D. Benitez
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Everything posted by D. Benitez
She's Hanging Onto Me + Shes Too Young..:( please help
D. Benitez replied to legend112's topic in Dating And Relationships
Anwii,Geez, I was on topic. You don't understand anything. You are an angry person who talks, but makes no sense. Only you can correct people. For once I told you what you usually tell everybody else and obviously you don't like it. Of coarse It is not about me or you. Remember that!. You beat people and I just try to encourage and give my opinion according to the Word of God which is the only thing that counts. I may not sound encouraging to you right now, but you need someone to give you a little bit of your own medicine. What's good for the Geese is good for the Gander. Have you heard that one? By the way, I do have a Life. a Good one. Have a great Thanksgiving, and I really mean that.In His Love,D. Benitez -
She's Hanging Onto Me + Shes Too Young..:( please help
D. Benitez replied to legend112's topic in Dating And Relationships
Geez Anwii, Everything you accuse me of, you just did. You have good logic in this particular situation, but the way you go about it is way out there. You first accused me, when I first heard from you, that I reminded you why you did not go to church because of my long sermon. That was a pretty long post and it was for nothin because he told you he was finished reading anything on this post anymore. Geez, It feels good being on the other side for a change. All you have is human reasoning with no Biblical mention which is the real issue. The guy said he broke things off, and you assumed and judged him like he was lying. Didn't you tell me that I was judgemental? I always showed compassion when I gave advise with God the center. You have secular knowledge only which does no good. Maybe the guy was lying, but maybe he was really doing what he said by ending things once he knew she was underage. You really need to carefully read your posts and notice how judgemental you are. You show no love whatsoever. You probably will tell me I am showing no love, but really I am because you need to be told how you come across. Only your opinion matters. Everyone has a right to their opinion whether right or wrong. and everyone has the right to give their advise to those who ask for it. The person receiving can decide for themself what post they feel will help them. I just find it amazing how much you attacked me in the past and you just did what you accused me of. The last response the person told you it was a long post with no real material. You told me the same thing on the very first post I did. I'm still praying for you. In His Love,D. Benitez -
She's Hanging Onto Me + Shes Too Young..:( please help
D. Benitez replied to legend112's topic in Dating And Relationships
I probably should just leave well alone considering who might get offended by anything I say, but here goes. First, to the original poster, stay away from the girl or you might find yourself in alot of trouble. If she's for you, then one day when she is older your won't have to worry. But, let me say this: My husband and myself are 6 yrs. apart but I met him when I was 21 and he was 27. Not bad sounding, but if I had met him when I was 15 then he would have been 21. Not good. Besides, my dad would never have allowed it. I was raised very strictly and that is the problem with many kids today, they are not well supervised by their parents and they end up meeting guys (I'm speaking from a girl's point of view) that are too old for them and the girls look much older now days. It's sad but true. Don't play with fire, you will get burned. It is not worth it. Even just being friends with her is not a good idea. Temptation is a powerful thing and if you don't have Godly convictions, you will not be able to control yourself. In His Love,D. Benitez -
I'm A Christian... How many are there from this forum?
