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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. I'm actually glad this happened. For the past 2 months I have just paid off my hosting bill via paypal so hopefully that will help Xisto - Web Hosting a bit. All I can say is Xisto - Web Hosting has been the best hosting provider I have ever been with. I really do not know how you guys do it with such little staff. With that said, I have been with you for almost 4 years now, with nothing major ever happening. I really wish I could thank you guys more, but I think just paying my hosting bill on time and recommending you guys to to friends is the most I can do for now :)

    I don't know what you mean by little staff but I think they have a moderate amount of staff for a medium compan, I think you are thinking abou hostgator and steamboat, which are huge companies and need a Loy of people to function properly, there are literally thousands of hosting providers with the same amount of people, but luckily computinghist and xisto do a much better job than most :D

    All hosting providing companies experience problems wig their servers and bugs and even human mistakes come into hand and computinghist has it's own share of mistakes but the only way you haven't experienced it is because you are very lucky :P

  2. Oh wow, wish I had your delema! I can't even imagine haveing too much free time. I have dozens of little projects around here I want to tackle, but never have enough time or energy, or possibly the inspiration, to get to them.

    Wow! You must be very packed with stuff to do, but If you really look for it, everyone has to have freedoms now or then. If you possible can't find any free time or if you have a little much ( :D ) then you are not managing your time properly, try to make a list or you have an iPhone or iPod touch, you could get app for checklists or todo lists , it really helps me get appointments, homework, meetings (in my case game timings) and others. I least hope you get at least a normal amount of free time and enjoy yourself :)

  3. Even if I create a Home group, I don't think It'll be able to connect the two computers since the ping is not there

    Bluedragon, we do get what you are trying to say , I just wanted to tell you that first.

    You can't just assume that the Homegroup won't work because the computers won't ping each other. If they are in the same network or even in the same router , Homegroup is the best way to do it. Can you please try it and tell us if it works or not? Thanks.

  4. I have successfully made a signature of this ghost-like looking guy who happens to be my arch rival. So, if you see him, let me know or pm me :P This signature has smudges, c4d, wireframes (set to lighten and dodges) and perspective lighting. I did this signature in jiffy and tried to look at different ways of making stuff and thought myself alot by making this sig.


    Posted Image


    Please rate this sig on 1/10 scale.


  5. This is because of a problem with the code you are using to store your tiny urls that get generated from the site. You can read the help guides on mysql_result() at this site. Also check all your file directories and their paths, check the CHMOD of all your directories and use the built-in phpmyadmin tools to utilise or clean the tables.


    Another tip will be to insert the query as 'mysql_num_rows' instead of 'mysql_(result) like below


    $already_shortened = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query('SELECT id FROM ' . DB_TABLE. ' WHERE long_url="' . mysql_real_escape_string($url_to_shorten) . '"'), 0, 0);


    That should solve it if it is a simple problem. If everything fails, then you can post your code like web_designer suggested.


    edit: Used 'quote tags' instead of the code tag.

  6. Woooh! You guys are giant time-wasters! I make my web time as little as possible, especially during school nights. I always hope to stay only a little at each site and get back to work, but you know the internet, it just keeps me browsing and browsing and when i think 'ok, 5 more minutes', then suddenly i find out something interesting and im back to surfing and after 5 minutes i think 'ok, 5 more minutes :P'. Thats why i got this extension/addon for Google Chrome (i dont know if there is one for firefox or opera) that has a timer and you can set a time for each website for example, if i set it to 'Xisto.com' to 10 minutes, then after 10 minutes it doesn't let me use Xisto.com at all, it becomes restricted, you can do this to any site you want and you put it to any time you want. It really works to keep people effective and productive in the internet.

  7. Hey everyone,
    So wisdom flags can be added by clicking on that little "plus" in the down-right corner of a post?

    Sorry if that's been already answered and thanks for the answer ;)

    Yup, Wisdom Flags or Rep. Points can be added to another user's post by clicking on the green '+' next to the 0 (the 0 represents the number of times they got wisdom flags for this post). If the number is more than 0, it means that someone else had already added wisdom flags, but you can add more and make it 2 or three or whatever the person had. Hope this answers your question, and anyone else who has a question about this :D

  8. tomorrow!!!!
    so you are really get inspired deadmad, if you continue like that, we will have about 10 signature by the end of the month or maybe more. so why don't you offer them to the poor members who don't know much about photoshop and want a signature. this way you will have your own touch in here :).

