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Everything posted by Indego_Media

  1. is it home time yet? i'm tired and got a head ache....... want to go home to bed :(

    1. web_designer


      hope you get better soon...i can understand you i have a migraine headache for the whole last four days...speedy recovery...

  2. Hello Again Musicianly,looks like you have two very well versed people here to help you and support you. in response to your question about what she considered unhealthy in your relationship with out speaking to her it could be any number of things, and please don't take my next response as gospel but, in the past when i've been in an unhealthy relationship or had friends who have refferred to thier relationship as unhealthy, it was with reference to the way in which the relationship was no longer satisifiny needs of one person and this lack of satisfaction leads to being unhappy, with that comes the possibiility of depression or malice to the other party. in your case I could guess and it is only a guess that there was something about the direction that the two of your were heading that did not sit well with your friend. While she may not have known straight away what it was, eventually all she could decide to do was move away from the feelings and because she associated what ever the feeling was with you, it more then likely meant that she was not able to see you in the same light that she did when you both fell in love, instead she could only see the negative energy that your combined relationship have generated for her. This is not to say that you personally have a negative energy or that she does either but in her eyes I could suggest that her path had changed direction from your path and due to this the two of you being together was no longer a suitable path for her, the decision that she has made, as Anwii suggested, may even be for the better for both of you. the best that you can hope for is that in a few years time you will accidentally bump into each other and a pleasent energy will surround you but that will only occur if the two of you have moved on and experienced other people and emotions. There is little chance of you ever regaining your relationship with her, and the pain you are feeling she is more then likely feeling too, however you need to close this chapter of your life and begin a new one. Imagine what wonders lay waiting on the next page of your life. You clearly are a warm and caring person and I'm sure the right person is just out there somewhere for you, there may even be more then one new friend that you enjoy getting to know, there may also be further pain and fear, but this is what life is all about, growing old, experiencing emotion and loving unconditionally. When you give yourself to the world in an open maner with out expectation and ensuring that fear does not control your next move, truely magical things happen......I know for now you cant even imagine a life with out her. and Magic is something that seem's to have died in your life right now. but beleive me it never dies it only grows dim in the dark place that you put in when you are hurting.... if you shine a little light on your day each and every day that spark of magical life you love and live for will return, old friend and new friends will protect you when you need it, they may all kick you in the butt when you need it as well, but most importantly they will be there, you are never truely alone if you can find the courage to ask for help and support. Clearly you are courageous as you have asked for guidance here, and as you can see there are people who are willing to help, provide a shoulder to lean on and, there will always be someone somewhere who is thinking of you. So, go out enjoy the sunlight and turn the next page in your book of life, i'm sure its going to be a good one :)Hugs Jase
  3. Hello Samiara,as per some of the earlier posts, you need to give us a lot more information other then just needing a name for a company, joe blog's whatever just won't cut it....there are so many area's that your company name will effect, you need to make sure that you have completely reviews all areas of your company and its activities before this can be completed.Company Branding as its known is a very expensive operation and if done wrongly it will cost you more then just the fee's from another branding company or service.. You really need to tell us more about the history of the company, the products that this comany will supply and to whom it is going to service or trade with. You will also need to let us know a little about the founders of the company, also any existing brands that you currently supply and if those brands will continue to be supplied by the new company.Your market demographic is also a very large factor in fine tuning the branding for your venture. please feel free to email me directly as I do this kind of thing for a living, so i'd be more then happy to offer some free advise if you can give me more details.Looking forward to seening the entire overview of your company.regardsJase
  4. 10 years on and the Passion is still going strong. My life is good, Hope everyone else is having a nice day..... Last night could not have been any better even if i'd planned it....

