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Everything posted by jlhaslip

  1. A Database is a collection of related information. Tables are a collection of 'similar' information within the Database. The Tables are structured into 'rows', or 'records'. Each Rows includes 'fields'. Example: a Database named "school" contains Tables named "students", "teachers" and "courses". The information about students is in the 'students' table, etc. The Table for 'students' might contain name, address, phone number, student id_number. These are fields. The table for 'courses' would contain information about the different courses, such as the Teacher responsible and the Students registered in that course. This is a simplified version. Most applications use a "normalized" Database which is another Lesson, so once you understand the structure of simple Databases, it is important to grasp the concept of Database Normalization, where you reduce the amount of redundant data in the database and create connections between the various Tables. For example, you would likely create a 'student course' Table to connect students and classes instead of storing the information in the student record. Hope this assist you with the concepts. There is much more that you will need to understand about Databases, this posting is intended to be simply a Primer. Google will provide a fuller response. search: Database Tables Or here: https://gen.xyz/
  2. jlhaslip

    "hard" Delete

    The ms-dos "del" command might work for you. http://www.computerhope.com/delhlp.htm
  3. domains.computinghost.com is a Xisto site which handles Domain purchases, set-up, etc. Or find it in the top Bar of every Forum page under "Xisto".Why not keep it in the family, and at the same price as Yahoo!, too. dot coms $7.99 USD for the first year, same as Yahoo Small Business...
  4. I'm thinking of it as a Wiki, of sorts. Or similar to about.com, where they have information provided by experts on the topic.Good idea, don't mean to burst your bubble, b ut it has already been done. If you proceed, I certainly wish you the best...
  5. Here is a little something to welcome you to the Xisto. Look familiar?
  6. What brand of Forum are you using? You want it to be fixed width? What Browser are you using? Have you checked it in other Browsers?Need more info here.
  7. The "falling" dream is very common, but apparently, sleeping through the (dream) landing is nearly impossible. Any ideas why that is the case?
  8. Go to http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/vhosts/ and read about Virtual Name Hosting and the changes required to the Apache Directives file on your machine.<br />and then go to http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/vhosts/examples.html to see examples of configuring an Apache Server with Virtual Hosts using names instead of IP's. You may require a change to your HOSTS file on your local machine as well. Also, look in the Tutorial Section here and search on XAMPP. Tyssen wrote some information about altering these ini and hosts files to allow "subdomains" as you are requesting. It is simple once you figure out which ini file to mod.
  9. jlhaslip


    Yes, you can link to an online service like Imagefilez or upload them to your own account. Either way, the images will show up on your Xisto web site, assuming you create the correct addressing for the images. If you have troubles with that, start a new Topic in the HTMl sub-forums and someone will be along to answer your questions. Members are here to assist each other.
  10. jlhaslip


    Well, the Xisto just celebrated its 3rd Anniversary, it has over 30,000 registered members, it is a part of a company that just keeps getting bigger and better.Welcome to the best free Web Host that I could find...
  11. Firefox stopped a pop-up, and very little of the page I saw was about video games. It seems to be a page full of advertising. I don't recommend anyone go there without virus protection and an Ad blocker working.
  12. Are Staff Members allowed to enter? Please specify. I would enter it as a challenge, but most Staff members don't need the credits anyway...Thanks.
  13. Wow, another Father on the Forum.*wait*, yes, I saw the pix of your baby. The cute one....All the Best for today to all the Fathers out there. Enjoy.
  14. And the download link is http://www.apple.com/safari/ for this newest version. Please note that the Safari for Windows is STILL a Beta version. The download page clearly states that they are interested in hearing from Security professionals about their testing of this browser, so changes to the code are no surprise to me.
  15. You seem to be on the right track.Simply stated, Move move, eat less is the right approach. At least in my limited experience. I rarely need to concern myself with weight loss. A couple of times I have needed to lose 10-15 pounds only and becoming more active was the solution. Swimming was an exercise of choice, with some walking and hiking in the nice weather.
  16. I make them as a soup, with the same amount of water as recommended on the package, but I chop up veggies, mushrooms, onions, etc and add that into the water while the noodles are cooking. Sometimes I add a beaten egg into the mix, too. It turns out like an Egg-drop soup, add a little soya sauce and it is pretty tasty and healthier then the salty package of flavouring the noodles come with.
  17. Click on "Credits" in the the top right hand corner of every Forum page to find all the links for things to do with your credits. One option is to Transfer credits.
  18. Well, that is indeed a great cause you are supporting there. My story is that I volunteer for Habitat for Humanity several times a year. The closest Habitat organization is a 3 hour drive from where I live, so I turn it into an adventure of sorts. I travel to the City Friday evening, do some shopping and hang out. Saturday is a Blitz day, then i usually enjoy a nice meal at an ethnic restaurant and travel back home Sunday. The Blitz is a hectic day and the entire weekend is very tiring, but rewarding.
  19. jlhaslip