    I hope i get more than 10 done :D Thats a great idea! I'm tired of making signatures for myself, i guess after i make one more, i would start taking requests.

    Hey how could you forget to thank BufaloHelp, even after he gave you a higher rating than the rest of us! :P And I should thank you - you've inspired me to try creating a sig of my own. I'm on it. Looking forward to your next work :)

    I did thank BF, in the chatroom. Im glad i inspired you :P And im looking forward to seeing yours too!

    and if anyone wants to see the original render i attached it.

    post-93768-016804700 1277533298_thumb.png

  9. First of all, the easiest way to remove is to use ESET NOD32, you can get a free trail of it and it should fix your problem. If you still face the problem, download Avast - Free Edition and get rid of it by putting it in the treasure box. Eset Nod32 can also monitor your system so that you don't download anything with a virus inside it.


    You can also call up Mircosoft on their virus help line, its a toll free service that you can use so that the Microsoft people can walk you through the problems in your computer, it doesn't have to be virus, you can use it for any computer related problems. But, its only inside the United States and Canada but you can call through Skype if you want, the number is (866) PCSAFETY (727-2338).

  10. It all matters on the Power Usage of your Netbook and the battery capacity of the netbook. It could also be the age of the battery, the more the lithium ion batteries cells get used up, the less effective they become. A standard 6 cell lithium ion could last about 4 hours at a time but if you put the brightness up or use any other power consuming activity, the amount of time goes down. If you keep using it at a regular sessions per week, you should see that the battery loses it's power capacity every year by about 1/4 capacity.

    Also, if you take good care of your batteries it should last for even longer periods, try to use the netbook charged if you are at home. Use the netbook through at least one full cycle charge a month, you can do this by completely draining the battery and then letting it charge fully to 100% at time. Try not to charge after it becomes 100% as this is major cause of batteries losing their power capacity.

  11. ok deadmad, you are really get inspired these days, and i do admire your hard work. now about this signature, i do really like the lighting, especially the gradient of the lights around the character , and you did a good job by adding a text or it will look empty from the left side and incompatible. i  like the overall look , but i think you added a lot of lights to the character's face. anyway, it is good in general, so i will give you 7/10. good luck and i will wait for your next one.

    I though that way about the his face too! But its just how the lighting techniques work, you can't just have all the background lit and not the characters, it will make it unrealistic and thats why the font is actually a bit lighter on the right side.

    Again, Thanks for rating web_designer.

  12. Hello guys. I made a signature on my favorite anime of ALL TIME. It's on a guy called 'Lelouch VI Britannia' who is from an anime called 'Code Geass'. It's pretty cool, you guys should watch it sometime. The signature has alot of lighting and a few c4ds in it. I was going to keep no text at first, then I put the text up and decided it wasn't half bad so I kept it that way.


    Posted Image


    Please rate the Sig on a 1/10 scale.

  13. You don't need to do anything with the router to share files between one computer and another. Just create a HomeGroup, between the one of the computers by going to the 'Network and Sharing Center' and share everything you want to share by 'right-click' than propertires> share> than select HomeGroup. Then, go to the other computer, go to Network and Sharing Center and enter the network and enter the password if there is one and then go to RUN and type \\computername and enter. It should have computer folder with all the shared files. You can copy, edit or delete them if you want.?Hope i helped.?

  14. Because you have to download the video, i found it on youtube so people can watch it. Here is the link.

    Well, this is really heartwarming, why would it be sad news to you? It's really great that animals and be loyal and stuff, but there ARE jungle cats and bears out there who don't remember the way they got saved and attack people, its the same way with PEOPLE. Some people can be LOYAL and KIND but others will forget and lash out.

    Animals actually hang ONTO humans for some selfish reason, dogs for example, like humans for their health, food and safety. Its us humans who make up the word 'Loyalty' to make us feel better and happy. They hang on to us and use us, would a animal be loyal if you hurt it ? It simply wouldn't. They happen to like whoever gives them food and shelter and stuff and bond with them, but they start to loose the bond when they get hurt or you given away or sold.

