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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Suggestion: try doing a search on the keywords +download +php +mysql here (or maybe try over at the Xisto Forum (http:http://forums.xisto.com/)).The Xisto Forum is more technical than the Trap and may have the information you are seeking.
  2. Try to stay on-topic, folks.This went from a topic about a specific person to Airport security in general and is moving off on a tangent towards Harry Potter's death. Unless he dies inside the carry-on luggage of the author, the information you post should be relevant to the Original Topic.Thank you for your co-operation.
  3. I assume you are asking about the php code for that? and not using phpadmin? or the cpanel backup system?
  4. I had a similar problem on a Win98 machine once and the problem was, as I recall, a BIOS-related issue. A simple file update was all that was required. Don't remember the specifics, but after receiving the updated file, it was all good. Does the machine start-up in Safe Mode at all? If so, there is a good chance this can be fixed easily enough. Press [f3] (I think, at least on that old klunker I ran) while the machine is Booting to enter Safe Mode. All that happens during Safe Mode start-up is the machine does not look for or install all the drivers and such, so there will be devices which do not work since the machine doesn't recognize them. Once the Machine is in Safe Mode, there are placed to go and run some diagnostic tests. I am not the person to offer advise about where and what to do next. The point I am attempting to make is simply to determine if the machine could be started in order to further diagnose the problem. Worst thing that happens is a re-install of the Operating System. Save the drivers before you attempt the re-install. It can take hours to search for and download the correct driver sets and since Win 98 is no longer supported by M$, it might be difficult to find the correct ones at all. Good luck. Hope this helps.
  5. No. Mods will not be available or supported until the final version is released. There will likely be another Beta version followed by a Release Candidate version before the Final version is available for Modding. The Software Developers have been advised to start working on their Mods, but to expect changes still.
  6. As with the MP3/Music stuff, it would be allowed to host downloads of Mobile Games and other stuff (read this next part carefully) as long as you are the Copyright Holder or have their consent prior to making them available on your site. (okay, did you get that?)
  7. I have it set up on my Laptop at present, otherwise I could possibly arrange to set a copy up on my site and then let you tour through? I'll see about that later today.
  8. Nope, I don't think there is. There have been several attempts to figure it out, but the actual credit script is known only by Opaque and those who assisted in the coding of it.
  9. In the fantastico section of the Xisto cpanel you might have noticed that there is an opportunity of have a Forum installed on your Hosting account. One of the available Forums is phpBB, and last time I checked, the version on the fantastico was something like 2.17. The newest production version is phpbb 2.21 and it includes all the latest fixes and bug squashes. The 'new' phpbb is version 3.0 Beta 2. This means it is not yet suitable for an actual production environment, but it is solid enough to be made available to user for testing. Phpbb 3 Beta 2 version has an rather impressive list of features. The full list of them is available here. For those of you running an older version of phpbb or a copy of IPB 1.31 (the last free one), you might want to have a look and download this version as a 'test' Forum to check out the features. The Admin Control Panel is very well structured, at least in comparison to the old version I run on my site. And there are loads of features which make the upcoming phpbb3 look and act a lot like the IPB Forum here at the trap. Worst part about this new version is that because the DB and Schema are so different from the php2x versions, all the Mods have to be re-written and there will be no Mods available or supported until the Production version is available. So, if you can live with an out-of-the-box, vanilla flavoured, full featured Forum, this might be for you. download from phpbb Mods: you would love the Mod features. Built-in Report Centre, Notes on Members, Warning and Ban Logs reports. {Drool}
  10. Just wanted to remind you to save your registry settings before you change them in case something goes wrong in the process you can revert back to the original settings.And does this work for XP also?
  11. All you need to know about Frames (Yuck!), and more, can be found at this site I will move this to the HTML topic for you.
  12. I don't know what the name of this exercise is, but pick up a brick and hold your arm straight up in the air. Now let the brick fall behind you. Your elbow will be straight up in the air, then pull the brick back up to extend your arm to the sky and repeat for a full set.Duplicate with the other arm and do 3 sets.repeat daily until youneed a bigger brick.
  13. The place wouldn't be the same without you, SM. Thanks for being you.And congrats on the milestone..... 4000 posts. Wow!
  14. The purpose of this post is to share SM "Evil" stories with all of us.If he has been "evil" towards you or if you witnessed an "evil" act directed towards others, please take a minute and share it with all of us.Thanks for sharing.
  15. Validate early and it is easier to maintain the valid state of you pages. Once you fill the page with all kinds of stuff it becomes more difficult to track down the problems you are experiencing and correct them. I typically validate both the (x)html and the css once I have a page structured and then after I insert the nav and then again when the content is filled in. Validate your page from here
  16. Once you have the suspicious file inside the AVG Virus Vault, simply leave it there. It will be inaccessible to you or the system and that copy of the file will no longer be a problem. Some virii, however, replicate themselves, so be cautious about virii for the next little while and run AVG regularly. Be sure to update the files from their site, also.
  17. try Open Office.org to download a free version of their software.As far as i know, Microsoft Word is neither free nor downloadable.
  18. The blocks are just a gif or image of some sort to take up space and add colour. The most important thing is the percentage value of your warn level. Ideally, you should be at 0%. That means you do not have any warnings against you. Other regular members or guests or Hosted members can only see their own warn percentage. Mods and Admins can see everyone's percentage. Only Mods and Admins can issue warnings or reduce your warn level.
  19. Iraq's history includes being the start of civilization as we know it today. Do some googling and search on Mesopotamia(sp?). And the stated opinion that the 'we' (read USA) had better step in and improve things is, in a nutshell, what got you into this mess in the first place.
  20. I live in the Rocky mountains in western Canada, the Province of British Columbia.
  21. Consider that Racism is a socially learned trait. We aren't born racist. Our Culture and Societal upbringing teaches us to be that way.When I was younger, I had an opportunity to watch (from a distance) as Detroit Michigan was burning during the riots of the sixties and didn't understand what was happening, but I knew it was bad because of the scenes I watched on television. From that experience, and with help from my parents due to their open-mindedness, I consider that I am extremely fortunate to be as close to non-racist as I could imagine. It would not phase me what-so-ever to see a mixed relationship. But you and others might be phased,due to your upbringing, so the important thing is to live your life and you will know in your heart whether there is anything wrong with your relationship. *warning* They don't always last, so enjoy them while you have the opportunity. *end warning*Hopefully, yours will last a long time, if it is right for both of you, regardless of the mixing of the races. Good Luck, of course.
  22. Firstly, I suggest you not use the html editor on the Trap Server simply because it places an unneccesary demand on the server when the file editting is still in the build/test stage, so use your local text-editor and check it in your Browser locally before uploading.Secondly, your page is table-based and I don't work on table-based pages, so I really can't help you except to suggest you learn all about css and use Div's for layout. The use of tables for Layout is so 90'ish and there are greater benefits to learning css layouts. It makes cleaner, faster loading sites which are tons easier to maintain.Thirdly, what you do next is place some content and Navigation links into what you already have built. It looks good so far, at least to me.(see suggestion above).Fourthly,There is always somone around that will assist you do what you want or need to do, but we can't guess at what you are trying to do on your site, so I suggest you ask more specific questions. Example: I have a basic page design here, but need to know about building a link list for my Navigation on this site I have created. Then we know what you are having trouble with.Lastly, Since there is no direction as per item 4 above, I will close this Topic. Consider item number 4 above and start a new topic in the HTML section once you have a more specific question. Thanks for understanding.
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