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Posts posted by deadmad7

  1. although i am sure the quick reply has it's problems too, the post not showing is not just due to the quick reply since i never use it :) people were already complaining about the quick reply a while back and although we were assured it was fixed, i never trusted it and always replied the standard way. so the 3 posts i made which i mentioned in another topic were from a standard reply.


    i am curious though now if this is limited to replies only or if anyone tried to start a new topic that didn't show in a non moderated area of the forum. it's something think about too just in case.


    I'll personally used only the quick reply option when posting, i only use the standard way if I want to quote somebody, the quick reply and standard reply have been the same thing for me, I don't know why rpgsearcherz's quick and standard are different.


    194?! Isn't that way too small! I guess the good thing is its pretty easy to solve by adding some more memory.


    Yup, I'm wondering the same thing, a really big forum like this one, with 1000's of guests online would require alot more memory then that, alot more actually...


    It has to be the RICH TEXT editor trying to Load Javascript on the fly. However, I have disabled the RICH TEXT editor. This must solve this issue.


    thank you.


    Yay! I have never actually been fond of the rich text editor, I like the standard html one -- in my eyes it looks more neat and I can type more quick (somehow :) ) in the html version, but what are you going to be doing for the users that like the RICH TEXT editor? Are you going to fix it? Because HTML EDITORS are getting old now, rich text editor are more comfortable and more user friendly for people who don't know much about computers and just want to post in the forums, those people are going to be having a problem now... I think you should get another text editor from IPB and use those instead of the IPB given ones, or at least fix the RAM memory issue in your servers.


    HaAHaHa... Thank God! QUICK REPLY is gone forever. atleast, something good happened. I edited all forums and disabled quick reply in all.


    NEXT QUESTION: Should RICH TEXT EDITOR be enabled?


    aww man :( I liked the quick reply, is this a temporary thing? or is it going to gone for ever? and how is disabling the quick reply 'something good' happening?



  2. This signature is better than something I could create right now, but I do find it extremely plain. There just isn't enough to really catch your attention with it. It's very easy to pass up.
    Due to the lack of attention-grabbing, I give it a 2/10.

    Signatures are to pull the viewer in and make them *remember* you.

    ok.. why is everyone rating this signature now? whenever i WANT ratings, no one ever rates, but when i DON'T WANT ratings, everyone rates... this was just a silly sig that i made :lol: I don't want to be pointed out that it is flat by 3 people, because I KNEW that it had no DEPTH when i made it, it was just a simple sig, nothing complicated...

  3. deadmad- wd isn't a pushover. she is just a very polite and understanding person who sees all sides. she is not blunt nor is she rude....just a little more respectfull in her words she uses. it's a very good quality but also a quality people take advantage of. what i also know about her is that she is a very smart person and would never flush her blog down the toilet in the shape the forums are in now. she's very dedicated in what she does so i do know that in the back of her head(even though she doesn't say it), opaque is wrong, the forums are a mess and things should be in the process of being complete and she is just as irritated as other people.
    now me? i am not her. i don't need the reputation she has or wants and i am not just speaking for myself but everyone here who is afraid to speak 100% of their mind and as long as buffalohelp has marked me as some clown and some rude guy who doesn't care about this place or it's members or the admins, i might as well live up to that part.....making sure i don't break the rules ofcourse...but that never really stopped buffalohelp from exceeding his powers of responsibility. so yea, i don't mind being the bad guy who will speak out for almost 100% of the active members here

    and look at poor rob. he logs in every single day! he already admited he doesn't post as much as he wants to because of how things are right now. the only thing really saving this place right now is the chat room opaque didn't want to implement in the first place. lucky he did because this place would me more of a ghost town right now. heck. even the chat room doesn't work fully but i would hate to complain about that too right now.

    and btw- i am not in a crappy mood because of the forums and i am not speaking out right now because i am in a crappy mood :)

