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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. And they make some pretty cool looking shapes when they are graphed using Polar Co-ordinates.
  2. In my humble opinion, she is asking for trouble of the pregnancy or STD variety, never mind the consequences of the attitudes which the other friends are calling her names, etc. Hopefully she finds a way out of the current situation. As they say in the movies: " She has issues."
  3. Sorry, I can't be any assistance. Here in Canada we have a Universal Health Care System which means everyone is covered by a Government based Health Insurance Plan, so we do not have to shop for Health Care services.Good Luck in your search.
  4. hey, congrats on the healthy baby girl. I hope that nerve thing is only temporary and be thankful that both the Mom and the baby are well.Things in your life have changed and the Mom's reacting in this manner is not uncommon. Search for some assistance with this problem at your Local Public health Clinic or the Mom's Doctor would also be a good starting point to get some help. Realistically, you can not continue on the schedule you are currently on. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  5. I am 53 yrs old, and I have smoked for 20 years and don't look a day over 65.
  6. According to the rules as posted in the pinned topic regarding Siggies, you are required to have made 10 good postings before your request will be allowed.Request denied. Topic closed.
  7. Welcome back.Good to see a member returning. I am one of the newer Mods here and love this place.See you around.
  8. It takes a while for the statistics script to adjust your stats. The script is only run occasionally, but don't know exactly how often or I would mention it here. Regardless, the stats for your site will be updated the next time the script is run and then you will be able to install additional scripts.
  9. see.patience is required.
  10. mysql outages are usually short-lived. Please be patient.
  11. And the forum is carefully moderated, too.If you have any bad experiences here, we have no qualms about banning users who fail to participate by the rules as posted on the Xisto readme. To report any rule violations, simply pm any Moderator.Ask your parents to review the rules and read the topics on the Forum. This Forum is suitable for a General audience, or the Moderators should be advised by PM of any Topics and Postings which do not meet the Xisto Readme guidelines. Topics and Postings are all subject to Moderation.
  12. or www directory (which is a mirror of public_html).Also, clearing your cache is sometimes a good thing to try.
  13. Server assistance is available at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ for problems similar to what you are experiencing. As for the updating of the stats on your account, the script which reports storage space and mysql usage is run on a schedule and may not reflect accurately until the next time the script is run. I do not know how many times a day the stats are calculated. It may only be once or twice per day.
  14. jlhaslip

    Image Links

    There are no stupid questions here on the Forum if the purpose is to learn something new and useful.
  15. I have moved the duplicate topic to SPAM to be deleted.also, please do not "sign-off" your postings. Please use the signature block available in your profile. Thanks.
  16. Very nice siggies.I look forward to seeing some of your work in the challenges or the Sig of the Week contests.Good work, glad that you shared these with us.
  17. copied from http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=nexusion&e=com Warning issued.
  18. Glad to have you here.All those Tutorials have been contributed to the Forum by members just like you, so if you have any specials talents or information, please contribute back to the Knowledge Base here at the Xisto.Feel free to wander around and add to all the Topics based on your own experiences and most importantly, have fun.
  19. HI and welcome to the Xisto Forums. I wish you all the best in creating your site. Be sure to post any problems you need solved in the correct forum, like HTML or Web Design or PHP Scripts. There is usually lots of people willing to assist you with any troubles you may have.Good Luck and please enjoy yourself here at the Xisto.
  20. As you can tell by the previous repies to your Introduction Topic, reading the Xisto Readme is important here, but don't assume that the rules are there because we are wanting to control your every move. The rules are in place so that everyone can enjoy their stay here at the Xisto. Spam is not allowed nor is Plagarism. Learn and use the bbcode tags to quote information which is not an Original posting here, whether it is yours from another forum or not. And Lists should also be quoted.Other than that, I just want to say welcome to the Trap and please enjoy your visits.
  21. Drop the Table based layout and use real css divs instead. Tables should be used for 'tabular data'. A list of links should be an Unordered list for layout.Lose the px based sizing and use percentages to size your layout. Use Margins and Padding to centre the Body.Add the Navigation to a list rather than the 'divitis' approach you have used. Navigation links are better suited to being lists rather than Div's. A Div is a generic container, Links are listed items inside a generic container. Lists can be treated so that they can be displayed Horizontal or Vertical.Also, in future, could you please supply a link to a test page for us? It is easier to see the problem if we can link directly to a page.Also, as soon as something works exactly as you want it to using IE as your Browser, I am suspicious that there is a problem. Do your design using Firefox or Opera first and get it working properly and then test it in IE. Doing it this way produces better (Standards Compliant) code. FF and Opera are more likely to interprete the html and CSS correctly and then you can hack the IE. Otherwise, you end up trying to hack FF into mis-interpreting the code to do what you want and it is easier to hack IE since it is usually the one which does not behave in a Standards Compliant manner.
  22. Waking up in the morning is a very special occasion when you get as old as I am...
  23. I visited your site and, yes, I thought it could use some speeding up, so here is a link to a site analyzer which will give you some ideas on where and how to reduce the loading times for your page. Basically, you should think about reducing the number of images and the "marquee" effects in odrer to make your site load faster. http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/
  24. A couple of ideas here:Do a Virus scan to eliminate that possibilityDo a scandisk and a Defrag of your Harddrives. That'll get things running more efficiently.Do a Registry Cleaning.Clean out your cookie bin.At least these are some tasks that may help to resolve your problem and they will also reduce the load on your system.You don't mention what system you are running and also, is it always the same program which crashes on you? Have you been in contact with the Service people for the Software which is crashing?
  25. Please avoid signing-off your postings. It is viewed as cheating the credit system.Instead, simply modify your profile to accomodate a signature. There is a Pinned topic about siggies in the Tutorial section.Thanks for your co-operation in this matter.
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