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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. It's truly a tragic situation but compared to the situation in the past hundred years, the picture is improving. The crimes still happen and women in some parts of India are still ill-treated, but all hope is not lost. The young generation is realising how barbaric such deeds are. So I guess this is the last generation which will suffer such parental pressures. In another 10-20 years, the present youth will become parents and they will have the capacity to think clearly, so hopefully these crimes will come down as well.

  2. The post limit for each member has been increased from 25 to 51 (I dunno if there's any limit for the mods/admins :lol: ) The myCENT script is still down and most members are still hesitant whether or not to post at their usual pace. Well I'm getting bored in my holidays and I recently cleared off the myCENT debt, so I want to try using the limit to the max, i.e. 51 posts daily, until I get bored of posting. Will this be a problem, especially to the mods? I won't make any useless posts or spam (unless you count this thread :lol:) and there's a 95% chance that I won't go on for more than 2 days :) So is it fine if I attempt to go on a posting spree?

  3. LOL! aren't you kind of too late for PS2? i mean, there are almost no decent games released recently so you will have to go hunting for old games.

    Yup I'm very late but there are still some great (old) games available for the PS2 which aren't there for the PC so I'm not at all disappointed. If anything, this is a good way to keep me satisfied till I can afford to buy PS3 games regularly.

    but anyway, congratulations for your first (?) console in your house. i was thinking to buy another PS2 myself too, since PC games are not really my things... and it would be much cheaper than Blackberry "smart" phone after all (if only you can mention good japanese-style-PS2-RPG like valkyrie, way of the samurai, etc ... i would try it) :P

    It's the first non-cartridge based console in my house ;) And yup its cheaper than a blackberry although it is just a gaming machine and nothing more :lol: There are still a lot of new Japanese games being released for the PS2. You could check for these at sites like play-asia.com

    My favourite one was the original Ratchet and Clank, which I didn't complete (I got stuck at this stupid level where this room fills up with water and you have to escape. If you know how to do it please tell me :)). I still have the game saved on the memory card and I hope to buy it this summer. :P

    You could always use a walkthrough/guide if you're stuck in the game. Search at sites like gamespot, IGN and you'll surely get a good walkthrough for all sorts of games :)

    why on earth would you want someone else to tell you how to do something when you plan on buying the game? that defeats the purpose. be crazy.....and let yourself be in suspense until you buy the game and figure it out on your own! you will have more fillfillment doing it my way than yours :D

    It's fun to figure out everything on our own but certain games have irritating levels and the irritation blocks the brain from thinking of a solution :P That's why after trying for 20-30 times I give up and take a peek at the walkthrough :D

    Well, you still could play PS2 games on a PS3, you just have to buy a refurbished 1st generation PS3, might get lucky on a 2nd generation PS3, but if your looking at the slims, don't bother unless you download the PS2 games from the PLaystation store.

    After looking at the slim, who would still want to go for the fat?! ;)

  4. The best thing to do would be to take it to a service center. If you're good at repairing such stuff yourself you could try ordering a replacement part. I just searched for "PS2 Switch Ribbon" in google and Amazon returned a result which costs $0.99. I dunno if it's the same thing you're talking about, though. I got a PS2 only recently so I'm not so experienced about it. You'd better wait for a better reply here if you want to do it on your own, but the easiest thing to do would be to get it repaired at a service center.

  5. I don't know...I only use IE. I don't care what anyone says about it. It's the browsern I've used since I got my first computer, and it's the one I'll die using. Best to not force people, otherwise, they might not come back to yor site. As far as HTML5 goes, as far as I know, no browser has complete support for it yet...so, be careful.

    There are a lot of people who still stick to IE. I'm not too friendly with IE-supporters :P Just kidding - anyway this website is still far away and HTML5 support is getting stronger by the day. And if the site is really good then people won't mind using alternate browsers to view it. It's happened many times with IT-only sites - some people use IE only to view such sites.