  5. MrDee, pleased I could help you out, sometimes the simplest things are just out of our sight. but they make the biggest difference in life.
  6. Hello Musicanianly,firstly there are two people in a relationship and you have to remember that it does actually take two for the relationsihp to work, so if she was saying that shed needed space or a little distance then I'd be inclinded to think that there was a chance she would like you to wait for her, but as she stated that "She felt the relationship was Unhealthy" then I doubt that she will be coming back to you any time soon, especially if you are unable to get the answers you have asked here from her.Sometimes relationships run thier course and it just wasn't meant to sustain the energy to survive the distance. You mentioned that you had already had a period that you were both separated, what was the cause of this separation and why or what brought you back together again, if there is any chance that you might be able to revive this relationship the answer will more then likely be in the the reason for your reunion last time.I know that you say you are both alike and that you compliment each other, this is not possible if you are both alike then you can not compliment each other as you would need different traits to balance each other out there fore complimenting each others personalities or likes and dislikes. A relationship does not have to be build on 2 people perfectly matched to each other. Relationships work for many reason and also die for many more reasons, the unfortunate fact is that what you originally found cute or special about someone may very well be the one thing that causes a wedge between you in the end cycle of your relationship. I would suggest that you ask very politely to meet for a coffee and have a conversation that is honest, frank and most of all open about the situation with her, if she is nice enough to grant you that meeting then ask her your self what went wrong, if there was anything that she could see that could have prevented your break up and anything else that you feel is important to you to know about the relationship, if she does not grant you the time to meet than you are certian of the fact that it is over and that you can begin by building a new life for your self and re-assess what you want from this world, where you fit in and how you and only you can effect the direction of your life. Even if you do have a loving partner and your relationship is going well and there is passion, trust, commitment etc. You still need your own personality and interests, this will ensure that you and you partner will have something to talk about and a point of personal difference that keeps you as YOU, this is afterall the person that your partner fell in love with in the first place, so Don't go changing yourself to try and keep your partner happy, You should only change who you are to keep yourself happy.I know its not always easy walking away from someone that you love but sometimes its the only way. You know what they say if you love something set it free, if it returns it is your to keep forever, if it doesnt it never was yours in the first place.Hope that helpsJase
  7. Hi Ninkki,Great to have you join our wonderful little community. There are some really great people in KS and most are happy to help and give some advice when needed, there are a few grumpy ones as well, mind you they only get grumpy at spammers and posting to topics that have been quiet for several years.....Have a good look round the forum, there are some interesting topics already in play but please feel free to contribute your own idea's and discussion threads if you like, We are always looking for new lines of discussion and even a good heated debate goes down well here every now and again. In the mean time have fun interact and get to know some of us, We are happy to have you hear and hope you get out of KS what you are looking for.......Cheers and hope to see you interacting soon.Jase
  8. why not go back to some old school webdesign such as a scrollilng banner across the top of your page with a link to another page with the full even details.you could also incorporate a calendar style area that again could be linked to the event.either of these will work but I have a preference for the old school scrolling banner simple and very effective at getting the attention of vistiors new or regular.Anyway hope it helpsCheersJase
  9. We do the same with all the non show dogs, especially the older kids.... we clip them each year around mid spring so that they can enjoy the warmer months and not stress too much in the heat also cuts down on the amount of hair that you have to clean up each day.As we have long hair breeds the grooming is an on going thing and coast change is just simply hell, but its what you do if you want to keep show dogs...BTW we just got the papers to say that our new boy is all clear to be inported to AUS next month, it won't happen quick enough.
  10. Sheepdog, its a rather interesting little town...... need i say more Having said that that little town is where i grew up and went to school so they could even be partially to blame for my twisted sense of humor and sarcasim.....Where else would the locals celebrate Brass Monkey Month "celebrating that its so cold that it would freeze the balls of a brass monkey" as i said its an intersting little town.....
  11. Hey Sheepdog, I too breed dogs, so I think we have a lot in common, well my Partner and I have been with Cavalier King Charles Spaneils for the past 9 years and just recently moved into the Harvanese Breed as well. I'd be only to happy to talk to you about your marketing needs as well as your concerns about how to address / approach email correspondence. and any other marketing info you need. hope to hear from you soon. Cheers Jase
  12. Well Folks we (My Partner and I) made it to 10 years today..... a small feat in any relationship these days.....So as for the flowers Anwiii if you want to send me flowers please do so I love flowers and I'm as Masculine as they come... My Partner is the Softer of the two of us. and He is less likely to be impressed by flowers and as such never sends them to me as for holding hands he's not a touchie feelie type of person but if we are in the car driving or something like that he will often hold my hand and I think its very sweet I agree that public display's of affection is sometimes a little hard to handle but it is also very nice if its in the right place at the right time and its not going to cause a scene or get my head based in :PI still think that the general public finds it difficult to watch or see 2 men kissing, now 2 girls on the other hand i'm sure most men and nearly all women have very little issue with that... got to love our lesbian sisters :PAnwiii i think you are correct that when its two men involved it depends on the chemical makeup of the people. just as it does with a standard straight couple, there are some girls ( Tomboys) that are less interested in flowers and romantic dates as Hotted up Cars and a night out shooting pool with their friends.... So i think its more a chemical / physiological predeterminiation that effects how we react to certian stimuli rather than that actual interaction.... and this of course leads onto a discussion on birth as apposed to choice, there are some who still beleive that GAY is a choice... while there are more now that are open to the fact that this is how you are born and its the enviornment that will nurture you into the person that you are.... I'm not saying that people who are born Gay don't live full and happy lives with someone of the opposite sex, but I think that if you were able to sit them down and talk openly with out risk, they would admit that something in thier life was not quite right, and I think that the environment that they live in and were raised in has a lot to do with the scale of the "Not Right" feelings they have.I'm also sure getting back to the original reply from anwii that there are some men out there who are straight and happily in a standard relationship that would love to recieve flowers from thier female partner...... I'm just not so sure they would admit it to thier Football / Hockey Playing Mates.....
  13. Very Happy today - 10 Year Annaversary for My Hubby and I :) So Happy :)

