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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. As tough a choice as I have seen on the SOTW topic for a while.All very nicely done and worthy of the title. I find that SM's was a bit 'fuzzy' and lacked the detail which the others had, so drop him.Senor Maniac was pretty pixelated, ditto.Like some of the others, and I didn't read the postings until after I had voted, I was left with Avalon and Cool Freaker, so what I liked about Avaalon's was the 'crispness' of the Border and the 3D look to the whole thing. Sort of like looking through a window onto the scene. CoolFreaker's border was a little fuzzy and the sunburst effect looks too light on my machine, but that could be my machine at fault. Anyway, based on the above, Avalon gets my vote.Avalon: 3Se?or Maniac: 0Cool Freaker: 2Saint-Michael: 0
  2. At last I found someone who thinks like me... That's why they are in there in the first place, for the benefit of the Older Browsers... but with the trend towards using strict Doc Types and validations, etc, I thought it might be time to drop them from the code. Not yet, eh?
  3. You did very well for being forgetful. Come back anytime and practice a little more.
  4. Success. Closing this Topic.
  5. Okay, then I will remove the Alt= from the scripting on the templates. I have been mistaken about them for a while. I thought IE still required them and ignored the title=. That is good. Won't be long and the template up there will validate without changes. Thanks, Electric Ink.
  6. Php based Templating System http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ The Source Code for the scripts are included (literally) on the different pages on the Demo, including the Contact / Email script. The only page not there yet is the Message Script. Maybe tonight I will upload that. This one uses a little bit of query-string checking to confirm that the contents of the page are actually available (file_exists())and an allowed page content before serving it up. The 'allowed page content' is done by checking against a flat-file containing an array of acceptable query-string contents. I had another part of the script working to check against the contents of the third column of the menu_data.txt file, but it fails on the Xisto server and I haven't sourced the problem, yet, so this array check is a temporary measure. Also, there is a Conact, or email script which writes to a text file as a repository for messages received from the site in case for some reason the Mail() doesn't work for the Hosting service. (ie: Xisto.net disables the mail() on the Free Hosting Accounts) I have written a script to extract and print them also, maybe a Tutorial about that will be next? Also, I have used a 'fixed' header and sidebar approach to the template design which some of you might find interesting. There is a conditional statement there to utilize a different css file for the page structure of IE, due to the Browser differences, this was the way to make it 'cross-browser friendly'. Since I don't have an IE6 Browser, I will only state that the responses I have received are positive. I haven't actually seen the page in an IE6 Browser yet, so I don't know if it explodes or not. If the Alt= for the menus are removed, the page validates to the w3c standards set in the DTD. (html 4 strict). Can someone tell me if IE6 still requires the Alt= for tooltips? Or can they be removed and have the title= displayed instead? Anyway, thanks Vujsa over at Xisto for his original topic(CMS 101). I found it quite valuable as a guide to learning the php required for this scripting and it has opened up an entirely new perspective on the Web Sites I intend to build in the next short while. I hope someone else might be encouraged by this sample I have added to the Topic. And as Vujsa stated up in his Topic ay Xisto, the greatest advantage of viewing these codes and Templates is not in 'sniping' the code to install the files as a website, although it is possible to do that, the greatest value to be received is as an enticement to proceed on the path to learn the language and develop an understanding of the uses for the tools which php provide. If you want to use the code, PM or email me and I'll zip a set to you, but you wil receive much more benefit from writing your own Templating System. And it will be easier to modify or maintain because you are familiar with the parts, what they do and how they operate. Having said that, if you want / need a copy of the code, let me know and I'll pass you the zip file. Thanks for showing some interest in my scripts.
  7. I notice this is in the Vent Topics. Might be better served in the Computer Hardware Section. I will move it for you.
  8. I just ran this site: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ through both of them and scored .59 seconds on the first check and 1.77 seconds @ 56k on the second link (.44 sec @ T1), so I'm happy with that. Of course, it is a bare working template with no graphics, so I expected it to to good.
  9. Tysen, that isn't a Header, that's a full page <included> to the top of the blog...meaning that's a pretty darned big header, fella.
  10. Referrals are a definate no-no. And links to Commercial enterprises are not to be used. As for Mich linking to what is essentially a personal site that offers her designs on a gratis basis, I don't think anyone minds. There are lots of other Members with siggies leading out of the Xisto Corp, but they are generally non-commercial as well. An occasional google adsense on their site, maybe, but nobody selling Used Cars and such, please.
  11. If you have a decent Forum script like phpbb installed, they have this feature for use in the Forum. I am sure there are log-in scripts which will assign members to groups and segregate the pages they are allowed to see and all those things, but, sorry, I don't have any scripts or links. It will involve some pretty heavy changes to your site since every page will require authentication of each user and setting cookies or session variables and a couple of other things. It isn't something for the beginning coder is what I am indicating here. Why not install a Forum and adjust the 'groups' so they can assign themselves and join various groups? It won't require that you adjust your site too much, just to add the Forum into it. Otherwise you are looking for a full Authentication script. And that'll take some Major work.
