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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. So now fantastico is back up and running for us. The server just didn't know it was installed.Thanks Opaque.
  2. It is easy, it is cheap, it fills the gap, tastes terrible if you don't make it with milk, too.Personally, I'd just as soon make a dish of pasta and add my own 'real' cheese to it. And yes, I am Canadian.
  3. Hey, I had a suit of clothes just like that. Four inch platform boots, the neck chain you stole off a neighbour's dog, the works.Didn't work for me. Lasted about six months, couldn't do the dance unless I had been drinking heavily and it was a really dark dance hall, but the lights were cool.
  4. Another point to be made here. Even if your page goes through the validation process without errors it may not (actually probably won't) display the same in all browsers. The Standards applied are reccomended standards. Not enforced. So various browsers read and interpret them differently which results in the displayed output being similar perhaps, but almost never the same on any two browsers.Firefox (and I am not going to rant about how good it is or isn't) and Opera (same) seem to be the most compliant to the standards. IE requires the most hacks or fixes.I believe the standards are a good thing and I hope the next version of Internet Explorer moves closer to the standards. It would be so much nicer to not have these issues.
  5. DigitaLshakE; Before you post anything more, please take the time to read the Help file. Click on the link in my signature. I editted the title and description for this posting to better identify the topic. I hope you do the same in the future. Other than that, welcome to the trap.
  6. Thanks to everyone for their comments. All valid, of course, and each of them will be considered before the project is finalized. Thanks to all of the fine folks in the html/xhtml forum for the current and past threads which assisted greatly during the construction of this project.
  7. There is a utility named "deletedr.exe" which I use. (Available off a download site @ www dot diskcleaners dot com) It has never failed me, yet. Occasionally you run across a file that requires a re-start to delete, but deletedr has worked every time.
  8. Is encryption enabled on the wireless? would that slow it down at all?If so, reset the router and the wireless connection to not be encrypted.
  9. Yes, planned that way. The nesting of the file structure was getting a bit complex, so I eliminated the announcement bar for the second level of files. Might add it back when I have some time free. Haven't decided yet.
  10. Hmmm, I have no idea where the Blue comes from. But I will do something about it if I can. And the error pages are in the works. You must have tried the "team" button on the top nav bar. One file (that one) failed to load on the ftp for some reason. *Fixed*.
  11. Well, it is just about time I got this unit out on the web for people to see and criticise. My pet project lately is a site for the local Minor Hockey Association. I know it is not perfect (what site is), but it does what they asked for (more actually) and I am pleased with the features. This version is full of 'dummy content'. At one point, it validated strict, but this copy has a few (59) missing end tags that are being fixed, so please ignore the w3c validator link. And the maps on the contact page aren't ready yet. They are getting built as we speak. Other than those two items, I think it is ready. Thanks for having a look and please leave some comments for things that are missing or don't work other than the above noted items. Minor Hockey Webpage
  12. wild20,Unless the policy changes between now and then, and I certainly don't have the inside scoop, one credit equals one day. Alternatively, I think Opaque will let you buy some credits for short term situations such as this. When it gets closer to the date, PM a mod or Admin and they will direct you then.
  13. Nope, didn't find it on mine, either. Only add-on script is phpbb.
  14. And to whom, exactly, do you report this? That is one of the problems about the Internet. Not just the security, but enforcement. On the one hand there should be rules, but on the other hand there should be no rules. I digress, , , sorryEnforcement. Right. I can see that anything that violates the Civil or Criminal codes of Law should be enforced by the local enforcemnet agencies. If I download a file by my act of requesting that download is one thing. Having them place it on my computer un-requested is quite another. Problem there would be did I request it? Anyone smart enough can play with an email header or a database entry can create an entry saying I did request it. and who do I report this to? Who pays for that service? who is responsible for the costs involved?Who applies the punishment? who collects the fines? Where are these people tried at? Where are they imprisoned. I wonder what this posting will look like in the morning. Ha! caught you reading this, didn't I?It is fine and dandy to say the act should be reported, but to whom? That is the first thing to consider. I don't know what the laws are, but I'm sure the bad guys have a way around it.
