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Everything posted by SarCasM

  1. Oh god. Not another one. >_< I'd see the frigging Pink Panther sequel before I'd even think about seeing T4. I hate Arnold, and all of the movies I've seen him in(including the Terminator ones) except one. And I fogot what it was.
  2. I don't care if that picture is old as hell, I <3 Auron, so <3 for that render.I don't really care about Hitman, but Props on that one too.
  3. Do you really think this will do anything? Do you really think the government gives a damn if tobacco is as "bad" as weed and whatever? No, sorry, they don't. The main reason marijuana isn't legal is because they can't control it, and/or make enough money off of it.Good luck with that, though. *didn't read the post*
  4. Wow, very nice, I like it. I can't find anything I really don't like about it, render, background, text(fits very well, I like). Although yeah, it would be better if the border was above everything IMO too, but it isn't completely bad.Overall nice sig, 9/10.
  5. Hm, I kinda like it. Not too complicated, fairly simple, very vectorish, pretty sexy. Although the "garbage" text could be better, but not too bad.
  6. I'm way too tired to go into a detialed review of the sigs, so I'll just quote SM. I don't mind the text, but of course he's right, it could be better. I like the FMA sig and the yellow one before the last one the best, aside from the first that is.
  7. You would probably hate me then. I haven't had sex yet, simply because I haven't met a girl I wanted to do it with. Waiting before marrage? pfft,if you want to, fine. Don't push your standards and beliefs on me though(which you haven't, I'm just saying this to everyone). On the topic of teens getting pregnant, it's sad sure, but it's also their fault for not acting smart and knowing how to prevent it.Drugs? Meh. Haven't done any drugs in my life so far, it's not something I really feel the need to do. Sure, I'll probably try a couple here and there, but it's not something I'll ever get into. And to anyone calling weed a drug, that's total bull. If marijuana is a drug, then every plant on this planet is a drug, too. And not all potheads are depressed losers who only think about when they're going to get their next joint. In fact, my best friend's brother is a pothead, hell he had a 6 foot bong built into his floor, and he's going through college with perfectly fine grades, and has a job. Yes, some people who smoke weed are total morons, it's not just the marijuana's fault, it's theirs, too. Not saying they're bad people, they just don't have much self control. Smoking weed is no worse than smoking cigarettes or drinking to me, in fact it's been proven smoking cigarettes does more harm than marijuana, but that's a completely different subject, and I'm pretty sure you all hate cigarettes too. And ... wow, I'm starting to drag on, I nearly forgot this topic wasn't solely about weed. Eh, I'm pretty sure everyone here disagrees with me, so I'm not going to post anything else after this in this topic. Feel free to post your arguments with anything I just said, although it will be just as pointless as this post itself.Peace.
  8. The render seems kinda...bleh. Maybe if you blended it better, I dunno, I just don't really like the render. Plus it just doesn't seem to fit the sig period, at least not in that spot..I dunno. Other than that I love it, the background, the text, I like I like. Although it might be better if it was smaller IMO. But still, good job. 8/10
  9. I have absolutely no clue how many books I read a year, so I can't vote on that.On the "what's my favorite book" topic, I'd have to say "It" by Stephen King. I'm not a big reader, so I don't have a wide selection of books to choose from, but I love Stephen King, and that is my favorite book out of everything that I can remember reading(not just King books). It(no pun intended) was the book that got me back into reading.
  10. I like Utada's music, although I'm not really into J-pop itself. I actually love to listen to...anime opening/ending songs and/or OST's(soundtracks). I dunno why, nbormal japanese music doesn't interest me, but allot of anime music is pure awesome IMO. >_>*jams to Tenjou Tenge theme "Bomb A Head"*
  11. I'm not really into space sigs like this, but it's pretty cool. The text as you said isn't perfect, but it's not horrible, and doesn't ruin the sig IMO.I'd give it a 7/10, simply because I'm not a fan of this type of sig. Good job though.
  12. Mmmm, personally I think it would look better smaller without a render at all, but that's just me. Like the background, like the tech designs, like the text. Just not a big fan of the render.Props though, I'd give it an 8/10.
  13. First one is ok, I'd give it a 6/10, don't like the text though. Is that batman? o_OThe second one is better, although the text is even worse(lol), not sure what rating to give it, the text ruins it for me.The third one is my favorite, the text still isn't all that great, but it's not too bad, maybe if you blended it in it would look better. I'd give it around a 7-8/10.The last one..seems very...plain, not sure why. Yet AGAIN I don't like the text, and overall I'm not a fan of it, 5/10.Not great, not bad, keep it up.
