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Everything posted by FouGilang

  1. I have downloaded the localized game, but i guess i won't play it at all. I heard many bad reputation of bot players on this game
  2. Unless if there's moderator or admin who reduce it, it'll be still there.Well, try to be a good boy then, maybe the moderator will reconsider your warning level
  3. I can open your filmdesire site with my phone (because i'm not on my pc at the moment) just fine, it just an empty site without any index fileAnd i tried going through your cpanel, it can be opened too. Maybe you should try it again?
  4. nothing, seriously. i was thinking that maybe it'll be funny if i can see my cars suddenly "jump" GTA 4 has built-in video editor? o_0
  5. bump? where? oh... that one?oh my, you tricked me! i already thought you really make it jump, you must pay whole for that!
  6. hello hotmaillive, and welcome to the Trap! well if you really don't have any idea about what you are doing, it's called "posting"..... lol just kidding Trap have one unique system going on. it's called MyCENT system. each CENT equal to 1 real cent. The goal is to make good posts and gather 100 cents. Every time you cross 100, your cents will be converted to 1 Dollar and deposited into Xisto - Support.com Billing. You need to do 5 post first before you see your real myCENTs though oh, and you can try to read these links first Free Web Hosting (free Xisto/asta Subdomain Hosting Procedure) Credit System V3.0 Online Xisto.com Board Rules & Guidelines. Xisto README
  7. Ah, see those numbers in red now? You have your myCENTs! Now you can start your journey to get your free web hosting without ads and failure :DWe'll be waiting for your site showcase on the forum then Oh, don't forget to read the forum rules now. You'll need that
  8. LolIt does redirect. And it wasn't frame or such too. Real redirect. I wonder if this was their under construction template :PSo the main thing is whoever register that domain name, he/she/they must be have google that much, or maybe rather insane. Because no matter how i have my competitor, i would never, ever, for ever, do such generous thing like that, unless if i was asked to do so
  9. Yeah, i was thinking that i should quote them. But then again i DID write the post myself, so i'll leave it to the moderators.Anyway, This is the core of their 45 minutes of dictate on my note.
  10. Reputation system is good, especially to see some people reputation (i still remember when i insert my polls on another forum), but it will works only if it does not affect anything. I don't know about ipb reputation system, but in the another forum i mentioned it was kind of perfect to measure the worth of the corresponding person. And it cannot be easily abused so the reputation shown, is really the person's reputation. New theme will do good, but i'm satisfied already with the current one. Isn't it so human just like ubuntu? dark theme is a no-no in a forum where you will spend a lot of your time. Almost all my site visitors prefer the current brighter theme than the old one. For the forum activities, the 'xwzy of the month' will be fun. But then again, trap have that yearly award. :DHow about making a sub forum where the member can start their own forum events? It was VERY funny when the comic and story competition was being held on the official game forum on my country
  11. 1. Work HARD Japanese people are HARD workers. The average employee working hours in Japan is 2450 hours / year (about 8 hours per day, plus 1 hours of rest). Going Home quickly is something that can be said "embarrassing" in Japan, and indicates that these employees are "NOT required". 2. Shame Shame is the ancestral culture and the Japanese people from generation to generation. Harakiri (suicide by sticking a knife into the own stomach) becomes a ritual since the era of the samurai when they lost in the battle. Into the modern world, it discourse a little change to the "resign" for the officials who failed in his duty. 3. Economic The Japanese have the spirit of economical live. This Excessive anti-consumerism attitude is visible in many areas of life. Don't get amazed if you see the number of Japanese people who busy shopping at the supermarket at around 19:30 hours, because that is the time of the huge discount! 4. Loyal Slightly different from the system in other countries, there is a very rare chance that Japanese moved to other companies. This might be the implications to the fact that most of the industry in Japan would only accept fresh graduate, then train and educate them in accordance with its core business companies. 5. Innovation Japan is not an inventor, but the Japanese do have the competence of combining those inventions and then marketed in the form which interest the public. For example, Tape Cassete not invented by Sony, the patent is owned by Phillips Electronics company. But the one who successful to develope and bundle the portable as a product that boom for decades was Akio Morita, founder and CEO of Sony at that time. 6. Never Surrender History proves that the Japanese nation is one of the robust and unyielding nation. Their lack of natural resources (it is said that 85% of japan energy comes from Japan other countries) does not make Japan surrender. Even after The series of disasters occurred in the year 1945, the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan lost the war, major earthquake in Tokyo, Japan is not finished. Which is also quite unique that the science where one must learn from these failures, began formulated in Japan with the name "shippaigaku" (the science of failure). 7. Reading Culture Do not be surprised if you come to Japan and into the electric train, most of the passengers both children and adults,no matter if they sit or stand, are reading books or newspapers. Many of them use their time to read. The Japanese reading culture is also supported by the speed in the process of translation of foreign books. Usually the Japanese translation of the book is available in a few weeks of when the foreign books published. 8. Cooperation The Culture in Japan did not accommodate the work that is too individualistic. Including the claims of work achievement, usually it is reserved for their team or group. Working in groups may be one of the greatest strengths of the Japanese. The conference to reach the final group decision is a must. 9. Independent From an early age children are trained to be independent. each child was trained to bring their own equipment, and are responsible for their own belongings. After graduated from High school and went off to college, most off them do not ask the fees to their parents, but relies on part-time work for school fees and daily life. If they do run out of money, they "borrow" money to the parents and then they will return it in the next month. 10. Respect Technological and economic development does not make the Japanese lose their tradition and culture. The Culture that "married women do not work" is still going on up to this day. The culture of apologize is still refelected on the japanese. Japanese are avoiding the word "No" to receive an offer from someone else. So we must be careful, "hai" (yes) is not always "yes" for the Japanese. taken and edited from: Komunitas Berani Gagal (Dare to Fail Community). Facebook : /group.php?gid=94095311814&_fb_noscript=1
