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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. Astahost is working fine, but you have to admit - the purely technical stuff does get kind of boring after a while. I've been on and off both forums to balance my myCENT situation and it's been good so far. It's a lot more fun to post here though, so it's wise to be more active here than in there. It's up to the individuals, though.

  2. I haven't been posting as much lately. There have been times the last few days where I'm gone for literally 5 hours and when I come back there are 0 new posts. It's been killing the mood, lol.

    I hope to change some of that as I'm now back from my break. I didn't expect that the forum would change so much in so little time. So removing the quick reply box has solved the missing posts issue? That's good to know and I hope there's some good solution for bringing back the box as well. So rpg, if you're going to keep up your posting then you'll surely be seeing a handful of replies each time you login - I'll be doing my best to fill up the forum. We desperately need some normal activity around here, instead of all the sparring that's been going on in a few threads!!!

  3. Oh, then i certainly hope that it is back soon. It feels kind of weird to have to wait for the reply page to load before typing in my reply. Anyway, if it solves the missing posts problem then I guess it's a good thing for now.EDIT: Oh good I was able to edit this - saved the trouble of a double post. Another bug to report -- the "Overall Top posters" link is taking me to my conversations page instead of showing the top posters page. The "Today's top 20" links is fine though.

  4. 20 attempts to get into chat? Only the true fans of chat will want to get in that bad!! :P


    On another note, Where is the fast reply box? I was away for a few days and the first thing I noticed was that the fast reply box has mysteriously disappeared :( That was my primary tool for quick posting (what do you call it - spam?) The lack of it is indeed disturbing and I hope it's back soon.

  5. I'm jumping in a little late in this topic but anyway here goes - yes the forum could do with a bit of cleaning up and some measures to attract new members and retaining the existing members. However, I think for now the focus should just be on bringing back the myCENTs script, because that's the thing which keeps most members sticking to the forum! After the script is back then we can focus on pestering Opaque to take care of these issues :)

  6. - a render is when you have an image and you take the foreground out of the its background. and latter add effects , lighting or colors to it. i don't know what do you mean about why they are so large in size, because it depends on the render size i guess.


    - about brushes, you always need an external brushes. because the brushes that are built in with photoshop are so limited. so you always need to find new brushes and add them to your collection of brushes to get a new designs every time. and you can edit them from the brush options and change their size.


    - of course you could use images from outside photoshop, like personal photo, nature photo, anime images, logo or anything you want. just drag that image and drop it in the workplace, or from file> open.


    - you can enlarge any image or photo in photoshop without loosing its quality. i don't know which version of phtoshop you use, but i use photoshop cs3, and you can enlarge images from image> image size and set the desired size for your photo.


    hope i could help, and good luck.

    That was a nice and quick explanation. Thanks :) I've been watching more and more videos about Photoshop and am beginning to understand a few concepts in detail now.


    ''Render'' is actually inappropriate for what it is applied to. In signatures, wallpapers, and similar designs, ''renders'' would be the characters or objects that the signature is using as the basis for its design. The reason why i find the term ''render'' to be inappropriate is because these images were generally not rendered, so to speak. Something rendered in, for exmample, Blender, or Maya, or Cinema 4D, or 3DSM, et cetera, that is a more appropriate reference for the term. ''Stock image'' i would say is more appropriate for what is often labeled a ''render.''

    I found the use of the word render a little strange too. And I'm sure I've heard of "stock image" earlier as well. Aren't there entire sites dedicated to it?


    I saw an advertisement for some new software/technology that can enlarge images with no (or minimal) quality lose. I think it had something to do with fractals? I don't know. If you really need to resize an image you could look into it. It wasn't a part of Photoshop, it was software dedicated to enlarging images as far as I know.

    Well there are lots of site claiming to resize images without quality loss too, but when I tried them they never worked well. Maybe for very small images there is no proper way to do it on a computer?