D. Benitez replied to eTronicGaming's topic in General Discussion
Hello, I am Chrisitan (Born Again) as the Bible calls it. Basically a follower of Jesus Christ. Nice to meet you and everyone else who has responded, Christian or not. Yes, I am from the US.D. Benitez -
The Most Idiotic Thing You Heard A Christian Say
D. Benitez replied to Dodger's topic in General Discussion
Just a plain simple answer. Some "So Called Christians" who really dont know what they are talking about make such comments, sorry to say, so they give a bad name to christianity, specifically God. Babies are not born sinning at that momemt of birth. The Bible says we are all born in sin. All Have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Babies are sweet and innocent but they as all of us did eventually grow up and sin. sin is part of human nature that everyone experiences and when the child is old enough to recognize sin and understand it that is when they are accountable for their sin. Preaschers, or just regular church goers that claim to be Christians need to be careful what they say because they represent God and He will hold them to the highest accountability on how they turn people away from God. Don't blame God for the stupid things some Christians may say. Just seek God for yourself and pray for those that have no sense.In His Love,D. Benitez -
I think pretty much everyone gave very good advise. You can't convert anyone to Christianity. You can only show him through your own life. yes, you can talk to him about God and what he has done for you in your life and how much God loves him, but the best thing you can do is pray for him and ask God to open doors of opportunity for you to talk to him as I believe was mentioned already. God never pushes Himself on anyone. It is our responsibility to share the Word of God with others but we don't want to turn them off either. Pray for wisdom and for opportunity. And most of all pray for God to touch his heart.I just want to say to one of the posts made by Demonfire, that he did not call his friend egotistical. He said he did not want to get responses from anyone advising him that was going to be egotistical in their response.Sharing God's word is something we need to pray about in how we do it because we do not want to be judgemental and pushy. Some people get very irate about it so pray continuously. You still will get those who don't want to hear and will reject everything you say, but God will get through somewhere down the road. just plant seeds and others will water the seeds and God will get the increase.I can see you really care for this person and God will honor that.In His Love,D. Benitez
Unfortunely not. I have tried to find something because I have had trouble finding work sinse I moved and no luck for 6 months now. I checked out so many things and everything was just a big farce. They want so much money to get their info. I tried one and they took 39.95 from my checking account and then some other Co. I didn't even know who the heck they were also took money from my account. It caused so much problems I had to get a new debit card. to stop them. I don't trust anything online anymore. I just click out when they start asking for my bank info. Then there's the ones who say it is absolutely free they will not charge you a penny and then they are asking for money and your info. Bunch of hogwash. something should really be done about these people. I realize nothings for free but they should be more honest. Then you have to read page after page of info that does not even tell you what you will be doing. Pay 9.95 for their kit to find out what it is. Not interested anymore.These job sites also are crazy. they tell you they have found several jobs for you that are hiring in your area and then you click to see and there are none in your area or they are asking you to get trained to find a job. I just want a job. I don't want to go to school. I'm past that. I've had training already. So I sell AVON which is legitimate and only has a 10.00 starting fee, and i make things to sell and I do weddings and other parties that I can get to do my floral work. It's really hard, but it works out in the end.My advise is to be very careful and don't give your info to any of these work from home companies. You just don't know who to believe so be safe.D. Benitez
What Do You Guys Think About People Who Sleep Around ?
D. Benitez replied to LocalSeer's topic in General Discussion
Ok Anwii,You reject God everytime you speak. It is obvious. You hate me even saying God. That is rejection. You want me to stop mentioning God. WHY ANWII? What are you blaming God for. Only angry people talk the way you do. I never cursed you yet you cursed me. It came out as a BLEEP, but we know what you meant. You cannot tell me anything to make me believe that you are not angry about something. Listen to yourself. I don't know anything about you except what I get from your manner of speaking to me. From out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, and you speak total rejection. You think you can judge me but I cant tell you anything because I am judging. I am not judging you. I am inspecting your fruits. They are worldly and totally angry. You are so vexed in your spirit that you are foaming at the mouth and it is exposing your heart.I never said I am trying to open your heart. I cant I said. Only God can. But God uses people to minister to others His Word to penetrate their calloused heart which you have. God will get through your calloused heart whether you want it or not. That is going to be my prayer. I am not full of assumptions. I can see where you are coming from and I am just stating what I see. You live in a humanistic state, separate from God.Yes, I am a Servant of God, better than a servant of Satan. They both exist. I'd rather be a servant of God. No, I do not know everything I need to know about God. I am learning everyday but I am on the right tract. I will NOT stop mentioning God to satisfy your discomfort or anyone else's. I will NOT water down the word of God to make you feel better. I hope you feel much discomfort till you recognize your need for God in your life. That is true love. No matter what you say to me, I will still show you God's LOVE because that is what he did when they crucified his Son Jesus. I have said all that I want to say. I give you to God to work in your life. There is nothing more to say to you because you are in a state of Anger and God is the only one who can deal with you now. I pray the best for you. Please let me know when you are no longer Angry and God has got a hold of you.In His Love,D. Benitez -
What Do You Guys Think About People Who Sleep Around ?
