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Everything posted by k_nitin_r

  1. Hi!I'm guessing Cutenews has some kind of a rich text editor that adds the text justification and perhaps it would have a way of inserting HTML content directly into the editor? If not then, as jlhaslip says, you've got to modify the source code.I was wondering if you would have to give us access to the source code to be able to help you out so I just looked up the Cutenews website and forum. It's free for non-commercial use as long as you don't remove the "Powered by" at the bottom of the page i.e. on the page footer, so I guess the other members on the forum can get you a mod or something.I would do more to help, but I'm packing for my week-long vacation which I'll be starting soon.Regards
  2. Hi!@VeradesignsIf 40Gbps isn't enough for you, there's a standard to achieve 100Gbps over standard copper cable too, but you'll probably have to spend a lot on the network interfaces. As explained earlier about 10Gbps, you can achieve transfer speeds of 400-800Gbps or higher with NIC bonding on a mid range server.@onitenkiThe monthly cap is really crap. The ISP advertises an "unlimited" package, but then in the fine print they mention that you've got to pay for all transfer that exceed a certain limit so that's not really unlimited, is it? When you've got the bandwidth, you'll eventually find something to take it up - right from hosting a website on your own desktop to video conferencing with buddies in HD goodness :-)BTW, whether or not you have fiber optic connections at home doesn't really matter when the bottle neck is at the point that connects all the houses in your area to the ISP. For instance, if you had a 256kbps connection, it wouldn't really matter if you connected your DSL model via USB 1.1, 10Mbps ethernet or 100Mbps ethernet - you would still get no more than the 256kbps since that's your bottle neck.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  3. Hi!@contactsknI've had a similar issue before with some other editors. When you copy-paste text into Dreamweaver (I'm guessing this is how you are adding in the unicode text), go to the File-Save As dialog and select the text encoding as Unicode.I simply use Notepad++ for editing pages and it's got perfect Unicode support. Regular Windows has a problem with right-to-left text so you might want to try a version of Windows that was modified to support right-to-left languages completely. This is mostly an annoyance while selecting text with the cursor or while editing it along with English (or other left-to-right language) text.RegardsPS: If you are using Ubuntu Linux 9.04, the "vi" editor supports Unicode too! I use it for quick edits to my files while they're hosted on a server. I also occasionally use Gedit or Kedit.
  4. Hi!@MisAnthropeAs rvalkass suggests, the spacing between the words is due to the justify alignment of the text. I don't know why you see spacing between the characters but I'm guessing it's probably due to the browser that you are using. Text justification should not occur by the browser adding spaces between characters in a word because the user wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the spacing in a word for text justification and the spacing in a sentence for word separation. I'm using Firefox 3.0.11 and it appears just fine with the spacing between the words. If you need more help with this, send me a private message or email me and I'll help you with removing the text justification.Hope this helps.Regards
  5. Hi! @myviny Good to have you back, even after your not-so-great experience on your first day. I've posted a link to the forum thread that tells you about how to get credits (see my post containing the link to the myCENTs forum thread above?). If you don't want to bother with reading through it, I'll give you a short summary with just what you need to know. First, you've got to sign up on the Xistro Support and Billing site with the same username and password that you use here. This registration page can be found here: https://support.xisto.com/ Yes, I literally mean you have to go to that site, register as a new user with the *SAME* username and password you use here. Just trust me on this one. Okay, now step two - post some messages. Reply to a couple of threads, create some new threads about some interesting stuff. Perhaps, if you've got a programming problem that you've been hoping to solve for a while, you can post it as a question here. A few hours after posting, look back at your posts and you'll see that on the left of your post (where the number of posts by you, and your joining date is mentioned), you'll find the Earned and myCENTs displayed. It's quite simple, really. After you've got about $3, you can sign up for a hosting package though you'll need some more if you also want a top-level domain name. You get credits for the number of posts, as well as the quality of posts, so whether you're active on the forums but lack the writing skills, or can write amazing stuff but lack the time to check back on the forum every hour or so, you'll still be well-rewarded. I know, I know, having the last of the posts appearing on the last page of a thread is difficult to figure out at first but if you stick around a bit longer, you'll notice that for some of the threads with a lot of posts, you can't really figure out what the discussion is about when you start from the last page so as you read through the initial few posts, you can get a feel of what's on everybody else's minds and then you can get to the end of the thread to see how things turned out. The part that I found confusing was when I make a post, I'm automatically taken to the last page of the thread instead of remaining on the page that I was browsing but I've gotten used to it so I don't mind it any more. Anyway, do post back to the forum if you've got any more questions or queries. Hope you have a rockin' time here at Trap 17. