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Everything posted by SarCasM

  1. Meh, I use WinRar, It no longer asks me to buy the full version(not sure why) so don't have to deal with that, opens more file types, and is easy to use, so yeah.
  2. Heh, good job on all the renders, All of them seem clean and well done, I'd gladly give you a few credits..if I had any to give. But still, nice work.
  3. Hm, Bah, Snlil Blu Saint Samma Avalon(secksi text) I CAN'T CHOOSE. Ok..calm down..I guess I'm voting for Samma this time =_=.Love the background, and the blendering of render/text, at first the border seemed weird to me..but it kinda grew on me, I guess. So yeah.snlildude87: 0Blue0016: 0bluhapp: 0Avalon: 2Samma: 1hulunes: 0Saint_Michael: 1
  4. Meh, if it was up to me I'd still be using Zone Alarm, but my mom installed Norton on my computer, which cost like 60-80 dollars so no use trying to talk her into removing it, plus she loooves having parental controls..yeah.But eh, its not THAT bad, but the stupid annoying auto scans are...annoying, and lag my computer, but if I turn them off my mom gets pissed..so yeah.
  5. Hm, I don't really like the background, just not my type I guess, the car is ok..but meh. And the "Speed" text is just blech(love my vocabulary).But putting that aside, its not a totally-omg-worthless-crappy sig, so minus the "Speed" text and the pixellated car(not the car itself), 6/10And no, I'm not trying to be mean, just posting my opinion :/
  6. Wow, SM stole my heart again...ok, now I'm just being weird.Not sure what to say, IMO I can't find anything wrong with it(not trying to sound like a suck up, I just really..REALLY like it..). I love the way you put the mask in on right side, the left side render fits it perfect IMO, and the text too, its not like OMG complicated text, but thats good, fits the sig too.tenoutoften.
  7. Hmm, I like it, not too big, not O.O stand out(andor annoying), but not too plain either.Although, IMO the text would look better as some type of mid-darkish blue..or maybe not, idunno, either way nice sig. 9/10.PS: Yes, the wheels on second version >>>>> first.
  8. Another One Bites the Dust, We Will Rock You - QueenI've loved them since I was about 6 years old when i first listened to them, always will. They get me um "pumped up" =/.
  9. Hm, just to name a few...Superman-N64.Mario Party Games, period.Yu-Gi-Oh Forbidden Memories-PS1Socom2(offline sucks..IMO).Those are just the ones I thought of in about 20ish seconds..but yeah, the WORST out of all of them, would probably have to be "Mario Party Games, period.", those games were just so pointless and dumb(only good one was the first one). And not to mention easy(I know a 5-6 year old who beat them with ease, and got bored with them on first day).
  10. Meh, I always have, and will always like PS2 controllers best.Xbox controllers, I hate, hate hate hate hate HATE, IMO they just suck, too big and annoying.And I have yet to ever use a GC controller, but they don't look that bad.
  11. Bah, I hate hard decisions :/ I like them both..allot..but I guess i'ma have to go with Maniacs. I really like how the render fits Saint's sig, and the whole sig itself is good, but as i said in the topic for it I really like Maniacs, first popout sig that I REALLY liked, so yeah.Se?or 1, Michael 0
  12. Over-using theEnter key Is not much better But anyway, welcome to t-17 Jason, blah blah have fun blah try not to spam blah ect ect. And the subdomains work as namehere.trap17.com.
  13. (commenting on 2nd version)Not much to say, I like it, secksi sig. Besides the light blue border, which is just kinda bleh, background/render/text all I like, this is the first pop-out that I really-really like, gj.
  14. Well, besides the iffy border, outline, whatever around it, nice render o.O .. very weird render, but meh.Even if you had cut it out better, I have no idea how to use this in a sig, guess I'm not original enough.
  15. Hmm, good job SM, nice renders.I saved the first one and plan on using it in a sig, whenever I get PS, second one isn't bad but I'm not sure I could make a good sig to fit it =/, but gj.
  16. I'm not really sure what game was hardest for me, maybe GTA3..when I was like 11..got stuck on a dumb mission with 8ball, then disk got screwed up, so yeah.On the subject of FFX, that game was never really a challenge, maybe 2 fights I had trouble with, course I got to the last puzzle thing where you float around on tiles or w/e, got bored and quit, haven't played it since.
  17. Well, the costum wepaons thing is about all that intrests me, I never really liked s2(played it maybe 4-5 times at most, plan on selling it), so I highly doubt..no I know I won't bother buying s3.People keep saying "OMG S3 COMING WOOT!", basically they're all exited and what not, but I'll stick to my CS, sell s2, and ignore s3, so yeah.
  18. Hm, even though I can't use it, interesting/nice tutorial, simple yet nice effect. Well ok, its not THAT simple, but either way, nice effect.
  19. Nice, background/render/border/blending/ect all I like.The text could be better IMO, its not horible, just doesn't completely fit the rest, but still nice gj.
  20. I've said it before, I'll say it again, its all more or less the same stuff, what I see. I'm not saying they're bad but its like people take one tutorial, and use that for all their sigs, or something.OR maybe I'm just being PMS'd about not being able to make sigs anymore, OR most likely both.But anyway, sept for the 2nd and 3rd which I don't really like, they're all pretty good, fav = the first, gj and yada yada.
  21. Besides the border which isn't TOO bad but kinda ruins the render IMO, and doesn't really fit the sig, and the text color, not bad.Background isn't hella complicated, but still looks nice, so gj.
  22. Ok, I haven't been able to make a sig in a long time(no photoshop), and I never got that good, AND I know I don't have anything worth entering, BUT because I'm bored, and I don't see what harm it could do, I will anyway, if you don't mind that is. Was too lazy to find a better one and had url to this one so ^^^. *looks at his* *looks at truefusions entry* *compares* ... *awaits getting his --- kicked* Note: Yes, I have better, it sucks. Background never got finished and the text is ugly, but as I said I don't expect to win, or get a vote period, so yeah.
  23. It's..um..colorful...o.O I really have no clue what exactly to say, it isn't THAT bad, especially for a second sig, and its..interesting, kinda stands out O.o.Minus the lack of a border, and even though its very colorful the orange text doesn't fit it IMO, not bad.
  24. Hm, I guess IMO they aren't that bad. First: The first one I like, besides the lack of a border.Second: It isn't that bad, but I just don't like it.Third: Still no border, plain text, and overall boring to me =/ but good job.
  25. Meh, I still have yet to ever buy..hell PLAY, a gamecube, and the only reason I'd ever want to is SSBM and the Metroid games.So chances are I won't be getting a Rev, but I have been paying attention, and it looks interesting. Key word, interesting, the "controllers"...well..the whole idea of them turning around like a remote for shooters and stuff, is cool, but I still think they suck. But of course, they'll be an adaptor for GC controllers, so oh well.
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