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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. Only if you own the What-ever-I-want-here dot com domain name.
  2. My fault. I deleted the wrong duplicate post following a report that it was duplicated.Please be reminded that postings can be editted. Kindly edit the original posting to add the image or link. Thank you.
  3. Pass the name of the input as a hidden value with the form. and then check for the $_post('name1') in the receiving code. A friend from another forum has a form which uses this method. I will post a link here asap. Also, for recursion, add another hidden field to tell you how many values the form is passing. *edit to add link* This is a tutorial about how to use this technique on a mail form, but modify it for your purposes. It should work our fine. Generic Mail Form Tutorial
  4. BH, get out of my head...Been working on a calendar script all week wondering how to make it a web-based, accessible calendar for the schedule of the local Hockey association.Perfect timing for this Tutorial.I think I might have an idea or two to add some color to this thing. I will post them here when I come up with them.
  5. You have assumed that someone reported your post. Not neccesarily true. We often check for plagarised posts and are quite successful in find them.As Kubi pointed out above, it is more usual that a Warning be issued and the post deleted or moved to Spam, which deducts more credits than you earned. Instead, I gave you the break of 'quoting' the post. You are better off this way, credits-wise, and you do not have a Warning to thwart your Hosting Application. To avoid losing more credits, please refer to the Xisto Readme (help) file for all the information you need to become successfully Hosted.
  6. Hijackthis doesn't fix anything, it merely reports what is happening inside the box.Have you been to any trouble shooting sites like pcpitstop to see what they would suggest?
  7. jlhaslip


    Try using the following: <A HREF="images.html" target=Images>Pictures</A>For all I know, it might work.
  8. Check out the RAM on that baby. They used 5.25 inch floppies and no Hard Drive. Forget about the Internet. Ahhh, the good old days...
  9. Much along the lines of a sig request, except I need someone to build a gaphic so I can have an image to place in the Community Project. I have a couple of jpeg's listed below to show the style of building I would like to have for posting. It is a Timberframe style. The graphic doesn't need to be exact or anything, just in the same style with posts and beams. Sort of a "Tudor" style of design. Size and other specs can be found on BH's posting here. Transparent background is mandatory, so png is good. You can add a deck, carport, people, trees, whatever. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png Thanks for considering this task. (I have credits to award... )
  10. Zero,Just relax a little. Her Mom will leave soon and then the focus will be back to you. When was the last time she saw her Mom? Let them do their thing for a couple of weeks.As for the direction the relationship is going, it takes two to tango. Simply let her know that she is important to you and let destiny take its course. One really good way is to send flowers to her work place. They love that.In regards to the constant fighting, it is okay to lose those 'discussions'. Let her express herself in these moments of anger/disappointment/whatever. You don't tell us the nature of the problems which cause the fights. If they are over little things, then adapt or modify your behaviour a bit. It is easier to take out the garbage than fight about it. Help out around the place. You mention she works, but don't say what you do all day. It can be frustrating and upsetting to have the working partner come home to an un-cleaned place. Let her know that you are willing and able to be an asset to the relationship rather than a liability. I have made some assumptions here. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  11. On the Xisto account you have for Hosting your site, you get all three features in the cpanel and if you buy the domain from domains.computinghost.com, you have the choice to use all three as well. A perfect fit.
  12. I think "Hutterites" is correct.Interesting group of people, no doubt.
  13. Agreed on the w3schools link.Lose the Table-based design concept. Start to learn XHTML and css2. Although it sounds like a daunting task, it really isn't any more difficult to learn. It will be harder to un-learn tables.A good book for css and xhtml is :Intergrated HTML and CSS by Virginia DeBolt, pulbished by SYBEXC/w disk and teaches web standard designing and coding.Great resource to have with you.
  14. Good start. I would split the IBP and E107 logos apart and have the text in the middle between them.
  15. The original poster made a Spam topic and 4 members replied without reporting the topic to a Moderator. IN THE FUTURE: When you see a spam topic or a spam posting: REPORT IT TO THE MODS FOR HANDLING. Use the "Report Button" Replying to the topic or posting saying it is Spam is also a Spam posting. You are at risk of receiving a warning as well. Fair notice is given.
  16. Yes. Very good job on modding the original sig. Second one is a great improvement.Keep working on your skills and techniques. You'll be a master in no time.Check out the Tutorial section for many more tips.ps: you don't have your name on the new one anywhere...
  17. It was once described to me that there are three stages in the 'love' process. In the beginning, there is the euphoric 'falling in love' stage where your whole life revolves around the other person. You are in constant contact, must know details and their schedule, can't go a day without speaking to them, etc. Followed by the 'being in love' stage where the daily tasks seem to dominate your focus and the partner is on the edge of what you do. Most things you do work towards maintaining the relationship. ie: working to pay the bills and provide the essentials, behaving in a manner which won't upset them, etc. The "being loving" stage is after all of the life essentials are arranged and you focus on the one who is your partner. Ever see a retired couple holding hands on a bus and he guides her with a hand on her elbow when they are exiting? That is the 'being loving' stage. *back on topic* Pain can enter into the process at any of these stages. It is exceptional to not have pain in a relationship. How you deal with it is the crtical part. In the early and late stages, the most pain results from the possibility of 'losing' your partner. But for different reasons. Early on, you cannot imagine the future without them. Later, you cannot image the future without them, having only the past to look forward to keeping you alive.
  18. Good point, Lonebyrd.Or maybe try using a phpbb forum as a first site?
  19. FTP problems can result from many things. There are several links in the chain which could be breaking along the route which the file must travel from your computer to the Xisto server.When I was previously hosted elsewhere, and using dialup, the ftp process was difficult to keep open for more than about 3 minutes. I never did find out the problem, but it reminds me to ask you about what service are you on? Might make a difference.Also, there is a File Upload feature on the cpanel. If using your ftp is a problem, maybe try using Cpanel > File Manager instead of the ftp from your end..
  20. I would like to direct your attention to this topic and your post which I made a note on. The post was reported by an observant member and found to be copied. I inserted bbcode quote tags and the credit script reduced credits based on the number of credits this posting originally received. Spam, cut and paste, copying, and plagarism are not tolerated on the Xisto Forum. Please read the Xisto readme file for detailed information. Link is in my signature.
  21. Welcome to the trap forums.Hope you enjoy these forums and remember that the guiding principles here are to leave the forums a better place than when you arrived. Take the knowledge in the Topics, learn from them and give some back. We are willing to share our knowledge with you, but , soon, there will be newer members arriving and by then you will be capable of providing some guidance to them.Just like those who have posted above me were once newbies and have improved as members, so will you.Enjoy.
  22. All Normal on the western horizon. I'm closing this one.
  23. Gamma server is now all green on the status board.
  24. There is a topic around here someplace about configuring Outlook for your mail. Might have to use the search feature. *edit* Does this help? http://forums.xisto.com/topic/34031-outlook-2003-email-settings-and-web-based-e-mail/ or this pinned topic: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/29059-mail-settings-to-configure-outlook-express-common-mistakes-by-members/
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