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Everything posted by FouGilang

  1. oh boy, i guess my cancel request for this thread was not received... yeah, and i won't stop them IF they download it and upload it themselves to their own site / other file hosting for mirrors. i have more tolerance with that kind of "stealing", at least they do an "effort" to publish it on their site. what i am talking here is that i'm using my own host to host my files. and that @#$%^&* people just come, view source, copy, went to their blog / site / forum, and paste. moreover, since it's a direct link, most people of my country never care about the real origin of the download url. so what happen next is they see a nice and simple post which consist all file they want, and those @#$%^&* people take all the credits for themselves, stealing my bandwidth which i PAID note: er... ok, my cancellation request is "@mod, please cancel my "Any Good Hide Links Extensions For Joomla 1.5?", i've got alternative for that" in the shoutbox, maybe it was disappeared before the mods read it anyway, the alternative i mentioned is that .htaccess on my download folder. i can use that .htaccess so that only visitor from my site and my authenticated friends' site can open or download the files. sorry for this
  2. er, like i said before .____________. it's too bad that you can't open my site though i would like if all country can open my site without any problem
  3. Hi eauncarter, welcome to Xisto! and that add one more India people here hope you enjoy yourself posting and see that $_$ coming. just read the rules on More about myCENTS - CreditSystem so you know why you should avoid posting like the one you did above anyway, the other should come sooner or later, so i'll let them do their welcoming party
  4. good idea, i'll try to ask my friends. some of them might have it o_0 the truth is, despite of that WoW popularity in the world, there is no WoW server in indonesia, and i bet less people would be playing "pay-to-play" game like that one, unless if i make a "free-to-play" private server for that name. well, the basic standard for these pc is like 120 frame per second mark in the game Audition Online. some nvidia graphic card with 256 MB, 1-2 GB RAM will be likely sufficient. and for the start maybe we will make it about 10 pc to play DotA or Point Blank with. just the Game Center i know, full with "bang-bang" "boom-boom" "ratatatatata" and "monster kill!" thank you for your suggestion, but i think we shouldn't use some alpha-phase system for business . anyway i'll try to find out the windows-built-in computers he had ordered and fill that to budget, if that is the cheapest way, then i'll just look into the games --- i guess we really need windows for this, aren't we? i can try to make game private server in my pc (for the sake of "promotion"), but it is in windows too lol. hope we can afford that and make our fund back ._____.
  5. phew so we HAVE to use windows? there must be some another tricks it will, if we include that in the order. my friend here is at advanced level of hardwares, so he much to seek for high capability hardware with low price, and i'm here simply because i want to help him find an alternative for windows xp. even if in your country xp is in low price, my country still take it the hard way. i just checked it and 1 windows xp home edition is still in IDR 700,000 - 1,000,000 (about US$ 50 - 90), i'm sure they won't be able to afford tha without any reconsiderationt... for now...
  6. hello all, i'm kind of in a hurry for an answer so i think i'll put this here and see your opinions i'll start the story: me, and my bestest best friend, are going to create "game center" business (something like internet cafe which only has games inside, so there's no browsing there). originally, it's my friends who intended to create it, i'm just being a nice friend who invited in the project. he has ordered some PCs, tables, and spaces for our first brand new business the problem begin here: he asked me for some advice about the connections and windows. i was like "are you sure you can buy all those windows licenses?! " (i know him well and i'm pretty sure that neither he or his parent are able and going to buy original windows system) and he innocently answered "that's why i'm asking you... " the answer is simple: we need linux, a free distro which easy to use by most of windows users and have the ability to be able to play all the most favourite games in our local trend, which is the likes of DotA, Call Of Duty, Lineage II, Point Blank, Audition, and so on. most of them are online games though, so they're free copy-paste-ed and easily installed in windows system. yes, in WINDOWS system, i don't think they offer the option to play on linux. we simply can't just replace those games with another games, it's about gaming market trend. if we remove that, we're as good as dead... in short, we are searching for linux with this criteria: - simple (and hoped to be much alike with windows so they won't confused) - easy to use (again, for most windows user) - can play game without any problem (like, click on the desktop shortcut to play this game) any suggestions?
  7. never concerned about whatever they put below the download button, but now i see that one they must be already know about the illegal contents in their hosting service, but as we must be already know too, it's the money that matter. illegal contents are simply just a lure so that everyone will buy their premium accounts (and yes, they simply will be REALLY happy for that). they know that people like to download those "illegal things", and the favourite huge things such as photoshop, windows, sony, etc etc etc are HUGE. that's where they put the "free user limitation" and "premium account advantages" in the operation
  8. i assume that you have the same opinion about those called "looters", or "leechers" or "lurkers", or whatever they really called, the one who stole the things inside our site and make them as if that was their own credits :)i have 6gb of files, which i uploaded them myself, and i NEED to hide the direct links so that people can't just come, copy, left, paste, to their own site. this is just irriratingany suggestions?
