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Everything posted by Gyad

  1. Hehe, that page took me two seconds to load. DSL is finally...doing something good for me. Its a good page overall. 8/10But you might want to center the entire thing or it'll look really strange.
  2. I have Norton only but I have two other AntiVirus programs.I want to know if its possible to use more than 2 AntiVirus programs at the same time?Norton is useless to me but I can't uninstall it because of my parents thinking its the best...
  3. 0.0Wow.People must be either really stupid or really desperate to be buying game money for real money.Anyways, I would give you my account but I don't remember my password to it anymore. Plus my account sucks. I have slim to nothing.
  4. 6 months later after the first time this virus was introduced...I get infected.Anyone know which program is best for getting rid of this?I think I'm getting some side effects to this virus too...My settings are getting changed...These people are complete .....
  5. I seriously have no idea how to convert a regular game into a ROM. But if you have the original game, wouldn't it be easier to just play it on the actual system? Thats unless you don't own the system or you can't play the system anymore.I personally find playing a GameBoy Advanced game on a GameBoy Advance (SP) much easier and funner. (Is funner even a word???)Then again, theres are the games that you can play on the television like PS and PS2 games.Those are the ones that you might actually want to convert into an ISO. (Yes, those are called ISOs.)If you really want to convert your own games into a ROM/ISO, I suggest using Google and just try to dig up some stuff. There might be some things you can download, or information on where to buy it.
  6. If you don't have to time to contribute to this forum, then why are you running a site anyways?If you really think that you can't come onto the forum, then you shouldn't be running your site. Just coming onto the forum, looking for a few places of interest that you can post at is very easy. I used to be like you, always thinking that being forced to post here for the host is very time consuming but I learned that it gets easier as you go on. I have school too, I have Homework too. In fact, I'm in one of the top 3 HighSchools where I live, and I don't think I should belong there. So my pressure is far more greater than what you're handling from what I've heard.Now, i'm not trying to be mean, I'm just giving you some advice. Come onto the forum whenever you have freetime, and just browse the entire forum looking for places of interest. I'm sure you can find something, whether it is gaming, general chatting, helping someone, or requesting help. And when you do find someplace of interest, the rest should be a piece of cake. Just post to your heart's content and when you feel like you have enough credits until your next visit, you'll be fine. I hope this post helped you Cain.
  7. I think it depends on how you got the ROM itself.If you downloaded it off the internet, its definetely illegal no matter what.If you bought the actual game and converted into a ROM, then its legal. (I think...)Just to be safe, don't use ROMs. And for Emulators, they're useless without ROMs.And if you do use it, be REALLY careful.
  8. I've played a PS1 emulator at my friend's house and it had good graphics. (FF9)I imagine it would be the same for PS2.But seriously, get a real PS2. I know how long it takes to download an ISO to play on an Emulator. It takes a REALLY long time. The only good part about using an emulator is that you can save the game anywhere you want, and to test games out before you buy them. Or play old games.PS2 ISOs are hard to dig up nowadays too.So My advice is...Get A Real PlayStation 2.andGet Real PlayStation 2 Games.
  9. Heres some stuff I found on the web. So Emulators are NOT illegal, its the usage of it with the ROMs that are illegal. That states that emulators are legal and ROMs are not. That states that ROMs are illegal also.
  10. Wrong.Emulators are perfectly legal. They are programs that allow you to play ROMS, some of which are illegal, and some are legal.The ROMs that ARE legal are the non-commerical ones.The creating and usage of an Emulator is perfectly legal, its the ROMs that are the problem.
  11. Why not just start off with HTML?I found HTML slightly easier than Javascript.
  12. I'm guessing they're competitors of Xisto and are trying to mess with us.Why would a whole bunch of people just suddenly decide to "experiment" with the MySQL databases? They're most likely a team of competitors that wants us dead...
  13. Gyad

    Need Free Ftp Client

    I currently have 3 FTP programs, CuteFTP, SmartFTP and WSFTP (Or something like that)I think that CuteFTP and WTFTP are the best ones. They're easy to use and fast.SmartFTP is good too but slightly more confusing to use.
  14. Google is one day going to be better than all the rest, unless one of its competitors (Old or New) steps in and creates a whole new brand of...stuff.Maybe someone will beat Google one day, but that day will be far from today.
  15. I hope you won't/don't spam.I despise spammers.Oh and welcome to Xisto.
  16. I'd say Samma because his looks like he put more work into it. And it has a border.
  17. Thats why you should always have a reasonable amount of credits at your disposal. Whenever something like this happens, you'll always have a big stash of credits to waste. I tend to always keep my credits in the range of 7-10. So whenever I get banned from the internet, or I can't find a place to make a post, I have about 7-10 days to get more credits.Always have a lot of credits and you'll be safe.
  18. There are forum scripts already pre installed on your host.Go under Cgi Scripts (I think...) and look for Invisionboard, or PhpBb.Otherwise, you can go to https://www.phpbb.com/ , download, upload via FTP and run the installer.ORGo to https://invisionpower.com/features/apps purchase an Ipb License, upload via FTP and run the installer.ORGo to https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl and download something else and upload it.ORGo to https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl and download something illegal and upload it but risk your account deletion(I think...) and board deletion.I don't recommend using the illegal boards at all. :ph34r:I recommend you use the InvisionBoard thats already on the host.
  19. Vbulletin > IPB > PHPBBAlthough I never actually used a VBulletin board, I know its way better than all the others. IPB is just plain awesome. Although, if you mess things up, it could be disasterous. PHPBB is just strange. The first time I used it, It look foreign to me but I overlooked the simplicity of it.
  20. Uh huh, and why would I trust someone with only one post with my email address??I don't want to get millions of spam emails.....
  21. Starcraft.Has anyone ever sucessfully escaped from a swarm of enemy computers composing of Zealots, Zerglings, Marines, FireBats, and Medics? Well, I have. (Once)It was really really weird. I was a Zerg race and I wasn't doing so well in the beginning because I wasted a lot of time doing...nothing. So when the time comes and I had a chance to rush other computers with a swarm of Zerglings, I did. Although, I was halted suddenly but a march of Marines and FireBats, coming towards me!I immediately went back to my base and built more lings and hydras to defend myself. Then it hit me...The other computers will help attack me too!!! I tried to ask for help from my allies but all they had were a bunch of cannons to defend themselves with no units. I though I was hopeless...I went to upgrade a burrowing abilty while trying to defend myself. My entire frontline was destroyed by the time the burrowing ability was finished. I quickly burrowed about...10 of my drones and sent my 11th drone to build another base. When the enemy came rushing towards my drone, I unburrowed my other 10 drones and escaped, while building other bases along the way to prevent death. Finally, I arrived at an ally's base and rebuilt my army. I hydra swarmed all their bases when I had enough firepower. It was awesome!
  22. If it was illegal, Runescape's creators would've sued Miniclip so badly already. I'm 99% sure its legal and permission was granted from Runescape's creators.As for how they put it on, I guess they added a file that contains Runescape to their site...
  23. The second one looks much better than the first one.The first one reminds me of cells... O_oYou should get a border of some sort.Try adding filters or blending the render.Try looking at more tutorials.
  24. I agree with the topic creator.I just can't see why Halo is so great.Its just another shooting game. (I think...)There are many other games that can easily beat Halo.
  25. For some unknown reason, I don't eat that much candy. I only eat when I someone gives it to me. I hardly ever buy candy from stores.
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