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The Simpleton

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Posts posted by The Simpleton

  1. I too think the team gets lucky most of the time. They do perform well but not well enough to win entirely on their own. It is their opponents' mistakes that usually win them matches :lol: In any case since its happening a lot we may just think they're lucky :) So let's just forget about luck and be satisfied that we've won the cup after a long time. Now the team will start relaxing again so we'd better prepare for defeat next!

  2. Thanks for the quick review, TF! ?So the XP-Office situation is still the same? When I tried to install Office 2007 on my XP machine a year ago, it refused to install. At that time I had Windows 7 Beta and it installed on it without a fuss! So in the case of Office 2010 also we seem to be having a similar situation. Too bad, considering that there are many users still running XP instead of Vista/7.After reading what you've said I think I'm better off sticking to 2007 and Open office for now. There seems to be nothing much special in 2010.....

  3. @guest


    The extraction tool you are looking for, I believe, does not exist in the newer (CS4 and CS5) versions of Photoshop. However, as I recall, you can download a separate plug in set for free from Adobe's site and implement these in a newer version of Photoshop. If you need any help installing, this tutorial came up during my short Google search on your problem: youtube.cfeature


    Hope that helps.

    Lol I was that guest :P I was automatically logged out and didn't notice it.


    Thanks for the video. I haven't tried it out yet but I'm sure it'll work just fine :) A lot of videos on Youtube still show people using CS2 AND CS3. Does that mean CS4&5 have lesser features or is it simply because the people haven't been able to update yet? I still have 4 weeks of my trial of CS5 so I want to learn as much as possible before it expires!

  4. Wow Rick2 certainly has gotten a handful of suggestions. But is this member gonna return? He's got only two posts, and hasn't made a post since 01 June. I hope we haven't lost him.

    You can also call up Mircosoft on their virus help line, its a toll free service that you can use so that the Microsoft people can walk you through the problems in your computer, it doesn't have to be virus, you can use it for any computer related problems. But, its only inside the United States and Canada but you can call through Skype if you want, the number is (866) PCSAFETY (727-2338).

    Does that really help? I've heard that service isn't very reliable and it takes you forever to get through? I'm happier solving my problems through forums anyway :)

  5. I do that "cycle" thingy once every two weeks - I drain out the battery fully and recharge it again. I've read that it is a good practice :) And yes I'm getting 4 hours of backup on an average. I've put brightness to bare minimum and mostly use the netbook only to browse the net. To be honest, I'll be happy if the netbook lasts for two years (bought it three months back) because then I'll be purchasing a laptop. So if the battery lasts till then I'll be satisfied :)

  6. So please make sure, you login before posting .. otherwise, mycents will not be credited under your accountI have no idea about auto-log-out. I just fixed the flood-control by disabling it (until invision fixes the bug).

    Yes now I'm looking at the top of the page to make sure I'm still logged in before replying to any topic. And since no one else has reported the auto-logout today, I think the bug (if it exists) has been quiet.

    On another note, allowing guests to post in more forums significantly increases the moderators' workload, doesn't it? On an average we're getting 20 posts from guests daily. It takes quite some time to read 20 posts and approve them daily....But anyway, I think this feature has been introduced to encourage more activity in the forums, so I'll be quiet about it. It's a good idea :)

    And thanks for disabling flood control. I had to clear cookies thrice today due to that error.

  7. I had to keep the prefix Cricket because I'm not sure how many cricket fans are there in the forum! Besides, it's the football season so most people would be taking about football only. Anyway there are other tournaments going on to (Wimbledon, anyone?) and one of them was the Asia Cup, which ended a few minutes ago with India beating Sri Lanka. This win was pending since 15 years and will surely bring cheer to the millions of cricket fans in India who were terribly disappointed with the team's dismal performance in the recent tri-series tournament.


    After the match with Pakistan I had a good feeling that we would win the cup - the players always get pumped up after playing against Pakistan :)

  8. Hey I remember replying here -where'd my post go? :(


    Anyway I had just said that when we don't get to buy art, i.e, when we don't possess it, only then can we appreciate its true value. If we manage to obtain the art easily, then we might not be able to realise how precious it is.


    @wd: Oh and I also said that thanks for sharing is slowly becoming a sort-of catchphrase for you :P

  9. I use keepvid.com and I've seen a few other similar sites and they all require the Java plugin installated (along with JRE) I think some people don't have this installed on their system so if they're getting any error they should install JRE first and then they can smoothly download the videos :)@NNNOOOOOO: the site I use gives me good speeds on my downloads no matter how long the video is. My maximum possible download speed is 230kbps and keepvid.com easily gives me around 120-140kbps if I download a single video, and an average of 70-80 kbps if I download multiple videos at the same time. So if you have a faster connection you could get more speed from this site. I don't know if the site has anything to do with the speed (the video is downloaded from youtube's cache?) but somehow this site is faster than the others I've seen.@OpaQue: I haven't tried the site you've mentioned because usually it takes time for the video-mp3 conversion to take place online, right? If I want only the mp3 I simply download the video and convert it offline. I find that it is much faster this way.

  10. thank you for your suggestion but i can't do that. first because i am a true loyal fan of yahoo in spite of all the mess it causes. and second because 99% of my friends and family are using yahoo, not anything else. so really can't rid of it.

    Hmm in that case you might try using another messaging client like Pidgin which is much safer and has some better features too. Also you can use all your mail accounts in one client so that saves you the trouble of having multiple message clients like Yahoo messenger, Gtalk, etc.

  11. well, the first time i hear about such thing is when i found trap and read about its way of offering a free hosting for posting in a forum. before, i was testing my sites in a hosting sites that best thing they could do is put a big ads in the top. which was really annoy me, but didn't care that much because i was only testing sites not starting my new site. so when decided to start my own site i looked hard to find a good hosting plan.


