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Everything posted by evion

  1. Speaking of mouse crap may i refer to you all the "infamous" story of my CPU's goatee? Well, one day, i've been minding my own business on Spring break and hitting in the games and all when my mom calls for me to clean up the insides of my box - pretty normal, happens every year and i just ignore that. But this year, my mom got waay too frustrated at me because she just noticed something: The air vents in the front face of my CPU has so much dust accumulated in it, that it's literally sticking out of the vent itself and forms a true blue(Grey) fuzzy CPU goatee/beard. So yeah, it was pretty hilarious and i finally got to actually getting down, pulling out the box from its cave underneath my desk and opening it up amidst the cloud of "smoke" that arises upon my opening of the container. Turns out that that "beard" has grown towards the inside too, and way much faster and longer than it actually forms a blanket over my CPU air vents. Of course, I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself after the whole incident and was punished to have half the week of gaming off which really made me mad . These days i try to at least wipe my CPU now and then to prevent the crap from accumulating.
  2. The past few years of my designing experience have been accomplished mainly by using a copy of my friend's father's Adobe Photoshop CS 8.0 CD. But my computer had been bugging me lately and i had no choice but to reformat it, at the same time wiping away any trace of the program. Unfortunately for me, i hadn't made a copy of the CD myself and i feel so much regret and remorse over that incident. Still, i have to look towards the future. I've went to the Adobe website and in no way am i going to pay 600 bucks for one program that i use once every week. At the moment I'm using the trial version of the latest Adobe Photoshop but it's expiring in 22 days and i wouldn't want to wait till then to sulk and feel bad for myself again. So I'm wondering if anyone has any recommentdations of another free or low-cost (up to $100) graphics program that could equal the Photoshop in features and having a similar layout because i find it hard to adjust to another totally different program from any one I'm used to. At the moment, after searching around Xisto and Google, i'm looking at GIMP, Paintshop, and Macromedia Fireworks (though I've worked with this before and it really doesn't suit my expectations - will only use for a last resort).I would appreciate any comments given that could help me out with this enigma i have right now. Thanks!
  3. I started this website to help promote our project called EduAfrica which has a goal of building a school in Sierra Leone, Africa. I'm asking for reviews for this site because lately, I've been experiencing slow upload speeds on this website through my computer but superbly fast upload speeds with my school computer. Although I am pretty sure this is because of the school's fast internet connection speed, i would like some general comments on what i could do to make this load faster or if it does load normally for you, please tell me its pros and cons. Thank you.
  4. EduAfrica I am currently running a non-profit "organization" website that is raising money to build a school in Sierra Leone. This money will be passed on to freethechildren.org at the end of probably this June. It is a project of my Geography class' and so far, we've had a few pros and cons, some fundraisers and the such. My job is to handle all online "things" related to the project. So far, I've created the website, started a paypal donations account and have helped promote this project by means of AIM (Local area only) and many other ways. My idea for the moment is to run some advertisements across the page to raise some money for the project. Of course, just the local area isn't enough to generate much hits at all but our goal is to pass along the message of our existence throughout Atlanta (Georgia, United States - Where my school is near) and its surrounding counties. I am fairly new to this advertising procedure as I've never done anything like this before. I would appreciate any recommendations anyone can give for a advertising program that can offer services for non-profit organization websites and low NET rates probably because there may not be as much hits. Please visit the website at this URL and help me out in any way that could help promote the website. I appreciate all comments good or bad as I'm very dedicated to making this project a success. Much thanks, Evion (tech)
  5. These optical illusions, perceptual illusions, as illini calls it, really all they do is mess with your mind and with what Illini said, perception of things. Though I would really want to know what a say...insect with compound eyes see when they look at these optical illusions? I would think these insects would end up being VERY confused.
  6. In my opinion, if you're looking for a good, avidgaming computer, I'd recommend building a custom one. My cousin spent barely 200-300 dollars for the whole set (separate parts) and put them together to form a pretty good processor with over 1gig of RAM and a 256 DDR RAM (Radeon 9250). The only kinds of computers for which you would buy from a shop would be the laptops and tablets. But those are worthless anyhow and last way much lesser than a desktop. Come to think of it, this is my desktop's 3rd year already and it's still pretty strong.
  7. Interesting piece of code...though i don't think it relates to Javascript at all sorry. It is basically another attribute under the <tr> tag with a little twist in it. It would be good for creating links though, to give it a contrasting color when you hover over it. How many browsers does it cover? Or does it only work with IE and FireFox?
  8. True, but with the most common IE browsers these days...i believe the default setting would be to allow Javascript. Though, i don't see why an average internet user will want to check up on your source code. Still, why would one need to enclose their source code anyway? I find myself feeling proud when someone emails me and complements on my code (seriously, this happened. During a web design competition i believe) even though it's only HTML, CSS and a little Javascript.
  9. It IS pretty cool and all. I mean magnetism IS a really basic concept of the Earth's technology at the moment and i don't see how this product will help generate any kind of profit at all for the company who made it. These days, most gadgets are made with clocks - Hologram clocks...and yaadayaada. I don't see the point in getting a fancy clock as all i use it is to check the time and slam down the snooze button every morning.