    Loyalty is only found on 'humans' and not on 'animals', though we are animals ourself, we have adapted and have more thinking power. The kind of affection is only by humans and not by any animal. Some people actually like DOGS or anything other animal more than like some fellow humans.

    And im not trying to be CRUEL or COLD, its just simply FACTS and they are TRUE.

  15. actually, the introductions is the worst place to post if someone wants mycents. it doesn't give that much because an introduction and a welcoming message doesn't take long to write. you may get 10 mycents. big deal.

    Its not the worst place! I know, it doesn't take long to write, that is why its EASY and thats why so many post there, its probably the second most active section, after announcements. You can write the most there without thinking too! you can get easily 20+ lines in 2 minutes with all the mycents and all the rules.

    also, you mention the help link but people posting in the introduction are just introducing themselves. it doesn't mean they need help or mycents explained. if they have questions, they will post them. you have the introduction category all wrong. it is NOT the HELP category, deadmad.

    I know its not like they need help or mycents explained, thats exactly what i mean, (are you posting to support me? you are saying the same thing as me in the same way, but in a tricky question way). Then why do most people explain about mycents? just keep it simple and say hello and stuff, they don't need all the help, they want a 'hey all'.

    people who want to earn mycents should go in to the religion topics as those are the hottest debate topics here....and you can easily write 20+ lines in a snap

    No, i got it right, you don't have to think about writing a introduction, you can even replace a username with another and it will sound the SAME, and thats what most people do here, just repeat the same thing.

    But in the religion section, you have talk about personal topics and it requires a lot more thinking and posting than any other section, maybe it might be easy for people who are outward with their religion and talk about it alot, i have NEVER posted in the religion section here, its mostly because i don't have much 'faith' in god and i don't like talking about religion and stuff.

  16. well,simpleton, you better not thinking of posting 51 posts a day PLEASE, because you will force me to compete with you because i am the top posters here

    Haha.. another competition huh? it was bad enough having Web_designer topping the 'Top Posters' list. And now I'm thinking of blasting a few post myself and get myself on top, it might be hard but i think i can manage it though :D

     WD is the queen of posters now and does a good job....especially welcoming people in the introductions thread. i don't think anyone minds you posting a lot, 

    Introductions is probably the EASIEST way to get some mycents and some posts, just repeating the same thing, thats why the 'Help' section is there for, the introduction section should ONLY be used for 'Saying hi' and not talking about myCents and other useless stuff, which people bloat in there for some more extra cents.

    On another note, it looks like I've failed to keep up even 20 posts per day! It's good for the forum, I guess!

    You tried and you failed, i knew it. It is just simply too boring, it would be more interesting if there were more interesting topics, which they aren't anymore since the update, i guess after the mycents come back, it might improve a bit. 

  17. common it is the best i saw till now soviet hahaha
    with all these little sweet emoticons konlwledgesutra will be funnyfacesutra hahahaaa, instead of get knowledge we will get fun.

    but i will add something here. add the name of each popular member here under the smiley face that suits him, like

    :o :XD: ;):lol:

    opaque saint_michael anwiii baniboy ....ect

    better huh, :) .

    Hahah... thats a nice way to put it, i actually like this idea, its kind of funny, but here are my choices for the members smiley.

    OpaQue (kind)

    Saint_Micheal (sneaky)

    Anwiii (dumb...just kidding maybe idiotic :lol:)

    Baniboy (glassy guy)

    Anyone else agree with me? :D

  18. well i will say also good work deadmad, but i will rate it as 6/10. it a good one and shows a lot of work but not that attractive for me. sorry for that :). waiting for another one.


    Well, seems like you like some simple work, not as much complex though. Thanks for waiting, I think I will make another one in a few days, i have test coming up tomorrow.


    It looks really good deadmad7. I would give it around a 9/10. What I think may look good Is actually... having it just cut off. it would require some editing, but just cut it off kinda like what i did in my evil snowman picture:

    Posted Image


    But on the opposite side you know?


    I dont know.. it would be interesting.


    Overall you did a great job with all the blending, I would be interested in seeing the original image you used.


    Thanks for rating, and I like the idea for the 'editing' thing, but I really didn't think of that while i was doing my signature, could try that with another one later, after i learn how :P I attached the render that i used and i got the wireframe from devianart, and also the brushes and c4d were from devianart.

    post-93768-020068000 1277024820_thumb.png

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