    I never ever EVER said that WD was a 'Pushover' i just thought she was taking it abnormally 'happy' and not angry about it or anything, i mean who is that good? Well, now we know :P

    Well, you are not the only one who 'speaks for others' many, many people including me have been complaining stuff like this and making 'mad' threads for a while now, I guess now is the 'tipping point', i wonder how OpaQue will react now?

    and deadmad, i am expressing myself here by stating my opinion. and i am not happy about what is happening in the forum but i am patient and see things from another point of view. and i am completely calm deadmad, do you know why?
    because i keep on coming to this forum not because only posting or sharing ideas or getting mycent. but also because i have friends here, i want to see them and know how they are doing and talk to them, and i will keep on coming here even if this forums mess thing up much more.

    in the same time i am trying to understand opaque and what he has been through for fixing the code, i understand him fully because i was there before, where i should finish a job in a specific time but the code messed up and i should repeat everything from the beginning, so i was stuck once or more with a lot of errors in a code and everyone around me were complained and wanted results. and believe me this makes things even much more worse. i couldn't concentrate, and had to deal with the directors who still asking for answers even they don't know how the database works. it was really a bad time, therefore i understand and give excuses.

    I really know what OpaQue is going through, i really really do, he is trying to code something important for his company while the customers are gawking and complaining about it being late, I can understand that much. But we really have a reason to be pissed off as he and you (because you support him :D) have to right to defend himself by saying that 'modules aren't working' or 'im learning it', because from what I know, you can pretty much learn EVERYTHING you want about IPB from the coding to the very base of it, even in 2 months-- or the almost 6 years since this forum started. This really shouldn't be taking this long, no matter what kind of program it is. But the other reason i am mad (its not because its in my name :P) is because that he CHANGED the name of forum when the VOTES where like 5:20 against Xisto, and how he said that it was his website... thats why.

    are you hating me now :(, and i though we are getting along well.

    ok, I knew this would happen thats why i said 'no offensive', i just said that because you were supporting OpaQue while he is CLEARLY bringing down the forum. I just thought that you should 're- evaluate' why you support him so much, I never said 'i hate web_desiger' LOL

  4. OUCH... but i don't really that is going to happen because India is a democratic county (as i believe) and not like China which is a communist country, so the government doesn't have that much authority as the Chinese the government, its almost like banning something while a majority of the people (ALMOST everyone) uses Gmail as their e-mail provider and they just can't ban it, it has their stored emails and stuff, sure they can ban google because it has nothing stored. And what about the blackberry's, by banning them do you mean not selling them anymore or if it detects its a blackberry, the telecom doesn't allow to make calls or they catch and jail anyone with a blackberry? I'm sure that is not much of a deal in India and either nothing will get done about it and it will be forgotten soon OR they will make rules to allow some things and make it work with Gmail and blackberry, because Google is one of the countries that uses Google and Gmail the most, and if they get banned, the stocks are heading for a DIVE....I'm almost 100% sure about this, anyways i guess we will known in the next few days...

  5. in the last 24 hours, i have been posting, but 3 of my posts were never recorded. i spent about 1/2 hour for those 3 posts that were never recorded. basically, i would hit reply, write a response, and hit the post button. after that, i noticed my posts never showed up! this is getting ridiculous. this forum is getting to be a waste of peoples time and effort. i don't care about the excuses anymore. there is more wrong with this forum than people who's posts aren't showing up. EITHER FIX THIS PLACE OR CLOSE IT DOWN. you have new users coming here for free webhosting and domains and they can't even get them. it's false advertising! this place is suckering people in for the traffic knowing all too well that the credit system has been messed up for over 2 months now. new users can't even get what they came here for! this is insulting not only to new users, but to old members. and anyone who is supporting this forum is supporting the fact that new users are getting SCREWED!
    so fix the darn forum or close it down.....or better yet, sell it so someone who knows how to run it properly and fix all this mess can do it and leave the members more satisfied than they are now!

    so personally, i don't want to be wasting my time if i spend a lot of time trying to post and it never gets recorded. how ridiculous and frustrating!