    1. Darkyo13
    2. anwiii


      happy anniversary man! more than a small feat. which reminds me. you know what they say about a man with small feet?

    3. Indego_Media


      Yes i do and its not true, lol take it from someone who has sampled many men of many different feet sizes :P

  14. Morning All, don't know if it was world news but it make breaking news here in Australia this morning, at aproximately 6am today, Sydney Harbour Bridge was closed to all traffic, this was due to a man climbing to the top of the bridge to hand 2 banners "PLZ help my kids" & " Kids First", these banners were in relation to the fact that the man had just faced a divorce and was concerned by the lack of support offered but the Department of Community Services DOCS and other government agencies to assist and support Children who are also part of the family break down, It took Police just under an hour to talk the man down from the top of the bridge and then several more minutes to clear the rope from which he had absailed down from the top of the bridge, before traffic could be allowed back on to one of Sydney's main transport links. While on the bridge he made a call to a local Sydney Radio Station to voice his concerns about the lack of support offered to children who are experiencing family breakdowns saying that the government bodies only interviened when it was too late either the children were in harms way or acting out and going down a parth that they were not before the family break down.the Man was arrested and taken away to await charges, the minister for transport told reporters that closing the Bridge for just over an Hour would effect traffic and commuters around Sydney for many hours and that the Man's attempt to get his opinion heard was weakend by the fact that police and other officials had acted so quickly to remove him from further danger and to prevent him causing more choas. either way the man who was knows to both Police and DOCS seemed to have succeded in getting part of his message out and for what its worth i think his message is a very valid one, Hopefully the Australian Media will give this man an opportunity to get into his situation more and hopefully educate some of the power players in the support services to Sit up and Take a look at the situation at large for families and childern effected by family breakdown.I'd be keen to see what charges are laid about this man and what sentencing a judge would consider. If more info comes to light I'll keep you all posted as I think this cause if one worth following......for more info check out au.yahoo.com its made headline news there and just about every other media source as well.
  15. its still cold here and they are predicting another cold front this weekend YAY another few days freezing my considerable butt off :P hope you're all have a great day and it goes well. Cheers Jase

    1. Guest


      ano its colddddd :@

  16. Addicted to COKE !!!!! I think we all have our own vices, Coke was once mine, and i had all the associated issues with drinking only coke. My liver and kidneys suffered quite badly from it. At one stage the doctors thought I was an acholic from the damage that was done to my liver.I know its hard to break away from Coke as your primary drink but you need to make the personal decision to drink something else, but keep Coke as a Reward or for special occasions.... that way you will still get to enjoy the taste of Coke with your friends or when you go out. but At Home and Work or School you need to subsitute the Coke for something else, for me it was tea, but these days i've found that I enjoy Water as much as I enjoyed Coke seems hard to beleive but its true maybe my palet has just matured with the rest of my body getting older sometimes makes you look at things differently My suggestion is that you talk to your friends and let them know that you are going to try and reduce the amount of Coke you Drink, just as if you were going to give up smoking if you have a peer group of supports then you are more likely to acheive your goal, and if they know your not supposed to be drinking Coke, when it comes time for you to have a drink with them they may also apply some peer pressure to you not to buy or drink coke and make another selection.Best of luck with it, I know its a hard one to breakCheersJase
  17. Hi MehrAli, Pleased to have you join our little part of the world, BTW quite liked your poem as well cute really Anyway hope you have a good time here and feel free to contribute how ever you wish. We are all very friendly and will help you where we can. So until your next post take care, have fun and be safe. Cheers Jase
  18. Love these kinds of quick surveys tells so much about the people how respond Chocolate icecream or vanilla icecream? Vanilla but its got to be a good quality one.... (French Vanilla) Blue or red? Blue Coke or pepsi? Coke Zero Milk chocolate or white chocolate or dark chocolate? Very partial to Dark Chocolate Miranda Cosgrove or Selena Gomez? Selena Rocks..... Hate to tell you this but there is a little town just down the road from me, a few years back that Stopped Selling Coke do to the local Softdrink supplier having thier distribution rites from Coke cancelled when Coke decided to Distribute thier own product instead of having local companies supply it, Unfortunately for the Softdrink supplier with out the support of Coke they had to lay off 33% of thier staff... not a good thing for a small town. Anyway as an act of rebelion the entire banned Coke and Pepsi was introduced into all Pubs Clubs and most stores, So if you wanted a Burbon and Cola it was actually a Burbon and Pepsi that you got served..... I will admit that it don't quite taste right though.... Cheers Jase
  19. its so cold here today, Winter has hit us this week, cold and very busy but not in the mood for working too cold.

