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Is Homosexuality Right Or Wrong? your views

Is homosexuality (being gay) OK or not?  

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Homosexuality doesnIs Homosexuality Right Or Wrong?

The future of mankind, heavily rely on sexuality. Heathly sexuality that can produce healthy children at a non expensive cost, in an easy and natural way. But if on a good morning the population of homosexual was to reach a certain level, the number of birth will dangerously for human race fall.

And If society allows right to homosexual it means it allows the means of its own destruction.

By allowing people who serve as model claim their homosexuality, by saying there is nothing wrong in being homosexual,we enter the path of perdition.

They say it is wrong to think that one has choice, they also say that they are born like that. That is true: We don't have choice, we don't ask to come man or woman. We are born like that so we don't have to choose after.

If nature (because I think no gay believes in God unless knowing that he is sinning), wanted us to be gay it would have created only one gender. But it didn't. If nature says it is not right, God says it is not right, our parents parents said it wasn't right then we should use our High intelligence to guess that, it should be wrong.

It is not about minority right, It is about nature right!

-reply by Lafarell

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No, it's not. The argument that Homosexuality is against he natural order of things, and is thus pushing us towards destruction, are either blissfully ignorant, or artfully evasive, of the various other aspects of our society that are far worse than the 'gay man.'


Smoking kills our lungs, do we do it? Yes, we do. I don't mean you, the reader, in particular, but as a general presence, the human race does indeed indulge in smoking. Salt and sugar are white poisons, they kill our health, but have you ever looked at how much salt is used in a sirloin steak? Countries everywhere bathe in the white powder that kills us little by little each time we have a spoon in our food. My point is, that the argument that 'this isn't how nature intended it,' means that we should all be hunting dear and wearing their skin for clothing. Nature has little to do with this. We, as a society, have moved FAR away from what Nature had ever intended. That doesn't mean that we are in the wrong, that doesn't mean salt and sugar are wrong, that smoking is the cause of our destruction, or that homosexuality is the apocalypse, it just means that we, as a race, have our own way of doing things.


Nature had intended for a variety of things, but again, that's nature. Science can have only so much power over the human mind, especially when we are dealing with a billion human minds, because at that point, culture, religion, society, media, popularity, and everything gets added into the equation. Sure, Homosexuality isn't the biologically correct way to continue a generation, but so what? We aren't in a scarcity of humans such that each and every one of us should turn up the Elton John music and start popping out babies, right? It's ignorant of anyone to ignore the millions of other aspects that make us who we are, and cite only Nature, when judging the authenticity of homosexuality.


Also, the above poster is quite wrong in their assumption. Statistically speaking, half the world could be homosexual, but that wouldn't lead us to any hint of extinction. But, to humor the few of us who like to scream 'we're all gonna die!!' at the turn of every corner, let's ASSUME that 100% of the world's population is homosexual. Oh no, no one is having sex with the opposite kind, whatever shall we do... Oh wait... there's already a solution to that. IF something like that ever happened, we would see it coming from a decade away, prepare the right system of artificial insemination, and the human race's apocalypse goes poof.


It's simple really, I don't know why any one would say homosexuality is wrong. That's like me saying "Red is wrong, because 75% of the earth was blue when it was made!!! Blue is the way nature intended it dammit!!!" No offense to any one who sternly opposes homosexuality, I just wish we would have better reasons to narrow our own minds.

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This is one topic on which there is no grey area to me. Those who tend to speak out strongly against homosexuality tend to be those which it affects the least. The argument is made by religious groups time and again that "end times" is on the horizon based on our choices as human beings... this is something on which we can agree. However, those choices have much more to do with our disinterest in our fellow man (yes this includes you, guilt free Christians), depletion and destruction of the environment, and overall carelessness with the world in which we live... than it does, who your neighbor beds down with behind closed doors at the end of the night.You want a better world? Start by doing more than just bringing cupcakes to your church bake sale or tossing ten bucks in the collection plate. Spend more time loving and caring for your fellow man than condemning those around you. If you don't want to partake in homosexuality, fine... that's called being hetero, I share the same lifestyle. However, the minute you feel that you have some sort of "God given" right to judge another based on something that you could not possibly understand... then you will see me right there before you, ready and willing to challenge your every word. No man/woman in their right mind would "choose" to be gay. Do you remember what it was like to attend public school? You would get your head kicked in for simply wearing the wrong kind of shoes, let alone being interested in another man. Who on earth would choose that life? I don't know anyone that hates him/herself enough to desire beatings and being outcast every day of their life.Oh and by the way, look in the mirror. I can say with a very, very high level of assurance that you are far from infallible. Every blind eye you turn to the woes of this world makes you no better. Every time you fall back on the words of a book to justify your hatred, rather than helping your fellow man makes you no better. You might not agree with them... but their lives are not up to you... period.

