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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. hay that was fast, did you show up when people call you and as usual nice and scary entry, good job saint_michael. well, i am thinking of that but no idea in my mind right now, if i got one i will enter certainly.
  2. yeah, agree. but the problem is how many people are really willing to do this or contributing in it . or worse, how many people know such a fact or care to know. nowadays everyone busy living his own day not caring what will happen in the future and why. i really think everything could start from scientific solutions and join them to practical implementation. for example if science find a way to generate energy other than oil and gas for cars for example and big industries put it in action and make a new cars depending on this energy and produce it to the society in a reasonable cost then everything could be saved. or at least we can save what is left, and say we did something to save mother earth.
  3. really hope you luck here, because these days the forums is out of members than ever, especially the members that interested in SOTW. maybe if you have luck then saint_micheal will see the topic and add an entry, hope he will.
  4. well, maybe she said that between us but i can't remember, anyway i will ask her to post her though. and i think that original languages like French, Spanish, germen..ect. add a genders to nature to differ them from objects. because nature resources like sun, moon, rain, wind....ect do an action unlike the objects which do nothing. and you could find this in languages other than English because English is not an original language but it is a hybrid language that originally had been invented long time ago when the need for communicate between different people that speak different languages appeared. therefor, English been invented to make all the world understand one language other than their mother language to communicate better and understand each other better. and this is why you can find a similarity between words in French or Spanish and words in English. i always admire the one who came up with this idea, and implemented it, i can't remember who is he, but maybe i will do more research about that .
  5. well, sukhi, i hope you read the rules of the forum. because your reply now considered as spam this is one of the rules here, you are a good poster here, just read the rules from here http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  6. I'm not a girl...I'm not a girl don't tell me what to believe...Not Yet a woman...I'm just tryin to find the woman in me, yeah... All I need is time, a moment that is mine....While I'm in between... I'm not a girl, not yet a woman All I need is time, a moment that is mine...While I'm in between...

    1. anwiii


      you're not a guy.....and now you aren't a girl? i am confused haha

    2. web_designer


      hay...it's britney spears lyrics...not mine..i love this song...

    3. nirvaman


      hahahahaha britney spears !!

      britney spears is a baby not yet a girl .....

