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Everything posted by mizako

  1. Ok, i will try to explain myself better. Basically i am working on a Remote Scripting using hidden frames (i will explain what it is this in another topic). project. I have a database in MySQL where in one table i have a biography in XHTML. I access this table with PHP and i retrive this XHTML code. Then the Javascript function obtains the code and has to insert it into a this "div" element. As i explain in my first post. ;-)I know the mechanismus is complicated but i have to do it in this way. I hope you both understand better what i am asking for. I did not understand your solution BuffaloHELP but thanks both of you for your answers. Does anyone knows one can i solve this Javascript Issue?
  2. You are thinking to move to voip also for mobile and fix calls or just for pc->pc calls? I am using Skype for PC-PC calls and works really great. To make calls to fix and mobiles works but the quality is worst. I heard that Xten works really good. Here you i post you a link to VoIP software: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  3. Hi, I have the next html page <html><head><script><!--function insertcode(){var code ="<p> blablabal babala babababab</p><h1>here comes header</h1><span>fadfafa<a href=\"fadfaf\">anchor</a>blalbababa</span>"var myText = document.createTextNode(code);document.getElementById("content").appendChild(myText);}--></script></head><body><div id="content"></div><a href="javascript:insertcode()">Insert Code</a></body></html>This code insert the data as text. The html tags are not treated like markup. I need to insert the code in a time. I mean i can not go tag per tag. (E.g. document.createElement("p")... ) Is there any method to insert a pice of html code into a div and keep it like code not like text in Javascript? I hope you understand my problem. If not please tell me. Thanks in advanced for your help.
  4. Your are right, Visual C++ it is a Microsoft C++ IDE. If you learn Visual C++ then you will be able to build Window applications (but only for Microsoft) in a powerful way. If you want to learn a way to develop Crossplatform window applications i think you should move into OpenGL/GLGooey. I can not point you to good tutorials because i am looking myself for a good one but i can point you to http://glgooey.sourceforge.net/ which is the official home page of GLGooey. There you can find a couple of screenshots about UI built with GLGooey. if you discover a good resource, let me know ;-)
  5. Thanks a lot guys! I manage to configure a couple of email accounts and redirect them to others email account that i had already. I guess the thread is close :-)
  6. Hi, I use Azareus in a debian box. I guess the programm you are using may work in the same way. First you have to install your program and execute. Then download the torrents of what you want to download. Here a couple of sites where you can download torrents: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://best-vpn.reviews/ The add the torrents with your program and it will ask you for a destination folder. Select the desired one and it should beggin to download.
  7. Hi,I bought a couple of domain names in godaddy, but i did not buy any email accounts. I would like to have an email account like this: info@mydomainname.comIs there any way i could redirect that email name to one of my email accounts or do i need to buy them to godaddy.Thanks in advanced for your feedback.PD. Sorry that i post this topic here but i did not find an appropiate forum.
  8. I was looking for the same functionality. If someone knows how can i code to upload files after browsing and also give the functionality to upload zip files und unzip them once they are uploaded. I would be really grateful!!!!
  9. There are already a lot of threads that answer your question. PHP Tutorial:php.net Apache/MySQL/PHP -> apachefriends.org
  10. I agree that Notepad is a good beginning for peope who want to have total control over their codes. But the next step is to move to a most powerful editor. I strongly believe that using a editor like Emacs/Vim can save and help a lot developers. For example syntax highlighting.... Another one that comes into my mind Emacs includes a GDB debugger.A Vim/Gvim tutorial only takes around one hour. And believe me, it will improve the developing process (speed, developer statisfaction...)
  11. Hi,Defintely nicer!!. But i will remove the arrows and leave empty padding.
  12. mizako


    It is really difficult thaty they succed in a market with so strong competence being a closed source. It is difficult to put such a product in the market. I think they will fail also the layout screenshot are really similar to the Gnome enviroment that i am using right now in my Debian distro. Even the icons are the same!.
  13. Yes a water-mark is the only possibility. That will force a visitor to edit the image with Photoshop/Gimp and remove it. Normally it will be difficult for him to recover the orginal aspect of the picture. Disabling the right-click will make more difficult the downloading but a visitor can always prints his screen as you said. Another thing that you can do appart from the water-marks is doing the images brighter and smaller. The will load quicklier and the vistior may desit to download them. About the logo i guess you can register it as yours, if nowbody already did it :-). I have no idea how and where can you do that. If somebody register a logo or knows the process it will be nice to hear about it.
  14. Lately appear a lot of Firefox'flaws in Internet magazines. I guess IE is getting worried about such a tough concurrence and maybe they are trying to damage the Firefox image. But it is good that Firefox is under attack. The most it is attack the safer it will be.
  15. Hi, I am very surprised after reading this thread. Is there a new version of Notepad that implements more functionality or are we speaking about the simple, almost empty, "all life" Notepad that comes with Windows. I agree that it is better than Frontpage or Dreamweber but please if you want to use a "man" editor use Vim or Emacs. Which by are both cross-platform editors and open source. Notepad is good to write the first lines of code of your life but please... move to something serious.
  16. I guess we have to be patient but luckily the trend is that more and more developers are creating games that run aslo in Linux.
  17. I will give you a 5/10 too. I have no idea if you can modify the padding of the elements with PHPNuke but if you can you should separate a little bit the text from the box's borders. For example the "What..." in "Survey" box touches the border. I am using Firefox 1.0 I will quote you in the future. :-)
  18. Thanks man, I was guessing if someone was storing all of them for a long time.
  19. Amazing Photogallery!!!However i discovered something that does not work properly in your site. When i click "hulunes", the video that should appear centered in a television, appears moved some pixels to the left-bottom direction. I am using Firefox 1.0 under Linux. I hope you see what i mean.
  20. Hi,I have subdomains and i did not have that problem. I guess should be something about permisions or a wrong configurartion in .httpaccess or in CPanel. Good Luck!
  21. Does you friend only use his computer for gaming?. I guess it is quite expensive to build a computer like that and i hope he makes something profitable with it.
  22. In the beggining while i was using only Windows i used IE and then i moved into Mozilla and Opera to test some Web Design. Two years ago i moved to Linux. I still have Win in my machine but i almost do not use it. So nowadays i use in the next order Firefox, Epiphany, Konqueror, Opera and IE.
  23. I learned in php.net. There is a good begginers tutorial and a complete functions reference manual if you want to look for specific issues.
  24. Maybe instead of using flash you could use Gallery which comes with Xisto
  25. Maybe Google want to have a social, non lucrative side. This will help them to keep a good image to all of us. I think they are quite afraid of becoming a hated figure like Microsoft.
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