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D. Benitez

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Everything posted by D. Benitez

  1. Sorry, you only read half the post. I posted two because I ran out of room on the first part. "Don't be misled" is the second page. If you go to the main menu on the left column you will see two posts. "Are you Struggling" and "Do you Struggle". I did a New Topic. I am new to trap and that was my first New Topic I started. I may have done something wrong
  2. So don't be misled, my dear brothers and sisters. Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. He chose to give birth to us by giving us his true word. And we, out of all creation, became his prized possession. (NLT) New Living TestamentGod bless to everyone D. Benitez
  3. Today at church the topic was Temptation and I thought I would share it with Xisto viewers. I can imagine there are many people who struggle in the area of temptation. That is part of life. Everyone's Temptation is different and some may not even see it as a problem and others might struggle everyday trying to overcome. I would like to share the passage today and I pray it helps someone who might be looking for help in this area.How To Win Over Temptation:James 1:12-18-- God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, "God is tempting me." God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else. Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.
  4. In response to Rob86: I find alot of contradictions in your post. You say that homosexuality is not a sin (you don't believe in sin) but you, on the other hand say it is unnatural and you continue throughout your post to make many contradictions. First, I in no way am responding to ridicule or condemn you or anyone else. I do not hate homosexuals, lesbians, etc. They are creations of God as we all are, and God loves them. It is not my responsibility to judge, but, it is my responsibility the Bible says to warn the righteous of their unrighteousness and the wicked of their wicked deeds and if I don't then their blood will be required of me. You will find this in the old testament (Ejekiel 33) if you are interested. Yes, people have the right to live their lives any way they want (God does not force anyone to live the way he has instructed in His word) but he does give us His word to define right from wrong. You don't believe in Sin, but sin is everywhere. We all sin. Sin is sin whether we lie, steal, kill, rape, etc. Homosexuality is a sin. We are not born that way because the Bible says we are male or female (Genesis). People turn to homosexuality, lesbian, etc. because of a traumatic experience somewhere in their lives or because of curiosity, or it was passed down because the Bible says that sin is passed down from generation to generation and the sin nature is easy to fall into if you have no knowledge of God and what His word says. But then again, God has put in everyone the ability to know right from wrong so you really cant say you don't believe in sin, you just don't want to believe.You talk about animals being homosexual also. We are humans, not animals (even though we act like it at times. but animals are just that, animals, they do not have souls. The bible talks about homosexuality. It says that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God and then it lists who this includes: fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate (homosexuals, lesbians), nor abusers of themselves with mankind. (1 Corinthians 6:9) and continues in verse 10.To end, in respose to they do not hurt anyone, that is partially true. They dont hurt me physically or my life but they hurt themselves by continuing in their sin and refusing to turn from their sin (because they do not read Gods word) The Bible also calls men with men unnatural. It says in Romans chapter 1 (read if you are interested) that women changed the natural use into what is against nature and likewise the men left the natural use of the woman and burned in their lust for one another. God calls it vile affections in verse26.Just some information to think on. Everyone has to make their own decisions and I pray this can help someone.In His Love, D. Benitez
  5. Really the question was asked by Sonesay and if he was not really intersted I dont think he would have asked the question. Not all questions are answered with just a few lines so I answered in hopes I could make it understandable. Yes, that was my interpretation, someone else might have another and then Sonesay can think on them and decide for himself. The most important thing is that he read the Bible himself as I said so God could give him understanding. I did not give all New Testament Scriptures. I gave only one and the others were old Testament which is where Adam & Eve are talked about. I am happy you read my response because now the seed in you has been watered. See, you have a best friend who is Born again, so he probabyly planted a seed in you and now I watered that seed and someone else will water it again somewhere down the road and the more watered your seed gets you will grow and the Lord will touch your heart one day and you will be Born again too. You cant get away because the process has started and I am sure your friend prays for you if he is Born Again, and now I am praying for you also. I truly will. Let me know when that day comes. I pray soon. Also, the last statement you made about warning everyone to be cautious who you make fun of... you're probably related to them. What has that got to do with me or was that for someone else. I made no fun of anyone, but you did me. that's ok though. I will be related to you one day... Spiriitually In His Love
