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Everything posted by FouGilang

  1. Now it's only those 3 countries again lol, looks legit then :)I've seen much of these goodies, but too bad that almost all of them are scam or for 'those three' resident.I wonder when will they look at my country in the far, far away galaxy..... Joking but yeah, even though some similar site offer international registration, but there's no, or few, things that international people can do to take their reward. How useless...
  2. So your addiction is... Hunting for bargains? You have quite unique and economic addiction there
  3. overall : nice looking (i'm wondering why you put the title "read article" in front though. i don't like reading....) :Di can read the articles easily, and there's vote and most useful articles too. though i would like to change it to "most rated" . your template reminds me of mine, but yours is better because my old template was very hard to read :Dand by the way, you wrote all that scripts yourself? that's great!
  4. at this rate, i have to say "No, its same as doing a job." :othat is, if we're talking about a woman who dedicated her self for "house wiving" and not taking any "other job". it's not that i don't appreciate them, but i've seen enough "bad house wives" who can only broke their home and children. it's true that house making like you say is very important for the family members' future, but hey, if you see those bad ones, will you say "OUT!", no? :Dthe same with other job, they're important too for the future (the future of the businesses and the jobs, that is), but if someone found to be useless, the big boss will say "YOU'RE FIRED!", yes? :)any job that done with full ambition and intention will result to awesome, otherwise they will broke whatever in their hand. so i would like to say to the woman, if you can't be a good house wife, just be a career woman. i appreciate both of it, just make sure it suits you well
  5. No windows 7? I was going to nominate that, but it seems this polls was made years ago Well at this rate, maybe I'll take windows 98? I can't remember how it feels though, since i was about 10 that time, but i don't think I've had any bsod there (not like when i'm with xp )
  6. ah... too bad, it seems that your graphic card too dark in the shadow so can you make it brighter then?
  7. Hey, Is it done already? Didn't realize anything happened O.o
  8. I've got this one for some days ago, but never tried it that hard like those in the discussion board The offer is legit, since it's found on the paypal site. And by looking at the country list, it seems that they want to make more registered member on those countries (only those who have paypal account are counted in). Another business strategy? I don't know how they get the advantage with this though.
  9. lolyou have some great sense there :)but... some images were too dark that i can't see anything. is it always like that?
  10. okayforget the indonesian cpm ads i mentioned before, i removed it. it killed me sooner or later anywayi got like 10,000 visitor with about 700 unique IP (in the ads counter), and all i got was Rp 444.00 ? that's almost $0.05 USD... a MONTH? i would gladly use neobux for those bucks and get it in 1 day :\
  11. ARGH! i cant find this one anywhere. help me translate this please
  12. Okay, I think i found it :oIt's the gtown and nyplatform from 'you can dance', and the audacity 1.3 betaWhen they both working and i added one more program or more, it'll be white screen sooner or laterPhew, and it seems that other recording programs causes it too :DOh, and restaurant city seems to crash my fire fox too, but i think it was because my poor driveR of radeon x600 because it was so LAG there
  13. Ok then, it's time for me to go to bed anyway, i hope the maintenance will be going when i'm on the dream land Good luck
  14. never used mininova before, but i see it now as musics and movies torrent tracker? so i guess it was another torrent tracker... which contains terabytes of warez, and now pushed down to the dust really?just checked there and they seems to do their living fine
  15. okay.... no, thank you. i think i'll be caught in fever the next day .______. er... i don't know. i like to snack something up, so i don't know whether i'm already hungry or still full because i ate everything i see good on my taste (i'm the one who will do the clean up when nobody eat, IF it was tasty). but, well........... i do eat when the meal time comes even when i snacked, so i guess i AM always hungry so that's why most of the older people seems fat? uh, forget that. i do hope i will gain weight later, but at this rate i don't think it will help me to reach the target though okay, which doctor must i ask? i've never heard of nutrition doctor around lol now i remembered a humor movie which show that kind of living
  16. er... okay, sorry fot that. but which topic do you mean? you didn't said "future" in your post here ---edited---ah, i see. you typed "future" to "feature" sorry for not noticing for some second ago
  17. in short way: windows vista fails and windows 7 magnificent :oit seems' that microsoft didn't want to change their GUI, so that's why 7 looks similar to vista, and people said that 7 was created as a fix to vista :)windows vista ultimate of course has feature that windows vista home premium doesn't have, especially the so-called "windows ultimate extras" including the nice Dream Scene that make you able to use your wmv files as your desktop background. windows vista home premium also doesn't have any business stuffs inside (though i think you won't need them...), but if you want vista to satisfy your needs to multimedia, then just choose home premium
  18. hmmyou should put how the system working on your forum .___.and i can't find anything about post to host game servers there. any help?