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  6. Hi!@PCTechnikWelcome to Trap 17. I'm guessing you do not want to create your own graphics and then create the HTML files on your own. I'd suggest you have a go with WordPress. The 3.8 release lets you switch between different 'skins' at the click of a mouse (okay, so maybe it involves 2 mouse clicks, but who's counting?). You've also got widget-plugins that you can add to the sidebar, such as for adding calendars, archives, recent posts, recent comments etc. When you order your hosting package, you have the option to have WordPress installed for you so that makes it a whole lot simpler to get started - you don't have to install any of the software yourself!If you prefer to go with some other CMS, there's always Drupal and Joomla! Both are regarded highly and you simply can't go wrong with them.Regards
  7. Hi!I think Wikipedia is more accessible, which is what gives it an edge over Microsoft Encarta. Let's say you search for something on Google and it displays a Wikipedia page for you in the search results, you're more likely to click on it. That alone is a pretty good reason for more users to visit Wikipedia instead of Encarta.Apart from that, as an earlier post in this thread mentions, since Microsoft has announced the demise of Encarta, we might as well move to Wikipedia, Brittanica or just about any other encyclopedia.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  8. Hi!@ferminThere are lots of fun places to visit in India. Delhi, in the north, is the capital - while you're in Delhi, you can visit the Taj Mahal, the Qutub Minar, and the Ashoka Pillar.Further to the East, there's a place named Mayapur which is amazing too. You wouldn't normally see any vehicles there - everyone travels by bicycle, boat or on foot. Mayapur is popular for the Iskcon Krishna temple.Down south, there's Kerala which is popular for the 'backwaters'. You could stay on a boat for a day or two, floating around as you get a great view of the place.You can visit Goa for the beaches and resorts.There are a whole lot of other places too, but then you'd have to get the time to visit all of them :-)Regards,Nitin Reddy
  9. Hi Vineet! Welcome to Trap 17. You've got a good Alizee website. Since you're new at Trap 17, you might want to read the Frequently Asked Questions thread. If you're interested in the free web hosting, also check out the explanation of the myCENT credit system with which you can accumulate web hosting credits. If you need any help with getting started, feel free to post to the forums. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  10. Hi!Congrats! Getting to spot #1 for both search terms is quite an accomplishment.The forum thread that you've posted does seem quite interesting to me, mostly because the words "dish network - fraud or scam" appear so many times on the page, often in large font, and Google still hasn't filtered out the page from it's search engine. I would've expected a 'penalty' for the same word appearing so many times on the page, but I guess you managed it anyway. Perhaps the absence of out-bound links from the page (the links are redirections through Xisto) help in some way?Regards,Nitin Reddy
  11. k_nitin_r

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi Abby! Welcome to Trap 17. Most people are here for the free web hosting, just as you are, so you'll get a lot of support from the other members here. Trap 17 provides one of the best free web hosting services so you can rest assured that you've made the right choice. While you're starting off at Trap 17, you might want to read the FAQ and about the myCENT credit system with which you can obtain the free web hosting. If you need any help with getting started, feel free to post to the forums and you'll surely get a reply from one of the helpful members of the community. Regards, Nitin Reddy
  12. Hi!I like the way Dave Morton puts it - you need to use what's best for the scenario at hand. If you've got heavy traffic on your website, using a database call several dozen times on a single page isn't really a good idea.For data that rarely changes, if you can put together the data you need and write it to an HTML file on disk, you can use the static HTMLpages for the header and footer (with frames) - that would save you quite a bit of processing. Or you could just call a PHP script via AJAX on a static HTML page for the dynamic content while the less-frequently changing content is already written to the page.For images, instead of storing the actual binary data in the database, you can store the file on disk and keep just the file name in the database. It saves you a lot of processing too.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  13. Hi!@alexAfter registering on the Xistro support and billing, it'll take a while to display your myCENTs. Don't worry, you'll also get myCENTs for posts that you've already made so you won't lose out on the fruits of your effort. I know, I know, it's hard to figure out that you've got to register, but the FAQ thread on the forum mentions about it... but if you're like most people, you've just read the title and put off the reading to later :-)Regards,Nitin Reddy
  14. Hi!@alexCould you be a bit more specific about what you want to use AJAX on the profile page for? Do you want something like FaceBook/Twitter such that you can post status updates without having to refresh the profile page? Or perhaps edit your profile information in a similar fashion? If you can post a link to the profile page that you've built or maybe even post a screenshot, we'll know what you're trying to accomplish.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  15. Hi!@AshYou probably did not accumulate 100 myCENTs yet. You only get the amount credited into your account and available for making orders after the myCENTs exceed 100. It says so in the FAQs too. I guessing you were expecting something along the lines of the old system where posts counted directly into credit. Did you check how many myCENTs you had before and after posting the tutorial?Regards,Nitin Reddy
