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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Here is one way to accomplish what you want. The basics are to place the image on the background of the page and then when the on-hover status is determined, the image is replaced by another. This method as explained above uses new images for the on-hover replacement. Another method described here uses a single image containing several 'pictures' and 'offsets' the image so that the "mapped" section is displayed on hover. You didn't leave us a link to look at, so we can't make a determination as to which might be best for your application. Perhaps you could leave a link for review?
  2. I used that tag to build a sample page and found that: yes, it was a bit quick. Increasing the height of the section helped to make it a little easier to read, but depending on the page layout you desire, it might not fit your page.Couple of quick comments about the marquee tag:1. It is a proprietory tag, therefore, might not be available in all Browsers.2. It is not listed at the w3schools.com reference page for Html tags, so it isn't recognized by the w3 Standards.3. javascript is turned off on approx 20% of Browsers these days, so javascript may not be the best solution.Considering all of the above, how do you plan on presenting the information if a client doesn't use a correct browser or has javascript turned off?There are similar issues using Java. Not everyone has it installed or allowed.
  3. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  4. Well there might be any number of reasons for this failing, but let's start with a link to your site so we can have a look at the index page you are talking about, and what's this part mean?: A zip file should be uploaded the same as a regular file. One method is to go to your cpanel > file manager > select "a folder by name" > select "upload a file" and then browse your hard drive to find the file > upload. Done. Then to download the file enter this URL in your Browser address bar: http://your_acct.trap17.com/folder/file.zipwhere: your_acct is the Xisto subdomain assigned to you, folder is the folder name you have the zip stored in, file.zip is the name of the zip file. Download should then be automatic. * edit for typos *
  5. Links all work. I don't play the games, so it doesn't appeal to me, but it is a nice enough site.Also, I don't rate them on a numbered scale like you request. Mostly on form and function. Yours works well. You might want to include an index page to re-direct the site when someone deletes the last part of the URL. The file list of your account directories all show up when the index.htm file is missing from the root directory. Makes it not so professional looking. Send me a PM and I'll send you the code for that.
  6. JasperIk,Don't take this reply at all personally, but my impression of the Topic is that you are taking an opportuntiy to complain about people who complain too much. See my point? I don't think you are a complainer, but there is a touch of comedy about your post.
  7. jlhaslip


    Spen, Welcome to the Xisto Forum. Home to many good members and I hope that you have read the Xisto Readme found just under the Shoutbox on every page, the Help file listed in the breadcrumb at the very top ( near the Search button )(hint), the Terms of Service, and the Acceptable Use Policy. It sounds like a lot of reading, so I'll will help you by simplifying the rules a bit and suggest that most of them have to do with common sense and courtesy. Use the search feature and enter good posts is the best thing to do. If you follow this advice, you should have no problems.Enjoy.
  8. According to the information I have, there are some browsers that may have problems unless the favicon is 16 x 16, so if possible, I would use that size.
  9. And the file extension for the file must be ".php, .php3, or .phtml" for this to work I would imagine. If this is tried on a regular ".html" file, would the line be output onto your display?
  10. To insert a centred background Image, use this in your body definition inside a linked or @import css file: body { background-image: url(named_image.gif/jpg/png); background-position: center;} To include the same information inside the Html file instead of the css file, use: <body style="background-image: url(named_image.gif/jpg/png); background-position: center;"> At least that's what the book tells me to do. I believe IE has a few quirks with respect to background Images in anything besides the body, so if you or your clients are using IE to view background Images, there may be some problems doing so. The above html will centre the image on the 'page'. If the page is longer than the viewport, it may not display properly, if you want to center it at the top of the page and keep it 'fixed' to the top of the page even when you scroll, add the top and fixed properties as below: body { background-image: url('named_image.gif/jpg/png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center top fixed; } For reference, use this link: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_background.asp
  11. "Prairie Oysters" -- and the Bull doesn't have to die for them to be available. I'll let you guess how they are made available ... And you are right about that puke part...
  12. To check your number of credits, go back to the Forum Index page. and scroll down to see the number of credits you currently have. It is listed in green text. In order for your account to get re-activated, you must have at least 4 credits. The script that re-activates runs about every hour, so earn enough credits to have a minimum of 4, then wait an hour or so to have the script activate your account.