  6. These games die and come back to life depending on your friends list! I stopped playing for a whlie because I was too bored, and luckily most of my friends stopped too. Then some idiot discovered some sort of new feature and started pulling in others too and eventually I started getting all sorts of silly requests as well. After constant pestering by my friends I added the Farmville application again, and I was annoyed to see that it had remembered all my data from the previous time. While this meant I didn't have to start from level 1 again, it also meant that even if I delete the application now, it will still have access to all of my data it had collected :angry:

  7. It does sound great and is sure to sell well, no matter how the reviews turn out to be. What about the pricing? I always get confused about the pricing of the iPhone. On the Apple site it says starting from $199 - is that the old 2G iPhone or the 3G one? And how is the cost of the iPhone4 going to be?


    Pricing in my country is really over the top. 2G iPhones are now selling for Rs.15000+ ($326+) while 3G phones are selling as high as Rs.41000 ($890). Is it really so highly priced in the US/UK too? I don't think so! iPhone4 is certain to cost even more over here. I still don't know why Apple doesn't have a regulated price for all countries. It's a good offering for a handful of countries while others are left staring at the carrot on a stick.

  8. The concept is really good, although I wish the pictures could be changed to something else. Emoticons are not a bad idea, but not the best idea too. I'm not creative enough to suggest any ideas for the logo, but we've got lots of creative people over here and you are very creative yourself :) I'd say this one's a good effort, and there's just no harm in hoping for a much better one. Keep up the great work!

  9. @StvenWesley: So you use the iPad only to read Ebooks? That's a really costly ebook reader! :P There are other tablets in the making, which are all set to give tough competition to the iPad. I think it would be better for us to compare these new models with the iPad before deciding to purchase any of them. Since you've already purchased the iPad, I hope you're enjoying its (limited) features. How about giving us all a quick review?

  10. Hey there mcknight - welcome to the forums. You love the forums but haven't made a post since the day you joined? Hmm you must have been busy. Oh well, keep up the posting and as soon as the myCENT script is back, you'll be earning virtual dollars for every post you make in the forums (except for the 'No Post Count' forums). With that you'll be able to buy quality hosting from the Xisto corporation :) If you haven't already done it, go to this link (don't worry it's not a referral ;) ) and sign up with the same email id you used to sign up here. That will be your myCENT account which will soon start to overflow with virtual money once you start making posts here :) So have a good time and see you around.


  11. I'm not too happy about the proposal to give more power to the mods, but I think we can trust OpaQue's decision to believe in the mods. We've got a good team already although I haven't seen some of the people in the "Moderating Team" list in a long time. In any case, if the members notice any irregularity in the award of myCENTs they can always bring it to the notice of the admins. If I'm not wrong, every move made by the members and mods is recorded for the admins to see? So in a way we are safe from the rage of the mods!

  12. Has OpaQue given any update elsewhere? The last thing I remember was that the script was 80% ready and that it was postponed to be installed after all other upgrades have finished. Is there any other new news? I've just spent two days at Xisto and piled up a stack of myCENTs to clear off my huge debt. Now my account is finally back to normal and I'm looking forward to spending more time here - Xisto can surely get a bit boring after a while, but it is the only option left if the script over here needs more time to get ready. So if there's some news I'll be waiting to hear it so that I can decide whether to continue for some more time at Asta or stay here....

  13. I believe this happened to me once during the 30+ times I had to format XP :) At that time I was too impatient to think of a solution and just went ahead and formatted it once again, and this time it worked fine. I'm guessing you're getting the errors because there might have been something wrong while the files were being copied/installed. There might be a faster method to fix this problem, but I'm just sharing my experience - another formatting session solved the problem for me. So keep that as a back-up plan if you don't get another solution :P

  14. Nowdays the milk that we get home is full of pus and hormones and antibiotics.I have now stopped taking milk in tea and reduced my milk consumption due to
    the dairy industries inhuman treatment of cows and the amount of antibiotics
    they inject in the poor cows system to produce more milk.
    Not to mention the amount of adulterants that are put in the milk especially
    in India that is scrwing up our system !