  9. congratulations on your site, and you have nice template too! (or is it default one? never see drupal's template lol). you just have to post things there, or search some plugins (if drupal does have plugins...). anyway, congratulations on your achievement! :)now you may take some rest in peace (er... don't take it the wrong way) and prepare to be confused again tomorrow on the different things (yeah, the human mind is an intricate thing, so make yourself in good emotions so you can do the positives)
  10. hahaso i guess it's not only my fantastico got error on installing some things ok then, too bad that i don't have more space to install drupal on my system, but i think this is sufficient to help you (don't forget to remember that this is just an example, you may do different to your condition) 1. go to your site's cpanel and look for the database tab 2. see that button? that's what we're going to use 3. ok, we're in. put your database name to the blank area beside the create database. for example: drupal (just so we can remember what is that database thing for). click that "create database" button and congratulations, you made your database 4. we're back, and we've got the database with us. next, since the database doesn't have any users with it, we have to make it. just scroll down and you'll see the create and add user for the databases (i'll create it with username "drupal" and password "123456"). ok, create user 5. now, add the user you just create to the database. you're done with the database and user! you can use them for the drupal installation when it asked you
  11. you can create new mysql user and database via your cpanel, you know. just open your cpanel and went straight to mysql® database picture (that small dolphin one, yeah)
  12. Welcome to Xisto, Johnmck93! it's good to see you around :(i assume that you have read all that rules, system, billing, etc etc etc, so you're ready to go! oh, before you can see your myCents (the red numbers below your name), you have to make 5 posts first and wait for some times for the system to update itself
  13. no, it's totally differentyou can use my redirection, shadowx's great news, or even move your files like anwii's opinion, but, of course, you can't use them all at once. everyone have different way of think, so it's all up to you
  14. of course, though many people criticized, it will still continue here? hell no it depends on "who play it". if you're already a good boy with smart brain, you'll know what you can do and what you can't do in the real world, no matter how much the violent in the games. anyway, games are just a way to entertain, people should not have to take all thing in it seriously yes. in games, you are the character (and as far as i see, the MAIN character), you move where you want, buy things at you will, make choices in the way you like it. while in films/tv and music, you just "sit down and enjoy". hope you satisfied with my answer
  15. a welcome message would be wonderful :)but at this moment, how about create a redirecting index.html instead? <!-- this is only for redirecting //--><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Redirecting to Main Site...</TITLE><META http-equiv=Refresh Content="0; Url=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; that will make your visitor move to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ directly
  16. actually, i have just tried it (about 10 second before i post this message), i moved my wordpress from fougilang.byethost8.com to fougilang.byethost8.com/sweaty/ :(it just a "quick test-drive" wordpress thoughfirst, just move your wordpress files to the folder you like as mentioned beforesecond, go to phpmyadmin, open your wp_option table. you should see "siteurl" in the option_name column there (in mine, it is on the second). change your site url in the option_value to the current one
  17. i don't see that wordpress has any location-based databases, so it should be easyfirst, delete your joomla files and database (make back up, if you want to). then, move your wordpress files to your main domain. that should do the transfer :)second, redirect your http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to https://www.salesforce.com/products/platform/overview/, if that doesn't do, do double check your wp-config.php files in your wordpress folder---edit---wait, i'll try it first lol
  18. well, i do hoped that your site will up sooner though i don't know what's wrong with your site this time, i'll try to help if you can open your site, and it is the right server that you wish to open, then whatever file you put there should can be seen immediately (except if you have problems in your caches). but..... uploaded your drupal folder FROM MAMP? do you just "copy-paste" it from your drupal folder to your hosting? that won't work - -a no, the thing i know is that cms like drupal would use index.php, right? that should make the default index.html worthless already. but if you think like to delete that index.html, just delete it of course you have to do the same thing with your webhosting server. drupal won't be able to connect to the database, because it doesn't even have any database to connect to, you should make one for it the easiest way: go to your cpanel and choose that "back up" picture i think... you forgot to install the drupal (?), or you made the drupal in a new directory
  19. @spuddLolAre you such an apple user for quite some times that you can predict that far? :)I hope that won't happened, that could be a disgrace in gaming industry
  20. SMFCool and elegant templates (even the default one was already good), Easy to use, great package manager (like so... I don't have to upload the featured package of the month after all)Phpbb? I don't know, i've never look at it since my subscribed forum changed to ipb
  21. LolThat's 20 minutes of finding out the myCentsCongratulations on your first bucks!
  22. great news! though i'm not gonna modify my forum... (i'm still using 1.xx)maybe sooner or later
  23. er... via script?try to make a html with some background that change automatically then make it as your background? i'm not sure though, but they do it to make the movie-background in xp before, so i think it can be used for slideshow-background too i don't know about vista, but windows 7 has that slide show you said, but the time intervals is up to 1 day only. you can make it change every some minutes or hours, but not more than 1 day
  24. maybe, somedays later apple will find out the opportunity inside the gaming industry and try it out. althought i think they already know the best of the industry. but i'm sure hope that they also participate here
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