D. Benitez replied to LocalSeer's topic in General Discussion
Well Anwii, I guess we wont agree. God is everything to me and nothing to you. You can't understand me and I can't understand you. I do understand you to some extent and that is that you are intelectually lost. There are three types of people as you say, but those people are The Intelectually Lost, The ignorantly Lost, and the Traditionally Lost. I assume from talking to you that you have read the Bible at one point of your life and you rejected it. You have come to the conclusion that God is wrong and you are right. God, who created the earth and everything in it is nothing to you. He is the reason you wake up every morning. There is no reason for me to stop mentioning Him. You are preaching to me only in a different way. What makes your way ok and mine not?Look around you anwii, how did all this world come about. who created the stars, the sky, the mountains, and the human body that works so mysteriously. he is an awsome God who created everything here for us to enjoy. Outside of Him is nothing. It is a mere life that exists to just live without God. I can't help but mention His name. He has done so much for me and my family and I just want to share with others this great love that they can experience also. I love people whether they believe my way or not. We do not have to agree to be friends, but I will always mention God when the opportunity is there. The Bible tells me to. It says in Ezekiel that we are to warn the wicked of their unrighteousness and to also warn the "so called Righteous" of their unrighteousness. This is out of love that God wants us to warn others of their error. he wants everyone to be with Him one day so he waits patiently for those like you and like me and everyone who needs him. No one is exempt from needing God in their lives. He created us for fellowship with Him.The Bible says that one day every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. so one day, you will bow and confess that He is Lord. Everyone that rejects Him and thinks they are Gods equal will find out differently whether you believe this or not.Not everyone sees things the way you do, so maybe someone else who reads my posts will understand what I am trying to say, and they will find God for themselves and their life will change. That is my prayer. I don't expect anyone to agree with me. I just do what God puts in my heart and He takes care of the rest.I pray that God opens your heart because I can't.In His Love,D. Benitez -
What Do You Guys Think About People Who Sleep Around ?
D. Benitez replied to LocalSeer's topic in General Discussion
To Anwii,First of all. all my posts on this site are not to judge or condemn anyone. I do not see myself as perfect and without any faults. I do not believe that I have judged anyone in a bad way that I need to ask for forgiveness. I have written everything in hopes to help anyone who reads my posts. I am not perfect and never will be as long as I am in this life here on earth. I understand about reality and the everyday things that people go through and have to live with, I go through them everyday myself. I put my trust in God to bring me through every day life. That does not mean that God is my crutch in the manner you would say. It just means that I look to Him to bring me through and help me to be a better person through every thing that comes my way. I have problems just like anyone else.Christians, sadly to say have given a very bad name to God, or the name of Jesus. I believe more than half of Christians are very condemning and act like they have never sinned in their lives. They forget where they have come from themselves. I do not want to get into an argument with you or anyone on the subject of God. It is my true intention to lead people to God, not away from Him and if I have done this with you, I apologize. It was not intended that way. So please forgive me if I have come across wrong to you. I do not judge the girl that was the topic of this post or anyone who lives this life of promiscuity. I truly feel compassion for her and anyone like her. Personally, I never lived that life. I was raised in a Catholic home and my parents taught me to respect myself and wait for that one person that God would send me (marriage). Now, I had a Dad who was very strict but took the time to talk to me and guide me and it worked for me. I realize not everyone has the same raising as I did and everyone has their own beliefs on this, but my beliefs which are from the Bible I stand on. I do not push them down someone's throat that they have to believe, I just share what the word of God says and pray that it touches someone life for the better. God requires me to share His word with others. God also gives everyone the right to believe what they choose, but He has given us His word (the Bible) to show us the way he intended it. His Word says that he is the same Today, Yesterday, and Forever. He does not change with the times, new age, etc. We change. There is no concern for God as you have said, you don't live your life for Him (the one who gave you life) through your parents. You believe from what I see, in reincarnation because you say you have lived several lives but the Bible says "Its' appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgement". We live one life on this earth and then we will stand before God in judgement for the life we lived. God is not unfair because He gave us His word to guide us on how to live our lives and continues daily to reach out to us through people, etc. but He gives us the ability and right to choose whether to beieve or not.There is only one Higher Power. God himself. Whether you are Catholic, Christian, Mormon, etc. God is the creater of them all. All He asks is that we have a relationship with Him, not a religion. The Bible is not a religion. It is God's love letter to us to lead us to Him and to show us how much He loved us. We did not ask Him to die for us as you said you did not ask Him. He died for us because He chose to so that we could be with Him one day when our life ends here on this earth.To end, I would like to say that the Bible was not written for just that time, it was written for all times. His Word was to set us free from the sin that has tried to destroy us. The Bible says that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God". but God loved us so much he gave us His only Son Jesus to die for us so we could have eternal life with him. Even though I did not live a life of promiscuity and drunkenness, etc. I still needed Him because I still was a sinner who did things I needed to repent of. No sin is greater than another to God. We all need to be forgiven. I do not see myself any better than anyone. I hope you understand what I am trying to say to you. I really do want to continue talking to you even if you don't agree with me. I don't condemn you or anyone else who disagrees with me. You have a right to agree or disagree. I know that either way if I do my part and pray for people and share Gods's word that God will touch hearts.In His Love,D. Benitez -
What Do You Guys Think About People Who Sleep Around ?