    I get pimples when I drink milk and when i Stop they vanish.

    Please see this report for milk.


    We have done some seminars also against this industrial milk that we consume.
    Shall do more and more to create awareness.

    Hmm I've heard allegations like this before, and honestly don't know whether or not to believe them. I hope what you've pointed out isn't all true or a lot of people are in danger. In my case however, I don't consume industrial milk - I get it from a local diary which doesn't have the smarts required to use adulterants; so I'm assured the milk I get is pure. I shudder to think about people in the cities, though.

  15. I started a thread in this forum when I was new, asking for advice on buying a console. Thanks to budget problems I was not able to buy a PS3 back then. Now after a year I do have enough money to get the PS3, but still I went and brought home the PS2 :P If only the PS3 had supported PS2 games I would have bought it without a thought, but since all PS3 games fall out of my budget, I'm content with the PS2 for now. I've bought some good old titles like God of War, Tekken 5 and am having fun killing time. It's been a long wait of ten years to actually see a console in my home and it's a dream come true today, although its an outdated dream :)

  16. Thanks for the links and the suggestion, TomCol. It's sure been a while since I looked in here. Using HTML5 seems to be a very good idea. And maybe it could be a way to persuade people to get off IE. Many sites have the "Works only in IE" tag; now it's high time for "Won't work only in IE" :)I'm not so good with Javascript but it's good to know my options. Thanks again!

  17. I agree. During this transition phase we need more members to keep up the activity. A lot of members (including me) have stopped being active due to the fact that the myCENTs are still down after a month of the upgrade taking place. This is not what the forum needs right now. Activity will boost the confidence of new members who may be doubtful about how legit the forum is. It will also inspire our good ol' admin to work more efficiently on the myCENT script :)

  18. But if you are not even willing to eat eggs, then i doubt you would even consider milk.

    I'm quite fine with milk - in fact I've stopped drinking tea and only drink milk. I also eat a lot of cream - anything that helps :)

    Going to the gym because "1000 people" called you thin are not related to each other; you are thin because of your diet not because you lack exercise.

    That actually makes a lot of sense; I'll start concentrating on my diet. In any case, I can't keep up with the gym schedule throughout the year so I'll start thinking about working out at home instead.

    @rvalkass: Thanks a lot for the links; they were very interesting and helpful. I'll start taking care about my diet instead of running around powders :P

    Thanks for the help guys!

  19. Hmm this would be a tough question to answer, but I'd say I won't have any dream car till I get enough money. Once I'm sure I have the moolah to get any car I want, I'll pick out the car which is "in" at that time and get it :) If I end up spending a lot of money for a car which is hip now but outdated in the future, I'd be very unhappy. So why dream now......earn now and dream later!!

  20. Hmm I'll be brutally honest and say that I was attracted to the forums first only for the myCENTs. Before joining the forum I was totally against forum posting and the concept of a forum community. That was because I had spent a lot of time in a small community and made over 1500 posts and also made a lot of friends in the process, but one fine day, without any warning, the forum was shut down. That really put me off posting for a while. T17/KS offered no other choice to get hosting, so I started posting once again, but this time didn't bother too much on how many posts I made, and instead concentrated on the content and the members within. So far it's been a thrilling ride, although I do get bored now and then and take a break. This whole myCENTs episode has especially been tough, because the foremost thing in my selfish mind is still to get back something for my posting, but it just occurred to me really late that the myCENTs system at Xisto is still alive. This was enough inspiration to start posting there, and I'm also throwing in a post or two here as well :)Speaking generally about what the forum means to me, I'd say that I'll never forget it and I can't thank Opaque and the rest of the team enough. For years I've been desiring to get my own website and never got a chance to pay for my own site until T17/KS came along. I can't show my appreciation in a big way, nor can I promise that I'll continue to be here for the rest of my life, but I can surely say that I can never, ever forget this forum :P

  21. Hi there genevie - welcome to the forums :) A quick suggestion: single-line posts are frowned upon over here so try not to make too many of those. That doesn't mean you need to keep writing stuff to make the posts look long; just try to convey your thoughts in more than a line! The forum is going through an upgrade which is nearly finished, and so the members have to wait for a while before the favourite myCENT system is back online. Till then keep making some good posts and as soon as the system is back, it will take into account every post you've made and reward you with virtual money which you can use to get some top-notch hosting services. There are many, many categories over here so feel free to slip into any (or all) of them and get comfy with the community.Have a good time in the forums!

