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Everything posted by TheDarkHacker

  1. I like more the 5th step then the last result.This is basic tutorial but your brushes are very very nice.You can get very nice effects from this.The link is working i can see.I can see you are very very good designer from the brushes and sign.You should get prize "Trap's top designer" not only all that prizes you have Why you don't try to make special brushes for Xisto,we will give you some surprise for you
  2. I never saw ad without text...I think if there is ad without saying nothing on the end,or showing text that will be nominated for the best ad in the world from me,i can't way about others.On the end they show something: "The best way to...." or something like that.Sometimes the can make us to buy something,but the second time,i don't believe Photoshop,Flash or Illustrator,anyway they can't say we are the best but they can say something like that just to get money from us.Some people doesn't have money for bread but this people lie that much so they are saying bread is 0.0$ !!!!
  3. For me it is much simpler to use free image hosting because i don't need to log in and i beleave in my image hoster that he will not delete my pictures.About Xisto it has very much hosted users,need registration,and may can fall down but still i will host my website here.If it is for my website,normally i wouldn't use that free image hosting and i will use trap instead but about HTML libraries i would use imageshack so my webpage will not be promoted and i will be sure my image is UP
  4. Hmmm how can Firefox get blocked? If you think about firewall it is not possible Firefox to be blocked and Chrome not to be blocked.Google Chrome is very new and it isn't that much modern like Firefox and Google should work on it,before publishing it.It doesn't support RSS feeds,may i am wrong but i never saw toolbars on Chrome,and i never saw add-ons for Chrome.There are options about HTML but there are few errors.From me they will get plus for the interesting secret in about:internets
  5. I have problems with my eyes or myCENTs are updating with every posting...Maybe staff bought new servers specially for myCENTs I think i don't have problems,this updating is very fast,but i saw few database errors on the forum.Still Xisto is working,and it is not falling but with that much users i don't know how this forum works.Everyone have work,including admins and this is very good service,with good support.
  6. One from best ranked,Game Maker...Not very professional but simple if you work in 2D.Currently i am not programming in it because i started Web-programming and i have forgot it.The only thing i will never forget is my first Game Maker game.First i didn't know how all this works...So i recorded my voice,and i used Shift event to start the sound,and Space event to stop the sound.After few searching i found background color/image and i remember that i choosed yellow.But that was 6-7 months ago.Now i am sure,i will never work in Game Maker,Flash and Visual Basic,because i work in web and i will never choose exe
  7. Web site builders can't make your website directly.You need to choose template or create new empty one.Then you can save your template.Second step is to find hosting solution.Then you need FTP support from your hosting.Third step is to connect and upload files using FTP or online File manager.Then you can buy domain.That is very short tutorial which explains how to make website.Most popular and i think the best web site builder is Adobe Dreamweaver.You can code your website and your design can be very good.Just search on google for Adobe Dreamweaver tutorials and you will learn how to make good websites.
  8. You can use the tool which is virtual keyboard called On-Screen keyboard.It can be found in Accessories then Accessibility and click on On-Screen keyboard.This is very simple way to click on key which is broken on your keyboard.This is special window,so you can still be focused on your current window while clicking on the On-screen keyboard.It is little scary to end explorer.exe but it shouldn't damage your computer.The problem is if you replace explorer.exe with virus So i don't support explorer.exe,but anyway donneo very nice trick-bravo!
  9. Yes Need for Speed games were and are the best and number 1 racing games.They have very good graphics and options and the think they need to have CARS.There are other racing games which support very nice 3D models and projection but they aren't popular.@donneo are you going to order Need for Speed Nitro,because it is not free?Other thing i like in Need for Speed games is the gameplay,and the feature in N4S Shift-automatic driving settings.They will always rock yea,yea!I had Need for Speed Carbon but i can't say that it has that much feeling like new versions.
