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Everything posted by SarCasM

  1. I love the border, although the white part(s) seem kinda...bleh, and maybe blue would look better in the grey areas, but still good job.The render is a little too big yeah, other than that I like it, 8/10.
  2. Hmm, as they have said very simple, but I like them. Plus I love GA :SThe pink text on the vanilla one is kind of weird, stands out, but its not exactly bad o.O
  3. o.O that chick is creeping me out, and the blurring of the hand is kind of weird to me, but I like it. Can't really see your name that good but meh, I love the background, 9/10 good job.
  4. Hm, I don't really like the render, not sure why, just doesn't go well IMO.But other than that, the background/text I like, 8/10.
  5. Wow, wonder how long that took to make o.O I like. At first glance I was like "blech", then I actually looked at it, hot sig.And truefusion, thats kind of the point.
  6. And if all else fails just open up the .htaccess file and add this to it at the bottum, "DirectoryIndex index.html" or .php or whatever file you want to be the index file.
  7. First: Love it, can't say anything bad about it, very sexy sig indeed Second: Looks plain compared to others, yet somehow doesn't, meh I'd give it a 8/10.Third: Stands out o.o kinda hurt my eyes a bit, but of course I haven't slept in ages, so its still nice, 7/10.Last: Kind of simple, but I like it o.O you maybe could have done a little more but its cool the way it is, 9/10.Overall I like em, good job
  8. Erm, not exactly sure why you bumped a really old topic, and I'm guessing this may be closed, but I use FireFox and always will.Course, the new IE is going to have tabs and tons of new features, but I don't care, still going to use FF.
  9. Hmmm, Its a hard decision for me but,1. POTC, Pirates of the Caribbean. This movie is really funny yet has a good storyline too IMO, I never really get tired of watching it.2. Star Wars Episode 3. I saw this and loved it, I wasn't a really a big fan of Star Wars, although I always liked it, but this blew me away I guess.3. Bad Boys 1&2, can't really pick between them, they both are awesome IMO, plus Will Smith is one of my favorite actors, I Robot is also a very good movie.
  10. I was born in Fort Worth Texas, but only lived there for like one year of my life and ever since I've mainly lived in small boring towns =/, but yeah I live in the USA. Although I am thinking about getting enough money and moving to europe when I'm 18-20.
  11. I like te background/render, but the text is just ugly to me =/Still a nice sig though, 8/10.
  12. Well, I kinda like the looks of Kubi's, but Saint's looks like it took more effort, or just more complex, or both I dunno. Although the text on both of them are kinda...meh(as in, not great but ok).So yeah, Saint GMV.
  13. Hm, nice.Background: 8/10Text = 7/10Render is nice, don't know exactly how to rate a render o.O Overall nice sig, 8/10.
  14. Oh, and yeah, I'm too lazy to download any brushes...
  15. The back ground is ok, the text is just...blech IMO(course I'm not one to talk...).Oh, and blur tool calls you >.>(render)7/10Edit on user request
  16. As I said, I hate the second one.It's not supposed to be "white grass", but whatever "floats your boat" -.-The border, is meh, it was supposed to be more of a frame then a border...oh, and btw, I hate tech borders.
  17. *points to sig* ^.^, not only did I use my own cat as a render, but I used pink. And as you all should know, real men use pink >.>. It didn't take much effort, but I was bored. I kinda bet myself to actually use it, so there, I showed me. Oh, and I made this while I was bored also. Although I am not really looking for comments on it, as I hate it, no seriously, I REALLY HATE THIS SIG. Well, I like the text, the rest, blech. Just thought I'd add it in post for heck of it.
  18. I'm gonna have to go with Mike's also, although the motion blurr on the MM render is a bit annoying(course I'm not one to talk).I like the other one, but yours just looks more..professional? I guess.2-0.
  19. ^ meant to be plain, so don't tell me how plain it is. ^ Also not that good, kinda plain, but it grew on me. ^ was sort of a test, and kept it. ^ and of course my current, which was the first time I ever tryed using brushes, which adds a sort of nice effect I guess. Text is kinda...blech basically(yes, I put allot of thought into my wording), but I was too stupid to save the .psd file so couldn't really do anything. I'm still basically new to PS, but eh, felt like posting these anyway.
  20. This happened a year ago. ...
  21. I've watching DBZ since I was like 8...And I still like it, probably always will.Dragonball was ok, got boring after a while, but not bad.DBGT...ruined everything about DBZ...ok call me a nerd, but they seriously screwed allot of suff up...which i won't et into right now. But it was still sometimes fun to watch.So, IMO, DBZ>DB>DBGT.
  22. Hm, compared to allot of people I haven't played allot of games, but out of all the games I have played I'd have to say THPS4.I am a big THPS(tony hawks proskater.../underground) "fan", play TH4-T1 allot, and even if it wasn't a skating game TH4's is nice.Actually now that I think of it, its kind of a tie between TH4/Burnout 3..
  23. Hmmm, if I could be anything I'd probably like to be a videogame designer/programmer/whatever. Of course, that's what I AM going to go for, so its not really "far fetched". Now, if I could be anything as in an animal or whatever, I'd like to be a cat for a day(or 2) just to see how it is, yes, I know thats childish, but I've always thought about it
  24. Hm, I'll have to agree with steven, I'd love to go to Egypt to see all the Pyramids n such.But, actually, I kind of plan on living in the UK later on..so eh..
  25. Mine used to be cluttered, but now it isn't really o.O
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