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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Most email Programs will 'export' the information into a 'csv' file and then the php script can grab them from there or import the 'csv' file into a database for the script to handle. And you would have to be the owner of the email address book for that to happen. (just in case you were thinking of grabbing someone else's information)
  2. Find3r,I have already editted a couple of your posts and removed some smilies which were excessive, so please don't use any more of them than are neccesary. Other user report them as Spam, which if you insist on continuing will get you a Warning which will not be good when you apply for Hosting.Best advise is to read the Xisto Readme file and reply to fewer Topics with longer posts since the credits awarded are based on word count in the posting and the number of posts means very little.Anyway, welcome to the Forum. Hope you enjoy yourself.
  3. If anyone opposes this application, they have some serious perception difficulties. I'd wish you all the best of luck in this matter if I thought it would help, but your Graphics abilities will most certainly get you on the Crew. Glad that you have joined up.
  4. Skagweed, Been rolling them a little too tight lately? I don't have any idea what the point is that you are trying to make there, but I sense an adverserial attitude over an innocuously posted topic. I'd like to suggest that it be your attitude that needs adjusting. I find your comments to be terribly sexist with respect to the 'especially women'... and don't expect too many emails from any of the women I know, not with that approach...
  5. jlhaslip


    Just a reminder that the posted Speed Limit is a Maximum, not a requirement. I live in a mountainous area and there are roads where the maximum posted speed is 40 km per hour and during snow storms, you are insane for going any faster. It is 850 ft to the bottom of the ravine. So, although I agree that often city traffic can be frustrating because of the volume of vehicles and bad drivers going too fast/slow, there is a need to consider safety while driving. In addition to the weather, and time of day, your concentration, tiredness, distractions can all play a part in causing accidents. I would rather be forced to go slow and be certain of arriving than to travel too quickly and get in an accident. I also don't live in the City. That is part of the reason, Traffic is the pits.
  6. Actually, you only have 20 or so posts, so it isn't really too late for an intro. And since you are now also Hosted, You must not be spamming the Forum or I'm sure I would've seen your name on the Report Board, so good for you. Come, visit, read, enjoy yourself. The Mods are here to assist you if they can or to redirect your questions if they can't, but the entire community is quite helpful, so if you need assistance, read the Xisto readme, or do a search. If there are no answers from those resources, start a Topic and the answers will be there in no time.Good to have another member around. Enjoy.
  7. Sounds like being a Mod here some nights... Actually, I am kidding. I don't listen to music, LOL. It does sound like it would be a lot of fun though. Let us know how it goes for you.
  8. The best way to delete things (assuming they were installed by fantastico) is by using fantastico to 'un-install' the software. Go to the cpanel and select the Module just like you did to install it and you will be given the choice to un-install. It will clean up all that needs to be gotten rid of, freeing up your space in the process..
  9. You seem to be treating the Muslims in the same manner that you are complaining about. Generalizations lead to the form of prejudice you dis-like so much.
  10. create a file and test to see if it works then
  11. Check to see if the file exists [file_exists()] before start this procedure.
  12. WOW, NICE JOB!10/10 isn't enough for that sig. I'd give you 20/20, at least.
  13. To get the margins back, simply change the margin in the body selector back to 5px or create a new selector where you want the margins. Play with it.Also, simply change the sizes back to px will work, too. The div.content margin-left has to be larger than the width of the div.menu sidebar to work properly.
  14. Links are okay to post as long as they are not referal links. DO NOT post external links in the Shoutbox unless they are posted to a Xisto company to assist a member in need of help.
  15. well,I'll start by saying these are both pretty good.saga, I like the second image of the face in the background, but I'm voting for AD because of the additional text and the subdued colours. I also prefer the border he used.Albus Dumbledore 2saga 0
  16. Check out sort(), asort(), rsort(), arsort(), and ksort() at http://php.net/.
  17. I don't use any softwares for creating tables, so I don't know the specific answer for Macromedia Dreamweaver, but the 'look' of the table can be changed by adding some Cascading Style Sheet information. Adjusting the borders, adding colours, changing the text and background colours is all done with css. If you describe what you are looking for, someone will help you achieve to look you want. And if you can provide a link to the file (if it is uploded) or post the html code (and the css file) here would help.
  18. Actually, there are a couple of other things I would change. Here is a css and html code block to look at. It would be more typical to change the div's to named div's (id=) rather than classes (class=), but I left them as classes for this sample. Adjust the gappage between the menu and content by changing the values for the width of the menu and the margin-left of the content. If you set the width of the frame div to 100% , this would allow the page to adjust to fill the whole display rather than the fixed pixel width.CSS: BODY{background-color:#22324f;background-image:url('./images/bg.gif') width:100%;margin:0px;padding:0px;}DIV.frame {background-color:#07571f;border:solid #000000 2px;width:100%;}DIV.green {background-color:#6d966c;}DIV.menu {width:24%;background-color:#cccccc;float:left;}DIV.content {background-color:#cccccc;width:75%;margin-left: 25%;}img.banner {width:100%;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px;} HTML: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" > <title>DOCUMENT TITLE</title><link href="moldboy_files/2sty.css" rel="STYLESHEET" type="TEXT/CSS"></head><body> <div class="frame"> <img src="moldboy_files/banner.jpg" class="banner" width="100%" alt=" enter something here"> <div class="green"> <div class="menu"> Hey<br /> Hey<br /> Hey<br /> Hey<br /> Hey<br /> </div> <div class="content"> <p>cpntent</p> <p>cpntent</p> <p>cpntent</p> <p>cpntent</p> <p>cpntent</p> <p>cpntent</p> <p>cpntent</p> </div> </div> </div></body></html> Try this to see if it works for you. It validates.
  19. Add a margin to the content div greater than the fixed width of the sidebar ( menu) and in the same direction shoud help to solve the problem. DIV.content {background-color:#cccccc;width:500px;margin-left: 150px;} And eliminate the float: right for the content div. Try it and post back if there is any problem with that.
  20. Yup, Thanks. A gift for just doing my job. Cool. I'll add it to the list and create a sig rotation script now that I have a collection.
  21. I only get a one-line page showing there. Do you have another link?What about a listing of the html code?Also, it is easier to design the site so it works in Mozilla / Firefox correctly and then hack it for IE, so don't even look at it in IE until you get what you want in FF. Run the page through the w3c.org validator to see what it says as well. Make sure you include a correct Doc Type Declaration at the top of the page.
  22. Where I live, Drivers Licences are "progressive". The "Learners" is the same, but once you pass the driver's test, it takes two years to receive a Permanent driver's licence. There are some restrictions like, no passeners for 6 months, no night driving, no tickets allowed or they pull your permit to drive. It seems to help. Doesn't matter what age yu are, either. Glad I got mine before this program was in place.
  23. Well, Hacking is not discussed on this Forum, so do not even mention the word. The first and only penalty for Hacking related issues in immediate suspension. Just warning you. I'll remove that link up there, too.
  24. Jesse, (and others), Here is the php code for php versions earlier than php5. I found it in a Tutorial written by Albus D, so I am quoting it here instead of using code tags. And the reason it failed when you tried it is because the "printf()" function formats the output. The "%.3f" defines the format as floating point decimal using 3 digits and was not displaying the number correctly because your page generation times were too fast (small). Had it been formatted as "%.6f", it would have worked better for you.
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