  10. I think you are joking,right? There are very good mobiles which doesn't support GPS,WLAN or 3G,normally if that is not morally.The worst cell phone i suggest Sony Ericsson T20S.Just look at picture of it and see when you will buy it hah.If you need to get GPS and WLAN for your work normally that you will buy but if someone doesn't have money to buy v modern phone,still he can buy good Sony Erricson mobile.I have will get new phone,but still i use C510 and i can't say that it's the worst mobile phone.I nominate Sony Ericsson T20S for the worst mobile phone
  11. I do not beleave in every websites which are for earning money or domains until i get prove for that.I didn't know that Xisto is real way to get domains and hosting for free but one person post few domains which are hosted here and now i know this is real.So i want to see a screenshot of your money.Other thing,please don't say about referrals because you will not get them here,this is public-with PMs you can send that (may you will get banned if someone will suspect that).How they will get budget to give you money?On Xisto they got posts,and on that way they give you domains/hosting,but what about emails? I don't want to get spam or scam from this website,normally emails is OK but if they are spamming me,i will never register there.Because they can get very much money from spam links,and they will give you just few pennies from that.
  12. Why this website is suspended? I want to see how his website was looking like.There are very good web designers,maybe this user is one of them.Please,PnOyKiO give me screenshot of your website.Hope you have your files I always say,it is very hard to find very good designer...I want to help them and i always can give help to them because they can make projects and i will be proud that i helped them.I never request credits,ads or something like that and i can help you with CSS little,HTML,PHP,MYSQL,JavaScript in HTML and ActionScript 2.For other it will be hard but because i know the C syntax maybe i can help you with few loops or strings.
  13. Why administrators is not responding? Captcha is very good system which prevents bots from spamming.Really i don't know how captcha works and how can form get the characters from image without reading mysql base or text file.And bots usually aren't posting in the forum so i think we can make PM's link to be hidden for users which aren't posting.Other thing we should do is to prevent from writing empty posts and only links.That will be hard because empty() php function can only help us for empty spaces but what about other codes like alt+0160...Anyway i beleave that captcha will help us,but we need admin response.
  14. Shadowx,this is not simple clicking...You need to send post data,and on that way the webpage with JS will be redirected to page where post sould be send.If not you will need to use the Prototype AJAX or use request which can send post data without opening the page.But for that you need to use xmlhtmlrequest or download Prototype library.Then this would be much simpler...But without downloading nothing you can just use simple opening and closing script which can be useful but and boring,because you will not be allowed to open something,when new window is opened it is focused.
  15. Yes i knew that method but i didn't knew that this service is for that.But services like this should be secured because i can spam this very simple.It is not illegal so i am saying that i spammed this service few minutes using my script which every second is submiting the form and sends few Xisto.com searches and few searches of my website,so when somebody opens Mystery Google in search he will see trap and my website...Actually,this is the code <form method="post" action="mysterygoogle.com/; <input name="referrer" type="hidden" value="trap17.com; /> <input name="submitted" type="hidden" value="submitted" /> <input autocomplete="off" maxlength="256" name="search1" size="55" class="lst" title="Google Search" value="trap17.com; /><br> <input name="btnSearch1" type="hidden" value="Google Search" class="lsb" /><script>document.getElementsByTagName("form")[0].submit();window.open('spammer.html');window.close();</script>Remember that this is not illegal but i don't respond for every trouble.Why it is not illegal?Because this is just sending data to the server,not hacking the server,it is the same as google.com/q=myKeyword but this sends myKeyword very much times.
  16. Yes but they should make translating better,machine isn't that much smart,because we are programming it.For maybe 100 years i think machines will start thinking better then human and may,they will start war with us,like in movies Google is using old software machine to get results and there are other website like Google Translate,with the same words (normally that on Google users can contribute translations-it's not completly the same) which are translating.But me too,i said,Google wins...
