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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. I think the pros and cons of a dual sim phone are almost equal but I think the biggest disadvantage is that there aren't any good models out there. All the dual sim phones that I have seen can hardly match some of the regular phones available in the market. They do try to provide the commonly used features but most often they aren't very good. So unless you desperately want to get a dual sim phone, it's recommended that you stick to regular phones and choose a good model instead.

  2. Hi to celia and larryp - you two should be starting your own threads as well. I don't understand why you folks didn't get the idea yourself :) Anyway welcome to the forum. Looking at your single posts I can't say whether you're thinking of staying or leaving but let me assure you that if you choose to stay you won't regret it. Just be patient until the forum upgrade is complete and then you can see how rewarding this place is ! I hope you'll keep posting :D

  3. Today there are some smartphones out in the market which can be labeled as iPhone killers, as they are equal to or better than the iPhone in terms of pricing, features and performance. Even so, the iPhone has managed to stand strong and its mysterious charm still hold. So let's move on to the next product - the iPad. There was a lot of enthusiasm for it in the beginning and sales were encouraging as well, but it's hard to hide the fact that it misses out on a lot of important features. Are there any products out there which can manage to achieve the title of iPad killer? I know of one tablet called the Adam (too lazy to put in the link so look it up if you want), which is priced much lesser than the iPad and has lot more features than it. It's yet to be launched and it's from a start-up company so it's tough to get that tag. Are there any popular brands bringing out tablets to beat the iPad?

  4. I've never had a pet or been near animals much but I've seen many instances where animals do show more love and affection than humans. They come to us for food and shelter but they reward us with strong loyalty which is hard to beat. Had the animals been a bit more intelligent we could have better understood their intentions. Anyway even now certain people connect really well with their pets and understand everything about them. That sort of a bond is tough to make and tough to break.

  5. if i have a dozen of programmers, i will never let anyone put his finger in my code :)

    As much as I agree that in OpaQue's case it's best for him to work alone, I think for bigger projects it's always advisable to code as a team? Otherwise it could take forever for the code to get ready and it would take another lifetime to get it rid of bugs. So it's good to start learning to work in a team as a preparation for bigger projects...

  6. and are we sure it's from people who try to post but are logged out? i was logged out once and tried to post and it wouldn't let me until i logged back in!

    I think it's acting randomly. The first time I noticed this, I made three posts as a guest and it said it was awaiting moderator approval. But only one of the posts showed up in the forum. Whether the mods didn't see those other posts or they didn't approve them I'm not sure. However I'm sure it had given me an option to post even though I was logged off. So you not being able to post when you were logged off is strange.The bug is acting as it pleases! :P

  7. I got the FTP method to work, but I wanted to try the other way too, by going to Network Places in XP and trying to access the PC running Windows 7. The only problem was that it required a username and password since I had set the request password feature ON. I couldn't figure out how to create a user account so I simply disabled the password request and it worked well enough. I think this method is a little faster as well.

  8. Oh, good thing you pointed out the thread WD :) Since it was hidden in the middle of the topic I guess I didn't find the thread till now. Your logos definitely looked shiny and new - although I'll need some time to get used to those logos fitting in with the design of the new forum. Hmm now I can't decide which one fits in better - they all look good individually but it's important to fit in with the forum too and I'm not able to think which one is better. So what's the status on these logos anyway? We have at least 4-6 choices....which one to choose from?!

  9. Wow it's been a month and this thread has gone completely unnoticed by everyone. Oh well, I'm giving this thread a little bump because I'm nearly finished writing my first book and will be proceeding towards Lulu in a few days. So if someone could share a few words about that site and its reputation that would be great.

  10. Being content in life is truly a hard thing to achieve. It's never easy to be fully content because we're born like that. No matter how a person appears from the outside there is always some worry or tension inside. The poor people want to earn more money, the middle-class people are torn between limited incomes and high desires, and the rich are always seeking more wealth. In a way all our worries are directly or indirectly tied to money. Of course there are some matters such as relationships which have nothing to do with money, but most of life's problems revolve around this one thing.

    it is really a hard balance in life, but only wise and open minded persons could do it.

    All people are born intelligent - they just have to know how to use their brain that's all. And a person can change at any time in his life. A sensible person who comes across good fortune may become proud and selfish and starts making bad decisions. So it's tough to achieve that perfect balance. Then again, if everything was perfect, then life would become too boring. So I like to think that I should never be content - then there will always be something to look forward to, or something to challenge me.

  11. yeah simpleton, this is a promise, if any time you post a topic or a post that interests me i promise i will reply and argue with you till then end :). because this is really what this forum is about, sharing ideas and give opinions. so don't worry, just post and wait for me ;).

    Oh good now all I have to do is find some ideas. Too bad that my brain has gone on a holiday. I used to have many ideas for new topics - now I'm left hunting for topics to reply to :(

  12. Hostgator is definitely more popular than xisto but certainly not more friendly :) As anwiii pointed out, there are a lot more advantages of being here and I've already decided that when I'm capable of paying for my hosting, I would definitely support Xisto as it has been so helpful to people like me who want to have a website soon but can't spare the cash for it. I'm a bit surprised as to how Hostgator is offering unlimited plans for so less, but for most people the Logic Pro package we have here is more than sufficient, until their website gets really popular!

  13. I must really be getting blind - I still can't find the thread. If not the location, could you tell us the title of the thread to hunt it out?And all this discussion about Opaque asking for a logo is giving me a doubt - when will we get out of the "upgrade" state at all?!!! Not just the myCENTs but the other tiny bugs seem to be coming up still, and so we aren't really in the regular state yet. I hope things like the logo get finalised soon so that we can all go back to arguing about other things in life!