    I know where you are coming from, when ever I post something, i hit the reply 'POST' button and then it refreshes the page and my posts don't even show up, they are not getting recorded like you said, even where there is no moderation required to post.

    This FORUM is getting OVERBOARD with 'SILLY' excuses like 'wait 2 more weeks' or 'calm down, the admins are working very hard to solve it', I'm just sick of all the nonsense as you are. I have seen many peaks of users (like hundreds) of new users who just post, then except for their myCENTS to show up, and then leave when they don't. and what's up with 'k'KS, why the extra k that has never been fixed? Why the new mood thing that OpaQue probably purchased while he should have been coding (ok, hes not a slave, but we don't need moods) and everyone is crying for fixing the myCENTS, every SINGLE DAY for the past 2 MONTHS.

    Then came the excuse of '80%' and that it was time for 'beta testing' and that BETA testing never came in the month that was been said. After that 'these silly modules aren't working' and other stuff that they made up. Just feeding us lies, not exactly lies but big excuses, the ones that they shouldn't tell to members, especially the ones that think that the forum is part of there routine/life. I'm just sick of these excuses, i wish for once someone actually said the truth around here, just say 'ok, we messed up and we need your help to fix it'.

    You're telling me. This is what I had to go through in the last 15 minutes. I try to log on to Xisto, the page refreshes, I'm still a guest. I try again, it works. I click View new Posts. Doesn't work, so I sign out and try it as a guest. It works, shows new posts. So I right click a topic and save this URL because I plan to reply to it, I log in.
    That's how much work it took just to write this short reply. That's how bad KS has been working for me since the upgrade, and the reason I never post or reply anymore. It's too frustrating. Sometimes my posts don't even go through. I don't experience this on any other forum and I've been on quite a few forums. Heck, I can't even remember the last time I actually logged in to some forums.. they actually keep me logged in longer than 30 seconds.

    I don't know how many other people experience this, but this is a pretty forum-breaking problem to me. Forget the mood modules and stuff, I just want basic forum functionality. I want to be able to LOG IN. I want to be able to type a reply, knowing it will send. I don't know much about forums so I don't know if this is a problem with this particular version of IPB or what, but man, it needs fixed by someone.

    You think this problem just starting AFTER the upgrade? I have been having this really annoying problem since I started posting in this forum, almost 8 months again, I have tried everything you can imagine, changing browsers, clearing cookies, and it didn't even work after i formatted by computer, then I just knew that this forum was messed up in the codes. The same exact problem except the '30' seconds problem, for me, either it works or it doesn't. Except it happens less now then before.

    calm down guys, the forum in a mess the last three days, almost because opaque edit or adding modules in the background. and i know it is frustrating and annoying to deal with that, especially for the new members. i had a bad time posting here too, i even couldn't send pms yesterday but i always save things by copy the post or the pm before click on the post button ;). a little trick used to do.
    keep on this thread up to make opaque see it and give us an explanation.

    C'mon Web_designer you actually think that this has been going on since 3 days ago, its been happening 2 months -- heck even before the upgrade, something is just messed up and just please just express yourself here, you don't have to seem 'happy' and stuff about it, you can tell us how you actually feel and i doubt that you have this calm the last 2 months in the forum... and that this is just ridiculous trying to copy and paste, I'm going to post this reply im typing right now, and if it doesn't show up, screw it, im not going to write it all over again.

    calm down? haha i am the one who started this thread. personally, i wont calm down until things get fixed around here. 3 days? the forum was messed up ever since the new upgrade, wd. it's just one thing after another. when something gets fixed, something else gets buggy. what do the admins expect, be patient forever? hope the forum gets fixed one day after a year? it's already been two months. ok ok ok....i can be patient for a couple weeks. a month is stretching it.....but it's been TWO MONTHS now.
    oh....we just put new colorfull balls and a dinasaur at the bottom of the page. ohhhhhhhh and we can choose a mood! wow! what about all those things that need fixing? about about all the new users who are complaining and leaving because they are confused and not collecting mycents as PROMISED?

