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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Is there a Victim Services Unit at the City or County Police Dept that you could discuss the Options with? Or a Women's Centre that might know better what steps for protection are available? Yes, it is an unfortunate thing but the principles involved here are one thing, and your girlfriend's safety are another and with her being at risk, the principles won't heal the wounds.Gawd, I sound like my parents...
  2. Notice from jlhaslip: Warning for inappropriate language. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/34565-handicapped-lover-a-cyber-love-story/=
  3. Is this $stat[rank] getting set to a value someplace we can't see, like maybe in the first include file?? Replacing this stray end angle bracket with a semi-colon might help. if ($action == sticky){mysql_query("Update topics2 set sticky=yes where topic_id=$topic[id]"); echo "<a href="forums2.php?view=topics">back</a>">}
  4. No and No. The Tutorial is invisible until approved by a Mod or Admin. If it is not approved, you receive neither a post count nor a credit count for the posting. This is to promote members providing good Tutorials to the Forum. As a guideline, Xisto (our sister Forum ), has a 500 word-count requirement for Tutorials, so make sure you provide us with good information, properly outlined, using good spelling and grammar, etc. Tour through the Tut Sub-Forum and you will see that the better ones are well organised and have a good presentation factor. I look forward to reading your Tutorials.
  5. Opera 8.53 was a release that fixed some minor 'language' problems only. It was not a Major. Their nightlies are at version 9.02 already, so expect another one shortly, too.
  6. Maybe you are right. What's with this? =view
  7. I am very sorry to hear about your girlfriend. And even sorrier that there doesn't appear to be much the Police are able to do about it. Before I finished reading the full posting, my first reaction was to suggest that you move residences in order to gain some of your sense of security back. Unfortunately, there are times like this when the Police can only react after an incident. Pro-actively, they would be seen to be violating his civil rights. The Race Card he is playing doesn't help, I know, but it does exist and they must behave accordingly. Last summer in Toronto, Canada there were some 'race issues' with the Police there and I couldn't help but remember the summer of '67 ( I think ) when Watts and Detroit happened. I thought we were past that, but I guess not. You should seriously take heed of their recommendation to move, man. It sounds to me like it would be the best thing to do. Even if it is across town, or only a few blocks. Before this gets to be un-managable and you are forced to move into a Federal 'Dormitory'. Know what I mean?
  8. Just browsing around the Opera Site and found out they have released a new Version. Download it from here . Opera is a Standard Compliant Browser that has some pretty neat features. I use it to test html pages for their compliance to the Web Standards.
  9. I'm thinking it will be awhile before this member posts again...
  10. what about the storage? where are the figures for that? Is it possible you are looking at the Bandwidth and the email said Storage?
  11. Can someone help me out with this one, please. I have a PHP script in which I am trying to write a fairly complex piece of html and I can't seem to get the coding of the PHP echo statement. There are single and double quotes scattered throughout this line of html and it is driving me nuts attempting to manage the output. So far, the only way I can get it to work is to break the echo'ing of the line of html code into the following lines of PHP: echo "\t" ;echo '<li><a href="';echo $full_dir . $file ;echo '" alt="full-size"><img src="' ;echo $dir . $file ;echo '" alt="' ;echo $dir . $file ;echo '" ><img src="' ;echo $mid_dir . $file ;echo '" alt="mid-size" class="preview" /></a></li> ';echo "\n\r\t"; The script is managing to correctly output a string of html as follows: <li><a href="full_images/pict0023.jpg" alt="full-size"><img src="images/pict0023.jpg" alt="images/pict0023.jpg" ><img src="mid_images/pict0023.jpg" alt="mid-size" class="preview" /></a></li> I have broken it down into segments with carriage returns in this example, but it could be a single, continuous piece of code, too.This sample of PHP code works correctly in a Browser, so it isn't an issue with the 'correctness' of the html, it has to do with the complexity of the single and double quotes and the PHP required to output this line as one string instead of the 11 echo statements.I will continue to make some attempts, but so far I just am not managing to sort out the method of escaping the right pieces of code and arranging all the bits and pieces. Any suggestions for cleaning up and leaning out this code would be appreciated.
