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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. The "R" word. Yuck!Racism doesn't neccesarily involve hatred. Although sometimes it does. Racism to me is when you treat someone differently based on their race vis-a-vis your race. I am white. I like to believe that I am not racist, so I am careful about the jokes I tell, the descriptive words I use to identify people, and try to form opinions about individuals based on my direct dealings with them, rather than use pre-conceived notions or generalizations. That is racism to me.The World is getting smaller. This Internet thing is reducing the time envelope we live in. Since I have logged on this morning, I have read information from around the globe. It enhances my view of the world and is a positive thing.I am not a scholar, but there are lots of schlars who believe that discrimination and racism can be defeated. As evidence, there are studies which track a young child's beliefs and they find that racism and prejudices are "encultured" or learned from others. Children don't naturally hate other races. They are taught to do so. And there are people working diligently as individuals and as groups to do what they can to eliminate racism throughout the world. I wish them success.
  2. Ya, I have had pretty good luck with HP products over the years, too. And I am amazed that this topic is here. They are usually quite good about their post-purchase service and support.But, electronic stuff is what it is. Supply-chain Management can be a problem sometimes. Hope it all works out.
  3. Some of them (like phpbb) are available by selecting fantastico under the Preinstalled Scripts menu.Can't find any D/b stuff except phpadmin and mysql in my cpanel either.
  4. Sadly, it happens this way.Sounds like a long-term solution to a short-term problem. I wish it wasn't the case.
  5. Ad revenue is what keeps this forum and the free Hosting services of Xisto alive. Many free Hosting services force ads onto your web page. The owners here don't. The ads are placed on the forum instead and hosted members are required to post here and the ads get forced onto this forum instead of the pages. I think there are only three places on each page that ads appear. After the shoutbox, after the first listed posting and between the 'Latest topics' and 'Latest posts' boxes near the bottom of the page.Personally, I prefer them on the forum, rather than my web site.If you are bothered by the ads, the free hosting services are also available at Xisto.net, but the ads are forced on to the top of your web pages instead. Also, the features available at Xisto.net are reduced from what is available here.
  6. jlhaslip

    A Bit Of Help

    What forum are you using? IPB, phpbb? and have you looked at their support site to see if the spell check mod is available?
  7. Most of my creativity goes in to my web site in the form of trying to get the page to display properly in Internet Explorer and still validate to w3c standards.
  8. Well I finally had a look at Reaver's siggy this morning. It is good, as are all of the others.Mayank gets my vote. Might be the double border or the good blending or the "3d" look to the render that tops it off. My next choice would be Avalon because I like Spiderman.saint-michael:1mareck:1mayank:5$upa pimp:0avalon:0reaver:0
  9. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/20432-test-your-php-pages-wo-uploadinternet-complete-working-guide-on-how-to-test-your-php-pages/ This might help as well.
  10. That's interesting.I often use id="hdr" on my sites. I wonder if it would delete an entire div id="banner"?I don't have Norton's to check that with, so would you mind doing that for us and report back?Is anyone aware of any other "reserved" words like this? Notice from jlhaslip: Correct typos
  11. Ummmm, I'm thinking it is pretty big and it is stretching the thread on me.Plus, I'm thinking I'm going to move it to Graphics section.That's what I think.
  12. My dog is sick. Hasn't eaten in over two days. Getting sick, but its stomach is now empty, so the dry heaves have kicked in. She has the run of a neighbourhood of about twenty homes. And so do several other dogs. I think somebody might've set a poison-baited trap, but how do I tell if this is what is wrong with her?There is no Vet in this area to take her to, so I need a remedy also, if you have one. She won't eat or drink anything.
  13. Yes, these problems have caused us men some grief for centuries.Possibly the best advise anyone has ever given me on the topic of trying to understand the Female mindset was a friend who was a lot wiser than I am. His opinion was that we (men) should forget about trying to understand them (women) since it is impossible because of the fact that Men and Women are different. They think differently, they are encultured differently, their expectations are different, ... the list goes on. And since I have accepted this opinion, I find that I am a better person. I have better relationships with women. Not just as lovers, but as friends as well. Simply accept the fact that we will never understand them and that they are different. Of course, like a customer, they are always right...