D. Benitez replied to LocalSeer's topic in General Discussion
Dear anwii,I forgot, you said that Jesus has been dead for 2000 years. He died on a cross for everyones sins, including your so that you could have eternal life with him one day, but if you don't receive him and ask for forgiveness then you won't spend eternity with him. And I know your next response: This will sound unfair and that God is not a loving God because that's what people say, but tell me why someone who doesn't believe in god and lives his life or her life in a ungodly manner deserves to spend eternity with God in heaven. God is loving because he continues to try and reach us even when we refuse him. He keeps sending people to talk to you and tell you of His love for you. He does not give up. But you can refuse Him to the end and it wont be God's fault, it is your decision. You said He's been dead for 2000 years. I guess you don't believe that He rose again after 3 days. What will you do if you die and stand before God and find out that you were wrong and you should have listened?D. Benitez -
What Do You Guys Think About People Who Sleep Around ?
D. Benitez replied to LocalSeer's topic in General Discussion
Hello Anwii,Just to let you know, I am not a buddy, I am a woman responding on a topic which I found sad and disgusting how guys view girls who sleep around. first of all, I want to make something clear. I never judged this girl in a bad way. I was sympathetic to her and was responding to the response of another guy. I agree that this girl who was originally mentioned (by the way, It was a guy talking about his friend who had this problem.) I responded to someone who responded to him about his last comment which was disgusting. He talked all nice and said all the right things and then he ends it with wanting to know where he could meet this girl. (something to that effect) I have compassion and if you had read my post properly, you would have known that. Your problem is that I have vexed your spirit. You can't stand my comments (based on the word of God) which is not a resourse to you., because you are worldly minded which I am not putting you down for because everyone has had that same mindset till they have an encounter with God and their eyes and heart are opened. That is what you need. I will never condemn or judge anyone in a bad way. I will speak what I see, but I will do it with love and compassion. You don't see that because you are spiritually blinded and until you open your heart to God who created you and LOVES you, you will continue to misinterpret everything I post. I know God is working in you whether you believe it or not, I just pray that I get the priveledge to know when that day comes.You can't tell me that I am wrong because you obviously do not know anything about the Bible. Whatever you may think you know, you don't because you would know that the Bible says that those who fornicate will not inherit the kingdom of God. You made a comment about not wanting sloppy seconds, well, that is very condemning and degrading to call a woman. Whether you want to believe it of not you are the one who is judging this girl and every girl who lives a promiscuous lifestyle.To end, I will pray for you. I do not claim to be a person who has all the answers as you seem to think, but i do know from reading the word of God and talking to people about their problems in this particular area that their is a Root Problem from their childhood, whether you believe it or not. I say the things I say because I know from experience this to be true from women I have talked to for many years. Some women have less desires for sex and some have more but is all connected to something that has happened somewhere along the way of their lifetime.In His Love,D. Benitez -
What Do You Guys Think About People Who Sleep Around ?
D. Benitez replied to LocalSeer's topic in General Discussion
Wow! What a sad topic. First, I agreed with the comment from N09t9. It was the best I saw until the end with his disgusting question. It is not funny if that is what you are thinking. And don't say, you were just kidding because "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks"Now, as far as this girl or any girl who sleeps around it is not because she wants to, it is because of something that happened in her life that made her this way. You said there was a "Root Problem" which is very true and that's where the healing of a girl like this starts. She does have a low-self-esteem because her worth has been destroyed in her childhood somewhere. She needs a really good friend who will talk to her and help her see her worth. Her worth is "One Jesus Christ" who died for her to free her from her sin. When she comes to the realization of the fact that she needs Jesus in her life and she gives her life to God she will see how much He loved her that he would die for her to free her. Every guy who takes advantage of a gir like this is going to answer for it on judgement day, and guess what? They will reap a disease for sleeping with her.. And remember, not only girls sleep around. That is a double standard. It does not matter if it is a girl or guy. Girls have been plaqued with this terrible word of "****" or "*BLEEP*" and what do you think you are as a guy?Remember, physical union outside of Marriage is either fornication, or adultry, and those who practice these things shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven. I say this with Love in hope that someone who needs this will be free from this bondage. -
Sleep Paralysis. For those who awake within themselves.
