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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Another thing is that how does the system recognize 16 Hex characters being replaced with only 8 Hex characters? and is this really a Security Issue? As noted above, all the MS-DOS echo command does is define the Std-output back to the display terminal.
  2. Nice site. I like that your flash loads quickly. Neat effects.
  3. Unfortunately, yes, it may happen again. One study has it where there have been about 93,000 victims of that one single incident, although the official version is way less than that. The incident is only twenty years old, and the real results won't be known for certain for another twenty years, really. Until all the potential victims have either died as a result of cancer or other illnesses brought on by their exposure, or survived. A real tragedy for the people in the area. The CanDu Reactor is inside a containment building and apparently would have protected the local residents.
  4. Dogeater, about the metric thing, here is a little bit of info to compare the different units of measurrment. I am 6'0" tall, which is 1.8 metres and weight 180 pounds, 80 kg. 4 ft is about 1.2 m and a kg is approx 2.25 lbs.
  5. the sig is saved as a jpg (jpeg) file and that format not allow for animation. Try saving it in the .gif format to have it animated.
  6. 1.8 meters, 79.5 kg just squeeks in to the Normal range. 24.5 calculated, so that's not bad for an old guy like me...
  7. I like it. How do you get the embossed look to the statue?
  8. You should go back to the place the Domain name is registered and set the new nameservers accordingly. The information should be according to the information above. Try that and post back here if you need more assistance. It may take as long as 72 hrs to affect your account, so be prepared for a delay of at least 48 hrs as suggested. In order to access the account from your own computer before the nameserver change takes effect, there is information in the Xisto readme file to allow for altering the HOSTS file on your machine.
  9. Red Skeleton isn't on the list. He's probably funnier than either of them in his time, of course. Certainly more popular in his day. Had his own TV show way back when...
  10. Ans what render are you looking for? Someone might already have what you want and be able to supply you with it if they knew what it was you are requesting ...
  11. Did you search the tutorial section here at the Xisto?There are a couple of different methods used in Login Tutorials here.
  12. Same results for me. Patience is required. Neither Xisto nor Xisto - Web Hosting has any input into the Domain propagation process. It could take another day or so before the nameserver change occurs throughout the web.Have you tried to do the HOSTS file alterations which will allow you to access your site? Look in the Xisto Readme file for information about that procedure.
  13. As per the Xisto Terms of Service, there should be no mention of (or linking to) Hacking sites.Your linked Forum seems to violate this Requirement. so I will be disconnecting the link from your signature.Any future linking to Hacking sites will get you banned.
  14. Denied, not enough posts. Read the pinned topic outlining the requirements.
  15. Okay, something like this would work using the example you provide: $body = "<head>n";$body .= "</head>n";$body .= "<body bgcolor="red">n";$body .= "<p>This is a test</p>n";$body .= "</body>n";What this does is concatenant the "body" of the message into the variable named $body, complete with newline characters at the end of each line. Notice that the double quotes must be escaped. Then continue with the rest of the parameter variables like this: $to = "your_list_member_email@example.com";$subject = " as per usual";$from_header = "your_email@example.com"; Lastly, the example given above to output the 4 parameters using the mail() function: $add_header = 'MIME-VERSION; 1.0n';$add_header .= '(anti-spam-(anti-spam-(anti-spam-content-type:))) text/html; charset=iso-8859-1n";mail($to, $subject, $body, $from_header . $add_header);At least I think that will work. Won't be far off. Post back here if you need any more assistance.
  16. Another awesome piece of work there SM.Keep producing these masterpieces. I love them.
  17. Moving to General Topic.A good method to start out posting here and earning some credits is to post an Introduction Topic and begin a discussion with other members about things that interest you. Others will respond to the Intro and direct you to other topics.Also, please be aware that your posts should be placed into the correct Forum. Thanks.
  18. try hotscripts.com. They have some really great scripts.
  19. Me too. Best of luck in the competition. Nice Picture.I'll move this posting into General Topics.
  20. The mail() has three required parameters. ($to, $subject, $body) and a fourth ($from_header) is reccomended. In order to send the email as an html document, the fourth parameter has to set the MIME type as text/html as follows: $add_header = 'MIME-VERSION; 1.0n';$add_header .= '(anti-spam-content-type:) text/html; charset=iso-8859-1n"; So, for example, the correct code would then become: mail($to, $subject, $body, $from_header . $add_header); where the $to, $subject, $body, $from_header are previously set as per a regular text email. Note that the $add_header is concatenated to the $from_header inside the mail function in this example. It could be concatenated outside the function also, if you desire.
  21. Maybe first you better explain why you are asking for this procedure?Most keyloggers are considered spyware and will be refused by a decent malware detection program. Also, there are Terms of Service for these Forums which do include not discussing Hacking and or Security Violations. If you convince us that you have good reason to use this Keylogging system, someone may be able to assist you, but until then, probably not.
  22. To allow html emails, you have to use the correct headers on the form. Google on multi-part form headers. I forget the exact header to send, but it is relatively simple enough to do. When I get home, I'll have a look to see the correct format and post it here.
  23. I'm looking forward to seeing the site. It looks interesting and educational. Certainly will be different than most of the clan sites.
  24. Sometimes when I am updating file lists and such on my account, I have noticed that it requires that you get out of the File Manager by returning to the cpanel home page and then come back into the File Manager and the lists are updated correctly. Don't know why, and can't exactly remember the particular circumstances, but I have occasionally noticed that it helps to do that.
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