  14. E-sector, You might want to check this Topic out. Looks like someone has already found the answer for you. Look in these posted links to discover how and where to adjust the css for Mambo??? http://forums.xisto.com/topic/26600-mambo-templates-best-templete-sites-how-to-make-own/
  15. Don't worry, ,,, I bet they had an Engineer involved. (that'd be a good reason to stay away)
  16. Don't forget to dispose of the old used oil in a responsible manner. Pouring it into a water main isn't the right way to do it. In this part of the world, many Service Stations have an Oil Recycling station. Take it there for recycling.
  17. My understanding of Cron Jobs is they are scripts or programs which can be set to run automatically on a scheduled basis. For example, the script which detects the "suspended" users here on the forum could be a cron job. Also, a cron job could be used to automatically back-up your mysql databses every 6 hours or once a day at midnight. They would have to be something which can run unattended and from a command line entry. There would be no personal interaction with the process, to either start or stop the job, or handle physical devices to accept output. ie: feed paper into a printer or remove disks or cd's from the machine.Might be wrong, in which case someone will be by shortly to correct me.
  18. Think "spash page" and "cookies".The splash page to input the data which I assume you would store in a database.Then cookies to set the forum required info. Most forums set their own cookies already, so check to see if the cookie is present before setting another one. In the spash page, direct the user to either an html page if NOT forum is selected or to the forum if selected. Using the Cookies will also let them enter the forum from their Favourites/Bookmarks list on their local browser.
  19. Am I alone on this one??I can't see reaver's sig. Haven't been able to for a couple of days, so I am not going to vote yet.Even after re-starting the browser from a cold start... so it isn't a full cache.
  20. Read the whole thing. This is an actual letter sent to a man named Ryan DeVries by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, State of Michigan. This guy's response is hilarious, but read the State's letter before you get to the response letter (This is the State's Letter!) ** Here is the actual response sent back by Mr. DeVries: **
  21. http://www.bartleby.com/ Just in case you need another word to replace 'antipathy'.
  22. I am Canadian also, and my understanding is that the Government in Power must be able to pass its motions without fail. As we have a "Minority Government" in effect at present, the majority vote in the House of Commons depends on the inclusion of a small number of non-majority party MP's (Member of Parliament). And these non-majority party members didn't like the proposed vote, so the Govt failed to carry its motion , so they must call an election. Timing for the date of the election is stipulated in the Rules of the House (or someplace in Law), so the choices are limited. Also, the Journalists that report from Ottawa are well connected and probably got the date from inside sources.Ditto on the subject and or content of a Press Conference. Reporters wouldn't attend if they didn't know what it was about, but their inside sources may have leaked some info to prompt them to attend.Either way, see you at the Polls soon?
  23. As I recall, and being my age makes that a somewhat questionable process, Gravitational Forces are a function of Mass and Distance. Large objects have more attraction (force) than smaller ones (similarly spaced) and objects which are closer together (assume similar size) have more attraction than objects further apart.This is a Universal Law, proposed, I believe, by a guy named Newton? or Copernicus? (might be wrong, if so please correct me). Well, at any rate, some guy a long time back thought it all up and so we study this stuff. The universal nature of this Theory affects more than "physical masses". Geographers have an equation to relate the size and distance between locations. Geographic centres have a theoretical level of activity between them, based on their "distance" apart. If you know the population size of several cities, and their inter-spatial distance, then you can calculate their quotient of theoretical connectivity. That is : how much interaction there 'should' be between them. Then you measure their 'actual' connectivity. Any difference between the 'theoretical' and 'actual' interactions are explained by barriers or absence of barriers affecting the locations. For example, they might be seperated by a political boundary, a physically insurmountable barrier such as a river or Mountain range, there may be a language issue, cultural issue, etc. Or maybe a new super highway connects them. It would increase the interaction if that were the case.Also, there is a 'Law of intervening opportunities'. This means that while you might be okay travelling to a far off place to shop for some goods, if there is a place which is closer or en route , you will shop closer in order to save the time/expense.Boy, that takes me back a few years to College Geography 101. Or was it 207?
  24. Avalon,If your approach is used, does the html code you insert via javascript get the css applied to it if the css is in a css file?
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