  12. Depend on what games do you like, but if i could buy some better hardwares like you do, i would like to play these games: Devil may cry 4Call of duty modern warfare (or something like that)Command and conquer Red alert 3Assassin's creedthat new nice looking rpg which i forgot the titleThe sims 3 And many others, but because i can't remember, i guess it's not that good :PWell, i will be very happy if there's metal gear solid 4 in the pc though
  13. Greetings, Zeraelieus. And Welcome to the Xisto! are you site programmer? well you can see many experienced programmer like yourself here, and they sure will be happy to help you (because they helped me too before ). it's bad to hear the word "forced"you mentioned, it's like you don't want to but hey, you're here anyway so i guess it's a good thing after all you can get a real good web hosting easily with posting long and quality posts (not long and spam posts, you'll be kicked out for sure with that manner). there are many package to choose (including dedicated server and unlimited hosting, if you CAN afford to do that), but if you just want a logic plan (with trap's free domain), it'll cost you about 10 posts. it may be more, if your posts are short. and it may be less, if your posts are long such as like Nameless_'s posts you can't see your myCENT at the moment, you need to post 5 post first. and don't forget to register in https://support.xisto.com/ with your exact email as your email here. after your 5th post (and wait for the system update), you'll see those red (myCENT) and green (total money you got) number below your member number. well anyway you can't see others green number, so just stick with yours. in a simple way, the more quality your post have, the more myCENT you get. simple enough? oh, and i'll give you some links that can help you understand this place more How to Order Web Hosting for Free? More about myCENTS - CreditSystem Forum Rules & Guidelines - make sure you read this Web Hosing FAQ - this will answer some of your questions if you have any doubt or question, just post it here
  14. A PS3 Slim and its controller at the price of $4,999 ? there's no way i take that, seriously. better to use my bucks for anything but that. say, what can i get with $4,999? a super high-end dedicated server computer? this thing is only for the one who have more money to waste, that's for sure O_O
  15. ah, after month of waiting it's finally updated :Pi think you put the wrong bbcode there? those images are should be clickable to see the full image, aren't they? :Panyway, how do you make your car "jump" in the 4th picture? and i like your 3rd picture, that's quite a nice fast turn o_owhat's with that all red picture? wasted? and the map... it's rather small compared to san andreas (i think...)
  16. thank you for answering, i've seen fantastico, but it said the joomla there was still 1.5.2 while softaculous have 1.5.10, so i've installed joomla with softaculous first. well, let's use fantastico!
  17. yeah, i already have wild guess that it happened only to me (and not that i'm really going to install all of them), but i thought i have to post the errors here
  18. i was looking around the softaculous (why am i feel it is soooooo hard to spell it right?) after installing my joomla and smf when i found this error oh, and i'm just looking at the web software overview, if you ask me. the softwares are (categorized) : BLOGS Serendipity Open Blog WordPress WordPress MU eggBlog Pixie CMS Website Baker sNews Pligg MODx FORUMS UseBB IMAGE Coppermine Pixelpost phpAlbum Shutter WIKI MediaWiki GAMING all POLLS Aardvark Topsites Advanced Poll PROJECT All except ProjectPier COMMERCE Magento phpShop WHMCS GUEST BOOKS all except Advanced Guestbook and all software on Customer Support and below ----end of my report----
  19. Yeah, seen that before. But it seems not to be much good At the moment, or rather to be useless, that's for me at least. i've never have anything on my mind to push that and hear anything it said when i can read them by myself . But then again it's still in new state, so we can hope for it to improve
  20. Hello there, and welcome back, though i don't know you and you don't know me. I don't know what happened and the black history issues before i registered, but it's running quite good at the moment. Anyway. i'm sure you won't regret it to come back. Enjoy your time
  21. yeahi guess it's just another competition, isn't it? apple already have iTunes, and now they have their hand on lala. maybe they have a plan to make lala free and when someone want to buy it, they will put a link to iTunes :Pi've never used lala and itunes (and most other apple products) till now though, so it doesn't make any change to me
  22. I haven't used it that much, but i do have problems with the current shout box :/ - the shouts shuffled based on the time. On this case, i realized this when i'm with nameless_ - his posts were always below mine, even though he is answering my shouts. And when i look into the time stamps, my shouts are always newer than his, i don't know why - there's some times where i can only receive shouts, but can't post any. Clue? I've heard about the inferno shout box. my friend's forum use that for a while, until the point that it got suspended because their host say they use too much resources lol . And i prefer the inferno than their current one Yes for this thread
  23. yup, it took about 20 characters, and need to be .....-ed there :Pbut i guess i know how you must feel about it, and why you make it your name
  24. hello there, pritam. your introduction post is the shortest amongst all i've seen or maybe it's your style to write it short and simple? maybe we do share the same habit on posting . just let me help you with some links : this How to Order Web Hosting for Free? and Xisto.com Board Rules & Guidelines link will be very helpful for you to start with (and make sure to avoid that first 2 posts of yours) enjoy yourself
  25. welcome to the Trap, GoDK, that's quite a long name you have :Pyou've made 3 post with that length... amazing. i wonder how many myCENT will you get on your 5th post, obviously bigger than mine, since i'm such a short poster :Pgood thing that you finally registered on Trap, it's quite a nice place with many amazing, talented people and huge knowledge base to learn (and don't forget the fact that i offer you the free hosting without ads, yeah ). so... let me congrats, though it almost 24 hours ago, but just let me congrats because i want to :Dabout the phone number, try to put it "number only" like ( xxxyyyzzz ) or your mobile phone number. i put my mobile and that worked for me
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