    so yea....people want me to calm down? people want to shut me up because they don't like hearing the truth? then fix the darn forum PRONTO! or people will be hearing more from me. that should at least get some motivation in getting some crap fixed around here before this forum gets a bad reputation by it's own hands and bad choices...

    buffalohelp can't even do his job correctly and opaque is too busy coding some more colorfull balls. how anything is getting done around here is beyond me.....oh wait....very LITTLE is being done......well that better change.....

    Yep, what i hate more than the people who make the excuses is the people who accept it, and web_designer is just eating it up (no offense here wd). And i just can't be patient any longer, I HAVE A HUNCH that even IF the myCENTS get fixed, there is going to be side effect to it , something else is going to get messed up and in a endless cycle, and it all started with the change of a name from Xisto to Xisto, i guess that Mr.Trap is getting his revenge now...

    I agree...and personally, so is the Activity Simulator...for the guests..that's messed up. Why think that over 1952 guests and like 2 or even 1 member is logged in? That's bullcrap.
    OpaQue, there's no use having poor Buffalo with limited (or VERY limited, to almost nothing) administration permissions...if you trust him as an Admin then TRUST HIM TO HELP YOU !! Maybe then you'll get it done more quickly. This site is going so down the drain. And seriously, OpaQue, get rid of the Activity Simulator. Invision Power Services are way more popular than this site, and they don't even have any simulated activity from a mod...

    WHAT??!?!?!?!! This forum actually uses a activity simulator? Well, that just ruins it's reputation even lower and lower. I always that those where actually 1952 guests online, now i know better LOL I'm getting pissed now, I thought it was real people the WHOLE time.

    And thing about OpaQue not trusting other staff and doing all the work by himself, really dude? You actually don't trust a 'stupid' (not really stupid but 'silly') little IPB script to people you actually pay, I say if they steal it -- sue them. At least please split the work half/half with another person, and get it done quickly.

    hmmm, you are really in a crappy mood today :).
    but still say, we should calm down and deal with things in more patient. and keep on do our part even in the hard way and expect opaque to do his too. we can't accuse him saying he is wasting his time making balls or moods signs, we both know it won't take long to be done. and i am sure he added that mood signs to make things more fun in here for us, who are still in the forum till now. but in the same time, we could push him and

    No, I really don't think hes in a 'crappy' mood he is just pissed off :P Like I am, and I'm not pissed off at everyone, only at the forum. a

    And the thing about the google balls, mozzila dino.... are those even necessary? Is OpaQue trying to associate google and Mozilla to xisto? and some how keep the new users from leaving, and if he is, it's not working. And also the mozilla link has a affiliate link and account it to, the company makes money everytime someone clicks on that, thats just MESSED UP and it rips off the members.

  6. hey, mine is much more better.
    and if you want me to rate this i will give you 3/10 :D, hahaaa.

    no,i will give you 4/10, it really looks flat and nothing special in it. you didn't do much this time. maybe if you made it in 3D and added some shadows to the letters then it will look better, fix it deadmad and post it here again.

    Wow, you rate it when i didn't ask you too, and I really don't care about this signature, its just something i did when i was bored outta my mind... and i know yours is better :P

    But, If i really try to make it good, then i would beat you and bani MUAHAHAHAHAHAA

  7. That actually does remind me of many of my signatures. Without many elements in the background and username in the center with big letters, obviously because I'm a self-centered person :lol:I would recommend doing something to give your signature more depth in the background if that is resembling fire in there. Because now it seems kind of flat. I would want to show you a past signature of mine which was in red and yellow, but I can't seem to find it now... 