  20. Morning all, i'm very happy to see this topic on the forum today, only yesterday i was researching solutions for our new house in tasmania Australia. Currently in australia we rely heavily on coal based powerstations to provide the electrical needs of the country with small amounts provided by hydro electric plants. and some solar and wind farms. However the biggest push for alternative electricity has been with individual households commisioning Solar panels for thier homes, the system supliments the house holds electrical useage and reduces their need to draw from the main electricity grid, if per chance you manage to produce more electricity then the house hold is consuming at that time then the excess electricity is sold back to the power company and rebated off the households electricity bill. Just about all house holds especially new houses build since 2000 have been forced to use a non-electrical hot water heating system and 99% of those have chosen to use a solar solution to heat thier hot water. In the colder climates such as our new home in Tasmania, the most cost effective and low impact option for heating your home should be under floor heating powered by Geothermal core heating, simply put drill holes into the ground go down 30 - 40 feet deep in each bore then run a looped pipe to the base of the bore hole, then circulate further pipe through the floor connecting to the bore pipes, then circulate fluid thourgh these pipes the heat from the earths core at that depth will provide a stable heat source of 25 - 30 degree's this system requires very few parts and other then a circulation pump which can be powered by solar energy if you choose, would reduce most house hold heating requirements. couple this he energy effectient appliances, gas cooking, low voltage lighting and passive solar designs. Most house holds would have very low utility bills, ensuring that the average NEW household would reduce thier enviornmental impact as well as reduce thier overall operating costs...Given that most of the energy we use in the average household is to heat our water and our house then this solution would vastly reduce a household's draw on the electricty grid and as such reduce the communities reliance on fossil fuels.....I think that collectively we need to aproach all new developement both residential and commercial buildings with the same very stringent sustainability requirements, given that it costs a small percentage more to build a home that has a passive solar design to make the most of its environment, placement and regional climate conditions, along with an increased requirement to insulate the building and the useage of renuable / free energy sources to heat and cool the buildings, our constant demand on fossil fuels would be greatly reduced and this would allow us to develop a more price competitve efficient solar system.some of the work being done here in australia, looks at the sun to heat water to drive turbines just as the coal fired power stations heat water to drive turbines. We have also seen research in using the movement of waves to generate a presure force to drive turbines to create power. all of these opportunities are still in the research stage, but given the truely abundant sources of energy that this planet has to offer, if the worlds sources of fossil fuels suddenly dried up, I can guarantee you that we would not go with out energy to drive our vehiles or heat our houses, little own power our ipads, iphones, blackberries, pc's laptops and other essential items....On the note of using a desiel generator to provide an alternative power source, this is also an option using bio-desiel, BP for all thier faults are in development of a renuable source of Bio-fuel, utilising the manufacture of Corn and Sugar Cane based bio-desiel, so much so that they too have built and have sailed a boat around the world just using thier corn based fuel.So as you can see there is really no need to use fossil based fuels far less the need to build a nuclear power plant that will leave with us a much larger issue then the power it provides...Anyway just my thoughts on the issue.CheersJase
  21. Morning All,just tuned in to see that the americans are trying to catch up again :)Its been the case for many years now that the US has tried to convience its people to BUY American, and it seems that the message is not getting through. It would be fair to say that I am slightly biast here as the Australian Economy is riding very heavily on the success of the Chinese Booming Ecconomy with our resources being required for thier ongoing success. The Australian government has also been touting the Buy Australian Campaign for many years with several consumer lines being threatend by the continued growth of the asian ecconomies and as such many jobs have been lost here due to manufacturing powerhouses moving off shore to cheaper labour forces in the asia pacific regions.So as much as I would like to see the American and Australian Economies and Business regains its strength, I doubt very much if we will ever see the manufacturing boom of the 60 - 80 that were evedent in our respective countries, It would seem that both the asian and more so the Chinese markets have far exceeded anybodys expecations with thier ongoing growth and resourcefull ness.... Currently we are expereincing a boom in imported Chinese motor vehicles, and why wouldn't we when you