  13. As Avalon and rvalkass state in their posts, it shouldn't be that difficult to get your site to present itself properly in a variety of browsers. The generally accepted method is to use Standards Compliant code in your Html and CSS and create your pages using a Standards Compliant Browser (Firefox/mozilla or Opera) to check that it is correct. Then run it through the w3c validator to confirm that it is compliant according to the Document Type Description you declare (you did declare a DTD, didn't you?). This DTD will make a difference because there will be different rules applied based on the DTD specified. THEN, check the page in IE and apply new CSS (or add the CSS hacks) you might require to force IE to present itself "acceptably". There are differences in Browsers, so not all pages will look the same in all browsers. In fact, I'll guarantee that there will be some differences. Although there will be differences between Browsers, unless you are performing some leading edge CSS work, the differences will be minor if you follow this procedure. A couple of good sources for Hacks to IE that I find helpful are alistapart dot com, positioniseverything dot com, and the HTML Forum right here at the Xisto is a good place to begin. Post your questions on the html forum and let us have a look at your site. Might be someone over there can lead you along.
  14. Burex,Irfanview is a free download and saves in ico format. It will convert gif to ico, so create the gif with transparency using MSPaint and then Irfanview to save in the ico format.Irfanview also has a resize function, so you can work on a larger canvas in MSPaint and then reduce it down to 16 X 16 px.
  15. This is a quote from the Acceptable Use Policy. As you, no doubt, have read the AUP, you are aware of this requirement for your site. However, I could not find any further information regarding a translation of the site. I suggest a PM to the Admins. Are you going to do the translation yourself and 'hard code' the second languages? or use a translation software that reads your English page and converts it? Like google's translator?
  16. Great story OpaQue. Keep posting these inspirational messages. I love them. And I hope they have a positive influence on all who read them.
  17. Well, here you go. Browser redirect script This is an on-line tool that you use to create the specific code for the purpose of re-directing your page to another URL. I haven't tried it out, so maybe you could test it and report back with the results.
  18. Well, yes, I do try to read the replies before I response to a Topic. It sometimes helps me formulate an answer. And it sometimes stops me from answering, as well. If the answer I was about to supply is already given, usually I do not add mine. Yes, I am here for the Free Hosting, but also to learn some stuff, hang out, meet some new people and help others when I can. Of course, being Mod status, there is always an opportunity to earn credits by posting replies, but I also spend time sending PM's with helpful hints and tips, too. (By the way, there were no replies when I decided to reply here, so it was easy to decide on this one.)
  19. Boy, this is a new one for me. I know enough about the Web to know that it is possible to detect the Browser which is being used to call a page, and I know that there are differences between Browsers. I also don't think this is right, but has anyone else ever seen the situation I am about to describe? Cruising the Net. Click on a link. The Browser does its thing and an error message pops up to say "Sorry, your browser is no longer supported by Micro$oft, so you can't view this page." Now, I could understand if it was a Micro$oft site or a techy style page, but no... It isn't. I have been to the site before. It is a couple of pictures, some links and a header and footer, just like 99.99999 percent of the pages we view all day, every day. Is Micro$oft so powerful that they can deny access to sites which they don't own and have no input to? Why didn't the site just let me in and if the presentation failed, then explain why it happened? I'm getting denied seervice because I do not run the current Browser from the big Computer Company? Do you use a Browser sniffing technique on your site and refuse entry if I was not your preferred Browser? Incidently, IE5 on a Mac.
  20. Wow! A security consideration using a Micro$oft application.I have always been of the opinion that Html likes the simple text-editors like Notepad rather than the fancy ones. I thought it has to do with the methods the bigger editors use to store linefeeds and tabs and carriage returns, etc, but this sounds like the Html doesn't like the meta-data either.I use notepad don't have this problem.
  21. I assume you have read the Acceptable Use Policy, but here is a link anyway. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/5769-terms-of-service-and-acceptable-use-policy/& Read the parts about Excessive Use and Copyrights in particular. Be forewarned that the Admins are firm in their handling of the accounts which violate the stated policies, so if I were you, I would PM them with your questions and wait for their reply before hosting anything that you are not certain about. Notice from jlhaslip: edit to repair bbcode
  22. Hey Tillo,Good to have another old guy on the Forum...Welcome to the Xisto. Yes, there is lots of good information here. Check out the Tutorial section and do not be afraid to ask questions. There are lots of knowledgable people willing to assist you with html and php and any other topics.What sort of work do you do at the Computer company you work for? Maybe you can help others with their computer questions? Are you a Hardware technician?See you around.
  23. Check this link out: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I notice that border-collapse is not very well supported in almost any Browser. And they list no support at all for direction. Why the need for rtl direction? Can it be avoided?
  24. Ummm... let me get this right... you want to upgrade back to 4.2.2? Isn't version 4.4.1 newer than 4.2.2?
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