  7. Your best bet is to go to the adobe website for videos or lynda.com for videos as well. As for features CS5, there are a lot of them

    Thanks for the tip SM. I found some useful videos over there.

    The upgrade itself costs $600? No wonder people are still using old versions without complaining about it! If this trend goes on then Adobe won't have many takers for its future versions at all. They'd better watch out and do something about their pricing soon.

  8. That's strange. How can someone send mails using the Xisto domain? :( Anyway it's a good thing you alerted us, Opaque. I'm sure no one will fall for silly phishing attempts like this, but it's good to be alerted all the same. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've received any mail from Xisto whenever I made any changes to my account, so if receive one suddenly, it'll be highly suspicious!

  9. Thanks for the advice wd - I've been making schedules/timetables all my life and they've always been a spectacular failure! I've hoped to make amends every time but keep failing. I guess there's nothing wrong with trying once more. I'll see what I can come up with - maybe this idea of doing things for a short period of time just might work.

  10. this is happened to me either the last two days a lot. but it is not a new thing simpleton, i reported before, it starts after the forum upgrade but i think opaque fixed it because i didn't see it happening again for a long time till the last two days. maybe opaque editing something in the background. so let's wait and see.


    and simpleton, do just like me, i copy anything i write before click on post button, to avoid anything get lost. this is the best way to deal with this bug, but you should remember to do that first ;).

    It is a little irritating to have to copy the matter each time before posting and I'm a lazy guy! :P Looks like I don't have much of an option though. Either I do that or end up typing the same thing 3-4 times.


    Alright, I got a reply from invision and they said, the seo module I installed was absolute stupidity. I am starting all over again... thank God.

    I'm also confused whether that's a good update or a bad update - but what's important that we got an update! Here's hoping we get some good news soon (some more if this one is already good)



    And finally, I'm sure the others are getting this "cannot find the page you specified" error too? It comes up randomly after I click on some link to a thread or even the home page. If I refresh it usually brings back the original page, but this one's a little irritating too....

  11. just today i was searching the net for the new iphone from apple, any passed by this topic in the forum. well i always buy only nokia, so i don't know much about apple. as i think this is a good offer with good features, but really make me think why did they do that? is it because of the competition in the market place?
    any way, i hope there's someone in here, who have one of this new iphone of apple, and tell us more about it.

    How's the iPhone prices in your country? Over here it costs 4 times the price in the US :lol: Nokia and other brands have been giving good competition by providing similar handsets at lower prices. Comparing between Apple and Nokia, I'd say you'll be safe with Nokia, but buying the iPhone is like making a style statement.

  12. Wireless connection is working but wired is not? I haven't heard of it before. Anyway a quick suggestion would be to re-install the drivers provided by Dell. That just might work. And you're saying the cable itself is working fine? Have you tried using another cable for the laptop? Taking it for repair might seem the easiest solution but if you repair it yourself you'll be prepared for such a situation in the future. Keep an eye out of this thread for suggestions from other members.

  13. The last time I posted something in the vent, it was moved to the General Talk forum for some reason. I hope that doesn't happen this time because this is really a venting out of the things that are bugging me right now. Too much of something is never good. Right now I've got too much free time and that's what bugging me. I have a lot of ideas to do something useful with this free time but the problem is that the multiple ideas are confusing me and I don't know which one to do first. I wanted to publish an ebook with Lulu.com - that project's nearing its end but is stuck right now :( I also wanted to work on my novel which is also stuck midway. I wanted to design a website using only HTML and even started work on it. Then I lost inspiration and I don't remember what its status is right now. I also wanted to create a few tutorial videos for my college- this one's been halted after a quick start too. And right now I'm tinkering with Photoshop but I don't know how long this will last either.So lot of things going on but not one has been going right. I've become too frustrated and am not able to think clearly :( When I was busy with semester exams I was eagerly looking forward to my free time but now I'm nearing the end of my vacation but still haven't done any satisfactory work. Venting that out helped a bit but I'm yet to find a solution for this situation of mine. Each day is passing by and there's hardly any work being done. I know some of you guys can give great advice but I don't know whether I'll be able to follow it or not :(