  22. Just a quick note on the domains - I'm not sure if this works anymore, but it did for me last time - check the pricing of various domains on https://xisto.com/. Some of the TLDs have a discount for one year. For example, .info domains can be bought at $7.69 for the first year while the usual rate for a .info domain is $10.99. Be sure to check out the "SALE" prices on Xisto - Domains.com. If you buy a .info domain from Xisto - Support, you will be charged $10.99 at first, but the sale comes into effect and you get back the remaining amount. If that doesn't happen, send in a ticket mentioning this and you will get back the amount. As I said, I'm not sure about this, but just keep it in note. Most members look for .com domains anyway and they're priced at $10+tax which amounts to around $12.Regarding the decade plan, it's a very basic package and should be used if you're planning to build a simple site. If your site requires multiple databases you won't get it in this package (it has only one) and you won't be able to add any more domains to the hosting account. If you're content with the limited features then it's a very intelligent plan as you don't have to worry about anything for ten whole years :) So balance your requirements and the features the plan offers.

  23. So which theme did you like ? the one which spells kknowledgesutra in black and whiteor the oLD Blue theme?

    The home page of the new theme was better than the old one, but the broken effect inside posts was not pleasant to see. If that were fixed then I guess I would vote for the new theme; the default theme is good but a change is always welcome.I suggest that members are allowed to switch between both themes so that they have a choice whenever they feel one particular theme is getting too boring.

    I must do all the upgrades to the forum and re-study the structure of the database. Any changes must be delt accordingly. Also, the new mycent system will aim towards using your interaction with the forums to gift you credits rather than using only POSTs to calculate mycents. Once the forum is upgraded to stable version with all modules perfectly working with each other without lags, I can study the parameters in hand to create a good script with many features using minimum code.
    i can launch a crude version of mycents and keep upgrading and building newer versions on top of it. I have done it before and its not a good approach. This time, I m simply not repeating my old mistakes again, This is the forth time I m CODING the same program for the same invision software. I am taking my own time to do things step by step... temporary losses are welcome. But silly security holes cannot be tolerated at any cost.

    New members will not suffer any post loss. The mycent script will calculate all your posts from the time of upgrade. I am doing this all alone and I m avoiding as many mistakes possible. Members who have posts and want a hosting account can mail us directly. Existing members who are short of mycents are being given free mycents. I m not lettting anyone suffer in this shift. But I need my time and space to do things step by step.

    Thank you very much for the time you're spending to make this forum a better place. I'm sure the wait will be worth it; can't wait to try out the new myCENT system soon :)

  24. Looks like I got onto this thread pretty late - first of all, a big thank you to Soviet Rathe for making this possible - your dedication to this forum is really praiseworthy. Actually I noticed this thread earlier and got into the channel using Pidgin, but thanks to the time difference whenever I logged in the room was empty (rather, it was inactive). So till now I haven't had a chance to use the IRC to chat, but I hope to do so sometime soon. I hope the other members will keep up their support too :) Rob's post covers most of the things one needs to know about IRC - thanks for writing Rob! My only gripe with IRCs is that they almost always never seem to work right for me. Oh well......

  25. Hey Sukhi - welcome to the forums. You've joined at a time when the activity's a bit low due to the lack of myCENTs; however we're very near to getting back the magic script which makes this forum fun. So keep posting and have a good time, and if you think the content is too bad, why don't you make it better :) Oh, and about the signature....even if it's allowed by the mods after a while it would not seem good to some members, even if it has a good meaning. The decision is yours of course; I just said what I felt. Anyway hope to see you around in the forums - have a good time!

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