have the option of purchasing a Toyota 4X4 SUV in Australia for arround $50K or a Chinese Made "Great Wall" 4X4 SUV for arround $22K it makes a heck of a lot of sence to us to buy a cheaper vehicle with exactily the same fit out and even longer warranty features.....This ofcoures is reflected in just about every consumer based product that we have on our shelves in Australia, there is not a single item in the electronics or white goods market these days that is not effected by the asian manufacturing giants. We are even having the influx of Asian based produce and food lines effecting our own local growers and producers..... so it is little wonder that the asian markets continue to develop at a greater rate then our australian and american markets.... As for the aliance between Canada and the US it would make sence when you consider the current position of the Canadian Dollar vs' the American Dollar, not to mention the geographical benifits of your countries forming a benifitial economic and social unity. Again it has been something that has been on the books here in australia with New Zealand for many years, so much so that any party from New Zealand who comes to Australia is given the same social rights and economic rights as far as social security benifits being paid to those who are unemployed in australia regardess of thier origin. From my reviews of the growing economic climates globally and the centres of power, I can see a continued shift from our existing beliefe that the US and Europe followed by the OZ Economies being a base of strength, this shift will in the not to distant future make a dramitic shift away from these centres and towards a powerhouse alignment with the following countries and i see the ranking as such.1. China2. India3. Southern Asian Countries Pacific Rim4. American Alliances5. Australian / New Zealand6. Europian / Russian 7. African ContinentThis is ofcourse my own personal views but you are welcome to correct me if you feel that I am incorrect but I think you will see that this shift will occur in the next 5 - 10 years and global ecconomies will become more depenand on our current so called 3rd world economices for support and supply of our vital manufactuing....Looking forward to your comments and feed back on this...CheersJase
  22. I have to agree with most of you on this post. In Australia, McDonalds even goes out of its way to contribute to healthy eating by designing menue items that are heart foundation approved and love in FAT so it is not thier fault if a consumer can not help but buy the biggest serve of fry's large full strength coke and 3 double cheese burgers on thier way home to sit infront of the TV and eat Home Delivered Pizza while drinking some more callories in the form of Beer and topping it all off with a tub of Icecream....give the Chain Food Restaraunts a break its not them its the consumer and thier lack of will power that is the issue here. I'm not sure what is happening over sea's but in OZ its at the stage where you cant even choose to do anything without someone telling you that its not good for your health today,,,,, but wait tomorrows head line news will be that there health benifits to the same food or activitiy that they told you was BAD for your yesterday.Its All about YOU!!!! and the MEDIA..... You have the choice, and you need to learn to be educated enough about your self and your world to know what's good and what's bad for you.....Hell if I'd listened to everyone that ever said what your doing is bad I'd be a Priest in the Catholic Church Right now sinning against myself and the POPE :PAnyway thats how I feel about it.....cheersJaseI'm off to Maca's right now for thier new Smokey Bacon Cheese Burger......... Heart Atack here i come.......
  23. well kids its Friday afternoon here and once again i'm out of here...... home to my BF for the weekend huge weekend planned building a fence yay such a macho thing for a gay boy to be doing :) anyway take care all and have fun but stay safe..... i'll be on my BB is you need me :) Cheers J

    1. anwiii


      building a fence huh? to keep something in or to keep something out :) yea...it IS macho so plan on doing it without the pink thong and dolphin shorts....otherwise people will think you're just showing off. anyway, good luck with that fence. i personally hate labor work :)

    2. rob86


      How did the fence turn out?

    3. Indego_Media


      Well The Frames are made up and the holes were dug, Frames in place, now if it stops raining long enough I should be able to fill in the pannels this week. thanks for Asking :)

      BTW i'm a little be sore too much manual labour......

  24. Hi Magnafrost,if you already own the firstname.com then use it with mail@ or firstname@firstname.com at the end of the day the employer will be more interested in the content of your resume then your ability to build several domain names. I also tend to agree with Anwiii gmail is acceptable these days as well..... i use mine for everything.Anyway just my humble opinion.....CheersJase
  25. One Mood Selection is just not enought today :) Very Happy, and Very Much in Love and in both cases not for the same reasons.

    1. web_designer


      then pick the best one you think it suits you and be more happy when you think that your happiness is bigger than anything that can be represented :)

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