ands, or buts about that.


I don't understand the whole argument against homosexuality. Who gives a rat's rear end that it violates your religion? Obviously, the religious folk raise angry fists. What's the excuse if you don't have a religion? "It's wrong." On the basis of procreation, then yes, a male cannot mate with a male and a female cannot mate with a female. That is TOTALLY wrong. I'm glad we got that out of the way.


So what other excuses are there? It's not right? By what code? (See religion.) Even if you have some sort of code of conduct, what harm is the gay and lesbian community doing to you? Are they trying to convert you? Are they mounting same-sex bystanders left and right without warning, without reason? Do they pose a reasonable threat?


If you're sticking to your religious codes, you are no better than the people who are blowing themselves up right now, killing innocents because they are assumed to be infidels. You are no better than the people who were part of the Crusades. How do I make this accusation? Because you said it was "wrong." Why is it wrong? Because a book said so.


If you just hate homosexuals because you're not, you just announced that you're a bigot. Yay for you. Wait, I'm sorry... did I praise you the way you wanted me to, or was it inferior? :angel:


I read an interesting article back in the day how sexuality was determined by your gene makeup and not by choice as most people commonly make it out to be. This isn't it, but good findings regardless. So if science has the theory that it's actually part of your genetic makeup, then how can you hate? Or do you associate yourself with prejudice against another because of the color of their skin, their sexuality, their race? You would be no better than Adolf Hitler's mindset on the Jewish race or the Southerner that still holds a grudge against the black man.


With these arguments, I'm surprised that the U.S. is still uneducated enough to allow sexuality to enter politics. It's not even a viable issue. That's like trying to run a campaign saying that being human is wrong.


I don't have a stance against homosexuals. I have stances on morons, idiots, and whoever else doesn't suit my fancy. And that tells you that I'm a bigot on what I believe to be stupidity.

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I think it is o k to be a homosexual or a heterosexual, whatever it may be. Sexual orientation is ones individual perception and everything is OK till one is satisfied with what he or she is. No doubt, there are a number of homosexual person who do not come out openly with their sexual orientation just because the society looks them differently. Homosexuality is yet to be socially accepted in all countries of the world. The religious people will call it something against the universal rule, but if someone is satisfied with his or her activities, provided others interest are not hampered, what others have to say on that?The main interest is on personal happiness and anything that gives happiness is much more than mere satisfaction.

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I think it isn't wrong for someone to be homosexual, however I do believe it is wrong to talk about it. Hold on though, let me explain.


It seems like a homosexual person [and i may be stereotyping when saying this], usually will try and defend other homosexuals. For example, when somebody uses the word gay, they take it too offensively. Or it seems like they will try to explain the way they feel about it too much.


I for one, have not really seen somebody purposely make fun of a homosexual [face to face], yet homosexuals I have come across, seem to talk about it [it being, homosexuality], while I don't see too many heterosexual people talking about sex the same way homosexuals do. Which kinds of bugs me, I mean it depends on the situation, but it does seem to be that they do like to bring it up more often.


It is something they are born with, and I have no problem with that. I don't have a problem with them showing public affection [at least in the confines of what heterosexual people are in too], and I don't have a problem hanging around them. I used to, I admit it, but it really isn't anything big. One man, and another man, in love, as hard as it is to grasp, it has no affect on me, just because 2 guys are in love, does not mean I have to love a guy, they are allowing me to love a woman, and I think it is just respectful for me to be fine with them with another man.

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Of course not, Maybe the depravation is growing in the world but we don?t have to accept it.The homosexuality is an anormal psicologist state where the men likes the men and the women likes the women. The cause of the homosexuality is complicated. But the causes can be:1. Abuse in the infancy by persons of the same person. (Typical in gays)2. Psicologist induction by the parents or other actors.3. Imitation because the fashion stablish that. (Typical in lesbian)4. Others...The boys that have been abused by their parents or other develop a psicologist trauma that ocassionates the gay personality growths inside them. This is negation psicologist state develop in a contained revenge desire.The girls where the problem is more complex, they want to incorporate the lesbian conduct when they don?t found enough love in the men, and they start to make "good" female friends and in a time, they admit to love more to the women...The other part are the "bisexual" persons where the problem is not in the mind. The problem is in the sexual likes. It is not more than a sexual problem where the person likes the variability between sex.I recommend to all the homosexuals in this community that look for help...Regards.P.D. I am not homofobic or homophobic, I hate the violence agaisnt the homosexual people...