    You can earn and store up as many credits as you wish in advance of your absence and the Credit script will deduct only one credit per day until the stored up credits are used up. This means that if you wish to not post for a period of time, simply earn a number of credits, take your time off, and return to posting when you are available. There is no daily/weekly/monthly posting requirement. Post and earn credits whenever you have something to contribute to the Forum Topics you find, or start a new Topic about things which interest you. It is recommended that you maintain a minimum of 10 credits at all times to cover a short absence, though. I personally have about 6 months worth in my account, but that is a bit excessive, since I am here daily. By the way, welcome to the Trap, hope you enjoy the Forums. Based on your postings which I have read, you should not be having any problems getting accepted for Hosted status. Keep up the good postings.
  20. Google on Mod rewrite. It is an Apache Server Directive that massages the URLs of your site.
  21. Like the previous posters, I, too, am sending you my regrets and condolences.Life is a precious commodity. Death is the price we pay for the life we receive. There is no doubt that this has, and will continue to have, an impact on you and your family. Don't be afraid to consult a counselor in order to handle your grief. Everyone reacts differently to situations like this and having to post this report is a step in the right direction. Be prepared to talk openly about your experience so that you can resolve any difficulties. This community will never replace your Dad, but we can be here to listen to your concerns and give what advise we can offer to assist in allowing you to vent your emotions. My sympathies go out to you and your family.
  22. jlhaslip

    Php Myadmin

    Forget about the individual installs, They can be quite challenging to install.XAMPP is a oneclick installer which gives you Apache, MySql, PHP, PhpMyadmin and several other packages which are pre-configured. I would recommend XAMPP for your local machine.
  23. Jamers,In order to run a php file on your local machine, you need to download some software. You could download all the stuff you need as individual packages, like Apache, mysql, php, phpmyadmin, etc. Or another easier method is to download a 'package' containing the complete works as a one-click install. I recommend XAMPP, which gives you Apache, MySql, PHP, Perl, phpmyadmin, Mercury mail server, and more.Apache uses the htdocs folder as the folder from which you access php files for processing. The XAMPP package requires very little 'tweaking' from the pre-defined settings in order to run php in your local environment. Once you have stored the php files in the htdocs folder, start your apache Server and then access them as "LOCALHOST/file_folder/File-name.php in your browser.Full instructions are available by reading the related tutorials in the Tutorial section here. Use the Search feature and search for 'XAMPP'.
  24. Also, only Hosted members with over 30 credits can transfer credits. Regular members are not able to transfer credits at all. And most Hosted members with excess of 30 credits would not wish to 'gamble' with those credits.
  25. Sounds like a great idea. I like it.Any additions/fixes to the bbcode tags will need to be performed by Buffalohelp or Opaque, though. We'll need to wait for one of them to review and comment and then the coding will have to be performed, so please be patient with this request. I am sure BH will get right on it if and when he decides to make this change available.
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