  6. Dear Sonesay,In response to your post on Adam & Eve. I will do my best to explain to you on this subject.First, are you a believer, meaning a Born Again Christian? I have been a Born Again Christian now for 32 years.God created the earth and everything in it. The heavens, the waters, day & night, animals, trees, etc. (This is all found in Genesis) Now God creates man and put him in the garden (chapter 2) God sees that there is no help mate for Adam, so he creates woman (Eve) for him, Created from Adams rib.Now this is where it all starts with other creation. Adam & Eve live in a perfect place of no sin. God tells them what they can eat from the garden which is everything except the tree of knowledge which opens up knowledge of good & evil. I'm sure you know the rest pretty much. The serpant temps Eve and she disobeys & eats and temps adam to do the same and he eats also. (the first temptation)Now, Eve conceives and gives bith to Cain and then again she gives bith to Abel. Cain becomes jealous of abel because he gives a better offering to his father. He gave the best and Cain gave like the scraps. Cain kills Abel (the first murder) sin has entered the earth. Now, if you read the book of Genesis you will notice from this point on it says that Cain has to leave and move on. adam curses him for what he has done and says he will be a vagabond. It says Cain knew his wife and she conceived and bore Enoch and all the births from then on that are mentioned are all male. Of coarse their were females but back at creation God created man. woman came later. The focus was man. women were for helpmates to the man and to bear children (Today women are more than that) we now live in the New Testament of "Grace". So this means that the females that were born were the wives of all the men. In actuality, they were related because they all came from Eve. I hope that makes sense. Mutants were not from the beginning. It happened later in leviticus & Deuteronomy when sin became worse. Sin is what brought on disease and mutations and such.We now live in New Testament times so the marrying of brothers and sisters and such are "Incest". It can be confusing but if you read the Bible and ask God to give you understanding, He will. Now, the question of where did people start looking different and having different color is found in Genesis also. (chapter 11) "The Tower of Babel". It says that the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech up to this point. They (the people) began to say to one another to go and make brick and build themselves a city and a tower whose top would reach heaven: and then they say "and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad the face of the earth". God was not a thought to these people. They became BIG headed (to say the least) and wanted to make a name for themselves like they were God. God created them, not the other way around. The bible says in the New Testament that if two or three agree on anything it shall be done unto them as they say (Matthew 18:19) so back in Genesis 11 God says: "the people is one and they have one language, and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. God in verse7 of chapter 11 says "Let us go down (he says 'us') who is he talking to? (Jesus) because God and Jesus are one (that's another topic) . He says "Let us go down, and confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. Verse 8 the Lord scattered them abroad from the face of the earth: and they left to build the city. Therefore many cities were made from there and everyone had their own language. The Lord called the city "Babel" because the Lord confounded their language of all the earth and from then on the Lord scattered them abroad on the face of the earth. This was because they became Big headed and wanted to be greater than God and build a tower to heaven where no sin can be.I hope this answere your question, if not just ask whatever you are still confused and I will do my best to explain with God's help of coarse. In Christ's Love, D. Benitez
  7. Hi Myke, thanks for the welcome. Yes, 27 years married to my husband. It has been a good relationship. He is a Pastor since 1990. I remember seeeing your intro also. Welcome to you too.
  8. Hi, I'm D. Benitez and I am new to Trap 17. I have been married now for 27 years, have 2 grown children and my first grandchild on the way. I am a Born Again Christian now for 32 years and came to this site because I had an interest in "Trangenders" after seeing a Talk Show (Oprah) on the subject. I look forward to meeting new people and being able to share God's perspective on subjects of "Trangenders" and any other topics that I find on this site. It is not my intention to judge or condemn anyone on these subjects, just to share what's in my heart from the word of God. Look forward to meeting you all.
  9. Hi Maxine,I am new to this site and I saw your post and thought I'd give you some more advise on getting over your ex. I read the other posts of advise so here's one more.I know it can be hard getting over someone especially if you were engaged to that person. First, let me say that if he had been the one for you then somewhere you two would have got back together. I don't believe he was the one that God chose for you. First of all, he is married now and has a child. You said he was a great guy and the best guy you had ever been with and treated you good. Well guess what? There is someone out there better than him, but first you need to seek God to help you get over this guy. The Bible says "What God has joined together, let no man (or woman) separate. Matthew 19:6. He no longer is available to you or anyone else. If you are still hoping for him to divorse, you need to wish the best for him. If he were to divorse and get back with you, I can guarantee you it wont last with you either because it would not be of God for him to divorse and if he does then the best thing for him is to get his life right with God and reconsile with his wife.For one thing, he does not sound like a guy I would consider wanting in my life because while he was married and expecting a baby, he met with you for lunch and told you how he still had feelings for you. What if you were married to him and he was meeting another woman for lunch. He does not sound like that great of a guy. Plus you said he exposed himself to women. (what's that) .what you need to do first is stop looking him up in facebook. All you are doing is keeping yourself in bondage to a memory of something that should never be. Second, establish a relationship with God. He knows who is best for you. The only way you will be able to get past this is to seek God. Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you. You will find that good, and godly man who will truly love you and will be good to you if you do these things. But most importantly, seek God and dont worry about finding someone. Let God bring him to you. When you are not looking and just getting close to God you will turn around and that perfect man God made just for you will be there.I hope I was of some help to you. I will be praying for you.D. Benitez
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