  10. I've tried everyone's suggestions and it seems creating a new profile actually helps. There must've been something wrong with the installation of some sort? Ah well, thanks again everyone. Szupie, the "bar" is called Objectdock. It's a starware product just type it in Google and you have it. It's a great alternative to zooming all your windows down to double-click the things you want to open.
  11. I know I've been asking a lot of questions lately but that is because I've just reformatted my computer and everything just seems to be going all wrong. This time, its because FireFox won't load any of my pages correctly. Everytime i try to load a page that becomes a little too image heavy, Firefox will stop loading the images completely. I've tried right-click view image and i see it there so that means it isn't the webpage's server problem. This also happens with tons of other sites that i go to. Here's a screenshot: It's in GIF format as i wanted to make it as small as possible. So really, what's the problem here? The webpage works perfectly in IE. Do i need to do some tweaking? Any help is appreciate thank you!
  12. I tried everything you said, but it still didn't work. In the end, i had no choice but to backup my files and do a complete reformatting of my computer. It's not so bad, seeing that my computer has lasted 2 years already and is ready for a reformat. Thanks for your help though. There seems to be no problems at the moment.
  13. Recently, I've been encountering several problems with my computer. One of those is that when i play a game, say MapleStory that uses up the whole screen, sometimes it would just hang for a second or 2 and restart the computer. Each time this happens, i send the error report and (surprisingly) Microsoft have found a solution which i do not understand. This is the link to the error report: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ So how do i resolve this issue? It's very irritating and i have a gut feeling that this has something to do with Virtual memory and the new Graphics Driver i bought (SAPPHIRE RADEON 9250 - 256mb DDR memory plugged into AGP port.) If anyone can help me with this I'll be very grateful! Thanks in advance!
  14. I disagree that SM is being a sexist when "dsicriminating" the ladies for liking pink and sparkles. Now don't get me wrong, I'm just speaking from opinion. SM's doings are just to let the ladies out there know that there are pink/sparkle sigs here. I won't say that every female likes pink and sparkles but there are still some out there. And SM had not said anything bad or discriminating to women in any way. All in all, this is just my opinion. SM hasn't been very active lately in Xisto and i know most of his sigs are contributed to Xisto. Still, i would also like to add the fact that SM's latest sigs hasn't been exactly good compared to last time. Trully, i don't mean to offend you(SM) but your sigs haven't been arousing the attention of people around here and so far, there haven't been any very good comments over your sigs. I really don't mean to say anything bad about you in any way, just some constructive criticism to boost up the quality of your next set of sigs a little.
  15. I like the tutorial, its fortified some of the concepts that Vujsa has discussed with me earlier (Yes Vujsa, I haven't been asleep all this time! ). After reading Vujsa's php tutorials i started experimenting with w3school's samples codes. (The ones where they have the code on the left and the result on the right) It worked great and i find it understandable. I took a sample php file from one of my phpnuke files and started looking through it and i found i could only understand few portions of it, which included the background, some modules and such. What i don't get from these tutorials is why your main focus is always on creating a basic menu? Is this what php is all about? Secondly, why couldn't one just use plain HTML/CSS to modify their menu bar instead of going through the trouble of setting up a php file just for the menu? Are there additions that could be added onto a menu with php? Finally, I do sortof understand the sample code you gave and i GREATLY appreciate your sample menu that you hosted yourself but I'm missing out on those important keyterms again. (again applies only to Vujsa ) What does the tag <DT> do? I'm pretty sure its a HTML tag but i'm not sure. I also want to know if the variables you assigned to it are definite, say for this excerpt: echo [b]make_menu[/b]("Sidebar Header Here", "sbhead1", "header","","") . $crlf;I'm focusing on the "make_menu" portion as I'm wondering if this is a real code for making a menu in php? Through my learning of HTML and CSS i've learnt that they are definite and you cannot change them. But Java can be altered into anyway you want. So is php "flexible"? Thanks again! I'm trying to learn php and taking classes that stress on memorizing in school so i might be a little slow.
  16. I'm using T-Mobile because of its "Family plan" service that allows the family to share minutes every month. I don't really mind it as i don't make calls all that much. (Prefer using AIM os MSN ). So far, its been fairly OK. I won't say it's any good because the signal suddenly drops for no apparent reason sometimes and it doesn't work when you're in a deep and old neighborhood. (Deep as in deep within a forest of some sort) My cousin got Cingular and he thinks its great in South Carolina where he used to work. He still keeps the plan though, as he thinks the service is really good. Back on topic: Why you get free phones so much these days? It's almost always usually because of the catch which is pointed out using a 8 point font asterix symbol (*) right by the offer in, say a newspaper ad. You would barely be able to make out the small print right by the bottom right hand corner of the ad: To obtain this free phone, please sign up for a 5 year 100 minutes per month plan. What a rip off . What makes it worse is when companies like AOL gives you trials for their internet service and when you decide to stop it at the end of the month and you try to call them, they will give you really bad service and when you couldn't get through and the month is up, they will charge you. It's horrible, and has happened to me before, which is why i never like trial offers that much anymore.