  16. Hi!@nolWould it be possible for you to look for the actual SMF PHP file in which it displays the user profile? You could probably copy-paste it across or you could modify the original file. Perhaps there's a setting/plugin to get SMF to point to the new page for user profiles?You can use either Notepad++ (free text editor) or EclipsePHP (PHP IDE). Notepad++ is a pretty good notepad replacement and it's quick-n-easy just like the original notepad. EclipsePHP is a full-featured IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that is way more than just an editor. It's built on the Eclipse platform so you'll probably find the IDE plugins to be better tested and more stable.BTW, since you've used Simple Machines Forum (SMF), do you have any experience with vBulletin, Invision Power Board, or phpBB to compare it with?Regards
  17. Hi!@proskiierYou'll find plenty of ASP.NET projects on Codeplex - Codeplex is a SourceForge equivalent but it's been setup by Microsoft. However, you won't find as much stuff on ASP.NET as you find on PHP. PHP is quick and easy to develop with so you'll find a lot of open-source developers working with it... though, there's also the reason that it's a non-Microsoft product :-D . The Microsoft sponsored projects on Codeplex aren't really open to community contributions, though there's usually a fork of the main project containing community contributions.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  18. Hi!@kasperooneyMac OS X has had quite a bit of success, especially after the shock consumers have had with Microsoft Windows Vista. I'm pretty sure it will take something very significant to bring those Apple users back to the Microsoft camp.Pretty much all the graphic designers I know have their own Apple MacBook/MacBook Pro. A couple of developer co-workers run Mac OS X on their PCs thanks to the hackers who managed to get the x86 version of Mac OS X to work on PCs. I saw an article a while back mentioning Apple's interest in a chip manufacturer to move away from Intel processors again to curb the issue for future releases of their OSes by designing them to work only with their processors.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  19. Hi!@kasperooneyA lifetime connection @ Rs.35/-?!?!? Which operator is it? Idea? Reliance? Does Tata still compete with Idea cellular, of which it owns a stake?I've always had a pre-paid connection because I don't have to go all the way to the telco branch to pay the bill. Some of the govt-run carriers have a tie-up with the banks, but the govt-run cell phone carriers aren't all that popular so you don't get the same-carrier discounts for calling/texting people you know.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  20. Hi!@kasperooneyDid you ever notice how the iPhone doesn't have a radio and it's considered the ultimate smart phone ever? I believe Nokia features a radio in every smart phone, though I haven't had a chance to try out the current generation of communicators (the last I had were the 9210i and the 9110 and neither of them carried a radio). I wonder of the Palm Pre has an FM radio... and the LG & Samsung clones of the iPhone.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  21. Hi!Legally and ethically, you are required to pay for the services that you have received. You might be able to talk to them and mention that you can pay the amount in installments or you can just use your credit card!I'm guessing Ofcom would agree that you have to pay for something you've knowingly used. In either case, you're the one gaining here - you got to keep the amount in your bank account for a whole year and so you've earned interest on it!Regards,Nitin Reddy
  22. Hi! @Veradesigns Hehehe... no, they don't have those yet. As you can tell from the picture, it's a plain-vanilla phone with a built-in FM radio! Way back in the old days, people looked at you with envy if you said your phone had a radio in it :-D A body made of recycled plastic bottles sounds good. I wonder if it's unbreakable like the PET Heinz ketchup bottles :-P Regards, Nitin Reddy PS: Here's the link for the post on The Register: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/06/12/solar_crest/
  23. Hi!That's neat! You'll get brownies worth $1.10 the next time you visit your sister-in-law's place. BTW, what did you tell the guys at the store for them to give you a free CD? I distinctly remember an incident yesterday when a little boy went into a barber's shop and asked, "Could I please have a tissue?". The barber was upset at the very though of giving something away for free so he angrily chased the boy out! Could it have been the recession?Regards
  24. Hi!Where do you find the components to build your circuit? I've tried looking around, but all I could find were huge capacitors, electric motors requiring at least 25V electrical supplies, variable resistors (the kind used in labs), and thick electrical cables (the kind used to wire light bulbs at home) :-(Although hooking up my invention to a 220V socket would be cool, I doubt the neighbours would be very happy about the result so I guess I'll just stick to what I do best - software.Regards,Nitin Reddy
  25. Hi!@wiversonIs WordPress working for you now? You didn't mention about the error message that was displayed, so I assumed you had PHP, Apache and MySQL installed and just had to setup the wp-config.php file.Anyway, thanks for posting the link - it'll help others who come across this thread with their WordPress dream.Regards,Nitin Reddy
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