  14. I tried, and I failed, but I'm not let down :P Mark my words, I'll reach that silly number 51 very soon :D The introductions forum gets boring after a while since it's basically typing the same stuff over and over again. But it's also important to welcome the members so that they feel encouraged by the reception they get and they might become more active. So if you put aside myCENTs for a while, it's a very useful forum.I stay far away from the religion forum because I'm simply not that smart to argue about such topics :lol: But if one knows to say the right things, then its a very rich forum!!!

  15. hi there NNNOOOOOO and welcome to the forums. You've already got two nicknames in a short time! :D I don't know which one you like so I'll stick to nnnoooooo for now :P Be active and make some good posts and you'll be rewarded handsomely once the myCENTs script comes back online. So see you in the forums!

  16. I'm making some small tutorial videos for my college, mostly in Ubuntu and a few in Windows 7. There's a small issue though - in Ubuntu I have created a temporary user bearing the college's name, but my computer name (which appears in the terminal) is still the same, which I don't want to appear in the videos. I think there is an option to change the computer name, but I don't want to do it. Instead, I want to blur out the computer name, just to keep it as a tiny mystery in the videos. Is there any good video-editing tool to do this? Any platform would be fine and I need it only for a short time so a trial of 30 days would be fine too. So, any suggestions please?

  17. Sorry guys.. I got no better words to express my situation. I should had made a blog and update you about my current business. I am the only CODER in my company. None of my staff have any coding / scripting experience. And I m not outsourcing this task to anyone else... its me. I am managing about some thousand paying clients(Xisto - Web Hosting) and a few more thousand free clients (Xisto, Xisto, qupis). Also, a new office and a new home is being constructed and it needs my attention. (I can get easily robbed of thousands, if I dont pay attention to the workers) + because its a wedding season here, there are many trips happening to my native place. Trust me, none of this was ever planned... they just fell down. Here, I m talking about serious things... things like hacking my iphone (because of my sisters fault), fixing my friends CMS, fighting phishing cases raised on my members, hacking issues, bills & taxes etc... are not even considered. And I m proudly admitting, this is all because of my low staff. Low staff = Less headache, more profits, cheaper cost for members. I don't like to hire any random x..y..z.. Many members even noticed that I shut down Live Chat & expanded my paid services to free members. Bringing Live Chat back to xisto Network is the next challenge.


    My team take time, but we never fail. Till now, we were working in a shell... let me break it out peacefully :)

    When I saw that the first word of this post was Sorry, I thought it would be really bad news :P Luckily its an update, for which we should be thanking you. It seems you're very good at multitasking! You certainly have a jam-packed schedule. You should especially take care of your house - the workers can get cunning at times; anyway you know that already ;) Your strategy of having less staff members is debatable, but your argument is very convincing indeed.


    I am considering all the suggestions by my dear members :) I really think over it for the long run (considering cases where I will not be available). Coming to the Point about the Mod having privilege to control mycents - I m giving it to admin only. So technically, only BuffaloHelp a.k.a. Chris will have the authority to punish an abuse case by mycents.

    In a way it's a relief to know that only admins have the controlling power now. Not that I have anything against the mods, but it's somewhat reassuring to know that only two people have complete control over the members now :lol:


    Current Progress: 2 Modules have failed to work .

    Doesn't that contradict your earlier statement that you never fail? :P Just kidding! It must be really frustrating when something like this disrupts the coding process. I just hope the waiting period won't be too long anymore. Thanks for the update and enjoy your busy life :)

  18. Anyway,news are proving that Apple are working.

    They have no other option but to work! The excitement that used to surround the iPhone is slowly dying because there are far better smartphones in the market, which is why Apple is working hard to maintain the exclusivity associated with the iPhone. But they'll get worldwide appeal only when the price appeals to the locals in their respective countries.

  19. I didn't even know of the thread, I do not want any special attention, anwiii, when OpaQue said "put it in a topic" I thought he meant for me to make a topic, and I really don't care about money because well... atm.. $20 is just like $0.01 to me. personally, I like the logo that's up there now, I just had this one made because OpaQue asked me to. so I was only doing what he asked.
    I think OpaQue should upload the current logo's PSD so that everyone can edit it and post their changes.

    It's an honest mistake not to find that thread. Hey I haven't found it even now! :P

    As for money, even if $20 means $0.01, you could have done something else with it. Anyway, I don't want to question your decisions - - I kind of like the present logo too, although there is definitely something wrong with it; just can't figure out what. Maybe it's the font styling or the blending of colours. Was it OpaQue who made that logo or was it BuffaloHelp? I don't seem to remember exactly....

  20. Hmm I've tried many ways of downloading YT videos and so far the easiest one has been using Internet Download Manager. Those were the days when I used the internet in Windows and IDM was super-fast and bothered me very little. After moving to Ubuntu there wasn't any good enough software to replace IDM, so for a few days I used the site keepvid.com and later on discovered the tool rob mentioned (youtube-dl). Now I just use keepvid and youtube-dl alternatively and I don't watch the videos in YT at all!

  21. Hi there ElMiento. Welcome to the forums. We're currently going through an upgrade in the forum, which is why the myCENTs script is temporarily down. Our admin OpaQue is working as fast as he can to bring back the script on track. Until then, you and the rest of us won't be getting any cents :( That doesn't mean that all the posts we make will be useless - every post that you make will be accounted for and you'll be rewarded with myCENTs for every one of them, so keep up the posting :)


    As for your XIsto account, it shows zero now as you haven't started earning myCENTs yet, but if you're urgently in need of a website, you can add funds to your Xisto account through Paypal/Credit Card and then purchase hosting/register a domain. The prices are competitive and the features offered are really top-notch. If you feel you can't add funds for now, then you just have to wait until the myCENTs script is back.


    Have a good time at the forums :)


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