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OpinionIs Homosexuality Right Or Wrong?When there is a way for Men to procreate with Men and Women procreate with Women I will support LGBT's. Until then I support Straight relationship because I'm for the continum on the HUMAN RACE.I Wish LGBT's could express their feelings without being discriminated but I also wish LGBT's could procreate but Naturally they can't.I am a logical thinker and Logically LGBT's don't continue the existence of life."If the entire world were Gay/Lesbian, that would be the last generation"-reply by RyanfromWisconsin

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I try to be a fair person. I believe in equal rights under the law and so yes, I feel that gays ought to be allowed to marry. Whether homosexuality is right or wrong, I do not know and do not feel it is my place to pass judgement on anyone. However, I would like to point out that while much is said about discrimination against gays, some gay men practice reverse discrimination against heterosexuals, especially women. I have been the target of anger and malice from certain gay men, and I believe they hate women. That is just as wrong as people hating gays. Conversely, some gay men in my life are very good to know and these, I consider friends. They seem more enlightened, seeing past sexuality and relating to people on higher levels. This experience tells me that ultimately, it is one's character and level of consciousness about life, that defines who you are, much more than sexuality, which must be considered an element of lesser importance in the big picture of the human condition. The instincts to love, preserve life, search for truth and foster knowledge, are all more vital. When we meet on those planes, we can relate to one another in a more enlightened way. I wish we could all just get along together. That will mean that gays must also see past their own biases and accept heterosexuals, as they ask us to accept them.  

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My niece is bi and I love her to death she is soooooo funnyand 2 on my family members are homosexual (their togather if ya know what i mean :D) and I have no problem being around them.so I don't mind homosexual people, in fact they are really funny in how they talk lolCheers :)PS: IM STRAIGHT!!! :(

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Homosexuality, Bisexuality (etc...) and Heterosexuality are all matters that concern the person who is born that way and choose the accept their orientation. For those who say its wrong because we cannot reproduce- many people fall in love and choose to not have children-so obviously having relations of the physical, emotional, and spiritual kind with someone does not concern the whole baby making thing in every situation. For the religious debate, do your research into the book you hold in your hands. It was written before sleeping with your sister, your cousin, your aunt (or vice versa)- was wrong. Did you know the Bible says its a sin to eat shellfish? Do you eat crab? Oyster? Lobster? Then you've sinned. The Bible is an ancient text, whether or not it is holy scripture or a chronicle of stories is your opinion, but if its text is your moral law- read the thing before you dictate what is right and wrong. And if you eat shellfish and are still religiously against homosexual love, than you my friend, are a sinner in your own eyes. The Bible does not contain a list of sins to pick and choose from, either abide by your own morals and arguments or that of the ENTIRETY of the Bible.To me, the argument against homosexuality is weak and biased by those who are not secure in themselves- those who thrive on conflict and who have nothing better to do than to try to ruin perfectly normal peoples lives. Its ridiculous that the topic of homosexuality is controversial. "A person is a person no matter how small"- Horton Hears a Who 'Dr Seuss'. We are all sentient intelligent beings and should stop wasting our time, our resources, our power as a community voice on such insignificant things. The GLBT community doesn't want to take over your homes and force you all to 'gay-marry' why would they want that? They want the chance to love whomever they fall in love with and have the same rights as EVERY OTHER PERSON no matter how they live, or where they live. They want equality, not special rights. We do not live in feudal times anymore children, grow up and let people live their lives they want to live. Fair enough, if you are still homophobic thats something that you believe- but don't force your beliefs on other people, sending them to get 'fixed' at de-gaying camps or limiting their rights as humans. Keep your opinions to yourself and just stay away from them if you don't agree with who they are. I mean, really- whats the harm in love and rainbows?Me? I just want to be able to tell my significant other that I love them and not have to worry about being singled out for loving someone who has the same physical parts as I do. I want to legally be partnered to that person, I want to stop having to hide the parts of me that make me who I am. I want to be able to hold their hand without the jeers and people turning their nose at me. Its like high school all over again with the poplar kids and their cliches, singling out people for trying to be who they want to be. I thought people would have gained respect for life and freedom by now- obviously they are no different than they were in Grade 8 -I hope you consider these words before completely shutting off acceptance. I mean really, you never know if your child is gay and ends up completely unhappy for the rest of their life- if they even pass through puberty- by then they may have already taken their own life. Think before acting. And if you have nothing nice or meaningful to say, don't say it.Thank you2H1HP.S - Homosexuality against nature is a myth. Research how many species of animals have sexual relations with the same sex - I promise you will be surprised. <3 And those species are not dying from lack of procreation- they're dying from humans destroying their enviornment and their homes.-reply by 2H1H

