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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. well, i wasn't that angry, but couldn't hold myself from replying you know :), in fact i like your topic, keep on posting such posts ;). anyway, welcome back simpleton, at least i will be sure that the few members who enter the forums daily increased by one now.

    You couldn't stop yourself from replying? Now that's a good sign for an addictive poster ;) So I can be sure that almost every topic I make will get at least one reply - guaranteed :)

    Seriously though if you could I would LOVE it; especially if you started posting new topics, it would possibly improve this forum because people would then be able to actually reply to topics. When the mycent system returns hopefully things will resume as they used to but untill that point the forum is deader than a dead ghost.

    Hmm it's true that a lot of members are still shying away from posting because of the myCENT problem. Maybe we should put up a notice on the front page itself that all posts made now will indeed be calculated for myCENTs. Perhaps that would help a little in bringing up the activity. Anyway, till then I'll do my part in helping to increase the activity :)

  2. don't worry simpleton, this happens to me all the time, when i open many tabs or even one tab, reply for something and leave the forums for a while then find out that i automatically logged out from the forums. also it happens when you stay in the chat room for a while and i usually open another tab for the forum, so when return to the forum i find out that i am logged out even when i am continuing chatting in the chat room. this began to happen after the forums upgrade and i reported that before,hope they will fix it soon.

    It's been happening all the time?! I'm sure someone must have mentioned it somewhere - I think I missed it. Then from now on I have to keep an eye out for the header to see whether or not I'm logged in each time!!

    about that top poster, i also noticed that it is strange how he doesn't have a profile, after that i found out that he is a guest, BUT since the guest's posts need a moderator approval so, i almost have an idea who is he :).

    If I'm not wrong, that top poster got 21 posts? Of those 2-4 were mine and the rest belonged to some other member(s). I don't think it was any single member. That would be a serious loss!!

    It's been happening ever since the forum upgrade and I have been complaining! On Firefox, I couldn't even stay logged in to post. I would log in, type a reply, send it off, and I would get an error saying I wasn't logged in. I would then proceed to log in (again), unsuccessfully. It would just send me to the main page as a Guest. I've had better luck at staying logged in with Opera and Chrome, but with Firefox.. I gave up. Deleting my cookies ( check the bottom of the forum page in small letters) helped a little bit, but it still logs me out if I close the browser.
    I would LOVE if this forum kept me logged in forever (well, for months) like other forums. I've been on a few different forums and not one of them makes me log in every time I visit. It has to be a bug, because "Remember me" or whatever is clicked.

    I use Firefox too. I have Opera installed so I think I'd better try out that one for a while. I think the 'remember me' worked well for me here. Usually I post throughout the day, with gaps of 2-3 hours and I find myself logged in all the time. This problem happened just last night - so I'm guessing it happens randomly to random users :(

    It only seems to happen when I am sitting in the chatroom;

    i think it's a chat room thing. i never get logged out when i am not in chat, but when i enter chat and start browsing the forums, it logs me out. soooooo, do your browsing before you enter chat :)

    I wasn't in the chat room when this incident happened. This further fuels my theory that it's happening randomly......Anyway, as kobra said, we just have to put up with it for a while.

  3. I got this strange bug just now. I was viewing the new content and opened a thread in a new tab. I replied to that thread and then I was away from the computer for a while. On my return, I opened another thread from the new content page, and was surprised to see that there was a notice above 'Fast Reply' stating that the reply needed modetator approval. I was puzzled but didn't think much and posted the reply. Then I chose another thread in a different section and was once again surprised to see the notice. I always disable images so I didn't notice that I had been logged out automatically and was browsing as a guest! That is why every reply wanted a 'moderator approval'. I don't understand how I got logged out automatically. Has this happened to anyone else today? I'm guessing it has, because today's top poster doesn't have a profile or even a name. So I'm guessing a few members had this same problem and their posts weren't counted under their names. Could someone please clarify this? I'm not worried about losing a post or two, but if this bug exists for other users as well, there's going to be a lot of complaining!!!

  4. hay there, i was kidding, yes i like to be in top posters of the day but only when there's something worth to post, so don't even dare to tell me that i will post useless posts here to win anything :angry:

    Lol I never said you make useless posts. It was a general comment which wasn't directed at any particular member. It was just a casual statement through which I meant that everyone should take care that their posts make good sense all the time. Anyway, thanks for sharing :lol::P (i.e, sharing your anger ;) )

    On another note, it looks like I've failed to keep up even 20 posts per day! It's good for the forum, I guess!

  5. exactly, that's what i was talking about. they give some life to the forums and make it look more professional graphically. maybe this is just my opinion but i think footer is a very important part of any site, that you can put your special touch in it.

    Well there are always a few members who notice things like this. That's a good thing :) I hardly look into minute details like these and for me if the forum works well enough to take my posts I don't care much about how it looks :P

  6. till now i tried many of what you said but things still the same, i will try next the ubuntu live cd that bani mentioned, after that i will reformat again and see.