  15. I'm with ZeroHawk on this one, except I'd have to call it the news story of the last century when the rapid growth of population and exponential growth of Hydro-carbon consumption spews so many tonnes of waste in to the atmosphere. I believe that is what is causing a bunch of our recent weather phenomenon.True, the Earth has seen hot and cold periods in the past, but it usually takes thousands of years to adjust from warm to cold climates. And the regular or normal fluctuations are "natural". The impact that Man has had on the environment in the last 100 years is a "man-made" influence and is un-natural. The Atmosphere and Climate activities are extremely delecate eco-systems and are bound to show some effects. Unfortunately, the effects are as harmful to man as they are.
  16. moldboy,It might be the same thing. Or it might have been a cache situation. After you upload new files, clear your cache to avoid getting old versions, or use a meta-expire tag to avoid caching them in the first place. Usually I insert meta-expire tags while I am building/testing a site, then remove them at a later point in time when the final (is there ever a final?) version is uploaded.
  17. everythig you asked for is available here at Xisto. phpbb 2.0.17, mySQL, NO ads, etc. go HERE for a complete list of features. All FREE by posting on these forums. We love it here, you will too...
  18. Xrated,The server is getting loaded onto a new bigger, better, faster machine. Hang tough for a couple days and then start worrying. I know it can be a pain, but the other choice (not a good one) was to have the forum and the accounts shut down for three days. Thin about it. A small inconvenience or a big one. Your call.
  19. Elegost,If I remember correctly, that .5 credits per word was used in an example by Buffalohelp as an example only. The credit count is probably more like .05 credits per word.You know as much about the script that awards credits as anybody here. Nobody except Opaque and the guy that wrote it knows the details. All that is known for certain is that the longer the posting, the better the credit amount. Also, when you start a topic, the Title and description and the first line of the posting should "tie-in" together. That is important, too.Another known fact is that if you are caught spamming, you lose more credit than the post originally gave you. So if you spam a whole bunch, it will void out all your good posts. I am not telling you anything that I know because I am a Moderator. All this comes from reading the Forum threads.
  20. I don't do Java, so bear with me on this one. In another life (it seems) there once was a programming language named Cobol. I used to do some coding in that. The logic shouldn't be much different,though. Check the first word and determine its length. Check the second word length. Total the two lengths. Add the first word to the output line, then a string of periods as determined by a for / while loop based on the sum of the word lengths and the length of the output line. Finally, the second word. Might think about using an array to store all that in, too.As stated above, I don't have the foggiest idea of the specifics of Java for this code, but that logic should work.Is this what you needed?
  21. Yes. The "cost" of using the free Hosting services is a requirement of continuing to post here. Read here for all the details. It isn't a big deal. Some people visit once a day, and others visit once per week. Whatever you find convenient. There are lots of topics and many members to discuss topics with. You can get help about nearly anything on the forums here.
  22. With the server migration occurring as we speak, and the risk of losing data (including your upgrade if approved), there is a 24 hr period left before any new or existing hosting accounts can be modified. Please be patient. The new server facility will be worth waiting for.Ranting and raving will not help your case. If timing is critical and you need some space immediately or sooner, PM me.
  23. Thanks Moogie, that link worked well. It doesn't give the detailed report like the Gibson Software, but it seems to confirm that my security is alright on the mac. Thanks for finding that one. Keep up the good work.
  24. That is a good question, and I don't have a good answer to it.You most likely will have to wait for an Admin to answer that one and allow the permission to do so. In light of the server migration and their busy schedules, it may take a day or two, so might I suggest you make some posts and restore your credits to the required number, then carry on with the access?
  25. Chameleon,Glad to have you here. We don't ask alot from you in return for your hosting. Couple of good, solid posts once in a while. (and no spam) Please read the Help Information. Many of the questions you might have are answered in there. PM Mods first, then Admins only if you have to. They are busy people. Lots of good Html and php support in here. Read back into the archives. I'm sure there will be something you can use.Look forward to having you here.
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