  17. This is just like Biogeohistory (I know its not a word, bear with me for a sec). In that you know how some species like lions i guess that actually choose their mate instead of females choosing the mate which is usually the occurence. With lions, the males can mate all they want anytime. Doesn't this describe us humans? If without a proper civilized society like we have now, females would be like dirt. This may seem untrue but you have to look at other circumstances such as developing nations like Nigeria. The Igbo, Hausa-Fulani and many other tribes there have men who rule the entire family. The women are just sex partners and treated as if they are a medium for reproduction. Trully, It's a temptation all men cannot resist. There is not one man in the world who has not looked at a woman in lust. I've heard that somewhere before but i forgot where so i can't quote. The only thing stopping men from "mating" is the modern society around us. It is normal for humans to try to act like everyone else in a society and if no one else is having any public sexual relationships why would you do it?
  18. I had always wanted to pursue Javascript and/or PHP and learn more about it. But i find it extremely hard to learn if i don't get to apply it myself. Like when i first started HTML, i had a bunch of questions about how to do this and how to do that and display everything like i see in other sites. When i started CSS, its because i wanted an alternative to iframes and to better organize my source codes well. So basically, I've been using HTML and CSS for every coding I've done. Javascript isn't necessary in making a good-looking site which is why i never really used it and PHP too.
  19. I used to start dozens of forum-websites with a common goal or just another one of my "class-forums". But they usually never work out. Once though, i had one that went really well. My friends were posting great stuff and having lots of fun, even organizing outings through the forums and i was really proud. But then exams came and there was less activity in the forums and almost null during the exams. After the exams, i expected my friends to come back to the forum, but they told me it wasn't really fun anymore . But i wasn't disappointed at all...i was getting tired of moderating it all the time . Even so, i would love to manage and run my own successful forum-website if possible. Might even generate some revenue from it.
  20. I had the same problem before though my uncle came in to help me out. All i know about it is that the reason why the other computer couldn't detect the printer is because the printer uses ITX protocol which is another "supported" protocol of windows rarely used nowadays. Not sure how my uncle fixed the one-way file sharing problem i had at first though, he told me its sorta because the 2 computers have different default network settings altogether so they won't work at all.
  21. Back in <Some country which I'm not gonna say>, many HDB (Housing Department Boards) flats' toilets will usually come equipped with "backup" systems. No its not the backup system you see in the picture, in fact its a mini-hose with an enormous power to fire water and powerful speeds to "quarrantine then delete the viruses". They say its for like religious purposes or something that you can't use toilet paper because you don't want to kill trees? I don't really know the reason behind this which is why I'm pretty much hiding all this to prevent religionism (another form of racism?). Kinda weird but i guess it works as a pretty good backup when i run out of "Application Software"s.
  22. I believe that all fears orginate from fear itself. There are no fear of heights. Your body will make you fear that you'll fall and that fear makes you fall if you don't get a hold of yourself. So your real fear would be a fear of the body's reaction to looking down and seeing your feet 40 storeys above normal ground. This may sound really weird but yeah, I've kind of learned to manage my fears by exposing myself to the fear (In safe conditions that is...)
  23. Something about the "Edit HTML" function is that when i try to edit the HTML right with the default beginning page, all i get for the default HTMK is a <p> Where did the rest of the page go to? Also in php-nuke, this is an extremely annoying problem. When i edit a page with HTML, then i save it and try to edit it, i cannot edit the existing HTML, instead, i have to write a new one. I've learned from my first page that i created and have taken the liberty to saving a backup for all the pages i make in txt format within my hard drive. But the whole process is very tedious and i was just wondering how i can fix that. Sorry if this seems out of topic but this topic just triggered my memory to put my lazy fingers in action to actually type out my problem . Thanks!
  24. Lightning, you can find it right below the shoutbox. Use "normal" view i think if you're using the lite version you might not be able to see it. I've never had such things happen to me before but I'm pretty suspicious of the sudden credit drop where i had like 28 credits and prolly a week later I'm left with like 8. I'm not sure if it was a week or anything but i was extremely busy during that period of time so i did my best in posting alot. After that i checked and luckily it didn't went down all the way to 0 and i pulled it up to a 18. Now it seems fine but I'm checking my credits jut every so often....
  25. Exactly...like I've pointed out, some editors like Dreamweaver don't write the code YOUR style. Those who've been exposed to pure coding will realise this. That when writing code you always have tihs specific way of doing it, like putting comments before a tag or "tabbing" a certain sub-tag that comes after the main tag (Like tables and its rows and data). When i design a site on my own with pure HTML, when there's something wrong i usually know what exactly is wrong with it because I've done the code myself. But when someone hands me a super long script of HTML and tells me he did it in Dreamweaver and he couldn't get a certain image to display some way of sorts, I'll try to decipher the code but frankly, i can never read through all the extra junk Dreamweaver or Frontpage puts in that is really not required.
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