    I don't know exactly which site was the first to introduce the concept of posting for hosting, but it's obvious that ours is the most popular one among the lot. I doubt whether the remaining sites even survive today. Even if they did, they may be having limitations like the one you mentioned - having ads on the page, etc. So we're with the best - no doubt about that! :)


    :) yeah, and now i will tell you simpleton, " thanks for sharing".


    You'd better watch out - that is becoming something of a catchphrase! :P

  12. Hello Jeffrey and welcome to the forums. You've joined at a time when the myCENTs script, which awards virtual credits to the members, is down. It will be fixed very soon so keep posting in the forums, as every post you make will be counted towards your myCENT calculation. Looking forward to seeing some of your posts very soon :) Have a good time!

  13. well, you have a good point in here, but personally i don't think so. maybe if i found someone who share me the same ideas then i will let him work with me. but in general, no. i was working in a team work before in my last job, but always end up doing everything by myself :) even it was a work for other companies not my own site. so if is my site of course i will want it to be in a certain way with a certain look, therefore i understand what opaque trying to say in here.

    Website and module design/coding are small projects so it makes sense to do it on an individual basis. For larger projects however, it's important to get used to working in a team, right? That's why I said where it is possible one should try to be in a team. Our situation is just one of the few cases where this theory doesn't apply.

  14. I think I've asked a similar question earlier but this time it's a slightly different doubt. I got a new router yesterday and since it didn't work well with my PC I've been using my netbook a lot since then. I've had to charge it twice today and the processor is slowly starting to get louder. The base isn't too hot but there is definitely some heat coming out much more than usual. I think it needs a break and that's what I'm going to give it after writing this thread; I just wanted to know this - suppose I were to put it through this sort of work daily (just browsing the net daily; no other work), how long would the battery (6 cell Li-on) survive? And are replacements available readily in the market?

  15. the people who i will call them art's lover those who buy expensive paintings, keep them in their house and show them only to those who know the meaning of art, so that they can discuss and share thought with them not with everyone.

    well to be called an art lover one doesn't need to buy paintings all the time. If they can get it that's good but the true art lover will be satisfied by looking at the art and getting lost in it. If the person enjoys just one glance at the art and feels bliss in that one moment, then that person is a true art lover!

  16. The pic you showed me earlier wasn't very bright but these are much better :) The quality's fine too - I liked the last one with the fiery sky. It's cool to live close to the sea and have greenery all around too. It makes a very good combination! Well have a good time with your lazy summer! I'd share my pictures but the summer has just ended here :P

  17. Before you go ahead and but an antivirus kit, I suggest that you try Avira Antivir. I had a similar problem once and it found over a thousand infections (1000!) in my system and removed them quickly. After that I moved to Linux and didn't get the need to use antivirus again :D OK anyway try the Avira Antivir personal edition, which is free to use for a year. If you're still not satisfied with the result then go for a paid service.

  18. Computers can truly never be smarter than humans, but they are definitely smarter than us in just one aspect - computing. Humans have the raw power required to calculate as fast as computers but hardly anyone is able to use their brains to the fullest potential. So except in that one aspect of computing (i.e. calculating), computers are inferior to humans in every way, and it shall continue to be so for a very long time.

  19. Until recently, Charlie Chaplin's City Lights was the top-rated comedy film on IMDB. I think it indeed deserved that title. Then it was replaced by Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) And now the top-rated comedy movie is the newly released Toy Story 3! With less than 15, 000 votes it has managed to beat two older films. So is it really that good? It's releasing here tomorrow and I'm hoping to watch it soon. I know it's already been released in some countries. Anyone seen it yet? Could you give your opinion about it and tell whether it really deserves that title??

  20. hey NNNOOOOOO which and whose line are you referring to? It would be good if you expanded your posts to convey more meaning. Just because we're talking about twitter updates doesn't mean we have to post in twitter style :P Just kidding.....There have been lesser updates from twitter in the past 24 hours. Is it a sign that those members have broken the link between twitter and KS or is it just an off-day?

  21. I've seen some of my friends spending over two weeks in coaching institutes to learn how to use MS Office 2003, and when Office 2007 came along, they were shocked to see the ribbon interface and realised that all their training couldn't help them in using this new version smoothly! :lol: Now most of us have gotten used to the ribbon although there are still a very good number of people using Office 2003. Now we have Office 2010. I read a review in a tech magazine a few days back and it said that there weren't any huge improvements over the previous version. I have Office 2007 now although I only use it when Open Office doesn't give me what I want. So is an upgrade to 2010 justified? Will I be missing any great features if I don't upgrade?

  22. This just made my Day man :) Simply feels that I m on the right track and doing something good in my life.

    You're definitely doing something great in your life which is making lots of people happy so keep up the good work :) And I'm sure every member who got hosted from here for free would like to thank you a lot but they may just not be putting it into words. As for those who keep complaining about the bugs and all, they keep forgetting that they've got their hosting for virtually nothing.


    Ofcourse... there is no words for me to thank WD for starting this thread.

    Well you could always tell her thanks for sharing!! :P:lol:


    n a new Avatar called Xisto and I hope 2007 brings more luck & members to this forum.



    no need to thank me, we are thanking you and every administrator and moderator and members who make an effort and took time from their day to make this forum a better place for everyone and a real source of knowledge. looking more from everyone to make it a really even more unique forum than ever, good luck.

    If I'm not wrong, the concept of hosting for posting was already there before the site started so we're not 100% unique. What makes us unique is that we've survived the test of time while the others have failed. Hooray!
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