  7. well, if they are scared of being hurt then they should be careful, and watching their steps until they make sure to trust others. but being untruthful and not honest is no excuse to what they are doing. in fact, being untruthful and honest with others will send them away as soon as they find out the truth, and they will loose a true chance of having friends but they ruin it because of their untruthfully behavior.
  8. i know and i know you know that too, but sometimes people need support to keep their faith inside strong and alive. i really hope your life turn to best from now and on. recently you experienced a lot of bad actions in your life, and you've been strong enough to face them all, proud of you. keep on going you are doing a great job.
  9. well, you have a great mom then, happy for you opaque and i liked this topic, it is not stupid at all, in fact it is fun and real at the same time. i liked it a lot and sure so many members too, keep on posting topics like these and we all happy to contribute. after all, we are your loyal members and always ready to pray for you.
  10. thank you for your hard working, i needed something like this, better than searching the net every time i want to know who will play next.and i wonder why you didn't include Brazil in your pool?i always support Brazil, or France even i know that France chances of wining is not so high. but still support my favorite teams, and good luck for all.also, i wonder why your zip folder contains a folder named "vista pictures"????well, they are beautiful picture but not related in world cup at all? .
  11. your link points to "dell shop"? something for dell students discount program!!!but if you want my opinion, then mcafee is not the best option for getting a powerful antivirus, i used to use mcafee ten years ago and that time it was good but now there are much more antivirus program better than mcafee if you want i will suggest you some of them.
  12. you are right sukhi, moms are the best in his case, even i am not of the kind that supports such thing, i mean the marriage arranged by family not by the person himself. and btw, i really think that opaque doesn't decide exactly what kind of girls he wants to be his wife like or let's say he doesn't have an image of the girl he wants her to share him his life, therefore, he wrote all this long list, to make things harder for him and for his mom , but still say good luck opaque, i will pray for you.
  13. well done, i am really proud of you. i know it is a hard thing to do, but definitely it is the right thing for you and for your future. we shouldn't stick in our past, especially, when it is not worth, but we should learn from it and make sure not to repeat the same mistake again. hope you a happy new life, just focus on your goals in life, on what you want to do next and keep on going, and you will be fine, good luck.
  14. well, i know you are kidding here, but i want to make a point about that, because nowadays i saw many who thinks that it is fashionable to do such stupid behavior. i really think that being old or young never change anything about your beliefs in life. this is something related to morals, values in life, about what you want from others and what you expect from them. if they are your friends , they should be honest with you and you should do that for them. as you said before TRUST is a very important factor in friendship, if you can't trust them then how are you going to share them your thoughts or dreams? unfortunately, this happens a lot these days, you trust someone and assume him/her as a friend and after that you found out he is not trustful. i really hope not to meet any of this type again in my life and hope you will too hurt4love, good luck honey.
  15. long long posts are in here, i even couldn't finish all of them. so, i will just state my opinion about right and wrong in human being.first, i really think that all human born with a deep concept of right and wrong inside them, even it is just a small seeds of goodness and evilness. after that, growing up, experiencing new things in life, and interacting with others will feed these seeds either to grow up and become a good person or be a bad person.here comes the duty of family, family has the first and strong effect of building a child and guide him to what is right and wrong. after that, this human will grow up and become an adult who could make his own choices of what he wants to be in life.also,i really think that the deep concept of right or wrong depend on our inner sense. but sometimes we couldn't make the right choice because we get confused or distracted in life. therefore the right and wrong differs from society to another.?
  16. any time, we are always happy to help and support new members.and i forgot to tell you to sign up in xisto.com, with the same email you signed up here, to check your mycent when it returns to work of course and order a free hosting or domain name. enjoy posting.
  17. now thank you for telling me this, for not thinking a bit of passing you by someday . really, i admire your courage, i didn't meet a girl like you before. you don't mind living with a sake!!!! you are more strong than many i saw in my life, most of the girls i know they prefer dealing with bombs but not snacks .
  18. well, very interesting sites sukhi, i didn't see such a thing before even i didn't check them all.i really think that humanity should do something to save our mother earth. or else we all will suffer, we and our new generation. recycled and using solar cells isn't enough, we really need more effort and come up with new plans and procedures to save what left of our natural resources. hope there are more people? nowadays who really care to do something.
  19. never agree more, opaque is right in every single word. i always say, if someone stepped on you and on your love, step on him too. never make the past hurt you, obviously what he felt towards you isn't love, and he doesn't deserve what you offering him. so continue your life, forgot about him. and have a new life, hopping it will better than before.
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY...shree

    wish you a year full of joy and success...

    full of surprises and hopes...

    wish you to find your soul mate...

    and may all your dreams come true...

    enjoy your special day...

  21. great kobra, you are the first one here who considered the sun as female and moon as male, just like me. happy for not being alone in the world who thinks so .
  22. interesting opinion opaque, and i agree about the duality in universe. it seems like one thing completes the other. and i think this is a proof on how god creates everything in the world to be different but in the same time complete each other, just like the human being how they are competes each other when they are different.
  23. thank you anwiii for the advice, i know that eventually i have to face that thing inside me. but need more courage to take the first step. so i will follow your advices and take things slowly and hope i could get rid of this fear, thank you all for your supports and replies, wish me good luck with my next experience.
  24. hi chini13,?welcome here with us in Xisto, and yes this forum is interesting and unique because the rules here are strict and real. and we all hope to still like this. so first, i think you should read the rules of the forum from "Xisto guidlines" , after that continue posting good quality posting, even now the mycent system is stopping but all posts count so just do your best, choose a category that fits your interests, post topics or contribute in discussions and have fun.
  25. unfortunately, there are a lot of people who act like that. and you shouldn't be so upset hurt4love because now "masks off" and you knew who exactly these people ?are. even this can make you angry and disappointed but in the same time you should be happy because you find out the truth about them.about finding an explanation, well, in my opinion there is none, no excuse of being a liar or a hypocrite. if you have trouble or a bad opinion about somebody, face him face to face, not in an rude way but say what do you think of him directly to him. not behind his back and deny everything latter. that is unfair and extremely ?coward behavior. hope you won't meet more of this kind any more, and if you going to meet more, be sure to stay away from them.
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