    Nope, It's not fire, just a yellow and red background. Besides, I didn't even save the .psd to add more depth :P Hope you find the signature...

  8. I would give that signature a 8/10. Although it looks nice, it does seem a little... Plain I guess is the word (I mean there is stuff there but it's like washed out). Maybe adding more color or cartooning it or something would make it look better.

    Really? I think why it looks plain on your computer is because my monitor is set to sRGB is a darkish mode and its the standard for american homes, if i set it to STD it looks plain for me too because it looks too bright, if it's set to sRGB, you can see that its not plain at all, its actually greenish poison.

  9. I would suggest doing the following:
    2) Check background programs. Often times people have a lot of excess programs running that they do not even know about
    3) Consider upgrading your PC (as time goes along programs become more and more ram/cpu intensive. If you are using a very outdated PC that could definitely be the culprit)
    4) Consider doing a fresh reformat. Although a lot of people do not know about this, you should reformat your PC once a year (some claim 6 months but the general consensus is once a year). Doing this will clear everything from your system and allow you to start anew. Along with this it also speeds up everything because it clears defragmentation on the HDD.
    5) If you have not defragmented your HDD I would say to do that. On the same line is to clear unneeded files. As the HDD gets more full it starts slowing down a lot.

    I just want to add a little bit to this, instead of doing all of that, download Tune-Up Utilities 2010, which you can get as a free trail (you can buy it if you like it and want the full version). With this program, you can set it to automatically defragment your HDD, cleans up the registry so the computer spends less time going through all the junk,remove unnecessary programs from the startup, clean up extensive programs, clear your memory, clear your ram usage, shows you a graph of the largest files in your computer so you can delete them and many other stuff if you get the full version, which i got. If you want to just get a freeware program, get CCleaner, which does basically the same thing. 

    And i also want to say that you should try fresh formating your computer is the last option, if you do this all your files and programs will be lost and if you don't know the registration codes for some of your programs, thats it-- you will never see them again (unless you buy them again). So, if you are going to reformat, hold your horses.

  10. Well, deadmad, as I understood Photoshop tennis (from one of Jason Santa Maria's posts - jasonsantamaria.com/articles), you must edit the last "Photoshoped" file. In this case, that would be the rvalkass' picture.
    As for the rules, you should pick one interesting element from the picture and then edit it accordingly. For instance, it could be the background, or the summer beach ball, etc.

    Hope that clears things up :)

    That did clear that question but now i have different one, you said i can edit 'one element' so i can only edit one ? or can i edit the whole thing?

  11. First, You should check if you have any virus, spyware or malware problems with your computer, this is the culprit most the time. To check for viruses, get Avast Free Antivirus from cnet download.com here. Avast Free edition can fix almost all problems with trojans,etc. and it help get rid off bad software. After you have done that, try restarting your computer, if the problem still persists, you get a trail version of Eset NOD32 here and use that to get rid of any viruses, nod32 works out all the problems and get off everything that avast didn't get rid off. If none of the them works, read the next paragraph.

    If that didn't work, seems like something is wrong inside your computer. Turn off your computer, unhook everything and unplug all the mouses and keyboards. Now, open your pc and put it on a table or on a chair. Take a duster or a computer vacuum and get all the dust out of the computer and the fans. Then, push in gently on the graphic cards and ram card. That could fix up any problems with the dust stuck on your computer's fan,etc.

    Now, Try all of these methods and post if it works yet.

  12. Seems like you have discovered 'The Signature Restrictions of DOOM!', I get those all the time, I think these rules are only applied to members and not for Admins/Mods. They code only the bbcode, so you i can't even put my signature and my own sentence at the bottom, the new forum is soo big and spacious, i'm sure that these signature might be able to fill that up and make it look neat enough too!SIGNATURES ARE A MAIN PART OF A FORUM!