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i haven't read the responses to this thread. nor do i care to read them. homosexuality is the same as any other sexuality. either you choose it, or you don't choose it because you were born that way. if one was born a certain way, that cannot be wrong. so if a guy like a guys and he was born that way, that cannot be wrong....for him. it may be out of the ordinary, but anyone born a certain way cannot be wrong in how they feel. thus.....cannot blame them. so let's talk about choices. many of us make mistakes in life. if one doesn't make those mistake, one can consider themselves to be perfect. nobody is perfect....so anyone claiming to be is a liar. what about homosexuals who are that way by choice. who are they? why is it their choice? this thread groups individuals in to one catagory which is WRONG! you have to look beyond the steriotypes and the groups you place people in and look at the individual. why does he believe what he believes? why does he act the way he acts? why does he feel the way he feels?the answer is not within the topic of this post or the survey. the answer is within the individual...someone you all will FAIL to know without getting to know that individual.is homosexuality wrong? for some it is. is homosexuality right? for some it is. get to know what you are against before judging right from wrong. do heterosexuals know it all? no. they would be perfect if they did. do they know the opposite of what they are?that's the question.....isn't it....how are people going to judge? by what they are....or to get to know what they aren't.we live in a society that can be very cruel towards those who goes against societies beliefs like there is nothing more. what if there is? what if there is something more than even the bible is capable of telling us?my point is not to judge prematurely....but to follow your own heart where other human beings are concerned. we are all the same....and different.....and to believe differenly is lying to your own self.

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I wondered what people feel about this? I personally believe that it's wrong and wouldn't mind chatting to others who believe otherwise to see what they think.

Sexual feelings and sexuality is just a necessity of human body similar to any other necessity, So what I think is if you are hungry you will have some thing to fullfill your needs and that is the need of food. But it entirely depends upon person to person that what he or she have in his or her diet. Similarly fulfilling sexual needs is again a personal preference which differs person to person. So under this topic if something is wrong for you may be right for others. So what I think it is a truth and it's existence in the society can't be refused by saying it wrong or something like that. It may be possible that you people might or might not go with my opion.....?

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I believe that everything which extends far from original, natural creation is wrong. For example taking making plastic surgery is very harmful to your body and this because your immune system won't allow the foreign body to adapt. So I consider homosexualism a diversity or an wrong thing, because it is not natural, and If most of the population did that, than population growth would stop. In a medicine perspective view, all subjects with sexual relationships belonging to this group are suspect or at increased risk of sexual disease.

Edited by webishqiptar (see edit history)

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so basically, you are comparing something that is mad made and something that isn't mad made. so i for one will question you post. what does a sexually transmitted disease have to do with a sexual preference???????????? we haven't even talked about anyone acting on there preference

I believe that everything which extends far from original, natural creation is wrong. For example taking making plastic surgery is very harmful to your body and this because your immune system won't allow the foreign body to adapt. So I consider homosexualism a diversity or an wrong thing, because it is not natural, and If most of the population did that, than population growth would stop. In a medicine perspective view, all subjects with sexual relationships belonging to this group are suspect or at increased risk of sexual disease.

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The main question was, is it right or wrong, right?So I answered giving some point of views. So in a medicinal point of view, being a homosexual carries lots of increased risks of diseases, like HIV or Hepatitis or similar ones. This does not mean that straight people don't get sick, they just have a lower risk. This is the relation between, sexual preference and sexual disease if you get it.So my question is, what do you mean by mad made? Homosexuality is not a natural condition, or it's not based on normal physiologic activities. So to me that is not a right thing to do. :)

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when you are talking about someone who is at risk of diseases like hiv or hepatitis or similar diseases, you are talking about someone who spreads those things. what does that have to do with homosexuality? and whether is is right or wrong? what if someone is homosexual and they don't act on it? is it still wrong? it seems as though YOU are off topic here.....and maybe you need to pay attention to the subject rather than assume the worse out of people

The main question was, is it right or wrong, right?So I answered giving some point of views. So in a medicinal point of view, being a homosexual carries lots of increased risks of diseases, like HIV or Hepatitis or similar ones. This does not mean that straight people don't get sick, they just have a lower risk. This is the relation between, sexual preference and sexual disease if you get it.

So my question is, what do you mean by mad made? Homosexuality is not a natural condition, or it's not based on normal physiologic activities. So to me that is not a right thing to do. :)

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Is Homosexuality Right Or Wrong?, your views

This is the title of the topic, and my views were explained above. So why should I be offtopic?. To me homosexuality is wrong(maybe this is also offtopic). I explained some of my point of views, about medicine, population not growing..etc

Let me ask you a question, how should I judge homosexuality than, or how do you judge it? In order to make some conclusions if something is wrong or right, you must be based on something, right? I based on medicine to conclude that homosexuality is wrong, so what's offtopic here?
Edited by webishqiptar (see edit history)

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how should you judge it? it's it's simplest form. you are trying to complicate a thread that doesn't deserve your added imput to define homosexuality. you don't have to be homosexual to spread deseises. also, one can be homosexual and not spread any deseiese. what you are saying is that if you are homosexual, you spread nasy things to people which makes homosexuality wrong. you are trying to link two things together that cannot be linked unless you are talking about someone sppecifically....but you're not.

This is the title of the topic, and my views were explained above. So why should I be offtopic?. To me homosexuality is wrong(maybe this is also offtopic). I explained some of my point of views, about medicine, population not growing..etc
Let me ask you a question, how should I judge homosexuality than, or how do you judge it? In order to make some conclusions if something is wrong or right, you must be based on something, right? I based on medicine to conclude that homosexuality is wrong, so what's offtopic here?

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