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I believe that homoescuality isn't the way nature intended for people to be. Even following the rule "survival of the fittest" it doesn't add up as to why homosexuality would be in our human instinct.I have no problems with homosexuals or their life choices, I do not believe they are born that way, and what I really have to say about my opinion of homosexuality shouldn't offend anyone, I have gays in my family.Edit: All in all I'm saying that it's not WRONG to be homosexual, I'm saying it's just not (or wasn't?) built into our genes as a species. However, I do not see it as a sickness and it is socially acceptable.

Edited by pornophobic (see edit history)

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In my opinion, right and wrong are inherently determined by a given society, at a given time. "Right" is what a consensus of society would agree to be 'right' regardless of whether it actually is or not.

However, you can hit a problem when society comes up with the "wrong" answer - which is what any society against homosexuality would have done in my case. But you can't just force referendums upon a nation until they get the "right answer" - I'm thinking in particular of the Republic of Ireland and the referendum on the Lisbon treaty.

So what if society and "morality" clash?

There does seem to be a dichotomy between what society views as right, acceptable etc and what a philosopher could morally justify. The last 100 years has seen emancipation of women, ethnic minorities, the disabled....even animal rights have improved no end. And yet society still can't accept the idea of someone being gay?

Are you all living with your heads in the sand of the desert region of the Bible Belt for crying out loud?!

Anyone who objects to homosexuality from religious grounds is doing so from a fundamentally flawed point of view in my opinion.
People who argue that it is "wrong" or "dirty" are frequently, in my opinion, scared of their own sexuality - be it gay or straight - and simply look for groups in society to scapegoat - akin to the way the Nazis scapegoated the Jews in my opinion.

Here's an article discussing the "if you hate gays that much, you're probably one" theory http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Edited by dangerdan (see edit history)

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Well with a number of posts in this thread there may be very little that we can discuss new about this topic. However I am going to give you some views on what happened today in India. The newspaper article reads "Court rules against gay prejudice" at The Telegraph. The paper talks about the triumph of the much victimized gay community and the country's liberal ethos and today it holds out that Section 377 of the Indian panel code can no longer be used to harass consenting adult gays. Victorian-era section 377 prescribes up to a life term for whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature. The verdict which becomes applicable countrywide empowers the gays, embarrassing the government and enraging religious groups which are determined to appeal against it. Today's ruling has no real bearing on the letter of the 149 year old, Victorian era Section 377 which stays in the statute books and will continue to apply to all cases of non-vaginal sex including involving minors and bestiality.

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before I say weather its right or wrong let me say this, some people would argue saying "who are we to judge someones sexual orientation?" well if thats how yo think, how about if a mother wants to marry her son? what if thats her sexual preference? could we go ahead and say YES ITS RIGHT? I think even a monkey would simply say NO WAY!

My point is that over the years as people got further and further from religion, they started to view the things that religion has been forbidding for the benefit of man himself, they start to view em as a human right...And I FIRMLY believe that there is no point history that a religion excisted which allowed homosexuality, its just MORALLY wrong!

we humans need strings to hold us..We are weak by nature..We need someone to nudge us evry now and then and tell us that we're going the wrong way.

simple question...Who created us? God right..Ok so God knows whats good for us and what isnt, right, so why did God create adam then eve and NOT adam then ( another male)...Its simple, cos God knows that men and women were created for eachother...:):)

hope I didnt offend anyone..That was opinion...Yall take care!

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your argument suggests that reproduction is the only purpose in life, does that mean that infertile women are wrong also? because women were designed to have babies and not to not have them.  homosexuality is not a choice, I find people to be quite insensate when they have such an opinion otherwise, I find it difficult to comprehend why people cannot understand such a simple concept.  This type of discrimination is unacceptable just as it was for coloured people in the states before the 21st century and hopefully will soon be ironed out of society as we develop.

-reply by Martin

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God created the universe and he also created MAN.  When God saw that his creation man needed a companion God made Eve (a Woman) not Andre' a homosexual.  God distroyed Sodom and Gamorrah because those cities were filled with homosexuals.  You can sugar coat it all you want but homosexuals are sining in front of God and God is on record with how he deals with sinners. I continue to pray that you will open a Bible and read the word of God.

-reply by Don't be a fool


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