  14. Mmmmm, good job on the renders as always, I normally wouldn't use these types of renders, but I was actually tempted to use that HulkHomer one in a sig. >_>....Then I remembered I don't have photoshop. But anyway, nice renders.
  15. Meh, don't like the border, don't like the text, and I'm not a fan of the background. But, aside from the text/border, it's not that bad. 5-6/10(can't decide, I'm tired, take whichever one you prefer...>__>).
  16. Hmm, not bad at all. The "X-Men Render" text is kinda bleh, personally I think it would look better without it.Aside from that I like it, maybe it could use some more blending on the render, but eh, still a good sig. 7/10
  17. I currently use BitComet because it let's me choose the files from the torrents that I want to download, and it doesn't seem to go any slower than BitTornado did for me. Although I am thinking about trying a couple of the others out, not sure yet.
  18. I used to play the piano way back when, my friends mother gave me lessons. She said I was the fastest learning student she had, and I guess I was ok, but I never really liked it. The piano just isn't my thing, so I haven't played it in years.Soo, I really don't have any links that could help you, but might I point out Google is your friend? >_>
  19. SarCasM


    I don't have a problem with all goths, some of them really get on my nerves and I hate being around, but they're not ALL that bad. And I can't stand it when people judge every one of them based off how some of them are, it's no better than racism IMO.In fact, my cousin Sara used to be goth, and she was still fine to hang out with. Course, then she was punk, then she was this, then she was that...but still.
  20. I really never saw what was so great about MySpace, I mean sure it's kinda fun...for maybe an hour, in total. But I don't get why people get to addicted and attached to it...if you've seen one emo's profile, you've seen them all. But eh, if people like it so much, good for them, I'm glad they have fun with it.I actually bothered to make a MySpace account, barely did anything with it and I was bored, haven't touched it since.
  21. Nice. Good job on the renders as always SM. But can the pool(well whatever it is) picture be considered a render? O_oMeh, I'm not a big fan of using characters from the Simpsons for sigs, I love the show, but when it comes to using the characters in stuff like that..bleh. But good job anyway.
  22. Yeah, because of course I'm the one screwing the earth up, you know. I'm the one throwing litter all over the ground, driving cars that fill the air with crap, etc etc.Oh, wait, no I'm not.kk, sleep time, bye.
  23. Lol, thought I was serious? And what do you mean "hear ME complain"? I don't complain about any of those things. I know "we" should be taking better care of "our earth", but it's so far gone, protesting and crying about it isn't going to do much, at all. Look at cities like NY, what, you think your protesting will fix places like that? HA. Way too deep into it now. In case you mis-read me I said I wasn't serious, so dont even start with me. I am so not in the mood to take crap right now. Look, basically, if you want to go try and make a point, go ahead, do whatever you want. But don't ever start blaming people like me for the way things are(I know you haven't, I'm talking about/to the people who go out and protest this junk), I'm not the one screwing the earth up.
  24. * "Animal rights" people. I don't get these...If we were lower down in the food chain, do you really think something higher up would go "Oh, I can't eat that...it has it's own rights!". Also, if they don't like animals (Most of which are born and raised for just testing) who are tested on, let's test on them! A good point my friend made is "We should give them all cancer and AIDs. If they don't want us to research how to get rid of it, they should live with it." I may be an animal lover..well wait, no, I just love cats and dogs, screw the rest. >_> But as I was saying, I agree with you on the animal rights thing for the most part, I'd much rather have them be tested on than actual humans. Sure, it's cuel, but it's the only way to learn. And also, I am a very proud, very hungry, meat-eater. @_@ Give me more chicken! I want my beef! * "Human rights" people. Ok, so we should have some of our own rights, but not with something stupid like when a rapist gets away because of human rights! Human rights? Hmm, not sure how I feel on that. I haven't read much about what people whine about under that catagory. Although there are some laws that I think go against "human rights", but that's a different subject. * "Protect the environment" people. I saw a bunch of these the other day handing out flyers, made from what looked like expensive paper, and in full colour, about how we should recycle. I walked on past them, a few minutes later I saw the streets littered with them! Good going >.> The environment? Pfft, we're the dominant species, we can use it how we want. Whether or not we're messing it up. >_> (I know, that's very simple minded, but I don't feel like getting into this) And XD @ those hypocrites.
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