  19. lol okay, i'm a man alright i've never heard about very fast metabolism. is that some kind of illness? or in genetic? can it be cured? if i do have that, must i eat more to match the metabolism speed? :\ i don't really like cheese, but pasta will be fine. meats are mostly in my lunch and dinner, my father always bought that and if it's not me who ate it then nobody will eat it anyway. about the ice cream, isn't it badfor your health to consume much ice cream? i don't know if there's doctor who set up diet program here, i'll check it out tomorrowwhat other information do you require? i would like to give more if i can i'm in the position to such as "i think i'm fine but most people think i'm not fine"and "but underweight" is definitely not fine - -
  20. i do, just some little exercise though. i love to walk when i feel i have too much spare time (i don't know how many miles have i walked last years when i'm still in college...), though i don't like running or jogging. i do push-up and sit-up about 10 times every morning. and sometimes i have to lift some heavy things on my work (like boxes of books on the storeroom).
  21. Hello people, hope there's someone who can answer this I'm 19 years old boy, about 175 cm height and 55 kg weight. i have a feeling that there's something not right with my body: it is not changed at all, My weight and height still in the same shape as 1-2 years ago.I eat a lot, snack a lot (anytime if there is snacks in front of me), and i like to drink milk.Well, it doesn't matter if i don't get taller, it's the weight that worried me. I'm kind of thin, compared to my father, and it's frustrating when he started his speech about it. Am i not growing anymore or what? I had a tbc before, if that helped Oh, and if you do have suggestion, please don't suggest to consume some kind of pills in your local, as it might be not available in my area.
  22. Yeah, that healthy sugar stuffs - whatever it named in your nation - are on their way to advertise around here. Don't know if they really have no bad side compared to normal sugar, or even they aren't sweet compared to sugar at allNever tried it yet, my father did though. I don't know what's going on there, but it seems he kind of precaution on the bad effect of sugar and use healthy sugar instead.
  23. are we in race / competition? those words practically looks like we're in competition but, yeah... we're in competition all right. we, humans, are competing each other to be "the best of all", so we always think how to win. and in the context above, "Winning means you're doing better than you've done before", of course it is, you win against yourself, literally. even though you are on the second, or even last place, you win against yourself, you are you own enemy, you win against your previous limits. Winning against other people might not improve your skills, even when people said you are the best, at some point you didn't improved (maybe it was lucky shot? or he/she pity you and let you win? who knows?). but when you win against yourself and your limits, and you know that it IS your limit, and you break that.... YOU WIN! although some people said "winning isn't everything", i would like to say "winning tasted great", and the harder it is to win, the greater it is tasted
  24. hey, what's with all those line breaks? O_o ah, i see... now that's great! even my paid hosting didn't give me that @_@a i would love to use it, but it costs too much for me. maybe some years later i will take it well they say something like optimized, globally distributed, redundant to ensute 100% uptime DNS. i'm not too familiar with DNS thingy though, maybe i'll just have to wait for their answer >.>
  25. i'm planning to take yearly billing cycle , so dedicated ip cost me more $29 yearly, it will take more time to get :)anyway, how are those two works? you haven't explained what are those feature for .___.
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