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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. That approaches the absurd. Certainly the ridiculous. Not that he cut the card (well, yes, that , too), but the way the other Forum members flamed him. Let's face the facts that mistakes are made. He went to the forum for help, not ridicule. Hope that doesn't happen around here.
  2. Hmmz, The server has moved in the last week. You may be having difficulties due to the information stored in your cache and with your cookies.Try this:delete your cache to force your browser to do a fresh lookup for the server.if that fails, delete the cookies for Xisto subdomain and your cache for the same reason.if that fails, delete alltrap17 cookies and the cache.Alternately, delete all your cookies and clear your cache again.the new IP address should be on the Help page which you can access by clicking on the FAQ in my signature.Hope this helps.
  3. Uninstall the mod. Uninstall the phpbb. Delete the mysql and start over.If the problem only happened with the mod install, review the manual and try again.
  4. When referencing a file or pix inside an html file, there are absolute references, relative references and server absolute references. I think I am okay with the first two kinds, but have a question about server absolute. Assume I have a subdomain of the Xisto named subdomain. In the subdomain, I have a public_html folder which contains the files accessible from the web, so if in one of those files, lets say it is located in a folder named folder1 and is inside the public-html, I insert a "server absolute reference", does the reference begin at the public_html folder?. Location of file: public_html/folder1/file1for a server absolute reference: /folder1/file1 Is this correct? Or does the referencing begin above the public_html folder? Notice from jlhaslip: Edit to insert bbcode
  5. Please, for the benefit of us who have not yet seen the movie or read the book, DO NOT give any clues to the story or ending. It would be very appreciated. Thank you.
  6. Single border one that you posted two posts back is more appealing to my eye...
  7. Hi, You are in need of a reading lesson. Click on the "Frequently Asked Questions" in my signature or click on the "Xisto Readme" under the shoutbox at the top of every page. All you need to know to answer your questions is there. Closing this Topic. Notice from jlhaslip: Topic closed
  8. try this link for details if you already haven't ... cpanel signon info
  9. I suppose that it would make a difference if we knew what sort of things you wanted to disclaim. Copyright issues? or Content issues? or do you want to warn about the addictive nature of the site? (just kidding)Try using your best friend--- Google---. That might be a good start.
  10. amshoDon't know what to tell you. I don't have any problem logging in to c[anel or ftp. Is it an IP issue at your end? There have been few other problems. Most of the other problems has to do with the credit standing of the members involved. Check your credits and see if you are over +4, wait an hour once you get there and try again.
  11. First reaction is that the processor is really fast for w 98se. I wonder if it is a good match? my laptop runs w98se at 233 mhz only, so that processor is 10 times quicker.
  12. Hate to add this to a topic about unordered lists, but here goes. Maybe this part will get split into its own topic later. I'll ask another mod how to do that. ( new guy comment) My Webpage, or click on the bottom link of my signature to go to the same site which has css rollover effects. This isn't the exact code that performs the rollover on that site, but is from another (handier to acquire) html page on my computer. a:link, a:visited { background-color: #ffffff; color: #66ff66; font-weight: bold; }a:hover { background-color: #66ff66; color: #ffffff; } Notice that the back-ground-color and the foreground colours get switched on rollover? It is that simple. Also, the font-weight is inherited by the on-hover state, because I don't specify any change in font-weight. The "cascade" does that for you. Hope this helps
  13. I don't do graphics, so I don't know about the particulars. Only thing I know is that is a nice sig. At least I like it. Don't get me wrong, I like the techno/grunge or what have you that is commonly done on this site for sigs, but this one presents the images nicely. Perhaps a border and larger text , but those can be overdone as well. Nice job.
  14. There is a free download available here that might be useful. It is a thumbnail creator, but would very likely fill your needs. If you input an image name, and tell it a size, it will make a smaller, lighter weight version of the image and store it as a new file name which has the same name as the original but with a prefix of "tn" added so you can easily identify the pcture. Or, another more versatile Image handling program is "Irfanview". (google is your friend) It includes a thumbnail creator, but does many other things as well. I definately think you could improve the site by using the thumbnail sizes and making it load faster. Another way is to have several pages with less pictures on it. Maybe sort the bracelets by colour? Let us know if any of these ideas work for you. and if you need any more assistance, just ask here.
  15. I belive Xisto dot NET has been active for about a month, but don't quote me on that.
  16. tyssen, do the images get picked up by the spiders? or the Image file names? I guess what I am asking is: does it matter if the image is named "image001" or "picture_of_hawaii"?
  17. Looks good from here. Study the SOTW entries, practise on new sigs and read up on the techniques from the tutorials.You'll be a Master in no time, SP.
  18. my channel changer/tuner must be broken because all I get lately is Xisto.com.
  19. Hey, that's an interesting approach to the problem. But as mentioned above, I wouldn't want to do that to a critical system file which is currently being used, know what I mean. Some windows files get re-created on start up if they are not found, but I don't think I would be deleting a running file this way. Might cause some grief.
  20. Google? for that? Use this next time. It will be handier, because it explains the css and html all in one spot. Look on the left hand side for CSS2 Reference. Lots of info at the w3schools. Notice from jlhaslip: edit to correct link
  21. Did you look at the link I pm'd to you? It has img's floated inside a div with text beside it. The Images could be links. or the text. or both. Only thing that doesn't have is a background Image,,, *wait*,,, yes it does.I guess maybe I am not understanding what you want.
  22. I think the background can only have one image, and the rest of the images will have to be included in the html page. Maybe a border-less table? Or spans floated in the direction you want? How many to a page? Is the size or speed of download a concern?
  23. If you want to modify the page so that ALL of the links on the page are changed to the same color, here is the code you need to place in the "head" section of your page, between the <head> tags. (check to make sure the ending </head> tag is there. I don't remember seeing it.) You must include it in all pages if you want all pages to show these colors. <style> a:link {color: #ff0000;}a:visited {color: #00ff00;}a:hover {color: #ff00ff;}a:active {color: #0000ff;}</style> By changing the "color: #xxxxxx;" to different Hex values, you can choose the colours you like best. If you need help figuring out the hex values for colours, post here and someone will help you.
  24. Can you explain how that works? In another thread,please. Maybe as a tutorial? I would sure like to know the details ( well, some of the details)
  25. Well that certainly explains it. the "#oof" is the hex colour code for blue.The background must get painted prior to the placement of the background image. I remember changing it from the colour to an image a few days back. I guess the url got inserted and didn't replace the hex colour code.
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