D. Benitez replied to Aeon's topic in General Discussion
Yes, I have had Sleep Paralysis if it is what I am thinking. I have not had it for many years now but at one time I had it quite frequently. what would happen to me is I would not be able to move any part of my body. I felt like I was tied up and I could not speak either. I would try and scream for help, but the words would not come out and I would struggle to move my arms, legs, etc. and nothing. I am a Christian, so i took this as an attack from Satan. (maybe you do not believe in this) but I do. In this dream or nightmare is probably the better word, I had awareness of what was happening to me and I continuously tried to get myself free. The only thing that released me and woke me up was when I tried to say the Name of "Jesus" I would keep saying it in my mind and trying to say it verbally and then, and every single time I would get the name "Jesus" out, my arms would fly open and I would wake up. It was quite frightening to me, but I knew that if I could just say the name of "Jesus", I would be OK.I have not had this happen in years, but if I were to experience it again, I know I could get myself out of it. -
Dear Humhaiking,My heart goes out to you. I can feel the pain as I read your story. Love is a very difficult thing and a very beautiful thing also, when it is the right person.First, most people do not end up with their first love, but it is nice if you do, but then again, your first love could end up being the wrong one down the road if you jump into things because of a feeling you think is so real. I am not saying your feelings or hers were not real, they are, but love is not just a feeling. It's a lifetime committment that you will love that person forever, even when they change in looks, etc.I personally don't think she was the one for you. There are many problems there. Her family plays a big role in her life and who she ends up with. She is controlled by them. Now, it is right that she honor her family wishes because family will affect your marriage if they did not agree with the person she picked which will make your life miserable, her life miserable and also will affect your children. Her family from what you say are rough people and it is best not to push things. Move on with your life. Don't make it a thing that you go out with friends and meet new people becuase there is danger there too. You might jump into another relationship that is not of God and you'll be in for another let down.My advise to you comes from the Bible. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you". Matthew 6:33. Forget getting into another relationship with someone when you could only get hurt again. Seek God. God says: "Draw close to me, and I will draw close to you. Get to know God better. Read his word, ask Him to come into your life and live in your heart, to lead and guide you. Make God your focus and you will fulfill Matthew 6:33. Yes, you will fall in love again, if you let God bring that special someone in your life. Don't look, just seek God, get closer to Him and you will turn around and the true love of your life, other than God will be there. When that day comes, you will realize that the other one was not the true one that was for you. Your wound is fresh right now and you need time. God will heal that wound and give you the desires of your heart, to fall in love again.I pray I could help in some way. My prayers are with you.In His Love, D. Benitez
This message is for AnwiiI really appreciate your sermon of a spiritually lost person. You have accused people of being ignorant, or a person of ignorance for having faith or strong belief in God. You are a preacher of "secular humanism". You preach a human aspect of what God started, but it sounds to me like you are a person who has rejected the calling of God. You must get really vexed in your spirit when you read things about God because you must have had a bad experience because of people turning you off through traditional practices of so-called "religion". You have failed to read the Bible to find out for yourself. You approach God from an intellectual, traditional, and ignorant point of view. Which you exhibit when you talk about God. The bible says only a fool says in their heart there is no God. When you speak you mention God but then you try to discredit Him ,then you say some good things and then you resort to your humanistic nature. Its funny to me that the mind and tongue you use to communicate your views are the instruments God created in you to find Him. Your favorite word in your comments are "ignorant or ignorance" but I hear a person confused and crying out to God. The Book of Hosea says my people perish for lack of knowledge. Read the Bible and pray for understanding and God will give it to you. Remember WISDOM IS LOOKING AT EVERY LIFE SITUATION THROUGH GOD's PERSPECTIVE. THE BIBLE SAYS TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND LEAN NOT UNTO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING, ACKOWLEDGE HIM IN ALL THY WAYS AND HE WILL DIRECT YOUR PATH. DONT CONCENTRATE ON RELIGION FOCUS ON A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP. WITH GOD.In His Love
Now This Is Scary! Bad news for cell phone users
D. Benitez replied to sheepdog's topic in General Discussion