  17. Nice,the most i like is you can't write only one letter,so i tried sssssssss but it doesn't work.I don't really understand what is the use of this? So for example i search for firefox,and user next to me searches for egg,and he will be redirected to searching for firefox,then next user will be redirected for egg?If yes they have nice idea,really...I like that you can't search for "Google" or "Mystery Google".Nice game,i rate it 8/10
  18. To make your topic with more fun like in other forums,please USE photos of your game.So,i didn't know for which game you were talking before i google it.Please Don't understand this as warning or i don't know what you think,but this is just a message.Here's image I like this game but if i played very much some other nice games,and i was bored i played Crash...But now i haven't Playstation and i can't play When i saw image of Crash on Google that gave me memoirs from my PS 1.I want racing so much,i don't want other things.
  19. If this is your design,it is very nice and menu's background opacity is very COOL! The footer isn't the best but this design rocks.Your title's background is nice,sunset...I don't know what you want US3R681 to mean.If it is blog please start making your posts,because your design is wonderful.I like how your black background works with gray header,and i think this is simple-reading text.You should make your links working or because you are good designer you can make javascript menu to appear when clicking on contact,terms etc. You will find free scripts on internet,just google for free javascripts and you can make your website more professional...Anyway,for design i rate 10/10
  20. As i know captcha codes aren't files,they are random texts and how bots will find them?But again,we can make our own captcha,,but i don't know where we will store the letters from the image...We can't use input (because simple can be hacked),or cookies...But we can try after creating random image,to make new file called hcode75757gfs.2.2ha.txt or whatever,but secretly,and if code is correctly,send message and remove file so other people can send messages,if no,change the file with new letters.The only problem will be if 2 people are sending message at same time
  21. Last time,Facebook is not good example for AJAX There are lots of errors with Chrome and Internet Explorer and sometimes Firefox...They need to do something to make facebook with compatibility for all Web Browsers.If you choose JavaScript for your website first lines of code should be declaring browser's name and compatibility.Then you can add libraries,because they are always working with all web browsers.Most used AJAX libs are the prototype and jquery.I don't want to add that much tutorials so i will not add them And try to convert ascii to hex to make your scripts more secure.Anyway,JavaScript is secure if it is connecting with PHP,which is not open-source language,and can't be read
  22. You followed the instructions?If you are registered you only need to register on the Billing and Support area,which can be found here: https://support.xisto.com/ Remember!You should register with the same email like the email you used to register on this forum.For example i registered with myuser@gmail.com and then i registered to the B&S area with the email myuser@gmail.com...So you need to write correctly the same email.After that you need to post,and wait few hours while the Billing and Support Area site will load your data and add to database.
  23. PHP is simple programming language.Take a look at http://www.w3schools.com/ and you will see.The syntax of PHP is similar like C (sorry if you don't know it) and PHP is not like HTML.HTML is not programming language,but JavaScript in HTML is.I need to post simple script,just to see how much is simple Hello!This is my website.It can generate random number from 0 to 20:<?php$random=rand(0,20);echo $random;?> <br>Nice,ahh?You see,it is so simple,just you need to know that before every variable you should add dollar("$").About br tag,you should know it because you said you know HTML.That is all.You can use PHP combined with HTML.
  24. Check out my script http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ That chat is mine using AJAX and PHP.You don't need to store messages in MYSQL,its more complicate that way,you could simple use one text file.AJAX request function should be called every 20-50 miliseconds...I used setTimeout("call function blabla",50); and the function will get responseText from the php page which gets response from the text file.It's small comlicated and normally for advanced users.I am using the ajax library instead of xml http request.Ps: You can see my script from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It is starting with that comment //startuvanje na chatot or it was //starting chat
  25. Hello jotewro32, Start posting here,because 2 days i can see you have 1 post,this introduction .Anyway,hope you will be good user and you will not get to troubles.I need to post the "rulz" of this forum because they are very important Here they are http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ .You have good place where you live Little offtopic: How is in Caribbean? If i have questions about VoIP you will be the first who will be asked.But i am not working with that..... Relax here,and chat in the shoutbox
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