  12. Have a look at this script. I wrote it for one of my sites. <?php// move these variables to a cfg.ini file included at the head of this file???$site_email = 'jlhaslip@yahoo.ca';$site_name = 'Web Site Template Distibution File';if (isset($_POST['posted'])) { $email = trim($_POST['email']); $f_name = trim($_POST['first_name']); $l_name = trim($_POST['last_name']); $body = trim($_POST['note_wide']) ; $date = trim(date("D M j G:i:s T Y")); $name = $f_name . ' ' . $l_name; $theresults = ereg("^[^@ ]+@[^@ ]+\.[^@ \.]+$", $email, $trashed); if ( $f_name == "" || $f_name == " ") { echo '<p><span class="border bold red">A first name is required</span></p>'; } elseif ( $l_name == "" || $l_name == " " ) { echo '<p><span class="border bold red">A last name is required</span></p>'; } elseif ( $email == "" || $email == " " ) { echo '<p><span class="border bold red">An email address is required</span></p>'; } elseif (!$theresults) { echo '<p><span class="border bold red">The email address must be in a valid form similar to " your_name@example.com ".</span></p>'; } elseif ( $body == "" || $body == " " ) { echo '<p><span class="border bold red">A message body is required</span></p>'; }}if ( $f_name && $l_name && $email && $body) { $file_name = "message_data.txt"; // Error Supress the fopen $handle = @fopen($file_name, "a"); // Check for successful fopen if (!$handle) { // error message and exit if no file handle available echo "File Handle Not Available For Use"; exit; } $body = strip_tags(str_replace( "\r" , ' ' , $body )); $body = str_replace( "\n" , ' ' , $body ); $body = str_replace( ',' , '' , $body ); $body = str_replace( "\'" , '&' , $body ); $body = str_replace( "\"" , '&' , $body ); $message_string = $date . ' , ' . $name . ' , ' . $email . ',' . $body . ',' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\r\n"; fwrite($handle, $message_string); //close the open file prior to ending fclose($handle);if (@mail( $site_email, $site_name, $body,"From: $email <$name>\r\n")) { echo '<p class="border"><span class="bold red">Thank you for submitting this message. </span><br /><br /><span class="bold">Your comments and requests are important to us. If a reply is required, you can expect to hear from us shortly.</span><br /><br /><span class="bold red">Thanks again.</span> Select from the Menu to navigate to another page, or <a href="index.html" title=" Return to the site Home Page"> here </a> to reurn to the Index page..</p>'; unset($_POST);$_POST['posted'] = 'false'; } else { echo "<p class=\"border red\">Message failed to be accepted by the Mail system. <br /><span class=\"bold\">Please send the message to $site_email from your own email program.</span> <br />The site has been sent a report of the mail system failure, but not the contents of the message.<br /> Be certain to alter the permissions of the message data file to at minimum '666'.<br />We will endevour to correct the problem immediately.</p>"; unset($_POST);$_POST['posted'] = 'false'; }};?> <form action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"><?php if (!isset($_POST['posted'])) { echo '<p><strong>All</strong> fields are required.</p>';} ?> <fieldset><legend>Personal Information</legend> <div class="notes"> <h4>Personal Information</h4> <p class="last">Please enter your name and a valid email address, then your message.<br /> We will never sell or disclose your email address to anyone. </p> </div> <div class="required"> <label for="first_name">First Name:</label> <input type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name" class="inputText" size="20" maxlength="40" value="<?php echo $_POST['first_name'] ?>" /> </div> <div class="hidden"> <input type="hidden" name="posted" value="true" /> </div> <div class="required"> <label for="last_name">Last Name:</label> <input type="text" name="last_name" id="last_name" class="inputText" size="20" maxlength="40" value="<?php echo $_POST['last_name'] ?>" /> </div> <div class="required"> <label for="email">Email:</label> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" class="inputText" size="40" maxlength="100" value="<?php echo $_POST['email'] ?>" /> </div> <fieldset> <div class="required wide"> <label for="note_wide">Your Message:</label> <textarea name="note_wide" id="note_wide" class="inputTextarea" rows="6" cols="55"><?php echo $_POST['note_wide'] ?></textarea> <br /> <small>We would love to get your feedback or any comments on your experience with us.</small> </div> </fieldset> <fieldset> <div class="submit"> <div> <input type="submit" class="inputSubmit" value="Submit ?" /> <input type="reset" class="inputSubmit" value="Reset Form" /> </div> </div> </fieldset> </form></div> Instead of having an automatic redirect, there is a message which displays the results of the form handling and if successful, a link to return to a defined page. It does require a client to interact with the page on completion, but it also provides them with an indication of the results of this Form submission, so there is a trade-off. In addition to sending an email, it also writes a message to a data file which I have a script to print-out, so if you want that, please send me a message and I'll provide it, too.
  13. I'm guessing that the cost savings were minimal since the electricity to run the computer was required to be paid, also, but there would have been a cost benefit. Your Mom would have second thoughts about making you turn off the xbox and computer...Waste heat is used by industrial and commercial facilities all over the place. I once worked at a Pulp and Paper plant that used the waste Heat from their process to run a Turbine that produced electricity for them and also they sold it back to the Power Company. The whole operation cost them big dollars to install, but between reducing their purchase of electricity and being able to sell their excess power, they benefitted by increasing their 'margins'. It must have been worthwhile for them, because they did another facility a few years later.