  13. Is there any chance you know how to take a drawn picture (such as pencil sketches) and turn that into a digital image? I've tried based on tutorials but it never turns out very well because of the lines that were erased and things like that.

    You can take your picture and scan it on a ordinary printer, save as highest quality. Then open it up in Photoshop, grab the airbrush eraser, erase all the 'erased lines' and add more lines if you want with the paintbrush. If you don't like doing this, you can try to get a drawing tablet for your computer, its very costly but it does the job good.

  14. OK, this might be the longest time I ever took to complete a signature, just when I think its good and start to save, I find another problem and fix and so on. It took me about 3 hours to make this sig. It has over 30 layers, 7 C4D's, 4 renders (3 in the background), 4 gradient maps, 12 vibrant brushes, 3 grunges and a few more smudges and splatters in the background with linear dodge or overlay turned on. The render is 'Venom', the inner villain of ?Spider-Man. I picked the title 'Pure' because it was kind of ironic and hes just pure evil/venom.?


    Posted Image

    As usual, Please rate it on a 1/10 scale.?

  15. Ah! Thanks for Alerting us before any mishaps have occurred OpaQue. Now, I start to wonder how insecure e-mails really are nowadays. But, I thought that big companies like Google Mail, Yahoo! Mail and Live have already added security restrictions so can't make it look like another site, anyways just to be sure i had gotten Ad-Block's Fanboy Secuirty List which blocks are phishing and scam sites, and even if its a new one, my OpenDNS account blocks any :P

  16. Hmmm... I have never thought of death in that way, and i have never been afraid of it (except when i was a little kid :P and after watching horror movies). I believe that we die when we die and live life to the fullest and give it your best shot and go down swinging (or taking someone down with you :D).

  17. oh kob, i forgot to say my famous words, "thank you for sharing" deadmad :). and i agree with you, his skills advanced, and his work becomes more better every time. now i am really asking you deadmad to write a tutorial about how you made yours signatures. share us please, if you don't mind.




    Thanks for your famous words, wd. That really helps :P And I'm thinking of making some tutorials right now, now that i want to have a little break from making sigs and starting making tutorials.

  18. I think this is a good idea, you can let others read your books instead of throwing them away which becomes a waste. Though it would be a little sad for me part with my books :( There is the factor of people looking up on the site and waiting for someone to pick up the books, but they actually won't wait that long just to kidnap or rob something, they can do that just about anywhere :P But, what i don't get leaving your books in picnic benches or schools, what will people do if you drive over there and find out someone already picked up the book who didn't know what bookcrossing? or where will they look in the school for the book? It's a totally insecure system, that explains why there are little followers and why it hasn't caught on already. Overall, I think its a good idea but it has to be more popular to be any interesting.

  19. Thanks for the fantastic names there OpaQue I do like 3 of them, I am going to look around on Google for another hour or so and then randomize them all and pick which one :). Then we will see how well my social networking site goes.

    You aren't going to come up with any thing unique if you look in google, the niche of social network has been ripped apart by millions, you aren't going to find any bit still in google.

    Try to use your head, now just imagine what kind of experience you want your users to have and make up a name based upon that.

  20. If you are intermediate user of Wordpress or any other CMS you have experience in it would be a lot wiser to go with the plugin 'simple login' like anwiii had suggested. But if you are using it on your main site and want it to look crisp and neat and more 'Yoursite' than a website plugin, you can add a little bit of code into your wp-admin and your template pages and make your own unique login method. These codes can be found by a tiny search on the mighty google. If you feel like you can't do the coding but still want a little unique method if login in to your site, then Rocketthemes and Yoothemes are your way, these are top notch quality template providers hat offer login through images, Ajax, lightbox,etc. But the memberships to these theme clubs cost a bunch, so try out their demos before buying them. Meanwhile, I don't think you should be using the new wordpress at this point, yes it did come out of rc and into beta testing but it's little unstable for users because it has a lot bugs.

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