    I know Bani mentioned the Ubuntu CD just to test your system configuration, but if you could switch to using Ubuntu that would be a much better option. Ubuntu never gets slow (it didn't for me in 2 years) and I've become so used to Ubuntu's speed that whenever I need to boot into Windows 7 I can hardly wait for the 30 seconds it takes for it to respond to commands (Ubuntu takes 2-3 seconds). Have you used/are you using Ubuntu (or Linux) before? If not, take a look in there when you're examining your system config. You won't regret it :)

  7. FarmVille is really hard to play. I have too much work,school,web development and no time for FarmVille. There is a farmville mania i hate. People pay to others to grow their farm and to give them gifts. So stupid.
    Also there are competitions who is on the 40th level or 41th level and people like the ones with the most cash :ph34r: This is disaster. Just trying to find out the profit of FarmVille authors... Thousands $$$. I know many people who paid about 50 euros to get farmville cash.

    Farmville is actually not hard to play. It's designed sensibly so that people don't spend too much time playing. Imagine how it would have been if there wasn't so much waiting time for the crops to get ready. The fanatics would be playing 24X7 just to level up faster! Even now, with all the waiting time, there are people who spend hours decorating their farms and doing other useless stuff. So actually it's not hard to play but requires a lot of patience and self-control.

    But I'll agree that the developers are now concentrating on milking more money out of the players. They keep introducing new items that can only be bought by cash and the fanatics spend real money to buy these silly items. Now there is another feature introduced which is the instant harvesting of crops, done by a bi-plane. The twist is that you can't use fuel for the plane, but have to pay FV cash to fly it (first flight is free). So people who want to level up real soon will keep buying cash and spending it to fly the plane so that they can get XP much faster than their neighbours. The addiction never stops!

  8. i believe that paying a lot of money sometimes in millions on a painting is a wast of money, even some consider it as investment but i am not,

    Not all rich people are art lovers, and not all see it as an investment. There are many people who buy art just to show off how much money they have. When they have guests they proudly display their collections, even if they really know or don't, about its original value.

  9. yea, this last post of yours was really a good one...hahaha! and why ya mentioning MY name? i always have more to say than "thanks for sharing". nobody understands what i write, but still!

    Oh yes you always have a lot to say, and thankfully I understand most of it ;)

    simpleton, i have already dethroned the king if we start from two years ago with the new mycents credit system.

    There's no arguing about that. You're the most consistent poster. There's just the matter of the 6000+ difference in the number of posts between you and SM. Once you break that barrier, your reign will be unquestioned :D

    WD is the queen of posters now and does a good job....especially welcoming people in the introductions thread.

    She's a good example of the new blood you mentioned. We sure could use a few more members like her.

    i don't think anyone minds you posting a lot, simpleton. it's welcomed! wish you could pop in and out more often than ya do though but it's all good. we haven't forgoten about ya. we need more members though. it's the same people posting all the time in here. it really gets redundant.......we need new blood!

    I wish I could pop in more often too - it's a tough call with so many useless things happening in real life that I have to take care of. I don't think the same members posting always isn't such a bad thing as long as they keep bringing in fresh content and keep changing the words they use commonly. New members are always welcome but they shouldn't disrupt the flow of the community. I'll look for the nearest blood bank and inform you :lol:

  10. Burning wood and coal are both bad, although the former has a more devastating effect on the environment (no trees = no life in the long term) Instead of using these two, alternative sources of energy should be encouraged more. Coal is called black gold but it is in danger of becoming rarer than gold.



    Oh, and it appears that our new member hasn't posted the whole article. Here's what copyscape.com had to say:


    Posted Image The comparison below was created by Copyscape, which searched for copies of this page:




    The page below has 127 words matching 26% of the page:



  11. but i will add something here. add the name of each popular member here under the smiley face that suits him, like
    :o :XD: ;):lol:

    opaque saint_michael anwiii baniboy ....ect

    lol that's funny but a little too funny to consider making it our logo :P

    We need more reviewers to comment on the logo so that we can come to know of its fate soon. Soviet is spending good money and more valuable time on it...

  12. The twitter updates are indeed a bit annoying when they show up on the main page. I hope there is some solution to fix this. Some users might post all kinds of nonsensical stuff and that is not good for the image of the forum. I won't be hoping for a fix right now, though. OpaQue is still busy with the myCENTs script and although things like this need to be fixed soon, we'd better let him focus on the more important thing for now. We'll have lots of time to bug him when the script is ready :) And until then, I think it's best to ignore these unknown users' updates.

  13. She won't have trouble keeping up with you. She'll just reply to every post you make by "thanks for sharing". And there's nothing to dip down from when you're at the bottom :lol:

    Now that's a bit harsh. Maybe I haven't been looking at all the threads but I haven't seen her saying just 'thanks for sharing' and leaving it at that. It's good to have a few active posters like her so that the forum doesn't die completely.

    Sorry for spamming your thread, Simpleton, but you were practically asking for it... What's up with all this spam, eh? :D

    Oh, you're welcome to spam every thread/post of mine :D For another 20 days or so you'll find a lot of my posts and then most probably I'll disappear for a while, which is why I'm on a spamathon for a few days. So far I haven't posted anything which doesn't make sense. The purpose of creating this thread was to confirm whether the mods/admins have any problem if I continue this activity for a few days. As long as I make meaningful posts I think I will be fine. At least that's what I'm hoping.