  14. That's how it works best around here... people helping people. A unique concept, eh?
  15. What about the Members using Dial-up? A 65 Meg download will take forever and use a great deal of their alloted Bandwidth. Are there any alternatives to lessen the impact? Can they somehow get the files directly from the cpanel to an off-site Storage Archive without using their modems to download then upload? I'm thinking there must be another way to handle these large files. I'm on Cable DSL, so it isn't a big deal for me, but some users (and I think Mich is one of them) are restricted to dial-up.
  16. Yes. Contact the Helpdesk at : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to see what they can do to assist. Failing that, a PM to Opaque may be in order, but give the Helpdesk a shot first to see if they are able to do anything for you. An alternate method of contact is by email to : support@Xisto - Web Hosting.com. There is only so much we can do as Moderators. Server stuff isn't on the list, sorry.
  17. Then I will close this Topic. Thanks for informing us.
  18. Yes, the Forum doesn't like the backslash characters used by Perl and Php. and it even escapes single and double quotes in the shoutbox .(sometimes, I haven't figured out exactly when they do or don't like them) Is that the code from the Perl script posted there? Or is there something being re-written by the Server? and maybe that's why the headers aren't complete and the error gets sent instead? Kinda hard without seeing the entire script, not that I am terribly familiar with Perl. This looks similar to a portion of the header that might be missing: print "(anti-spam-(anti-spam-(anti-spam-(anti-spam-(anti-spam-(anti-spam-content-type:)))))) text/htmlnn"; Trying to print out the content-type Header or something... I'm going to suggest you post this problem in the Computer Programming section under the Scripting sub-forum. Sorry I can't be any more assistance.
  19. Permissions set to 755 let you read, write and execute, lets the public read and execute only. You don't tell use what the script does, so I can't say for sure, but chmod the permissions to 777 and see if that works. Use the File Manager in cpanel. Navigate to the directory which contains the files by clicking on the Icon beside the public html folder, then the Icon for the file. select the file by name, then select to change permissions. There will be a checkbox formatted frame show up. Click all of the checkboxes to increase the permissions to read 777. Also set the permissions for the directory to the same if the file permissions don\t work by themselves, then throttle them back to test if you are concerned about security, but max them out to start to get them running, first.Let us know if this works, please.So, what do the scripts do?And there are some pretty big differences between Windows and Apache servers, particularly concerning file permissions, so you can't compare how the two systems work or don't. We'll see if there is anything we can do to help.
  20. No, don't do that Mich. If you delete a file from the www folder, it is no longer available in the public_html, either. The www folder is just an alias, for public_html, meaning if you point to the www folder, you are mirrored to the public_html where the actual files exist. They only exist once, but can be pointed to from either the public_html or the www folders. There is only one physical copy up there. If you delete a file from either pblic_html or www, it is gone from both of them...
  21. .cpanel-datastore ===> a place for cpanel to store stuff. ie: which modules are active, etc. .fantasticodata ===> used by fantastico to store its information. ie: which scripts are installed, when, etc. etc == > a folder "above" the public_html folder -- Apache Servers have some security features which make the contents of the folders "above the public_html" folder more secure against web access, a more private folder than the pulic_html. Must be accessed from the server root direction. mail ===> used to store Mail stuff, passwords for mail, redirects. Access to mail is web-based, so you will not have much to do with this folder from the cpanel side of things. public_ftp ==> A folder for others to access the ftp services on your account public_html => this is the 'web info storage place' Put all your web-site html pages here (and usually your scripts, too.) tmp ===> a folder for temporary stuff, like images created 'on the fly', maybe some database temp files and such. This gets cleaned out by automatic scripts, so don't store anything here. www ===> an 'alias' for the public_html folder --- can also upload web pages to here, but most use the public_html folder And which folder are you supposed to put all your scripts and html files in? public_html The others are pretty much all used by the cpanel and fantastico and the server scripting and it would be quite exceptional for you to have anything to do with the folders other than the public_html (or the etc folder, maybe). Any more questions, just ask.
  22. English? Don't tell a Scotsman that. http://www.robertburns.org/works/75.shtml
  23. Or use classes? In the html:<span class=?special?><script src="http://antiwar.com/ewens/counter/casualties.js"></script><script>document.write(casualties.total_value);</script></span>In the Css:.special { font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; } That takes the formatting out of the document and places it into the css file. Makes it more readily changed for the skin or template.
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