  12. The cron job should run a script on a regular basis to perform a 'maintenance' task such as moving files, updating databases, etc. I don't think there can be any output from them, so the script can't use the print or echo functions, for instance. (might be wrong on that, though) There is a cpanel module set up in the cpanel to define cron jobs.
  13. I don't know this for a fact, but I believe the policy of not allowing referral links might have something to do with google searching and Page Ranking. If they were allowed, and the sites they lead to were not 'respectable' or 'google-friendly', it would lower the ranking of this Forum in Google's indexing system. Also, they might tend to treat this Forum as a 'link farm' and that affects when and how it is searched and treated by spiders, too. Again, I don't know any of this for certain, but there must be a good reason for it. Hopefully OpaQue or Buffalohelp will be along to clarify this issue for us.
  14. Being thin, you can always wear a sweater and gloves to stay warm... over-weight people can't take the sweater off when it gets too hot. Me, I am about 180 cm (6 ft) and 80 (180 lb) kg. Skinny in a way, but not boney. I really notice the cold and would like to be able to add a layer, too, but don't mind being in the shape I am. As I say, I do own sweaters...
  15. A 'config' file is one which contains information about the 'set-up' or the 'configuration' used for the cript or application. In the file you reference, the config information has to do with the source of the files for the application and the paths to those files which will be required for the script to operate properly and see all the data it need to and direct the user to the correct spot as they select . Without seeing the exact script you are talking about, it is difficult to know exactly what these defined constants do, but a pretty good guess would be that , yes, they will be required for the script to be able to do what you want. They are pretty much explained by the comments included with the defines, so no need to outline what they do here. Someplace in the script, they would be used to identify paths to files on the server and the Web address for the site. They are defined outside the actual script for several reasons. First of all, so that one file can be 'required' by all scripts on the site and the data only needs to be changed in one location. Secondly, the 'defined' values can't be altered by accident inside the script whereas regular variables can be changed by methods like assignment statements (='s), but defined constants can not be, so they are safer. Thirdly, having these 'defines' available makes the script 'portable'. They can be installed anywhere in the file or folder structure of your site and not be concerned about referencing from the server root, since the path is declared in the config file. So, to answer your question, I would have the config file set-up and required_once in each of the scripts which need them to assure there are no difficulties. Also, the 'C_URL' and C_PATH' are Windows references right now. In order to upload them and use on the Xisto server, you will have to change them to Apache/Linux references.
  16. It doesn't appear to be anything wrong when I just checked it.
  17. The school I attended had a 'drop box' where you could throw the assignments which were due into and avoid the 'handing in'process and the consequences such as you describe. Mine were mostly late.
  18. Yes, however the upgrade will cost 30 credits in addition to the 10 for the first package. Simply apply for the upgrade in the same Sub-Forum. I think the basic package includes the same email service as the second. You will have lots of email addresses available to you. The second package allows for 99 seperate emails.
  19. You aren't alone. It would solve a great number of questions and problems if each new member took the time to read the Xisto readme file and the Help file, both of which are available on the shoutbox banner at the top of the shoutbox.Thanks Avalon, for pointing this new member in the right direction.
  20. print "Or you can always... <a href=city.php>go back</a>.";Remove the period at the end of this line and see if that works. It might be trying to concatenate something there??? *edit* Browser troubles, fixing it up...
  21. <a href=battle.php>go back</a>Without the quotes around the "battle.php" ???
  22. Plagarised from http://www.weblinkseo.com/seo-guides/anchor-text.jsp. Re-worked, but all the same, plagarism is not allowed here. Warning issued.
  23. You will be having the same problem with this line: print "Or you can always... <a href=city.php>go back</a>."; as you had in the error Tyssen found. The use of double quotes is causing the parser to inspect that output for special characters and Variables. Implement the single quote or backslash techniques that Tyssen mentioned in the previous answer. I would do it for you, but you will learn more from this exercise if you do it yourself. Have a look in the php references for the use of single / double quotes for printing. Let me know if you are still having difficulties after an attempt or two and we'll fix you up. Hint: single quotes around the whole thing and double quotes for the href =...
  24. Sometimes an editor will plant invisible things in there. I happen to have an Editor which shows the carriage returns and tabs, etc so I thought maybe there was something out of place perhaps. You have changed the code a little bit to fix some previous errors. Would you mind re-posting the code and please identify the error line for us. PHP is funny about parse errors. It identifies a line by number where it senses the error, but it might be several lines back that the actual cause exists.
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