    As for a constant top poster, anwiii here has been spamming for longer, so he's a consistently active spammer.

    You could say that again :) SM is in danger of being dethroned soon as the top poster :D

    And I'm the lurking spammer that waits for juicy threads to reply to... because obviously, my posts are so good that I don't need that many posts to earn a lot.

    I don't think this thread is juicy, but anyway I'm honoured to get your reply B)

    And if I did run out of cents, I'll only have to start another debate with truefusion and woah, I'll have enough currency for the next 11-14 years. :lol:

    Oh please do - the rest of us can squeeze a few cents out of it too :P

  14. By Art, one doesn't have to talk just about paintings. There are many varied types of art out there. However, in this thread, when I say 'art', I mean just 'paintings'.


    We often see reports about how some works of art were sold for millions of dollars, and wonder whether it's really worth to pay that much on a paining. I've seen some famous paintings which sold for a lot of money and frankly speaking I couldn't see why it was worth so much. Does that mean I don't know how to appreciate art? Or am I just blind? :) I do think paintings like Mona Lisa and even The Scream look good, but some of the modern paintings don't appeal to me at all. And it looks like I'm not alone. Quite a few people around me remain puzzled when they see such astonishing prices on paintings which are made of a few strokes. So is it true that only a few people possess the skill required to really appreciate the talent in these paintings? How is it that the same work of art appears as a gem to some people and a worthless piece of junk to others?!! What's the secret behind this?

  15. Shouldn't this thread belong in the 'Sports' forum?????Sometimes I find football a bit boring, because most of the times the teams are evenly matched in skills, and that means they're good at attacking and defending, which results in few or no goals. I know football's not just about making goals, but impatient people like me like the 'action' more and appreciating the skills of the players takes time to do :P Anyway this time Argentina is looking very good so I'll be rooting for them. I think Brazil still has a chance but they have to play better than what they're doing now, otherwise they will end up shocking their huge fan base. There have already been quite a few upsets in the tournament and it won't be a surprise to see if teams like Brazil don't even make it to the semi-finals. Let's wait n see....

  16. This one looks much better than the older one and the choice of emoticons is good too :) As I said earlier, this is not a bad idea, but its not the best one as well. If majority of the members like it, there's no harm in using this one. If there were a better idea to show that this is a fun and serious forum at the same time, I think that would be a suitable logo for us. Anyway let us see what the others have to say about this modified logo...

  17. Welcome cris2per :) It appears that you haven't made any new posts in a while - feel free to roam in the forums and pick a category of your liking. You'll love it, and each post you make now will fetch you virtual money as soon as the script behind it starts functioning again.

    Hi, everyone. I am new to this forum, too.nice to meet you here :)

    Hi celia - welcome to the forum. The members will be able to welcome you better if you created a thread of your own in the Introductions forum. If you post your intro in another member's thread it may be frowned upon, and many people might not even notice your post. So start a new thread to let us welcome you properly!

  18. Lol I joined exactly one year back in June 09 and at that time there were many days when I made 40 or more posts per day. So you could say I was one of the top posters then. Then another member called Nameless_ took away that position by making posts rapidly. Now you're in a similar position. So there's no Top Poster consistently. Someone's got to replace the old ruler :D June happens to be the time I'm most active so sorry I can't help it :P It's not any competition to see who makes the most posts - in the end its not about how many posts have been made but how good they are (and more importantly, how many myCENTs they fetch :P) . I remember one of my threads where I asked how the members would feel if all their posts vanished suddenly, and surprisingly, a lot of members said they wouldn't care too much. It's the feeling of community and of course the myCENTs which keep us posting. So if you still think of it as a competition, then you're free to do so, but I just hope your posting quality doesn't dip down in an effort to win the race :)

  19. It's always better to stay on the safe side so PHP is a good option as you can fix any problems easily with the help of the large community. To be honest I don't know much about PHP and ASP, but PHP has managed to reach out more to "common" people like me while ASP still remains a mystery. I'm not saying that if I don't know PHP no one else will (:P) , but the general idea is that PHP has reached out farther than ASP, and you would feel more comfortable with it.

  20. $100 a month nearly for the Unlimited plan now? Rip off. -_-

    It's $100 per year ($97.8 actually), which is almost $9 per month. Not a bad figure as its only $3 more than the logic pro package and removes all limitations. How did you manage to get confused by the 'per year' tag? :) Compared to other leading hosts the plans here offer more features, if not always the lowest price.

  21. I'm only human so I won't be making all 50 posts at the same time! :lol: This limitation you mention.....it sounds strange. Has anyone else reported it? In any case, it's a good thing in a way because you get an excuse to take a break.

    i was helping a member in real time since he was online and i wasn't allowed to. so yet ANOTHER limitation....hope the member figured out his problem or he can blame "knowledge" sutra for the limitations of knowledge here

    Too bad we don't have the shoutbox yet or you could have given your solution to that member through the box. Well anyway we won't lose members in this way - most of the people are patient :)
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