Yeah, that sounds right. I would not doubt it. After all, the world is not getting better. The end times are closer than ever and people just dont' realize what this can lead to. The Bible talks about all this. Read Matthew 24. Read Revelation. You may not believe any of the Bible but one day if you don't, you will be sadly shocked. Everything is leading to our privacy being taken away. we probably dont' even know the half of everything that is already happening through cell phones, TV, cable, you name it. This is why it is important to search the scriptures so you can know the truth and be ready to be with the Lord when our time comes. It's a scary thing, but if you are a believer in God and live your life for Him, He will take you through it and we wont have anything to fear.In His Love;) -
In response to Misanthorpe:I don't believe God intended things to be so difficult to understand. Yes, Not all things are exactually as we may interpret it and if you do a study of the Bible from its original transcripts you will obviously discover things that you did not see before, but the explanation you just gave is utterly confusing and mind boggling to many people. God did not intend for that. He is not a God of confusion and your interpretation to me was way off. It made no sense. I am not being rude or putting you down, I just think you need to use a little plainer english so people will understand what you are talking about.In His Love
I would have to say "Nameless" hit it on the nose pretty much/ But to go a little further and to say it biblically: Human Nature is everything we do which is contrary to God. It is Human Nature to lie, steal, cheat, look at a woman or man and think immoral thoughts, to gossip, , etc., etc. It is also Human Nature to not acknowledge God. 1 Corinthians 2:14 says: "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
To Anwii,The second generation is a continuation of the first. It started with adam & Eve and continued up to this day. Adam & Eve started it all. all of creation was not destroyed with the flood. God saved Noah and his family and son-in-laws and some animals to continue in procreation, and it just continued to this day. God promised he would never destroy the earth by flood again. I hope this helps.In His Love
Which Religion Is The First ? What you now provide some proofs
D. Benitez replied to puneye's topic in Health & Fitness
First of all, everyone has a right to post a topic in trap 17 so long as it is not vulgar in any way. Religion is a great topic to post because, me for one, like to see the opinions of others on this topic.I am a Born Again (Christian) for 32 years now. This does not make me a know it all and I will never claim I know it all. There are things I will never understand till I see my Jesus face to face.Now, it is true that Christianity is not a Religion. It is a Relationship that we have with God. God does not care what Religion we are, he cares about our Relationship with him. In John 3:3 Jesus says "You must be born again" so I go as a Born Again believer. Yes I do call myself a Christian, but the true term is Born Again. The scripture continues to explain to Nicodemus that it is not a physical re-birth, but a spiritual re-birth. this only means that you were walking one way (in your sin) and then somewhere you see your need for God in your life and you give your life to him, confessing your sin to him and asking him to forgive you and then you make a complete turn around and start walking a new life in christ. No, this does not mean you are perfect and no longer a sinner, but you are forgiven and God is there to help you along the way when you call out to him. This also does not mean you can just purposely sin and figure if you ask him to forgive you (and he will) that you can continue to sin. There has to be a change to be truly Born Again.Also, one person said that Sinse someone is born into a Christian family, he or she is not going to be a christian. If the parents raise that child to believe in christ then I would pray that, that child will grow up and be a christian or proper term (Born Again). Yes, that child will have to come to the accountability when they reach a certain age and understand what they are doing to follow christ for themselves, but if you did your job as a parent they will. Now, they might stray and experiment a little or sometimes alot, but God says "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6.As far as asking for this topic to be removed, I dont think that is right. Everyone has the right to view their opinions even if you feel they are wrong. God will have the last word. We, as Born Again believers should count this as a way of sharing God's word with others. My Beliefs are from the word of God and Jesus was a Jew so, the true Religion was Judism, but they rejected Jesus and to those who rejected him he gave his salvation to the Gentile (everyone else who would believe in him).Just a little note to Anwii sinse I saw your post on this subject Here's to youDON'T TAKE IT DOWN!!! DON'T TAKE IT DOWN!!! DON'T TAKE IT DOWN!!! In His Love,D. Benitez -