  14. For some weird reason, I've stayed away from learning to use programs like Photoshop, GIMP, etc. even though I had a few chances in the past. Now since I have time to kill, I want to start learning some of the basics, and although I have GIMP, I'm going to use photoshop for a while, because I only have a demo of PS and GIMP stays on forever :)


    As soon as I jumped into the PS world all sorts of terms came jumping at me. Although they're perfectly meaningful English words, I'm confused at their meaning in PS :lol: So could someone please explain these concepts to me? Much appreciated.


    What are the "renders" that people keep sharing and why are they so large in size?

    Why do we need external brushes, and once again, why are they so large in size?

    While creating signatures, are the main pictures used from an external source or are they designed in PS as well?

    This is a slightly detailed question - how does one enlarge an image without losing its quality?

    These are the doubts that sprang to my mind immediately when I started using PS. I've asked the last question because I have a few old photos taken from my phone and I want to enlarge them without losing their original quality.


    Looking forward to some good advice from our graphic experts :)

  15. Another bug to report -- sometimes when I use Quick reply and click "Post", the post doesn't get registered and I have to start all over again :( The page does get refreshed but the post doesn't appear in it. Going back doesn't help either. This has happened to me in two separate instances today. Luckily I hadn't made any big posts or it would taken a lot of time to re-type everything again. Anyone else getting this bug?

  16. I don't know how many people out there are watching Wimbledon daily but there's lot of action/drama going on here too like in the FIFA World Cup :) Yesterday on Court 18, a historic match was played where the two players fought a battle for 11 hours and 5 minutes, spread over three days! John Isner's final score after beating Nicolas Mahut was 6-4, 3-6, 6-7(7), 7-6(3), 70-68. I've never heard about these players till now and I guess not many people know them, but now they've earned a place in the record books :) They played for almost double the time of the previous record (6 1/2 hours) and what's more interesting that the first four sets were finished within 2 hours or so, which means they played a single set for more than 8 hours!!! Can't imagine what it must have felt like to wait 3 days for the result of the match....

  17. The match against Pakistan was really interesting, especially the six by Bhajji in the last over. But did you notice that the whole tournament received a lukewarm response from the nation? I guess people are still down with football fever so they have given second preference to cricket for now! Even the media and news channels didnt focus much on the tournament. Maybe they were just playing it safe.

  18. EDIT: Whoa, just now I understand what you meant to say :)
    I guess these guys haven't upgraded because the software itself costs around 800$ (I think) ;)

    Doesn't upgrading from a previous version cost much lesser? Around $200-$300 if I'm not wrong....

    As for the ones who... Well, do not pay for their software - why, they're probably using Photoshop only for some basic stuff, so they probably don't have the need to upgrade.
    There is this guy who makes great drawings (I'll post a video and name if I remember who it is), and he's using Photoshop 4, 5 or 6 (not really sure) on his old Macintosh. So,... It's really not that much about the software now, is it? :)

    That's true - and once they've become comfortable with that particular version, they find it tedious to get used to the new version so they're happy with the old version. Oh, and if you remember the name of that guy, do post it over here, coz he seems to have good talent :)

  19. All this "unexpected" changes are happening after a shaky start when everyone said the world cup was getting boring. Now I'm a little doubtful whether these events have happened on their own or whether there's been something going on behind the scenes. Both the winners and runners-up of the last world cup crashed out in the first stage? That is a very strange thing to happen. Anyway I just hope that these things are happening naturally and there's no drama behind them. Fans like drama but cooked-up drama gets boring after a while!

  20. Hi there havenrealm - welcome to the forums! I just hope you don't get discouraged by the lack of myCENTs right now. Just keep up your post count and soon you'll have a huge stash of myCENTs to buy your website. Just be a little patient and you'll be rewarded well :)

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