Dear AnwiiiFirst of all, let's clear the air. I was not trying to be offensive in any way and I am sorry if I came off that way to you. I think you just misunderstood. I'm not sensitive. I was actually having fun with you also. I have a great sense of humor and I didn't realize you would misinterpret what I was saying.I was not talking about the seed of your parents that created you (but that seed was created by God through your parents). I was talking about Spiritual seed of planting a seed from God's word into you, which I'm sure your friend who is a Christian also does with you when he shares with you even if you disagree. ask your friend about spiritual seed.Also, I believe in myself and I believe it is good to believe in ourselves, but God is the ultimate belief we should have. He is perfect, we are not,and we need to trust him in our lives and look to him for the answers we cant figure out ourselves. There are things we will never totally understand until we see him one day. Believe me, I don't know it all, but I do my best to learn by reading his word and asking God to help me understand what I am able. I don't worry about what I don't understand, and God don't expect me to understand everything. I just pray he helps me live a life that's pleasing to him and that I can be a blessing to someone along the way.Concerning the rest of your message about people living longer in adam's time, well yes they did because sin was not as rampid then as it is now and the food they ate was natural, not like today with all the preservatives and stuff they add to the food. People die much younger today because of the changes in the food. Adam actually lived to 930 years of age. You will find that in Genesis 5:5. We live in different times which is the progression of sin, but God is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever. Hebrews 13:8Well, I hope you understand what I am saying, and again I apologize if I didn't explain myself clear enough. I hope we can share more. I enjoy talking to people and it is not about me having to be right about everything but I know with God's help, I can make a difference in someones life. In His Love,D. Benitez
Ok, this is something that just baffles me. I realize everyone has their own ideas on things but that is where we go wrong. Our stinking thinking gets in the way of logic. Logic is not always the answer either, but there is one sure thing, and that is the word of God.We need to open up the word of God (Bible) and you will find why you were born, not just why you were born, werever you were born, but why you were born in general. It does not matter where you were born. Read Genesis (the first book of the Bible). God created man for fellowship, and the life you live determines where you will go at the end of your life on this earth. (Life is Preparation for Eternity). The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27 "It is appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgement". We die and then the judgement (no reincarnation). That is why it is so important that we live our lives according to the word of God because once you die, it's over as far as getting a second chance. God gives us so many opportunities to live our lives for him and we just go about our way ignoring him. He did not just put us here and say "ok, live your life any way you choose. Go to college, get a great job, nice car, etc., etc. He created us to have fellowship (relationship with him) but we messed that up and that is why people are not happy with what they have, because they have left their creator out of the picture.It was said that "We are born where we have to be because of our previous actions in our past lives". What past lives? This life will be our past life after we die and then we will either go to "Heaven" or "Hell". There is only one past life, the life that is now. When this life ends for anyone, that is it. You will not come back as a cow, tomato, cat, dog, take your pick, it is nonsense. We need to wake up and stop trying to rationalize our lives. God is the giver of life and we need to turn our lives over to him so he can open our minds to the truth. Stop walking around in your own way of thinking. God says "Our ways are not his ways, and our thoughts are not his thoughts (Isaiah 55:8).Give your life to Jesus. He is the WAY, the TRUTH. and the LIFE. There is where happiness is found In His Love,D. Benitez
Homosexuality Homosexuality - Yes or no?
D. Benitez replied to sofiaweb's topic in General Discussion
In response to whether gays have the right to marry: Yes, they have the right to marry , but not legally. Gays are having their private ceremonies for themselves, but not legally. Some are legally married (in the eyes of the world--not God) only because our "world" allowed it before it was even voted on. Then it was voted on and our constitution was held up. Marriage, (from the beginning of time) was created (by God) between a man and a woman. The "world" is getting farther and farther from God and this is the outcome. I believe one day gays will have the same rights because the world is getting worse. The end times are here, but it is the obligation of believers in God to stand up and speak the truth (in love) not hatred. God calls it unnatural affections, sodomy, it was not so from the beginning. That is why we see so much more sin and disease running rapid in our world. You are not born this way. It is a lie from the pit of hell (satan) who comes to kill, steal, and destroy people. People need to wake up spiritually and take a stand against satan and his wicked divices and refuse to acccept this lie and pray. Parents, pray for your children. Rebuke the devour who wants to get in the mind of our children and utterly destoy them. God loves you all and is trying to speak to you. read his word and check it out for yourself. Read Romans 12. -
Defining good and evil simply: Good---Only God is good Evil---"Satan" perverted, bad, untruthful, wicked, deceitful, murder, rape, the world we live in. Human beings natural inclinations are towards evil, but, God has given us a choice of whether to follow him or Satan. The "Apple" as people say in the Garden was not an apple tree. It was called "The Tree of Good and Evil". which was the tree of knowledge. When Adam & Eve ate of the tree of knowledge they knew the difference of good and evil and that's where good and evil began.